The Italian's Wife

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The Italian's Wife Page 13

by Lynne Graham

  'What do I have to do to get a ten?' she heard herself whisper.

  'Just lie there. I'm in a very uncritical mood,' Rio murmured with

  considerable amusement. 'And during the next couple of weeks I intend to

  teach you everything I want you to know, bella mia.'

  She watched him peel off his shirt with scant ceremony and dispense with

  his well-cut trousers. Watching him thrilled her, she decided, so she

  could hardly blame him for enjoying her visual attention. He was all

  bronzed, hair-roughened skin and taut, strong muscles with not an ounce

  of superfluous flesh on his athletic frame. She couldn't tear her gaze

  from him or unlock herself from the mesmeric hold of those dark golden

  eyes. It had barely been four days since he had first made love to her

  but her body was behaving as if it had been denied for months.

  He came down over her, teasing fingers flirting with the garter. 'An

  old-fashioned girl?'


  'So what was old?'

  "That jewellery you loaned me.'

  'It's not on loan and that set is only a small part of it,' Rio informed

  her, running an unsettling hand in an exploring motion down over a slim

  stockinged thigh as he stared down at her. 'It's all yours. I'm the head

  of my family and you are my wife.'

  And then he kissed her and it was different from the last time in a way

  she could not identify. Then within seconds she lost the ability to

  discriminate and to think. A kind of slow, drugging heat began to warm

  her in secret places and she speared her fingers into his thick, silky

  hair, raising herself to him, unable to restrain her own hungry impatience.

  Rio settled her hands back to the bed and lifted his head, heavily

  lidded eyes narrowed to a glint of hot, determined gold. 'We've got all

  night...I want this to last-'

  'I don't want to beg...' she mumbled shakily before she could think

  better of that admission, for every time she remembered how she had

  behaved the last time not even a recollection of the ecstasy could wipe

  out the sense that she had demeaned herself and been something less than

  she should have been.

  Slight colour burnished the sudden taut angle of his fabulous

  cheekbones. 'It won't be like that again.'

  He framed her face with his hands and claimed her lips again, and it was

  so sweet but so intense that she could feel the burst of heat low in her

  stomach, the quivering readiness of her own wretched body, and it

  crossed her mind then that he did not need to make her beg. He turned

  her on so much she might well end up begging all on her own. He eased

  himself down over her and found her swollen apples with his mouth,

  suckling her tender flesh, sending arrows of arousal right to the very

  heart of her so that her


  hips shifted and squirmed against the mattress. He drifted on down,

  skimming her panties away in a motion so smooth that she only noticed

  the cool of the air hitting her where she was warm and damp.

  'Relax...' Rio urged thickly as she tensed instinctively.

  She could not comprehend such an instruction when he was doing things to

  her that made relaxation a total impossibility. She shut her eyes,

  panting for breath and restraint, striving to be what he wanted without

  even knowing quite what that was but dimly suspecting that greater

  control was what it was all about. But keeping still, preventing her

  hands from rising to his broad shoulders and clinging, was the most

  dreadful challenge when she was trembling and hot and far too eager for

  his every move.

  He let his lips travel down over her flexing tummy and her spine arched

  of its own volition, the burning tingle in her pelvis already starting

  to torment her. 'Stop it...' he told her raggedly.

  And then he roved in a direction that was entirely unexpected and her

  startled eyes flew wide. 'What are you doing?' she gasped in dismay.

  'What do you think?' Rio angled a dark, wicked smile up at her and eased

  her thighs apart, his intent unhidden.

  Her face burned. She wrestled with fierce embarrassment, curiosity and

  secret craving, and while she was engaged in that massive inner struggle

  he splayed his hands beneath her slim hips and just did what he wanted

  to do. And the chorus of urgent complaint she'd believed to be on her

  lips remained unspoken, because the instant that he made contact with

  the most sensitive spot in her whole shivering body was the same moment

  that any idea of her staying in control was vanquished.

  Never had she ever imagined that level of sensation, so it was like one

  glorious shock piled onto another, so that

  she lurched mindless and wordless from one splintering wave of

  excitement into the next, and all the time the tormenting hunger was

  notching up higher inside her. She moaned, she sobbed and she jerked in

  a wild response beyond any denial, and when she was within what felt

  like touching distance of the satisfaction she craved with every sense

  he settled himself between her thighs and surged into her with measured

  force and cool.

  And suddenly she was snatched up into the eye of the storm. The feel of

  his hot, hard fullness stretching the slick, wet centre of her inner

  heat just exploded through her in a cascade of multicoloured, blinding

  sensation and she hit a peak of ecstasy that burned through her in an

  explosive flood of pleasure.

  'Good?' Rio tugged her head up and kissed her breathless in the

  aftermath, male satisfaction and fire in his smouldering gaze as he

  looked down at her and started to move again, slowly, almost teasingly,

  allowing her shaken still trembling body a little time for recovery.

  'Unbelievable...' Holly muttered shakily.

  'Oh, you can believe, bella mia,' Rio asserted in ragged promise,

  sending a reawakening surge of excitement through her with a subtle

  encircling motion of his lean hips. 'We're going to have an incredible


  Getting out of bed the next morning was something of a challenge for

  Holly and she was pretty much shell-shocked by the amount of raw energy

  Rio had and his ability to spring out of bed as though he had had a full

  eight hours' sleep.

  Yet the urgency with which she longed to hold Timothy in her arms again

  would have sent her to the airport at dawn, had that been an option. As

  Rio had promised, her cases had been brought down to the Priory. She

  dressed at


  speed but had to sit through a long breakfast while Rio behaved as

  though they had all the time in the world.

  Her baby was not his baby, Holly reminded herself. They were only having

  one night away from Timothy, which was very, very reasonable of him. How

  many blokes wanted to drag a nanny and a baby off on their honeymoon?

  But he had not even mentioned the option of leaving Timothy behind.

  At the airport, the minute Timothy laid anxious eyes on his mother he

  went frantic, waving his arms and legs in excitement and relief. Sarah

  confided that Holly's son had had a rather unsettled night. Holly's eyes

  stung with tears and she got
Timothy out of his seat restraint so fast

  there might have been a fire alarm howling. Clasping his warm, cuddly

  little body to her, she hugged him tight, only becoming conscious of her

  husband's scrutiny some minutes later.

  Rio looked grim. 'Don't you ever let me do that to you again,' he

  breathed in a driven undertone of reproof.

  Holly turned pale. 'Do...what?'

  'Timothy spent the night fretting for you and you couldn't get here fast

  enough this morning because you missed him so much,' he spelt out

  flatly. 'I didn't know I was doing that to you. Why didn't you say


  Too many frank words hovered on her lips. Timothy was not his son and

  there had to be limits to even his tolerance at this stage of their

  marriage, she thought fearfully. The very last thing she wanted was to

  turn him off with the downside of parenting. He was used to complete

  freedom of choice and he was not used to the restrictions of being with

  a woman with a child either.

  'It was only one night. I just didn't want to spoil things-'

  'You just did,' Rio drawled ruefully. 'Sarah told me he

  was inconsolable and she called the doctor out to check him just in case

  there was something else wrong. Timothy isn't secure enough to do

  without you for very long.'

  Holly was ashamed of that truth.

  'But I couldn't have done without you last night either, bella mia.' Rio

  slanted her a sudden flashing smile of forgiveness that turned her heart

  over inside her tight chest. 'Maybe we're going to have to work out some

  way of dividing you in two.'


  Two days later, lying on the sun-deck that overhung the lagoon, Holly

  trailed idle fingertips in the crystal-clear water below. She could see

  every rise and dip of the soft sand below, each tiny multicoloured fish

  darting beneath the sparkling sunlit surface.

  She thought the Maldives were a paradise on earth. The lagoon was ringed

  by lush green palms and vegetation. The sky was a deep, dense cloudless

  blue and the white sand on the beach merged with a sea the colour of

  turquoise. Their magnificent villa was set on its own tiny island where

  privacy was assured, but Rio had informed her that more populated places

  lay only a short boat trip away on one of the thousand-plus coral

  islands that made up the Maldives nation.

  'What's so fascinating?' Rio crouched down beside her to ask.

  'The lagoon is like a giant rock pool,' Holly confided. 'It takes me

  back to when I was a kid and my aunt used to take me to the seaside.'

  'Not your parents?'

  Holly levered back on to her knees and collided with stunning eyes that

  reflected the golden sunlight. Three days into their honeymoon, her

  heartbeat was still hitting earthquake mode every time he got close-and

  that seemed to be most of the time.

  'Dad could never get away from the farm,' she explained.

  'You must miss your parents a great deal.' Rio made that observation

  with quiet understanding.

  Holly nodded agreement. 'But hopefully not for much longer.'

  His ebony brows drew together. 'I don't follow.'

  'Once we've been married a couple of months, I'm going to tell Mum and

  Dad about us and then we can go and visit,' Holly outlined with a slight

  flush. "That way there won't be so many awkward questions about how long

  we've known each other and so on.'

  Rio dealt her an incredulous scrutiny. 'Are you telling me that your

  parents are still alive?'

  It was her turn to look confused. 'What else would they be?'

  'I thought they were dead. When we first met you told me that you had

  nobody,' Rio reminded her.

  'I didn't mean they were dead!'

  'But you didn't even mention the possibility of inviting your parents to

  our wedding! Of course I assumed they were gone. What else was I to think?'

  Biting her lip with discomfiture, Holly averted her eyes from the level

  probe of his and released a rueful sigh. 'Mum and Dad were very upset

  when I got pregnant. They sent me to live with my aunt in Manchester. I

  was supposed to give Timothy up for adoption and then go back home

  again. But once he was born I couldn't do it, so that was that... I was

  on my own.'

  'When did you last speak to your parents?'

  'A week after Timothy was born,' Holly admitted half under her breath.

  'But I've written to them a few times to let them know that I was all


  'But you weren't all right!' Rio cut in drily.

  Holly ignored that reminder. 'I didn't give them an address, though,

  because I didn't want them feeling they had


  to get involved. It wouldn't have been fair. I made my choice,' she

  completed gruffly.

  Rio closed his hand over the taut fingers clenching on her slim thigh.

  'You made the right choice.'

  'Well, until now it didn't seem like seemed like I was the most

  useless mother ever,' Holly admitted, her throat thickening with sudden


  Curving a strong arm round her downbent shoulders, Rio raised her up.

  'You had a lot of bad luck.'

  Holly looked up into the beautiful tawny-gold eyes set in that lean,

  dark, devastating face. Suddenly, he was claiming her lips with

  devouring hunger, crushing her softer curves into his hard, muscular

  frame, giving her all the reassurance she needed. Her heart pounded like

  crazy beneath that surprise onslaught and she clung to his broad

  shoulders to stay upright.

  Rio lifted his dark head again with a ragged laugh. (I should be cooling

  the wild passion. You might be pregnant, bella mia.'

  'I don't think so.' She had had a headache earlier and only a minute ago

  she had almost succumbed to tears, both of which were familiar signs to

  her of PMT.


  'I just know-'

  'But you didn't know when it came to Timothy, did you?'

  Holly reddened. 'I don't think I wanted to know-'

  Rio stared down at her, shimmering eyes intense above his hard

  cheekbones. 'I hope that isn't the case with my baby.'

  'How could you think that?' Holly was taken aback by that undercurrent

  of dark suspicion in his response. 'But it would be better all round if

  I wasn't pregnant this

  soon...people will talk if I have a baby short of the nine-month mark.'

  Rio gave a fluid shrug that signified his supreme indifference to such


  'Well, maybe it doesn't matter to you,' Holly conceded tautly. 'But I

  wasn't exactly happy when I was carrying Timothy, and if I have another

  baby I'd like it to be different. I'd like to feel proud that I'm

  pregnant and not feel that people are judging me or sneering at me

  behind my back.'

  In receipt of that frank speech, Rio groaned out loud and eased her

  close again. 'Dio mio...of course you want it to be different, but

  believe me, whatever happens, it will be.'

  Did Rio actually want her to have conceived his child? Holly wondered

  anxiously. As she was almost certain that she had not, she could not

  help worrying that perhaps his certainty that she would so easil
y fall

  pregnant again had thrust him into a marriage that he might just as

  quickly regret. That very evening, her period arrived. She was putting

  Timothy to bed when she chose to tell Rio that there was not going to be

  a baby.

  Rio tensed, strong bone-structure tightening, and then he gave her the

  heartbreaking smile that always made her feel as if she was the only

  woman in the world for him. 'It's too soon for you anyway, tesoro mio.

  We should wait until Timothy is a little older.'

  'Yes...' But, perverse as human nature was, Holly then found herself

  wishing that she had conceived, for she sensed that with Rio a baby

  would be a major and welcome event. Timothy was undeniably enthralled by

  the tall, dark male who had become part of his life, and Rio was so good

  to him.

  However, the world Holly was living in still did not feel quite real to

  her. Although she worked hard at hiding those


  stabs of insecurity from Rio, she could not help being scared that

  suddenly it would all be snatched away again. Had she been pregnant with

  his child, perhaps she would have felt safer, she acknowledged uneasily,

  ashamed of that lowering reality.

  Holly watched while Rio tasted.


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