The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1)

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The Blood Legacy (The Divine Elements Book 1) Page 23

by Daman

  The gathering hall exuded an chaotic atmosphere of shouting and scurrying, as Gretha and the other cooks rushed to deliver the trays of food.

  “Fatty, I’ll go and wash my hands. Save a spot for me in the line!”

  Calron shouted over to Fatty over the loud noise in the background.

  “Huh? Why do you need to wash your hands? It’s a waste of time!”

  Fatty retorted as Calron turned away.

  “Hmph, whatever, I get to eat earlier!”

  Fatty muttered as a thin line of drool started to seep from his mouth.


  After some time had passed, Calron finally came back to the gathering hall as he wiped his still wet hands on his trousers.

  “Well, at least the line is much shorter now.”

  Calron muttered as he walked over to the queue.

  He was gazing around, trying to find Fatty within the crowd, when Calron suddenly bumped against someone.

  “Ah, sorry!”

  Calron automatically said to the figure in front of him.

  The figure slowly turned around, as a girl of around ten years old was revealed.

  Her dark red hair fluttered in the air as the strands of hair obscured her snowy white face. Her emerald green eyes sparkled as they landed upon the young boy in front of her, while her red rosy lips moved with no sound coming out.

  It was not that the girl was a mute, but it was that Calron simply could not hear anything as he was completely enraptured by the girl in front of him.

  Where Felice’s beauty was like the fierce blizzard in the arctic, this red haired girl’s beauty felt like the warmth of a bright sunny day!

  The red haired girl stood at least a foot taller than Calron, and it was clear that she was a lot older than him, but none of this seemed to matter to Calron as he simply stood there in a daze.

  Realizing that the boy in front of her just stood there gaping at her, the red haired girl gently poked Calron on the forehead.


  “I said, are you alright?”

  The soft voice of the girl reached Calron’s ears.

  Shaking himself out of his daze, Calron spluttered out his words.

  “Uh… yes, I’m fine…thank you, I should… ”

  Seeing the little boy furiously blushing as he stumbled over his words, the red haired girl let out a pleasant laugh as she petted Calron’s hair.

  “Aw, you’re soo cute! What’s your name?”

  Calron seemed to blush even more as the red haired girl obliviously petted his hair. He knew he should smack her hand away, as she was treating him like a lost puppy, but Calron simply could not bring himself to do it.

  “I’m Calron! W-what’s your name?

  Seeing the boy continue to stutter, the red haired girl gently covered her mouth as she tried not to giggle.

  “I’m Lora! Nice to meet you Calron! By the way y-“

  The red haired girl abruptly stopped talking as she felt a hand on her shoulder.

  “You shouldn’t be talking to a trash like him, Lora.”

  A rough voice sounded out from behind the girl as a figure stepped up next to her.

  The new stranger was a boy around twelve years of age, with short blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He was just slightly taller than the red haired girl, but his thick muscular frame made him appear even taller.

  Although the stranger was not as large or as muscular as Chax, he still had quite the intimidating presence.

  “Stop it, Tarth! He’s just a kid, and he was talking to me, not you!”

  Lora furiously scolded Tarth, as she shot an apologetic glance at Calron.

  “This kid is a lightning cultivator!”

  Tarth retorted in response to Lora.

  “So what? If I want to talk to him, then I will. Back off!”

  Although a trace of surprise flashed across Lora’s eyes, she immediately regained her composure as she glared at the blonde haired boy.

  Watching this scene unfold from the sideline, Calron felt a cold fury surging within him. He was tired of people treating him like trash!

  Master has given me permission to use the Formless Fist for the tournament, so it will be alright if I use it just a little bit for this brute right now! Besides, I can always ask for forgiveness later from Master.

  As Calron debated on how he will apologize to his Master later, suddenly, the muscular boy angrily huffed and stormed away.

  Calron missed the discussion between Lora and Tarth, but it seemed as if Lora had threatened the blonde boy with something.

  Turning to face Calron, the red haired girl gently patted his head as she stated.

  “Well, it was nice meeting you, Calron. I need to get back to training my cultivation now, so I hope to see you again sometime! Don’t worry about what Tarth said, and just focus on your training. I’m sure you will be strong one day as well!”

  Lora gently said to Calron. Although her voice sounded sincere, both her and Calron knew that she only said it to make him feel better. It was common knowledge that lightning cultivators could never break through the Spiritual stage.

  Nonetheless, Calron gave her a smile, as he knew she only meant him well. With a final pat to his head, Lora smiled as she turned around and left.

  Right then, Calron spotted Fatty wolfing down the entire food on his tray.

  Calron’s ill mood immediately recovered upon seeing Fatty’s antics. Shaking his head, Calron went ahead and stood in line.


  “Ah, big brother, that roast was delicious! Are you going to eat that leg piece?”

  Fatty asked as he stared at the piece of chicken on Calron’s plate.

  Already feeling full, Calron silently shook his head as Fatty leapt onto the last piece of meat.

  “Fatty, do you think girls are beautiful?”

  Calron abruptly asked as he silently pondered within his own thoughts.

  “Om nom nom- girls? Well, big sister is pretty! I don’t know about the other girls though…”

  Fatty said while continuing to chew his food.

  “Never mind, let’s go back!”

  Calron stated as he got up from his chair.

  “Noo, I still want seconds!”

  “Sigh… I’ll go back and start cultivating then. Fatty, don’t stay here all day and go train. If you want to catch up to me, you’ll need to at least master the Formless Fist or reach a higher rank in cultivation.”

  Calron slowly teased Fatty as he started walking away.

  “Hmph, just wait and see, I’ll soon surpass big brother!”

  Fatty shouted behind Calron as he continued to gnaw on the chicken leg.


  Being in a good mood as he thought about the red haired girl he met today, Calron happily whistled as he walked back towards his hut.

  He felt like he could finally make a breakthrough into the fourth rank!

  He knew he was already close to the peak of the third rank, but after his recent experience in the source pool, he felt that he had already reached the limits of the third rank!

  However, just as Calron entered the corridor of the disciples’ huts, he heard a sinister laughter behind him.

  “A trash like you really thinks that he can get away?”

  Chapter 39 – A Deathly Smile

  “A trash like you really thinks that he can get away?”

  Calron abruptly stopped as soon as he heard the cold voice.

  He had anticipated this outcome, but he had also hoped that he was wrong.

  Giving a soft sigh, Calron turned around and faced the owner of the cold voice.

  “What do you want Tarth? I have some important business to take care of, so make it quick.”

  Calron stated in a chilly tone.

  Calron would rather not fight if he could avoid it, as he already had too many restrictions placed on him to not reveal his strength, but if he continued to get pushed around, then Calron would return the f
avor multiple times and then deal with the consequences with his Master later.

  Hearing the disdain in the smaller boy’s voice, Tarth furiously gnashed his teeth as he burned with indignation.

  “Bastard! Let’s see how you escape from me now! There is no girl’s skirt for you to hide behind this time!”

  Tarth raged as a strangely powerful energy surged around him!

  It was not elemental essence.

  Calron was shocked as he realized what that energy was! It was something that he himself had!

  It was the power of a Legacy!

  Seeing the shocked look on the boy’s face, Tarth grew even more arrogant as he coldly laughed.

  “A country bumpkin like you has probably never even heard of a Legacy! Don’t try to scream for help, I already have the area surrounded by my boys to make sure that no one enters this area! Hahaha!”

  Just as Calron heard the last sentence, a bone-chilling smile slowly started to spread across his face, as a thick killing intent surged around him.

  Calron’s biggest worry was people finding out his true strength, as that would bring further complications to his life, especially if the city Lord found out. However, Tarth had unknowingly paved an easier path for Calron!

  Noticing that the expression on the boy’s face had drastically changed, Tarth felt his heart slightly tremble as the thick killing intent slowly drew near him.

  Pushing away the doubts about the abnormal aura around the boy, Tarth regained his vigor as he fiercely bellowed.

  “Punk! I will show you the might of a Legacy Inheritor!”

  Suddenly, a pale grey source energy exuded from his fists, as the blonde haired boy rushed towards Calron.

  Seeing the pale grey source energy, Calron let out a low laugh.

  Compared to the vicious source energy of the Blood Legacy, this pale grey energy almost seemed like a joke! Calron did not know the path of Tarth’s Legacy, but seeing no weapons on him, he guessed it was related to a body-type path.

  “The might of a Legacy? Let me give you a little taste of it.”

  Calron quietly muttered as he savagely drew the source energy from his pool. However, on the outside, not a single trace of the energy leaked!

  Although there was no threat of any wandering disciples, Calron still did not want Tarth to know the existence of the Blood Legacy. He could sense that the blonde haired boy was not very proficient in using the Legacy, as his energy leaked out everywhere. So Calron knew that Tarth would be unable to detect the source energy inside him.

  Just as Tarth’s fist was an inch away from his face, Calron abruptly moved to the side, as a whistling sound echoed behind the Tarth’s fist.

  Stunned that his fist met empty air, Tarth glanced around as he tried to find Calron.

  “Looking for me?”

  A low deathly whisper sounded out from behind Tarth.



  Before the blonde haired boy could even look behind him, a palm with a colossal amount of strength grasped his hair and viciously struck him against the ground!


  “Tarth, you’re so handsome!”

  “Noo! He’s mine! Go away!”

  “Tarth, do you think I’m pretty?”

  Tarth confusedly gazed around as he tried to understand where he was.

  Where am I?

  Why are these girls all touching me?

  Tarth numbly sat there, as the two girls and a woman argued around him. Tarth knew these girls! He had a crush on one of them a few months ago, the other one was a new disciple to the school and the last woman was his teacher who had taught him back home.

  “Huh? What are they all doing here? Maybe they all came to visit me!”

  Just then, the woman stroked his blonde hair as she softly said.

  “Tarth, why aren’t you listening to me? Am I too old for you?”

  “Eh? N-no way, teacher! You are really pretty! I have always had a crush on you!”

  For some reason, Tarth felt completely relaxed here, so he openly confessed his feelings.

  “Hmph, I thought you said you loved me! Didn’t you ask me out a few days ago?”

  A brown haired girl retorted as she turned her head away from Tarth.

  “B-but, didn’t you reject me?”

  Tarth stuttered as he glanced at the brown haired girl.

  “That was before I knew how strong and handsome you were! I definitely love you now, so say that you love me!”

  The brown haired girl pleaded as she pressed herself against Tarth.

  Unable to contain the joy inside him, Tarth blurted out.

  “Of course I love you! I still have the sweets I wanted you to try, which you spat them out after slapping me… “

  Tarth stated as his voice slowly died down towards the end.

  Wait, why would she slap me last time and suddenly say she loves me now?

  Before Tarth could think any further, the third girl turned around!

  “Hey, muscle brains, can you hear me?”

  The third girl’s face twisted as it changed into the face of the skinny boy he met today!


  Tarth felt a mind-crushing impact to his face as his head stuck the ground again!

  “You bastard! How many times do I have to repeat myself?”

  Just as Calron was about to smash blonde boy’s face into the ground again, he heard a small whimper escape from Tarth’s mouth.

  “I’m s-sor… sorry”

  Tarth’s heart was burning with humiliation as he realized that he was completely at the mercy of this brat!

  How old was this kid? He appeared to be much younger than even his little brother, but attacked with such a vicious killing intent!

  This boy was a monster!

  Just wait you little punk! I will have my revenge a hundredfold the next time I see you!

  While Tarth’s thoughts furiously burned through his mind, Calron continued.

  “Curse your stupid muscle brain! Do you know how much time I wasted by trying to wake you up by smashing your head? Who the hell sleeps during a fight!”

  Hearing the boy’s words, Tarth wanted to dig a hole and bury himself there.

  This brat! Did he really continue to smash his head against the floor for the whole time? How Brutal! And I was not sleeping, you punk, it was you who struck me till I went unconscious! Does my head look a bouncing ball to you!?

  As Tarth pitifully cried out within his mind, he did not dare say those words to the lunatic boy above him.

  “Hmm, whatever, my hand hurts now so you can go away. You know, you have a really thick skull! I had to smash your head over thirty times to wake you up… ”

  Calron slowly said as he gingerly rubbed his arm.

  This time, Tarth could not hold his tears any longer.

  Monster! You didn’t have to smack my head every time! You could have just sprinkled some water to wake me up!

  Tarth miserably cried within his mind.

  He still did not understand how this skinny kid could completely suppress him to this extent. Let alone his inherited Legacy, Tarth’s cultivation itself was at the peak of the fifth rank! With his Legacy, he could even contend against a cultivator of the sixth rank!

  “You can try to bring others after me, but the result will only be worse for you. Next time, I won’t leave with just a few smashes to the head.”

  Calron coldly whispered these words as he bent down next to Tarth’s ears.

  Hearing the savageness in the boy’s voice, Tarth did not doubt for a second on what would happen to him the next time he pulled a stunt like this. A kid that did not even slightly hesitate to brutally smash his head would definitely have no trouble doing even worse things!

  “I-I under… stand”

  Tarth wheezed out the words as Calron pressed his head against the ground.

  “Never try to bully a weak person again…you never know just what they might be hiding.”

bsp; Calron coldly stated as he slowly stood up.

  “Besides, I doubt you would want others to know that you got crushed by a weak little lightning cultivator! Hahaha!”

  Calron provoked the defeated bully, as he started walking back towards his hut.

  A cheerful whistling tune echoed throughout the corridor.

  Chapter 40 – The Violet-Eyed Executioner

  Calron hoped that Tarth had learned his lesson, otherwise next time he would not be so lenient in dealing with the blonde haired boy.


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