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by John Boyko

  79 Halifax Evening Express, April 16, 1866.

  80 Cited in Waite, The Life and Times of Confederation, p. 271.

  81 Tilley to Macdonald. April 20, 1866. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 51.

  82 Tilley to Macdonald. April 21, 1866. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 51.

  83 New York Times, May 5, 1866.

  84 Neidhardt, Fenianism in North America, p. 55.

  85 Elwood Jones, “Civil War Veteran, POW,” Peterborough Examiner, February 23, 2008; and Howard Pammett, “Counties Grow,” Peterborough Examiner, March 6, 1952.

  86 F.W. Campbell, Fenian Invasions of Canada of 1866 and 1870, p. 44.

  87 Monck to Cardwell, June 7, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. MG27. IB2. Vol. 1.

  88 Jenkins, Fenians and the Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction, p. 150.

  89 Globe, June 6, 1866.

  90 Seward to Bruce, June 11, 1866. Cited in Jenkins, Fenians and the Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction, p. 156.

  91 Bruce to Monck, June 11, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. Reel A-757.

  92 Monck to Bruce, June 14, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. Reel A-757.

  93 Monck to Carnarvon, July 21, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. Reel A-757.

  94 London Times, August 11, 1866.

  95 Toronto Daily Telegraph, July 11, 1866.

  96 McGee to Monck, June 4, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. MG27. IB2. Vol. 1.

  97 Globe, June 12, 1866.

  98 New York Tribune, August 21, 1866.

  99 Dixon to Monck, August 23, 1866; and Monck to Carnarvon, August 27, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. MG27. IB2, Vol. 1.

  100 Disraeli to Derby, September 30, 1866. Cited in Jenkins, Fenians and the Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction, p. 191.

  101 New York Tribune, October 29, 1866.

  102 Helen MacDonald, Canadian Public Opinion in the American Civil War, p. 118.

  103 Seward to Bruce, October 26, 1866. Cited in Jenkins, Fenians and the Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction, p. 205; and Carnarvon to Monck, November 12, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. Reel A-757.

  104 St. John Morning Telegraph, November 3, 1866.

  105 President Andrew Johnson, State of the Union Address, December 3, 1866.

  106 Carnarvon to Derby, October 11, 1866. Cited in Knox, “Conservative Imperialism,” p. 347.

  107 Knox, “Conservative Imperialism,” p. 346.

  108 Monck to Macdonald; Macdonald to Monck. LAC. Monck Papers. Reel A-757.

  109 Brown to Anne Brown, August 6, 1866. LAC. Brown Papers. MG27. ID8. Vol. 3; and Globe, August 8, 1866.

  110 Batt, Monck, p. 34.

  111 Galt to Anne Galt, June 23, 1867. LAC. Galt Papers. MG27. ID8. Vol. 3.

  112 Gwyn, John A, p. 266.

  113 Macdonald to Tilley, October 8, 1866. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 513.

  114 Edwards to Monck, November 15, 1866. LAC. Monck Papers. Reel A-757.

  115 Gwyn, John A, p. 390.

  116 Ibid., p. 413.


  1 Halifax Morning Chronicle, July 1, 1867.

  2 Bovey, “Confederate Agents in Canada During the American Civil War,” p. 139.

  3 Ibid., p. 140.

  4 Denison, Soldiering in Canada, p. 67.

  5 Jubal Early, A Memoir of the Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States of America, p., xiii.

  6 Thomas A. Desjardin, These Honored Dead, p. 124.

  7 New York Times, June 13, 1867.

  8 Denison, Soldiering in Canada, p. 69.

  9 New York Times, June 13, 1867.

  10 Varina Davis, Jefferson Davis, p. 799.

  11 Jefferson Davis, Private Letters, p. 282.

  12 Alexander Galt to Amy Galt, December 28, 1866. LAC. Galt Papers. MG27. ID8. Vol. 3.

  13 Macdonald to Brown, April 11, 1865. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 146.

  14 W.F. Spencer, The Confederate Navy in Europe, p. 2.

  15 James T. DeKay, The Rebel Raiders, p. 26

  16 Theodore Clarke Smith, “Expansion After the Civil War,” p. 2.

  17 David Shi, “Seward’s Attempt to Annex British Columbia,” p. 222.

  18 Paolino, The Foundations of the American Empire, p. 12.

  19 London Times, May 11, 1867. Reprinted New York Times, Montreal Gazette, May 24, 1867.

  20 Richard Neunherz, “Hemmed In: Reactions in British Columbia to the Purchase of Russian America.” p. 101.

  21 Ibid., p. 103

  22 New York Tribune. Cited in Lester B. Shippee, Canadian-American Relations, p. 198.

  23 Shippee, Canadian-American Relations, p. 198.

  24 Shi, “Seward’s Attempt to Annex British Columbia,” p. 224.

  25 Seymour to Buckingham, June 26, 1867. Cited in Neunherz, “Hemmed In,” p. 101.

  26 Geoffrey Perret, Ullysses S. Grant, p. 405.

  27 Maureen M. Robson, “The Alabama Claims and the Anglo-American Reconciliation,” p. 3.

  28 Perret, Ullysses S. Grant, p. 407.

  29 Ibid., p. 408.

  30 Allan Nevins, Hamilton Fish, p. 397.

  31 Thornton to Macdonald, February 15, 1870. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 516.

  32 Fish diary, April 15, 1870. Cited in Jenkins, Fenians and the Anglo-American Relations during Reconstruction, p. 303.

  33 Ibid.

  34 Ibid., November 9, 1869.

  35 Goldwin Smith, The Treaty of Washington, 1871, p. 25.

  36 Fish diary, September 26, 1870.

  37 Nevins, Hamilton Fish, p. 426.

  38 Ibid., p. 441.

  39 Ibid., p. 412.

  40 Adrian Cook, The Alabama Claims, p. 133.

  41 Fish diary, September 18, 1870.

  42 Ibid.

  43 Richard Gwyn, Nation Maker, p. 97.

  44 Ibid., p. 141.

  45 Foreman, A World on Fire, p. 802.

  46 Nevins, Hamilton Fish, p. 414.

  47 Macdonald to Rose, January 21, 1870. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 516.

  48 Macdonald to Campbell, November 1, 1870. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 342.

  49 Macdonald to Tupper, March 21, 1871. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-A. Vol. 4.

  50 Gwyn, Nation Maker, p. 167.

  51 Donald Creighton, John A. Macdonald. Vol. 2, p. 94.

  52 Cook, The Alabama Claims, p. 175.

  53 Macdonald to Tupper, April 29, 1871. LAC. Macdonald Papers. MG26-F. Vol. 4.

  54 Speech of Sir John A. Macdonald on introducing the bill to give effect to the Treaty of Washington as regards Canada: Delivered in the House of Common of Canada, on Friday the 3rd of May 1872. Joseph Edmund Collins, Life and Times of the Right Honourable Sir John A. Macdonald, p. 533.

  55 Ibid., p. 572.

  56 List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883. Washington D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1883, pp. 617–26.



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  British Military Records

  Charles Riggins Letters

  Civil Secretary’s Correspondence, Governor General’s Office Record Group

  Civil Secretary’s Letterbook, Governor General’s Office Record Group

  Correspondence Respecting the Attack on St. Albans Vermont and Naval Forces on the North American Lakes

  Dispatches from British Minister in Washington, Governor General’s Office Record Group

  Dispatches from the United States Consul in Montreal 1850–1906

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  George Brown Papers

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  Ministry of Militia fonds

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  Archives of Ontario (AO)

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  Wolverton Family fonds


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  Hamilton Daily Spectator

  Hamilton Times

  Irish Canadian (Toronto)

  London Free Press (Canada West)

  London Times (Britain)

  Montreal Evening Telegraph

  Montreal Gazette

  New York Herald

  New York Times

  Peterborough Examiner

  St. John Morning Telegraph

  Toronto Daily Telegraph

  Toronto Leader

  Windsor Star


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