by Pip Bird
Team Rhino took it well. They were mostly pleased to still be going on the quest.
When her team eventually put her down, Mira looked around for her sister.
Rani was in the corner of the hall with Angelica and Madame Shetland.
‘At least you’re going on the quest!’ said Mira.
‘I’m not,’ said Rani.
‘But you didn’t do anything . . .’ Mira looked from Rani to Madame Shetland.
‘Angelica is going to spend tomorrow in detention,’ explained Madame Shetland. ‘I know she was trying to do a good thing for her human, but what she did put you all in danger. We simply can’t allow her to go on the quest. Rani has agreed to stay here with her.’
Rani nodded. ‘It’s fine,’ she said quietly.
Mira thought for a moment. Her sister was a pain, but she was still her sister. She thought of all the silly games they played at home, (which Mira was banned from mentioning at Unicorn School on PAIN OF DEATH). And the way they had spent hours playing with their imaginary unicorns, years before they’d come to real Unicorn School. She didn’t have fun with anyone like she did with Rani. And she knew how much Rani adored quests.
‘You have to go,’ she said. ‘You can borrow Dave. I’ll stay here.’
Dave grunted in surprise.
Rani blinked. It looked like she had tears in her eyes. ‘R-really?’
Both Mira and Rani looked at Madame Shetland.
‘It’s an unusual solution,’ said the head teacher. ‘But it has been an unusual day.’ She nodded. ‘I can allow this.’
‘He has to have a bath and get his mane styled before I’ll be seen with him,’ said Rani, sounding much more like her old self.
Mira looked at Dave, who shrugged. ‘Fine,’ said Mira.
‘And I have one more demand,’ said Rani.
Mira sighed. She was getting a bit annoyed now – she was only trying to do something nice!
‘And what is that, Rani?’ said Madame Shetland.
‘I won’t go on the quest unless Mira comes too.’
Early the next morning, Team Sloth and Team Rhino (minus Angelica), gathered at the entrance to the forest.
Mrs Fetlock was handing out nets. Mira and Rani had gone to see Angelica in her stable before they left. They didn’t want her to feel too sad. But it turned out that Darcy and Star were also in detention for customising their rainbow tracksuits (or “ruining them”, according to Madame Shetland), and they were already in her stable and had offered to include her in their girl band. So they thought she’d be okay.
Mrs Fetlock was explaining that the mystery quest was to collect rainbow light. They’d travel to the amazing Rainbow Hill where they’d use their special nets to scoop the rainbow light from the sky. Then they’d bring it back to the darkest part of the Fearsome Forest and use it to light the forest lamps. Everyone was VERY excited!
‘You’re HOGGING the unicorn, you hog!’ grumbled Rani, fidgeting around and shoving Mira in the back.
‘No, YOU are!’ Mira wriggled backwards. ‘And he’s called Dave, not “the unicorn”.’
‘I want to go at the front,’ said Rani. ‘I can’t see anything with your big stupid head in the way.’
‘He’s MY unicorn so I get to go at the front,’ said Mira.
Dave sighed and trotted forward with the rest of the unicorns as they went up the path. They could see the rainbow light glinting over the brow of the hill, creating multi-coloured, ever-changing patterns in the sky.
Mira and Rani didn’t stop arguing ALL DAY.
But they still had the best quest EVER!
How much do YOU know about Unicorn School?
1. How many classes are there at Unicorn School?
a. 5 – A, B, C, D and E
b. 7 – one for each colour of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
c. 3 – breakfast, lunch and dinner
2. What is the official Unicorn School Sports Day uniform?
a. Pyjamas
b. Rainbow tracksuits
c. Pink vests with rabbits on them
3. Who now holds the Unicorn School record for Long Jump?
a. Queen Boudiccorn
b. Mira and Dave
c. King Henry the Neighth
4. Which sport is NOT a real Unicorn School sport?
a. Uni-Pole Vault
b. Bungee Wrestling
c. Egg and Spoonicorn race
5. What class is Rani in?
a. Class Indigo
b. Class Yellow
c. Class Red
Mostly As: Good try! Read this book again and see how many you get right next time!
Mostly Bs: You’re top of the class. Gold medal to YOU!
Mostly Cs: Better luck next time! It’s back to Unicorn School for you.
What is a unicorn’s favourite type of story?
Fairy tails
What do unicorns like to play in PE?
Stable tennis
How do unicorns get to the park?
On a unicycle
What did the unicorn wear to school?
A uni-form
How do you know that a unicorn has been in your house?
They leave glitter everywhere!
Why did the unicorn cross the road?
Because it wanted to see its NEIGHbours.
What’s the difference between a unicorn and a carrot?
One is a funny beast and the other is a bunny feast!
Look out for more brilliant adventures with Dave and Mira!
The Naughtiest Unicorn
The Naughtiest Unicorn and the School Disco
The Naughtiest Unicorn at Christmas