A Tank Full of Trouble: A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 5)

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A Tank Full of Trouble: A Citrus Beach Mystery (Citrus Beach Mysteries Book 5) Page 13

by Victoria LK Williams

  Megan gasped what she saw. When she had tugged she had also ripped part of the material. Spilling out into her hands were shiny little nuggets: cut gems. Rubies and diamonds were easily identified, but there were a few other stones she didn't recognize. Considering the company they were keeping, she was sure they were just as valuable.

  "Oh my gosh, these can't be what I think they are. Jake, are you getting all of this?"

  Jake nodded his head forgetting, he held a high-end camera. It went up and down with the movement of his head. He laughed nervously, and apologized and said yes he gotten every moment. With hands that trembled from excitement, Megan put the packets of jewels into Aiden's hands. The movement caused the fumes from the gas from the tank to drift up, and she almost gagged.

  "Let's get inside. I need to wash the stench off my hands. And we need to examine this little closer, don't you think?"

  With a laugh they all agreed, and one by one walked into the office, the dogs bringing up the rear. Once inside, Aiden had Jake pulled off a few paper towels and lay them on the counter, and then he carefully laid the gems he held in his hand on the towels. He used his fingers to spread out the gems they had found in the gas tank knowing that the gas would most likely have ruined any fingerprints. But he was extremely careful not to touch the contents of the package from the seat. He grabbed a pair of scissors that were on the counter and slowly opened one end. With the end of the scissors he eased the shiny white objects from the bag holding them.

  "Oh my gosh, those are beautiful," gushed Megan. "I've never seen pearls so perfect."

  "You've done it again, Megan. There, in front of us, is the reason for all the break-ins and attempted break-ins on the vehicles in town. Now we understand the reason, the question remains, though, who is behind it."

  Megan didn't answer him, instead she was rushing to the sink to try to washed the gas of her hands before she gagged again. Fishing out some vinegar she remembered he had under the sink, she poured it over her hands. She would rather smell like a pickle than a gas station any day. After she finished, she ignored the two men standing next to her and walked back over to examine the jewels.

  "I can't believe I've been driving around for a week with these beauties in my car. The attempt to break into the cars seemed random. I don't think that they really knew what they were looking for. Yes, they obviously realized that they had to get the jewels out of the car, but for some reason they didn't know what car.”

  Aiden nodded his head, immediately catching on to where her thoughts were going. Jake still looked a little puzzled, so she continued her explanation.

  "They didn't have a clue as to what car the jewels would be in. And this all ties back in to the attack on Lewis. There must be some indication in Joe’s paperwork that would tell the robbers which one was being used to smuggle the jewels. Zoe and I realized quickly that the burglars were interested in the cars in the dealership’s holding lot. The cars that had not been processed to be sold yet. When they couldn't find the paperwork they needed in Joe's office at the dealership, they moved on to his home office. And that's when Lewis accidentally saw them and was attacked."

  Megan was explaining as she paced, still working out the details in her mind as she spoke.

  "We found paperwork on every car in that lot, both new and used. The only paperwork that there was no sign of was the paperwork on my Jeep. Joe must have taken it with him, slipping it in his briefcase after I left. I looked for the briefcase everywhere, but there's no sign of it. So that means it’s in the trunk of his car sitting at the airport or is up in some hunting lodge, snowed in with Joe."

  As Megan finished speaking, the antique mantel clock she had given Aiden as a gift chimed the hour and she realized she had to leave and said as much.

  "Take my car, Megan," Aiden pleaded.

  "Well that won’t work, will it? We came together in my car, remember? I promise to stay out of trouble. But I've got to get those kids from school. Barney can come with me. You two contact Sheriff Green and turn these gems over. If the sheriff wants my car he can come out to the farm and get it. But I can't wait around for him and be tied up for hours. I made a promise to those kids, and I always keep my promises."

  "That makes little sense, surely the kids will understand. Protocol needs to be kept, the sheriff will need to examine your car along with the gems,"

  Megan wasn’t going to waste time arguing with him. He was right, technically, but too many promises had been broken in Sammy and Toby's short lives, and she would not add to it. She’d be the first one to admit she was being unreasonable, but, like she said, they could get the car from the farm. After all she'd been driving around for a week and it hadn’t made a bit of difference. What was one more hour?

  Giving Aiden a quick kiss, Megan called to Barney and ran out the back door before they could stop her. Every bone in Aiden's body wanted to go after her, he was used to doing things the right way, but he had learned when dealing with Megan sometimes rules got bent. Deciding to go with the flow, he dialed the sheriff's number and prepared himself to explain why Megan wouldn't be here when the sheriff showed up.

  Chapter 24

  Megan’s ride from the school to the farm was uneventful. The two kids were waiting on the sidewalk when she pulled up to the school, and they jumped in, excited about going to the farm. They chattered enthusiastically about the new foal and wondered what other new animals might have also arrived. There was always a constant influx of new animals. The farm functioned primarily as a place for older animals to live out their last years. Younger animals were held until they could be adopted. Megan let their chatter flow around her, not taking part in the discussion. But the kids were too excited to notice she was quiet, which she was thankful for.

  Megan parked in the front public parking area when she arrived and followed the kids down the path to the private home behind the petting zoo where Emma and Taylor now lived. She was so deep in thought she didn't notice the white Lexus stop partway down the road hidden in the shadows of the oak trees.

  When they found Emma and Taylor, they were escorted out to the birthing barn that Taylor had established. Soon all thoughts of the gems vanished from Megan's mind and she was caught up in the glory of the newborn foal. Barney instinctively kept a respectable distance, not wanting to spook the newborn or upset the mother.

  After a while, they gave the animals some well-deserved peace and quiet. Taylor led them to a pen off the side of the barn to show off the new additions to the petting zoo. She stood back when they arrived to let the kids catch site of the new arrival. Their laughter told her the animal would be an instant success, and Megan stepped around Emma so she could also see the animal that was the center of attention.

  "What in the world are you going to do with a monkey?"

  "Well, you know the rules: any unwanted animal is welcome here. This little primate is still young, but became too much for her owners to handle. She loves kids and seems to fit right in. We can leave her out here away from the petting zoo for a bit until she gets used everybody, but I think she will be a great addition."

  Megan could see that Taylor was already in love with the little monkey. She would make it work. Studying and training to become a veterinarian was perfect for her, and Megan was pleased at how well things worked out for her and her daughter.

  "What's the monkey’s name, Taylor?"

  Taylor and Emma exchanged looks before Emma answered Sammy.

  "She doesn't have a name yet. So we thought we would do what all the big city zoos do and have a contest to pick the right name for her. What do you think of that idea, Sammy?"

  While Sammy voiced her approval, Emma's cell phone rang. She spoke for a few moments and then hung up looking disappointed.

  "I'm so sorry guys. I need to run out and pick up my graphics. They are ready and I need them for a job. I really wanted to spend time with you two," she told her new cousins.

  "Don't be silly, I can run out and pick them up for you, Emma.
You guys spend the time out here having fun. It won’t take long to run to the printers and back." Megan had seen the disappointment on everyone's face and volunteered to do the run. It was important to her that the kids spend time with their older cousin. Besides, it looks like all the focus would be placed on one little monkey and she wouldn't even be missed.

  Not taking no for an answer, Megan said goodbye to the others and ran back up to the parking lot. At the last second Barney followed her, not wanting to leave his mistress. Maybe he knew that he would also be second fiddle to a monkey. Getting in the car, the two of them settled themselves and Megan put the car in reverse and pulled out.

  The rural roads leading to the farm were empty of traffic, and Megan sat back to enjoy the ride, not noticing that she had company following her. The white Lexus kept its distance. About a mile from the farm, it suddenly sped up. At the last moment Megan looked up in the mirror and saw the car bearing down on her. She stepped on the gas pedal and accelerated but she was just a little too late. The bumper of the Lexus hit the back of her car, jerking her and throwing Barney to the floor.

  Megan quickly concluded it wasn't worth having them slam her car into one of the many trees that lined the road. Using the side of the road she slowed the car down and stopped. Barney was still on the floor in the backseat where he had landed, and Megan commanded him to stay. She got out of the car before the Lexus came to a complete stop, but made no attempt to run.

  Chapter 25

  While Megan was admiring the new foal, Aiden and Jake had been explaining to the sheriff why the Jeep was not at Aiden's office, and how they had found the jewels. Facts were repeated two and three times while the sheriff gathered the information he needed.

  Aiden explained Megan’s theory to the sheriff and told the man he agreed with her. Sheriff Green nodded his head as he listened, what she thought was very plausible. He also realized that meant someone on Joe's staff was involved. He felt sorry for his friend. Joe would be devastated to find out one of his employees had taken advantage and conducted criminal activities behind his back -- and on his property. Making a few phone calls, the sheriff assigned Deputy Young to account for each employee and their whereabouts at the dealership.

  While the deputy got busy, Jake watched with intense interest as each of the gem stones was measured and identified before being placed in individual crime packets. These gems had to come from somewhere, and most likely were stolen. Even though they were uncut, it was clear they were high quality and valuable.

  The sheriff was just finishing up and would sent the evidence to the lab with one of his deputies. He and Aiden were going over some last-minute details, including the sheriff's displeasure about the Jeep not being there. He said something that clicked with Jake, and the younger man remembered what he had wanted to say to Megan the night before.

  "Sheriff, yesterday at Neptune’s Trident, one of my friend’s Jeep was almost broken into." The sheriff looked at Jake and nodded, saying he was familiar with the report.

  "Her big dog, Bingo, stopped the would-be-thieves. But the rest of us got talking afterwards, and we remembered a white Lexus parked at the far end of the lot. It had been there for a long time. The only reason we really remember it is because it was leaving the lot as we came up to find out why Bingo was barking so hard."

  The sheriff questioned Jake thoroughly, trying to find out any information the boy may not have remembered. But the mention of the white Lexus triggered something in Aiden's memory as well. He remembered seeing one in the hospital parking lot when he and Megan walked across after examining the cameraman's Jeep. Then he remembered Toby and Sammy insisting it was a white Lexus that had followed them when they were riding with Megan. He interrupted the sheriff to tell him what he remembered, worrying about Megan.

  Sheriff Green quickly called in to make his staff aware of the white Lexus and to have them start looking for it. While he did that, Aiden dialed Megan's phone, but got no answer. He was getting uneasy, regretting having so easily given in to her taking the car and leaving.

  It wasn’t long before the sheriff had a report on a possible sighting of the white Lexus. Whether it was because Citrus Beach was such a small town, or because people were nervous, but the car didn't fit in and that made it easier for the citizens of the town to spot it. Aiden and Jake could hear the officer on the other side of the conversation as he reported a white Lexus had been spotted out near the Wheeler farm.

  Aiden's heart flip-flopped; that's where Megan was. He had let her walk right into another dangerous situation. Not waiting to consult with the sheriff, he grabbed the keys to Jake's car, thankful it wasn't his scooter. He told the younger man he was on his way to get to Megan. Jake nodded his head in understanding and dialed the farm to warn Emma and Taylor of the potential danger. At the same time, Sheriff Green sent out his own units to the area. Everybody aimed get to Megan and the farm before the men in the Lexus caught up with them.

  Chapter 26

  While Megan's heroes were planning her rescue, she was dealing with the reality of having two large men pointing a gun at her. They demanded she walked away from the Jeep. She did as she was told, staying on the pavement of the road. The two men walked up along the side of her Jeep, walking through the straggly weeds that grew along the road. When they got close enough and she smelt the stench of cigar, Megan got nervous. These were the two men that had mercilessly left Lewis for dead in Joe's courtyard. They might be sloppy and stinky, but they also could be deadly. Megan had to tread carefully.

  It was important that she played dumb and not let the men know that she had found the gems. If they realized the gems had been removed from the Jeep, there was no telling how they would react. They might shoot her outright, or keep her alive long enough to get the jewels back. She said nothing, waiting to see what would happen.

  The two men were not making any attempts to be quiet as they argued what they should do with her. One man wanted to just shoot her and leave her along the side of the road. The second man, the one seem to be more in charge, thought they should take her with them and let whoever they were working with decide on how to deal with her.

  While Megan listened to them discuss her fate, she carefully took note of their outfits and appearance. Both were dressed like a typical tourist. Shorts, t-shirts that advertised the local fishing trade, and sandals with black socks. They were both big men, slightly overweight, and Megan was sure she could outrun them. But there was no way to outrun the bullet in their gun if they chose to use it. She would have to find another way to get out of this mess. She examined her surroundings. There were no cars to be seen that might come to her rescue. Like most of Florida, the surrounding land was flat with only the large oak trees lining the road breaking up the area.

  Megan was getting frustrated as she looked at the ground and found her answer. It stood between her and men. If you didn't know what you were looking for, you might never see it until it was too late. Thinking quickly Megan started to put a weak plan into place. She took one step backwards to see if it would work. It would. As she stepped backward, they took a step forward.

  Megan realized that she would have to do this slowly so they wouldn't be aware of her actions and put a stop to it. Deciding that the easiest way to divert their attention would be to get them to talk, Megan asked questions.

  "Are you to the ones behind all the car break-ins in town this week?"

  The two men grinned stupidly at each other as if they were proud of their illegal activities that had frustrated Citrus Beach all week.

  "Yeah, that was us. It wasn't that hard either, the people in this town are really trusting. Most of the owners left their car doors unlocked," the man who seemed to be in charge spoke for the two of them.

  “So, why attack the man at the beach house?" Megan wasn't sure she wanted to hear this answer, but she needed to.

  Her question seemed to upset the second man, and he got defensive as he answered her.

  "It wasn't my fault
he fell and hit his head. I barely hit him. He went down so hard and fast there was nothing I could do to help him. There wasn't supposed to be anybody at the house. We were following our instructions, and I looked up, and all of a sudden we saw him looking in the window."

  So it had played out pretty much the way Megan had figured. Taking another step backwards she watched as they took a step forward, unaware they were even doing it. Just two more steps was all she needed.

  "I know you two are working with somebody at the dealership, who is it?"

  She took another step backwards, but this time one of them noticed and ordered her to stop. Waving the gun at her, the first man told her he wouldn't hesitate to shoot her if she didn’t obey the order to stop. Satisfied that she was standing still he pulled his cigar out of his pocket and lit it, preparing himself to answer her question. Unfortunately, the smoke from his cigar drifted towards Megan causing her to choke. The sound of Megan's cough started a chain reaction that none of them expected.

  Barney had been sitting in the car obeying his mistress’s command, but not happy about it. When he heard the sound her coughing in obvious distress, he forgot about obeying commands and leapt out of the Jeep, rushing to her rescue. Megan called out for him to stop, afraid he would be hurt, but there was no stopping her hero. The dog advanced on the two men, barking and growling. They instinctively took two steps forward to get away from him.

  Those were the steps Megan had been waiting for, and she could barely hide the smile that threatened. She called Barney and as he came to her side Megan was mentally counting. Megan was prepared for what would happen and when it did, it would happen to both men all at once. When she reached the count of 15 both men started jumping up and down, slapping at their legs and yelling. That was all she needed, and she turned with Barney at her side and ran to the nearest secure place she could find, the Lexus. Jumping inside she made sure the doors were locked and got ready to pull way to safety.


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