Federal Discipline

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Federal Discipline Page 6

by Loki Renard

  “Indoors!” Jamie squeaked. “Somewhere indoors!”

  “There’s my place,” Jack suggested.

  “I can’t believe you’re making me agree on where to go so you can spank me,” Jamie said, blushing furiously. “You’re… you’re…”

  “I suggest you don’t finish that sentence,” Jack said, putting the car in gear. “My place it is.”

  Chapter Five

  Jamie squirmed in the seat whilst Jack drove. She couldn’t quite believe what was happening. Was he really going to drive her back to his place and spank her? Or was it a bluff? She hoped it was a bluff; the alternative was too embarrassing for words.

  Glancing over at him once or twice, she screwed up the courage to speak, and to actually apologize. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know I should listen to you. Please, we don’t have to do this.”

  “But we do,” he said firmly. “The only reason you’re apologizing now is because you can sense that there’s about to be a real consequence for your actions. You weren’t interested in apologizing before.”

  “I was too pumped up,” Jamie tried to explain. “You know, from catching that guy.”

  “From running down an innocent member of the public, you mean.”

  “Tomayto, tomahto.”

  “I’m glad you’re still being so flippant,” he said grimly. “Let’s see how you feel when you’re over my lap.”

  “No!” Jamie wailed. “I’m not being flippant. I’m just… please Jack, come on…”

  He pulled into a neatly kept driveway in front of a neatly kept apartment building. It wasn’t in the good part of the city, but it wasn’t in the bad part of the city either. It was in a distinctly average neighborhood, where perfectly average people went about their lives.

  Not one of them gave Jamie a second look as she stepped out of the car. That was notably different from what had happened when they’d gotten out of the car in the ghetto. People had taken notice of her there. Every eye had been locked on her. People out there paid attention to what was going on around them, which made it much more frustrating that they wouldn’t talk.

  “Come on,” Jack said. “Let’s go.”

  She didn’t want to go. She balked at the glass door, reluctant to step over the threshold. Jack came up behind her and slapped her bottom, providing the necessary motivation.

  “Cut that out,” she hissed, holding her backside protectively.

  “Into the elevator, agent.”

  Jamie got into the elevator with a sensation of mild dread and mild… well, it was excitement. She wasn’t keen to experience any disciplinary action Jack had in mind, but as he stepped in beside her, filling the small space with his strong bulk, she experienced a certain physical reaction to his presence.

  He pushed the button for the 6th floor. A mad, impish impulse took Jamie. She reached out and mashed every button below the 6th. Now they’d stop at every floor on the way up.

  “You little brat!”

  She was covering her bottom, but it soon turned out that made no difference. Jack had no trouble sweeping her hand away from her backside and slapping her cheeks soundly enough that the echo of her howl traveled up and down the elevator shaft.

  “You think it is funny? Hmm?” He clamped one hand on the back of her neck and slapped her bottom over and over again.

  “It was a joke, Jack,” she squealed, wriggling in his grasp.

  “This isn’t the time for jokes, you little brat,” Jack growled. “You’re being disciplined.”

  She was being disciplined, and she didn’t much like it. Jack had a certain ease of handling her, a way of touching her body that simultaneously turned her on and made her feel as though he didn’t think overly much of her as a sexual being. There was nothing sexy about the way she ended up hopping from foot to foot as the elevator made five unnecessary stops, each time opening onto a floor where her yelps could be heard clearly for a minute.

  “Jack! Please!” She begged him for clemency, but he was not in the mood to give it. She sensed she’d crossed one too many lines where he was concerned and was now in some really quite serious trouble. Normally it would involve being written up, but Jack didn’t like to leave the mark of his displeasure on paper. He preferred to leave it on her bottom.

  “You were warned yesterday,” he said. “Twice. I have no idea why you thought you could misbehave and get away with it, agent.”

  The juxtaposition of being lectured like an agent whilst being spanked like a brat left Jamie’s head spinning. She felt completely out of control, or rather, she felt completely within Jack’s control, which left her subsequently feeling as though she was in more than one spanking’s worth of trouble.

  Finally they reached the sixth floor. Jack swatted her down the hall and then bade her wait as he unlocked his apartment.

  When she stepped inside, she found a very masculine space. There was a large television, before which was positioned an even larger leather couch. It was big enough that she could probably get lost down the back of it. In that moment, that didn’t seem like such a terrible proposition.

  Jack dropped his keys in a dish beside the door, flicked the latch closed, and strode into his apartment. He sat down dead center of the couch and beckoned to her, crooking his finger in front of his face. “Come over here, pull down your pants and your panties,” he drawled.

  “And my panties!” Jamie shook her head emphatically. That was not going to happen. Nope. It didn’t matter how damn handsome Jack was – and in that moment he was exceptionally handsome. The hard lines of his face were emphasized by his stern expression in a way that made her stomach quiver.

  “There’s no point spanking you through cloth,” he said. “Besides, I think being bare bottomed will make the punishment much more memorable.”

  “Come on, Jack, please…”

  He said nothing. He just crooked his finger.

  “I can’t do this,” she said, stamping her foot in frustration. There was a whine to her voice, not of complaint, but of uncertainty. What he was asking, it was beyond that which she thought she could give. He wasn’t just asking for her to go and get spanked. He was asking her for submission.

  “You can, Jamie. Just come here.” He spoke softly, but firmly. There was something hypnotically authoritative about his tone. Something that made the fact he was asking her to come and submit to a spanking not only reasonable, but almost desirable.

  Looking into his face, she forgot about the alleged disciplinary aspect of the act entirely. Agent Jack Harley was a very handsome man. Yes, he was no doubt a good decade older than her, but that didn’t really seem to matter when his eyes fixed on hers in stern invitation.

  Her feet began to move without prompting from her conscious mind. There was no fight, not really. In her soul she’d agreed to this on the first day they’d met. This had been an inevitability. They’d both known it, try as they might to put on a socially acceptable face.

  “Good girl,” he praised, reaching out to slide his hands around her waist. She liked the way his grip felt, sure, firm, warm. He had her entirely under control with only the lightest of touches. When his fingers went to the fastening of her slacks, she made no disagreement. Those adept digits, so close to a part of her anatomy that was beginning to pulse with excitement, she would not have pushed them away for anything in the world.

  Cool air kissed the tops of her thighs as he pushed the slacks down to her knees. They fell the rest of the way, pooling in stoic black against his hardwood floor. And then his hands were sliding to the back of her thighs, warmth spreading up her legs as his hands traveled up to a place where he could palm her bottom.

  They had not so much as kissed, but there was an intimacy in that moment that captured Jamie. Looking down into his face, she steadied herself with one hand on his shoulder. He felt hard to the touch, a solid rock to balance herself against.

  “I’m going to take these down too,” he said, his voice a low purr as his fingertips breached the line of
the legs and slid up under to caress the soft skin of her bottom.

  She was melting inside, her breath coming shorter and faster as the thickness of his fingers traced so close to her core. If he were to touch her there, he would find her hot and wet, she was sure of it.

  Instead he slid his fingers out of her panties and lifted them to the waistband. Jamie put both hands on his shoulders as he gently drew them down, making her naked from the waist down. The short downy stripe of gold above her otherwise bare mound made him raise a brow slightly and smile as her panties descended her thighs.

  And then his hands were moving up the back of her legs in a long caress, his fingers traveling up the inner parts of her thigh almost… almost to the place she was eager for him to touch. She parted her legs to allow him access, but he did not take advantage. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her waist and helped her down to lie across his lap and across the couch.

  It was a rather comfortable position to begin with. When Jamie felt Jack’s hands begin to smooth from the back of her neck all the way down to her bare bottom in long strokes, she sighed and relaxed into a state she’d thought impossible. Under languid caresses, she felt like a cosseted pet, not like someone about to be punished. She stretched out across his lap, laying her head in her hands as she surrendered to the moment.

  A soft chuckle above her told her he approved. “Comfortable, are we?”

  “Very,” she said. The massaging motion of his hands continued, lulling her further into that state of relaxed submission.

  “You do remember why you’re here, don’t you, Miss Black?”

  She had some vague memory of being threatened with a punishment. That seemed very far away in the moment.

  “I’m here because you wanted me to take my pants and panties off,” she said archly. The response earned her a light, barely stinging slap to one cheek.

  “You’re here because you’re a rebellious little minx who doesn’t take authority seriously.”

  “I do take authority seriously,” she protested. “Especially when I’m the authority.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Jamie.”

  She squirmed over his lap, slightly annoyed. “I liked it better when you didn’t talk.”

  “Oh, I bet you did,” he said, laying another slap on the opposite cheek. “You liked it better when you thought you were going to get away with all your cheek and disobedience.”

  “You seem to like my cheeks right now,” she pointed out.

  “They’re very nice cheeks,” he agreed, smoothing his palm against the raised rounds. “But this isn’t about giving you a nice massage, Jamie. This is about teaching you a lesson.”

  She felt his arm snake around her waist and snug her close to his body. She didn’t mind that one bit. It was nice to be held that way. It was nice to feel secure and safe and… “OW!”

  He’d smacked her with enough force to make thousands of little stinging bolts go rushing across her tender skin. She was about to protest when he repeated the treatment, this time a little harder. Jamie could feel her cheeks jiggling under the impact of his palm as he began to spank her – really spank her with swats that weren’t delivered with any great speed or even strength, but made her yowl with the power of their sting.

  “Jack! This isn’t nice!”

  “It’s not meant to be nice,” he said calmly, holding her in place as she wriggled back and forth. “It’s meant to be a lesson, so next time I tell you to do something, you do it without question. And next time you get some impulse in that pretty head of yours, you think twice before acting on it.”

  “Jack!” She whined his name as his palm began to descend again, this time with fast, crisp swats that made her hips dance back and forth across his thigh. Jamie didn’t feel relaxed anymore, or maybe she did, it was hard to tell when she was focused on the growing heat being slapped into her cheeks by her case agent. “Cut it out!”

  “We’re not finished yet, Jamie,” he said, his voice kind and calm in stark contrast to her somewhat panicked recitation of his name. “I want you to learn from this.”

  A low moan of dismay escaped her lips. What was she supposed to be learning, aside from the fact that being spanked hurt?

  He continued spanking, slower and heavier. Each slap bought a gasp to Jamie’s lips. She was sore, she was embarrassed, and she was beginning to think that she’d bitten off a lot more than she could chew where Jack Harley was concerned.

  “I’m becoming quite fond of you,” he rumbled from on high. “And I want to keep you in one piece, agent.”

  “Well you’re about to spank my ass right off my ass,” Jamie squealed.

  His response was half a slap, which gave way to laughter. “I assure you,” he said. “Your bottom is still very much in place.”

  “It doesn’t feel like it,” Jamie whined.

  “This isn’t supposed to be comfortable,” he reassured her. “But this won’t so much as leave a mark.”

  Jamie stiffened over his lap. That made it sound as though marks might be an option. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean your tender bottom isn’t going to be harmed by this one little bit,” he said, slapping fast and light until she grasped at the corner of the couch and squealed.

  “Jack! Okay! I’m sorry!”

  “Are you? What are you sorry for?” He palmed her bottom gently.

  “I’m sorry for taking matters into my own hands and chasing that guy. I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you.”


  “And I’m sorry I was rude.”

  “More cheeky than outright rude,” he said, “but thank you. Do I have your assurance that you’ll be on your best behavior from now on?” He waited a moment for her to reply, then slapped her bottom when she took too long.

  “Ow! Yes!”


  He slid his hand away for a moment and she thought it was over, but it returned with a flurry of stinging slaps that made her kick her legs and grit her teeth and buck over his lap like a bronco.

  “Just making sure you have enough warmth in that butt of yours, agent,” he drawled, soothing some of the sting with a slow rub.

  “That was mean,” she sniffed. The sting was covering her entire bottom now, making her skin throb and leap of its own accord.

  “That wasn’t mean and you know it,” he replied evenly. “This was a warning, more than anything. If I have to take you over my lap again, you’ll be a very sore girl.”

  Jamie wasn’t sure she liked the confident way he was speaking about her ending up over his lap again. It seemed to her that Jack had taken control of her in a way that far exceeded his rights as a mere case agent. This wasn’t professional anymore. This was personal. Very personal. Damp between the thighs, personal.

  “Do we have an understanding?”

  “Yes!” She spoke quickly before he could decide to hurry her response along with another swat. To her chagrin, she received another anyway.

  “Not that I’d necessarily mind having you over my lap again,” he said casually. “You fit nicely.”

  That, she agreed with. She did fit nicely, her hips pressed against his thigh in just the right way to provide pressure to the hidden bud that was all but screaming for attention. The spanking had made her horny as hell, and the longer the heat sank in without further swatting, the more she became aware of just how wet she had become. The dampness between her lips was seeping out to her inner thighs, she could feel them becoming slippery as she pushed them tight together, hoping he wouldn’t notice – and hoping he would.

  “Okay, agent. We have work to do,” he said, patting her bottom. “You can get up and retrieve your panties if you like.”

  If you like… For a mad moment, Jamie wondered what would happen if she didn’t get up and get dressed. She wondered what would happen if she parted her thighs and arched her hips and let him see precisely what he’d done to her, besides reddening her cheeks.

  She moved her thigh slightly, but her ne
rve failed her. It was one thing to take a spanking from her case agent. It was another thing to try to seduce him. That was the way women got reputations.

  It was no easy task getting off his lap without baring her most intimate parts to his gaze, but she did her best, clamping her knees together and sort of rolling off to sit by his side. Without looking at him, she grabbed for her panties and slacks, pulling both on as quickly as possible. The feeling of silky fabric against her heated cheeks and wet pussy was just another sensation in a maddening cacophony of illicit desires.

  “You took that well,” he said, surprising her with his praise.

  “I didn’t have much choice, did I?” She avoided his gaze, loathe to look him in the eye and reveal the very naughty thoughts that were plaguing her.

  “I suppose not,” he said. “Would you like a drink? Coffee?”

  So now she was going to sit around his house and drink coffee. After he’d spanked her. The surreal feeling returned, leaving Jamie feeling lightheaded and disoriented. “Uh…” she said.

  “Sit down,” he replied, taking charge of the situation. “How do you have your coffee?”

  “I don’t,” she said. “I don’t need any more stimulation.”

  “No,” he smiled. “I suppose you don’t.”

  Blushing, Jamie wondered if he was making reference to her state of arousal. Most of the time it was easy to hide such things as a woman, but he’d been treated to views of intimate parts of her person, and a cursory look down at her chest revealed how very erect her nipples were through her sensible blouse.

  “I’ll get you a soda,” he said. “Hang tight.”

  Jamie took a seat on the sofa she’d just been spanked on, glad that it was soft and cushiony. It wasn’t that her bottom hurt, so much as she didn’t want to exacerbate the sting in her cheeks. Pressing her thighs tightly together, she rocked back and forth. It was enough to make her clit ride against the seam of her slacks – and she hoped it would be enough to give her some measure of release before he came back.

  She was not the sort of woman usually given to subtly masturbating in her superior’s house, but really, Jack had left her with no option. The pulsing yearning between her thighs could not be ignored. Whilst her superior clattered about in the kitchen, Jamie rode her pants towards the beginnings of a long awaited climax.


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