Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences
Page 46
cinquefoil— M isc. Plants
bamboo— M isc. Plants
clove— M isc. Plants
basil— Herb & Garden
clover— Herb & Garden
beech— Trees
coltsfoot— M isc. Plants
belladonna— M isc. Plants
bergamot— Herb & Garden
colum bine— Herb & Garden
betony— M isc. Plants
comfrey— Herb & Garden
coriander— M isc. Plants
cow slip— M isc. Plants
garlic— Herb & Garden
cum in— M isc. Plants
geranium — Herb & Garden
cypress— Trees
ginger— M isc. Plants
ginseng— M isc. Plants
goldenrod— M isc. Plants
daffodil— Herb & Garden
g o ld e n se a — Herb & Garden
daisy— Herb & Garden
gorse— Herb & Garden
dandelion— Herb & Garden
grain— M isc. Plants
deer’s tongue— M isc. Plants
grape— Herb & Garden
dill— Herb & Garden
dittany— M isc. Plants
dragon’s blood— Trees (Palm)
hawthorn— Trees
hazel— Trees
heather— Herb & Garden
elder— Trees
heliotrope— Herb & Garden
elm — Trees
henbane— M isc. Plants
eyebright— M isc. Plants
hibiscus— Herb & Garden
high john— M isc. Plants
fairy wand— M isc. Plants
holy basil— Herb & Garden
fennel— Herb & Garden
holly— Trees
fern— Herb & Garden
honeysuckle— Herb & Garden
feverfew— Herb & Garden
horehound— M isc. Plants
fir— Trees
horse chestnut— Trees
flax— M isc. Plants
hyacinth— Herb & Garden
foxglove— Herb & Garden
frankincense— M isc. Plants
iris— Herb & Garden
ivy— Herb & Garden
galangal— M isc. Plants
gardenia— Herb & Garden
raspberry— Herb & Garden
valerian— Herb & Garden
reed— M isc. Plants
vanilla— M isc. Plants
rose— Herb & Garden
vervain— Herb & Garden
rosemary— Herb & Garden
violet— Herb & Garden
rowan— Trees
rue— Herb & Garden
walnut— Trees
water lily— M isc. Plants
saffron— M isc. Plants
willow— Trees
sage— Herb & Garden
witch hazel— Trees
St. lohn's wort— Herb & Garden
worm wood— M isc. Plants
sandalw ood— M isc. Plants
skullcap— M isc. Plants
yarrow— Herb & Garden
snapdragon— Herb & Garden
yew— Trees
Solom on’s seal— Herb & Garden
spearm int— Herb & Garden
spikenard— M isc. Plants
spindletree— Trees
spruce— Trees
star anise— M isc. Plants
strawberry— Herb & Garden
sunflow er— Herb & Garden
sweet woodruff— Herb & Garden
sycam ore— Trees
thistle— M isc. Plants
thornapple— M isc. Plants
thyme— Herb & Garden
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Sabbats G[ Esbatsfor Solitaries G[ Covens
Sand ra Kynes
It’s easy to lose ourselves in the everyday business o f life. One
way to bring our bodies, m inds, and spirits into alignm ent is
through ritual celebrations. A vital part o f W icca and Paganism,
ritual strengthens our connection to nature and helps us enter
the realm o f the Divine.
For W itches and Pagans o f all levels, A Year o f Ritual provides
ready-made rituals for a full year o f Sabbats and Esbats. Groups
or solitary participants can use these easy-to-follow rituals
straight from the book. Ideas, words, and directions for each ritual are included along with background inform ation, preparation requirem ents, and them es. T h is unique sourcebook also explains