A Tank Full of Trouble: A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 5)

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A Tank Full of Trouble: A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 5) Page 5

by Victoria LK Williams

  "Not yet," replied Megan as she hugged Charlotte and took the basket she was holding out.

  "Well, it's early yet. Give yourself some time. This is for Lewis’s wife. She will be spending a lot of time sitting in his room at the hospital, and this will keep her occupied and give her some food to eat without having to traipse to the vending machines. Please tell her I'll be up soon. Now, the two of you get going. And don't forget to call me as soon as you find out anything, or if there is any change in Lewis's condition."

  Commanding as ever, Charlotte returned Megan's hug and then gave Lucy a little push towards the car, urging them to leave. Since both women were eager to find out how Lewis was doing, they gave no protest, simply giving the older woman a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

  When they reached the hospital, they made their way to the ICU. There they found Paul, Ben, and Lewis’s wife, Alice, sitting in the waiting room. Because of his condition, only immediate family was allowed to visit, and even they could only stay for short time each hour. Lucy and Megan both greeted Alice with hugs and murmurs of sympathy. Paul filled them in, stating that Lewis had not regained consciousness and was on life support. It was touch and go and the doctors were still not sure he would live.

  As Megan suspected it was the injury to the front of his head that caused the life-threatening damage. The blow to the back of his head would have only dazed him, or thrown him off balance. Lucy realized that Paul and Megan wanted to talk, so she urged Alice to walk with her down to the cafeteria to get a fresh cup of tea. The other woman was in too much shock to put up any argument other than to insist that they would only go for a short time just in case the doctors needed her. Once Lucy and Alice left, Megan quickly filled Paul in on what she and the sheriff had found. Or rather what they had not found.

  "I have no clue what they were looking for, Paul. I think they must have thought Lewis was dead. After they attacked him, they seemed to leave in a hurry. The sheriff is concerned they may return to continue the search. It will be slow going trying to figure out what they were looking for, without Joe here I'm not sure what files -- if any -- are missing. As soon as Sheriff Green clears it, I will have Zoe come over with me and go through this mess. She was doing some side work for Joe on the weekends, keeping his files and records up to date at the office. Maybe she'll have a clue of what was going on at home, as well. I remember Joe is constantly taking paperwork home. Just like we all do."

  Paul agreed with her, but made her promise, just as the sheriff had, to be cautious.

  "Zoe has enough going on in her life and doesn’t need to be placed in any kind of danger. The paperwork can wait until the sheriff's sure it is safe."

  "Absolutely. As a matter of fact, I’ll have her start at the dealership. There are plenty of people there to keep an eye on her. She will be eager to help; Joe has been very generous to her."

  “Well, he was impressed with the way she helped deal with exploitation of the runaways we had here in Citrus Beach at Christmas. She stepped up to help put a master criminal behind bars, putting her own way of life in jeopardy. And let’s face it, if Zoe hadn’t helped, we may not have been able to make Sammy and Toby part of our family. I was glad to see him take an interest in Zoe. Just like you and Janice did."

  “Janice has become a mentor to Zoe. And once again, the girl will step in and help out where ever she can. She has embraced Citrus Beach as her home, and will stand behind the town like any member of the founding families.”

  The two of them were silent for a moment, thinking back on the events that brought Zoe and the runaways into their life. Before they could continue, the door opened and Deputy Young stepped into the waiting room, eager to find out Lewis’s condition.

  By the time Lucy and Alice returned, Deputy Young was updated on the injured man’s condition. The six of them settled into the waiting room quietly talking amongst themselves, waiting for an update on Lewis. At one point the doctor came in, allowing Alice to visit Lewis for the allotted 10 minutes. When she returned she reported to the others that his condition was unchanged and broke into tears. It took a few moments for Lucy and Megan to calm her down but she gave a weak smile when she did and thanked them all for their support

  Calm once again, Alice encouraged them to leave if they needed to. She assured them she was fine and family was on the way to stay with her. As if to emphasize her point, Deputy Young received a call over his monitor requesting that he looked into an attempted car theft. That seemed to be the signal they needed and the three men made their excuses to leave. Megan and Lucy insist that they stay until Alice’s family arrived to keep her company.

  Half an hour later Megan and Lucy were walking out the door after giving Alice warm hugs and making her promise to keep them up to date on Lewis's condition. Once they were in the parking lot, Lucy made a hurried phone call to Charlotte to check on her children. The role of motherhood was new to her, but she took to it like a duck to water and worried about the two kids whenever she was away from them. After being assured that everything was fine, she declared that she was hungry. She suggested Megan head to the diner to get something to tide them over until their next meal. Megan agreed, realizing that she was hungry too.

  Pulling out of the hospital parking lot, she headed towards Susie's Diner, one of the most popular places in Citrus Beach. It was popular not only for the good food but for the friendly atmosphere and the never-ending gossip. In the back of her mind Megan hoped that she might talk to some of the locals and find out if anybody had heard anything about the attack on Lewis.

  When they pulled in the parking lot, they found it full of cars. They recognized many local citizens but also noticed the out-of-state license plates scattered throughout the parking lot. With a sigh, Megan realized the tourist season not only brought in those enjoying their vacation, but also those passing through on their way to some of the larger tourist attractions in the center of the state. This meant that a lot of strangers would pass through Citrus Beach and sometimes the strangers brought elements of the crime and evil into their town.

  When the two women entered the diner, warm hellos rang out from the other patrons. Aware that the diner was busy, they took a seat at the bar rather than tying up a booth. Susie, the owner, walked over to them, fresh glasses of sweet tea poured and ready. Placing the drinks in front of them she wasted no words, demanding to hear how Lewis was. The other patrons sitting around Megan listened anxiously to her report. All seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief when they found out that, even though he was in critical condition, he was still alive.

  "I don't know what's going on in this town, but things have been weird all weekend. First, we hear that the car dealership was broken into, now we find out Lewis was attacked. I even called the sheriff when one of my customers complained somebody tried to break into their car." Susie wiped her hands on her apron as she spoke, concern and disgust both evident in the tone of her voice.

  "You're right about that Miss Susie. Mrs. Potter has even brought extra security for the Groves. And if she's feeling uneasy... Megan are you going to be comfortable out on your property by yourself?" A tall, older man interrupted their conversation, expressing his own concern. He was Charlotte Potter's grove manager, and trusted friend. Robert had looked after Megan when she helped clean up after a hurricane, becoming involved in a different mystery. He was well aware that she was special to Charlotte Potter, and that made her one of his concerns as well.

  "I'll be fine, Robert, but thanks for asking. Don't forget I’ve got that brave beagle with me. Barney will alert me to any intruders. Plus, I have a first-rate security system." Megan patted his arm as she hastened to convince him she was safe at her home.

  The older man looked at her straight in the eye as if to reassure himself that she would be okay. He nodded his head when she looked back at him unwavering, convincing him she was unafraid to be out on the 10 acres by herself. A few moments later he said his goodbyes and vacated his seat, heading out to the grove
s. He’d barely gotten out the door before his seat was taken by a young, attractive woman, smartly dressed, and a bit uptight.

  "Don't you brush me off, Megan. I'm here out of concern for Lewis. I just want to make sure he is okay. He and Alice are always good to me. I won’t print anything you say, yet. I won’t print anything until I have the sheriff’s okay and have spoken to Alice." The woman addressed Megan quickly, before she could be avoided.

  Megan looked at the woman next to her in surprise, Kim Heart was a notoriously pushy reporter for the local paper and a small news channel. The two of them had been at odds in the past. But they had also come together for the good of the community during Hurricane Arlene, so Megan knew the Kim’s concern was sincere. Nodding her head in agreement, she filled Kim in on Lewis's condition and told her that Alice was staying at the hospital.

  "Thank you for that, Megan. Really, I mean it. I won't take up anymore of your time, I’m going to the hospital to see how Alice is doing. But as soon as the sheriff gives the go-ahead I want to talk to you about the break-in at Joe Stevens’s dealership and home." She couldn't resist trying to hold Megan talking to her about a story, as she got to her feet and left.

  "Well, that went easier than normal," commented Lucy as she watched her walk away.

  "Yes, somewhere down deep inside Kim really cares about the people around her," answered Megan.

  Chapter 10

  Megan and Lucy spent most of their meal discussing the day's events, pondering what could have possibly gone so wrong that their friend ended up in the hospital. Between the two of them they ran every scenario they could think of, both the plausible and the impractical.

  "Well, until Lewis regains consciousness we’re going to have to just piece together what actually happened," said Megan as she wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin. As usual Susie's food was perfectly cooked, and she ate all of it without even realizing it. Lucy nodded her head in agreement and looked down at her empty plate, too.

  "Do we dare have dessert?" she asked.

  "Well, I think a little chocolate will finish the meal off quite well. It's been a long morning and I think I need a little fortitude. At least that’s as good an excuse as any," laughed Megan.

  The two friends exchanged conspiratorial looks and then Lucy held up her hand to get Susie's attention. Susie indicated that she saw her and without even taking her order came back to their table with two large pieces of chocolate cake.

  "I had a feeling the two of you would need something extra. This is fresh, Dad made it this morning. Oh, I thought you'd like to hear, several people have started the sign-up list for meals to be delivered to Alice. Hospital food is okay for a patient, but there's nothing more depressing than sitting in the waiting room looking at those sterilized dishes with their tin covers. And once Lewis gets out of the hospital we will continue to bring meals to the house. If you want to add your name to the list, I'm sure it will be appreciated."

  The two women both agreed that it was an excellent idea and told Susie to put their names down wherever they were needed. They were well aware that Lewis’s recovery – if he recovered – would be lengthy. They were finishing the last of the cake when Lucy's phone rang. When she answered it, she wasn't surprised to find Charlotte Potter on the other end, inquiring if there were any leads in the case.

  "Honestly, Charlotte, we haven't had a chance yet. The sheriff hasn’t let of us back over to the house. Or rather hasn't let Megan. You know she will be the one nosing into this with the sheriff. I'm just along for the ride,"

  Megan smiled as she heard the one-sided conversation, she knew Charlotte well. Almost too well because the two of them had very similar personalities. Charlotte was constantly telling Megan how much she reminded her of herself when she was Megan's age. Megan had heard enough stories about Charlotte’s youth to wonder if that was a good thing or not.

  Lucy ended the conversation and turned to Megan, stating that she should get home. Megan understood she was eager to see the kids. There was something about being in a stressful situation that made you want to hold your children close. She made a mental note to call her own daughter. Emma might be a grown woman, but she was still Megan’s little girl in her mind. The fact that Emma and her friend Taylor lived out on a farm west of town sometimes made her nervous. But she knew in her heart they were perfectly safe, between security systems, farmhands, and an old basset hound named Fred. Emma and Taylor were managing a petting zoo and farm that had been gifted to the town by another founding family. The primary purpose of the farm was to provide a sanctuary for old and unwanted animals so they could live out their final days in peace. When the former owner was murdered, Megan had helped solve her murder.

  Grabbing their purses and getting to their feet, the two left their seats and headed out the door. At the last second Megan veered towards the kitchen and stuck her head in the window to tell Susie's father how much she enjoyed the cake. The quiet man just smiled and nodded his acknowledgment. He was pleased that she took the time to compliment his cooking, but that was just the way Megan was.

  As Megan drove Lucy back to her home, they talked about Toby and Sammy and how they were getting along in their new family. Megan had been both pleased and surprised when Paul and Lucy had first volunteered to foster the two and then gone through the process of adoption. They had been married for a long time with no children, but being parents came naturally to them and their family circle seemed complete. It was wonderful to watch the two children gain confidence and develop their own strong personalities as they were surrounded with love and guidance.

  As Megan pulled into Paul and Lucy's driveway, the two kids come running out to greet them. Charlotte Potter followed behind, eager for firsthand news about Lewis's condition. After saying hello to Megan, Sammy took charge of Lucy and dragged her back towards their home. Lucy just waved goodbye to her friend and shrugged her shoulders, enjoying the demands of parenthood. Charlotte and Megan watched the three of them enter the house and then turned towards each other, grinning.

  "That's a wonderful sight to behold isn't it?"

  "It sure is, Charlotte. It is wonderful to see all of them so happy."

  "And now we need to work on you and Aiden," teased Charlotte, ever the matchmaker.

  "No, we don't. Things will happen as they are supposed to. In the meantime, if we go over to your house, I'm sure you've got a pitcher of sweet tea ready. We can sit and talk for a bit."

  Megan put her arm through Charlotte's, and together they walked the well-worn path between Lucy and Charlotte's house. Although Charlotte was one of the more affluent residents of Citrus Beach, she happily lived in her family's old homestead. The land at one time been a pineapple plantation, with citrus groves surrounding it. She’d slowly sold land off over the years. The last piece she sold was to Paul and Lucy when they got married. They were the perfect neighbors and a fast friendship had formed. When Megan moved to Citrus Beach, Charlotte befriended her and became one of the main backers behind the expansion of her company.

  The two women spent the next 45 minutes catching up with each other and discussing the attack on Lewis. They were both convinced that the break-ins at the dealership and his private home were closely related. The clues were hidden somewhere in the disarray left behind. Having exhausted their thoughts of the break-ins, Charlotte asked Megan how her trip to Palm Beach had been. When Charlotte met Mrs. Purdy the two had become friends, almost kindred spirits, and she was eager for word of her friend. Megan filled her in on her trip and discussed a few of Mrs. Purdy's newest acquisitions.

  When Charlotte's housekeeper came in to ask if Megan would like to stay for dinner, Megan looked at her watch with a start, amazed at how the day had gone by so fast.

  "You know I'd love to, but I really need to get home. Barney's been home all day and I'm sure he needs to get outside. Besides, I have work to catch up on having lost all of today. Charlotte, will you be going up to the hospital this evening?"

te hid her disappointment that Megan wouldn't be staying for dinner and assured her she could ride to the hospital with Paul and Lucy. The two walked the door with a hug goodbye, and Charlotte made Megan promise to drive careful and be sure to use the security measures her home provided. Charlotte would never admit it but she was nervous about Megan being out there by herself. The attack on Lewis showed that the intruders were intent on locating their missing item and didn't care who got in their way. And Megan had a habit of getting in the way of would-be criminals in Citrus Beach.

  Chapter 11

  Monday night / Tuesday

  Megan arrived home with the start of a raging headache and the feeling of exhaustion. It had been a long day after a full and active weekend. As she watched the gate to the property close behind her, she felt a sense of security. Even though she was out here by herself, she was perfectly safe.

  As if to reinforce that feeling, she could hear the Barney barking as she parked her car and got out, walking to the front door. The greeting by the excited dog made it clear he was happy to have somebody with him after a long day alone. The two house cats wandered out to find out what was going on, but Barney ignored them, after all they were poor company compared to Megan. Megan gave each of the animals a little loving and then fed them all before kicking off her shoes and settling into her favorite chair, ready to relax for just a moment.

  She knew that they were messages that need to be answered and paperwork that needed to be prepped for the next morning but she ignored them as she closed her eyes and scratched the cat who jumped up next to her behind the ears. There was something therapeutic about having the animal on her lap, and when Barney finished eating he walked over and sat down quietly next to her as if he sensed she needed a few moments to herself.

  Megan must have dozed off, because when she opened her eyes the room was dark and she could hear the sound of rain outside. It was a soft rain, soothing and calming. No wonder she dozed off. Her raging headache was now just a dull pressure, and she forced herself to her feet. A couple of aspirin would take care of it and it was better to take care of it now before it developed into something stronger again. She stood in front of the kitchen sink and washed down the two aspirin with a bottle of ice water from the refrigerator. As she drank the water she gazed out the window, following the tracks of rain water down the glass. She wasn’t really seeing what was beyond the glass, instead her thoughts were back with the scene in Joe's office.


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