Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two)

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Wolf Pack Complete Series : Mate (Silver Mountain Wolf Pack), Alpha Bait (Russian Wolf Pack One) and Wild (Russian Wolf Pack Two) Page 38

by Zoe Perdita

  “Right. Bystanders probably wouldn’t like that.”

  “Probably not,” he says.

  I take a sip of water. “What about wolf hunters? How common are they?”

  He shrugs. “Hell if I know. Honestly, I’ve only ever seen one, but I’ve heard stories so I know more are out there. I doubt you’ll have to worry if you stick around these parts. From what I know, they only hunt wolves in high population areas.”

  The outskirts of Spokane certainly aren’t highly populated. “Did you mention something else about were-creatures or did I dream that?”

  Caleb chuckles. “No, they exist too. But like hunters you don’t have to worry about them. Most species keep to themselves, as far as I can tell. I know a few were-bears and were-lions who live around here, oh, and a family of were-raccoons, but they won’t mess with an established wolf pack.”

  Were-bears, lions and raccoons, oh my? “What about lone wolves? Do they mess with you?”

  “Bears and lions are solitary by nature. We don’t bother each other- just like the animals in the forest.”

  It’s a lot to take in, even though I’ve heard it before. Figuring out this new world is going to take a while, but at least I have a whole pack to guide me.

  “Any other questions?” he asks and gulps the rest of his tea.

  I swallow the lump in my throat and look him straight in the eye. “You didn’t want to claim me, did you?” I’m not sure why I have to ask, but something drives to do it. To be sure the Lowell brothers are wrong about him.

  Caleb raises an eyebrow. “And put up with you as a mate? Why would I want that? I told you why I marked you- why I bit you. If you want to go back to that Eurasian pack there’s nothing I can do about it anymore. I just hope you know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  I smile, my heart dancing in my chest. Five loud, Russian brothers all clamoring over me as their mate? I can’t wait. “Yeah, I know and it’s what I want. Thanks for the water,” I say and stand up.

  The white wolf nods and stands, ushering me back to the front door. As I turn to go, I glance at him one last time and catch the shadow of a frown on his lips. He must be lonely, living out here all by himself. I hope, deep in my heart, he too finds a mate someday- someone he can put up with.

  For authenticities sake, I stop by the grocery store before I head home. It’s not like we couldn’t use more food with six hungry wolves to feed. As I pull up in the dusty driveway, the afternoon sun beating down with ferocity on the big farmhouse, I notice Dmitri on the porch with Nikolai. The both stand when they see my car, their game of chess forgotten.

  “What took you so long?” Dmitri demands and rushes toward me. Like usual, neither brother bothered to put on a shirt in the hot weather. The muscles tense beneath his broad frame as I hand him a bag and smile. Too bad I can’t get rid of that little line of worry on his brow.

  “The store was crowded. Don’t you two have jobs?” I ask and pick up a couple bags myself.

  “Day off,” Nikolai says and narrows his eyes. Can they smell Caleb on me even if I didn’t touch the man?

  “What do you do anyway?” I ask and look at the acres of farmland surrounding us. I know they still plant and harvest, but there’s not a whole lot of money in farming. Plus, sometimes they’re gone for hours at a time.

  “We have a business in town,” Dmitri says as we walk toward the house. “A Russian grocery store. Do you want to work there too?”

  “No, I can find my own work. I think I’m going to try writing again, actually.” I might as well put my expensive degree to use now that I have a story to tell.

  After we unpack the groceries, Dmitri wraps his arms around me from behind, his lips pressing into my neck. “I was worried,” he rumbles.

  “Sorry, love,” I say and pat his hands as they grip onto my chest. Just the slightest touch makes my groin fill with need.

  Nikolai smirks slightly from the kitchen table. “We need to wait until tonight.”

  I sigh and nod, my skin tingling with the excitement of the evening to come. “Fine. Let’s play chess then.”

  Chapter 10

  We all gather outside after dinner. A cooling night breeze blows across my sweat-streaked flesh, and the bright sliver of moon begs me to transform into a wolf. The only sounds surrounding us are the songs of crickets and the rustle of wind through the wheat fields. I grip my hands into fists and glance at Yuri. He has the look on his face he gets when he’s about to speak.

  “Sammy, we’re going to claim you as our mate for life. You will be a full fledged member of our pack and our lover, an equal among us,” he says.

  Beside me, Dmitri wraps his fingers over my fist and smiles, his eyes shining points of green light in the darkness. I wonder if my eyes glow like that too even though they’re brown and not startling or lovely.

  “So how does this work?” I ask, my whole body trembling in anticipation. I understand the concept of claiming as Dmitri and I both claimed each other already, but how does it work with the pack? I hope they has plenty of lube.

  Yuri’s canines glint in the shadows of the night. “First we transform.”

  I follow his lead and strip off my pants and boxers, thankful our farms are spread far enough apart from the neighbors so they can’t see what’s happening. Taking a deep breath, I look at the moon and let the urge take over my body, bending and breaking as I transform. The pain isn’t as intense this time, and only a slight ache is left once I’m fully in wolf form.

  Smells and sounds jump out at me, the beating of the pack’s hearts thumping in time with mine as we turn toward the mountains and run. Miles of farmland disappear under our paws, the whisper of wheat tickling our fur as we head to the freedom of the wilderness.

  Open fields turn into the thick woods; pine needles and old branches cracking under foot as we charge into the forest. Finally, we come to a clearing with a thick carpet of moss and a new backpack leaning against a tree. An old fire pit sits in the middle with a log next to it. This is the place Dmitri tried to claim me all those years ago- the place Caleb ruined my best friend’s plans by scratching me instead.

  Suddenly, Yuri transforms back into a human and the other Lowell brothers follow. I close my eyes and focus on my human form, willing the moon to let me out of her spell, and howl as my body shifts back.

  Smiling, Dmitri and Pasha help me to my feet.

  “I thought this would be the most suitable place,” Yuri says, his eyes flashing with mischief as he stands nude and gorgeous in the darkness. His lithe form, all slender muscle, pulses with need just like the other Lowell brothers.

  “It’s perfect,” I say and rub the back of my neck. It’s going to take me a while to get used to changing like that, but it’s worth it for this- for them.

  I glance at the men surrounding me, the thick scent of their musk mixing with the moisture of the forest, enticing me in ways I never knew possible. While I half expected Yuri to take the lead, he steps back as Dmitri plants a scorching kiss on my shoulder. Smiling at my best friend, I run my fingers through his rusty hair, the same color as mine, and lean into his powerful shoulder.

  Arms snake around me from behind, the heat of Nikolai’s lanky chest pressing into my back as his lips burn a trail of desire across my neck. Each touch of his lips is followed by the flick of his talented tongue. I gasp, my heart racing in my chest. So this is how they’re all going to claim me? Can’t say I’m complaining.

  Pasha leans in from the front and his pale slender form, shorter than his older brothers, almost shines in the dim starlight. He kisses me, his delicate lips teasing mine with each caress. Gently, he flicks his tongue out to mingle with mine, and I grip onto his shoulders tightly, pulling his slick body against my own.

  Both Nikolai’s and Pasha’s hearts slam against my back and chest, beating in time with mine. Slowly, the youngest Lowell brother trails off my lips, his tender kisses traversing my neck as the hardness of his erection presses into my cock. I really mu
st be the luckiest guy alive right now.

  From behind, Nikolai’s lips sear a path down the center of my back, his hands gripping my hips so tightly I’m sure they’ll bruise. And I don’t really care. I lean into Pasha, his spicy musk and velvety skin adding to the pool of my desire, and wrap my fingers around his member. The round head, slick with pre-come beats in my hand, and a muffled moan escapes his full lips as I stroke him.

  “Sammy,” he gasps and nips at the tender flesh of my neck.

  Then Nikolai spreads my ass cheeks wide, the night air chilling my flesh, as he blows across my puckered entrance. Closing my eyes, I focus on each individual sensation; my body drowning in desire for the men surrounding me- my lovers, my mates- how did I live so long without them? Without this?

  Someone must have handed Nikolai the lube because a slick finger nudges my ass, stretching my tight hole wide. It slips inside and tickles my tight bundle of nerves until I growl in pleasure.

  Pasha grins up at me, his canines sharp, and laps at my hard nipples before taking one in his teeth and pulling it sharply. Fuck!

  A hand turns my head to the side and Dmitri’s lips mash against mine, his skin feverishly hot. Our tongues dance together, my breath ragged, as the heat of Pasha’s mouth engulfs my throbbing cock. His lips wrap around it perfectly, the combination of tongue and teeth exciting every nerve in my body. How am I supposed to last through all five of them? Shit!

  With a fumbling hand, I reach for Dmitri’s hardness pressed against my thigh and grip it. Each pump makes him hiss, his mouth assaulting mine with passionate kisses. At least I have some measure of control. Or maybe this is about me not having any control- giving it up to my pack members- the men I trust with my life and limbs.

  Another finger slips into my ass, and I gasp again.

  “Fuck me,” I moan into Dmitri’s mouth, my free hand gripping onto Pasha’s shoulder until I’m sure it bruises. This is so much different from when I was still wolf’s bait. My body still burns with need, but this time I understand it, have some say in it. And that makes it so much better.

  Nikolai pushes me forward, and obediently I bend over, knees on the ground and ass in the air. Pasha’s perfect mouth slips off my dick with a pop as I lean down. Good. Now it’s his turn.

  Just as I lick the rounded head of Pasha’s member, Nikolai’s blunt shaft slides inside. The heat of his pounding member beating in time with my heart, my soul. Fingers tangle in my hair, and it doesn’t really matter anymore who they belong too. They’re all my mates. I belong to all of them and they all belong to me.

  Opening wide, I lick and suck Pasha’s member, each taste makes him whimper for more. I feel the same way. Nikolai’s eager thrusts bring countless moan to my lips, my balls aching for the sweet surrender. I squeeze my lips, flick my tongue. Fuck!

  Then warmth of Nikolai’s come fills me up. A rumbling growl reverberates through my body as he groans with his release.

  “Pasha next,” Yuri says from somewhere far away. In the back of my lust-ridden mind I wish he’d come closer and join in.

  A hand stokes my cheek and I notice Dmitri still by my side, his green eyes bright in the darkness. “You okay?”

  “Yeah,” I pant as sweat slick fingers grip onto my hips.

  “You don’t have to be so careful with him- he’s not made of porcelain,” Alexei says, and I turn my head to look at him. His hands on his broad, muscular hips and his engorged shaft weeping with pent up lust.

  Yuri chuckles and pushes Alexei toward me, the second oldest Lowell brother stumbling across the pine needles and moss. “Why don’t you join the fun?” the alpha asks.

  My mouth is the only thing I can use at the moment, so I taste Alexei’s head. The salty fluid dripping from his enflamed shaft fills my body with need. His fingers, slender and long, pull at my hair until his cock is buried to hilt in my throat. Fuck. I never knew I’d like this so much!

  Suddenly, Pasha eases himself inside, his breathy moans mingling with Alexei’s. Someone, probably Dmitri, peppers my back with kisses. Each delicate thrust of Pasha’s throbbing shaft urges me forward onto Alexei’s turgid member. He’s gentler than his brothers, and it suits his personality just fine. That’s the good thing about multiple mates- one for every mood.

  My balls ache, my cock so hard it might burst at any second, but a hand grips the base and holds me off, at least for now. Fuck me!

  A startling warmth floods my hungry body, and Pasha gasps as he plunges into me a couple more times. The slick squish of come filling me with each thrust.

  I squirm under Dmitri’s hand, my mouth clamped tightly around Alexei, and wonder who’s going to claim me next. I’m not sure how much longer I can hold off.

  “He’s come for all of us,” Yuri says.

  The fat head of Dmitri’s cock rams into me. I cough and gasp at the impact, and Alexei pulls his throbbing member free.

  “Please,” I mumble into the forest floor, my body so slick with sweat and desire I’m not sure I can handle anymore.

  The grip on my cock tightens, and I whimper as my best friend ruthlessly pounds my ass. Each thrust connecting with the pleasure point buried inside.

  “Dmitri,” I moan as my lover assaults my body, shocks of electric delight shooting from my groin over my thighs and up into my chest.

  Then he stokes my tumescent cock with rough precision. One. Two. Three. Each pump relieves a fraction of the pressure in my balls. Four. Thrust. Fuck!

  We come at the same time. His burning load exploding inside me as I empty my seed onto the soft forest floor. I heave, trying to breathe, and squeeze my eyes shut as the tremors of satisfaction roll over me like waves engulfing a drowning man. I am drowning. Drowning in them.

  “We’re not done yet,” Alexei growls and flips me over.

  I stare into his handsome face and the silver shining points of his eyes. Behind him, the trees loom over us like watchers in the night, and the sliver of moon peeks over them gently.

  Slowly, I nod. “Yes,” I pant. “Claim me too.”

  The mixture of the other brother’s come drips slowly onto the ground, and I relish the way the heat of their seed feels. Only two more mates to go and I’ll be a fully-fledged member of the pack. But can I handle Alexei and Yuri? I hope so.

  To my surprise, the second oldest Lowell brother doesn’t just shove his cock inside. Instead, he leans over me and nips at my lips, his teeth pulling my skin until I gasp and smile. We kiss. Our mouths an inferno of lust as they press against each other. His musk invades my nose, the force of his muscular chest holding me down as he grinds on top of me.

  I grip onto his back, the skin velvety smooth and bulging with hidden strength.

  His lips travel down my exposed neck, paving a path of newly discovered passion. Teeth clamp over my nipples, and I take a sharp breath. Then another set of lips smash against mine. I don’t bother to open my eyes. I know who they belong to, and I give into the kiss as Alexei laps at my stomach.

  When he reaches my spent cock, already half hard again, his flicks his tongue over the tip just as Yuri’s long fingers stroke my check and chest. A sharp tug of my eager flesh sends a jolt of fiery vigor through my veins. Yes. I can go again. I can go forever with them.

  The burning eagerness of Alexei’s mouth engulfs me. Lips squeeze me and the gentle lapping of his rough tongue excites my body further. My mouth lingers with Yuri’s in a fight for dominance he obviously wins. I don’t have the strength to do much but give in.

  Reaching over, I take his iron like length in my hand, jerking it ruthlessly as pleasure radiates over all of us. Our bodies are slick with it. Our eyes shine with it. And our voices cry out with it at every chance we get.

  I hardly notice Alexei’s mouth slip free, his powerful hands lifting my hips as he nudges his cock inside. Each thundering thrust brings a cry to my throat, a hungry need crawling across my flesh and bone. My fingers dig into Yuri’s shoulder, his lips still pressed passionately against mine.

sp; Another thrust and another. Fuck! He fills me forcefully, the burning come leaking out around his buried shaft as fingers scratch at my hips and ass.

  “My turn,” Yuri growls as his younger brother pulls out.

  My own member is so hard it’s curled against my stomach, begging, once again, for release.

  I finally open my eyes and stare into Yuri’s bright blue eyes. They meet mine and he smiles. Not a smirk, like usual, but a real honest-to-god smile. His face, pretty at the worst of times, looks like a of a dark angle come to take me home. Yes. Home. This is where I belong. Where I’ve always belonged.

  The lube slick head slips inside my abused ass easily and his lips sear my flesh. For the first time, I notice the other Lowell brothers standing around us, the rainbow of their eyes shining out of the shadows and the thick musk of their scent drowning me in a world of nothing but raw desire. They kneel around us, their hands stoking and pinching at my flesh as Yuri pounds into me ruthlessly.

  Friction mounts with each thrust, each bruising penetration. The sounds I make are incomprehensible moans and huffs, my mouth no longer capable of forming words. I flail my hands, gripping onto a knee or a shoulder or something. I can’t tell anymore.

  My body aches, sings and cries out for the mercy of orgasm. How can I not want something to end yet pray for the finality of it all at once? Fuck!

  “Dmitri,” Yuri groans, and my best friend grips my cock, his urgent stokes guiding me closer and closer to the peak of my arousal.

  Thrust. Thrust. Thrust. Each strike connects with its target perfectly, and I open my eyes as wide as possible as my body trembles in time with my completion. The gentle spurts of come land on my chest just as Yuri stiffens, his load spilling inside me.

  As it mingles with his brother’s semen, a sense of completeness settles over me. Belonging. That’s it. I finally know where I belong. With them- my pack- my life mates.


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