They Killed Our President

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They Killed Our President Page 19

by Jesse Ventura, Dick Russell, David Wayne


  There are actually a lot more reasons than the ones I listed above. But I think you get the idea.

  Lt. Commander William Bruce Pitzer did not commit suicide. It was a national security assassination.

  352 Washington Post, “Cmdr. William B. Pitzer, Head of Navy TV Unit,” November 2, 1966:

  353 John Simkin, “William Pitzer: Biography,” Spartacus Educational, retrieved 7 May 2013:

  354 Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired), “The Unconventional Warrior Archives: Part Three—Orders to Kill,” August 23, 2002,:

  355 Belzer & Wayne, Hit List, 153—154, citing Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired); Simkin, “William Pitzer: Biography”; JFK Assassination: 13 Version (Documentary), 2003:

  356 Heiner, Without Smoking Gun.

  357 Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired), Expendable Elite: One Soldier’s Journey into Covert Warfare (TrineDay: 2005):

  358 The Men Who Killed Kennedy — Episode VI, “The Truth Shall Set You Free,” (Documentary), produced by Nigel Turner, A&E History Channel, 1995.

  359 Dan Marvin, “Bits & Pieces: A Green Beret on the Periphery of the JFK Assassination,” May 1995, The Fourth Decade, Vol. 2, No. 4:; Marvin, Expendable Elite; Marvin, “The Unconventional Warrior Archives: Part Three—Orders to Kill”.

  360 Heiner, Without Smoking Gun.

  361 Ibid.

  362 Allan R. J. Eaglesham & R. Robin Palmer, “The Untimely Death of Lieutenant Commander William B. Pitzer: The Physical Evidence,” January 1998, emphasis added:

  363 Heiner, Without Smoking Gun.

  364 Belzer & Wayne, Hit List, 163, citing Heiner, Without Smoking Gun.

  365 Heiner, Without Smoking Gun.


  The Zapruder Film Was Apparently Altered

  That film that was taken of the assassination as it happened also appears to have been altered.

  General Charles Douglas (C. D.) Jackson was Managing Director of Time- Life International, which quickly purchased the very controversial film of the assassination by Abraham Zapruder, and then kept it under lock and key for many years, prohibiting the public from learning what actually happened.

  When it was finally released, it was regarded as a perfect time-clock of the assassination and the one piece of evidence we could rely on. But what criminologists refer to as the “chain of evidence” of that film held some disturbing revelations.

  Douglas Horne was Chief Analyst for Military Records for the Assassination Records Review Board. A dramatic finding came as a simple result of one of their public hearings. Horne explains:

  The Review Board held a public hearing which was televised by C-Span. One of the people watching happened to be one of two people who actually magnified individual frames from the Zapruder film the weekend of the assassination and made prints for three briefing boards for use in briefing high officials in the government. The individual who watched the Z-film hearing on C-Span was named Morgan Bennett Hunter, and his supervisor in 1963 was Homer McMahon: both were then CIA employees at NPIC, the National Photo Interpretation Center.366

  The Secret Service brought that film to the CIA right after the assassination.

  The story that Homer and his assistant Ben told us was that, on the weekend of the assassination, they had a film brought to them by the Secret Service. . . . The Z-film was brought to them at NPIC on either Saturday night or Sunday night after the assassination, because they were positive it was before the president’s funeral, which was on Monday. They said that (the agent) brought what he represented to them as being the original Zapruder film. He did not come from Dallas. He came from Rochester, New York, where he said the film had been developed. And he used a code word for a classified film laboratory that the CIA had paid Kodak to set up and run in Rochester, their headquarters and main industrial facility.367

  That had huge implications and Horne realized it:

  This assertion by the Secret Service to two CIA film professionals that the original Zapruder film was developed in Rochester at a secret CIA-sponsored facility, instead of in Dallas, runs contrary to the paper trail that had traditionally been accepted as ground truth since 1967. We therefore now have an almost-too-good paper trail . . . which can no longer guarantee the authenticity of the film in the archives.368

  The point is that if the film was already developed, it can’t be developed again, so the Secret Service wasn’t bringing it to the CIA film specialists to have it developed. And it’s clear that the film was developed before it left Dallas. So why was the Secret Service taking it to the CIA at a special lab?

  The processing affidavits which attempt to establish the film’s chain-of-custody are all dated November 22, the day of the assassination . . . these affidavits still do mean that the Kodak lab in Dallas developed the original film; they establish that Mr. Zapruder exposed three contact prints at the Jamieson film lab in Dallas; and they further establish that he then returned to the Kodak processing plant where the three copies were immediately developed. All of these things happened on November 22, 1963.369

  So that could be the way that what seems problematically absent from the version of the Zapruder film we have been given—the stopping of the limousine that so many witnesses referred to, and the absence of blowout from the gunshot to the head—were edited out of the original version:

  If the authentic, original film was really shot in slow motion . . . and you wanted to remove certain events such as the car stop on Elm Street that over fifty Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses testified to, you would need to remove several frames, and then recreate a film that runs at normal speed, and that is much shorter than the original in terms of total number of frames. Furthermore, if you wanted to eliminate evidence of shots from the front you would need to black out the exit wound in the back of the head in some frames, and even remove some frames showing exit debris in midair. . . . The image alteration in these frames would be done using the technique called aerial imaging at a facility that possessed a sophisticated optical printer.370

  In other words, those changes would have to be made at a facility just like the CIA plant where the film was quite possibly sneaked off to during that broken chain of custody.

  The bottom line, as Horne concludes, is that “anyone who believes that the so-called original film in the archives today may be an altered, reconstructed product, and not the true original mentioned in the Zapruder affidavit trail, has valid grounds to be suspicious of it.”371

  Not everyone in the JFK research community is convinced that the movie’s been faked, but some are.

  James Fetzer taught at university level as a Professor of Logic for several decades and has applied the proven principles of logical deduction and scientific inquiry to the study of the JFK assassination materials. He has written extensively about the alterations he believes happened to that film. Especially in his book, The Great Zapruder Film Hoax, he explores that theme in detail.

  Upon frame-by-frame scientific examination of that film, Professor Fetzer concludes that while much of the film is genuine, it contains some frames that are scientifically impossible because they literally violate the laws of physics.372

  Photographic expert Jack White studied the film for decades and arrived at the same conclusion. You can see an excellent video study online at “The Great Zapruder Film Hoax”:373

  All I can say is this, if the head shot from the front was that obvious before they altered the film footage, imagine what it must have been like before it was modified!

  366 Russell, On the Trail of the JFK Assassins, 293—295.

  367 Ibid. />
  368 Ibid.

  369 Ibid.

  370 Ibid.

  371 Ibid.

  372 James H. Fetzer, Ph.D., The Great Zapruder Film Hoax: Deceit and Deception in the Death of JFK (Catfeet Press: 2003).

  373 “The Great Zapruder Film Hoax – 1/6,” retrieved 8 May 2013:


  The “Magic Bullet” Theory Has Been Proven False

  And now we come to The Granddaddy of ’em all on the subject of conflicting evidence.

  Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Arlen Specter and his world-famous “Single Bullet Theory,” also known (mockingly) as the “magic bullet.”

  He should have called it the “Single Bullshit Theory.” It almost defies description, but that didn’t stop Mr. Specter. And by the way, it totally cracks me up that they refer to people like me and our crazy “theories” about conspiracy and then they have the nerve to come up with something as ridiculous as that “magic bullet.”

  Since the government clung to their official version of one gunman and three bullets after it was verified that a separate shot had hit bystander James Tague, the government effectively “ran out of bullets.” There was a bullet hole in the back of the President’s jacket—that’s one. There was obviously a shot to his head—that’s two. That only left one bullet to account for all the other damage.

  So Arlen Specter, an attorney working at that time with the Warren Commission, devised a scenario where one bullet passed through President Kennedy, then changed course in mid-air and entered Governor Connally, went through-and-through Connally, then re-entered Connally again and lodged itself in his body. And the fact that it was impossible didn’t stop Specter either.

  To do true justice to this “theory”—and what a theory it is—you really need to see it as well as hear it. That’s done well in Oliver Stone’s film, JFK.374 In two-and-a-half minutes, they totally demolish the entire thing. Here’s the clip:

  I pointed out a lot of these “long stretches” in American Conspiracies: the so-called “magic bullet” would have had to have caused seven separate wounds in President Kennedy and Governor Connally. Plus, when this bullet just happened to turn up on a stretcher at Dallas’ Parkland Hospital, there weren’t even any bloodstains on it. And how could that bullet be undamaged when the one that hit Connally left behind some permanent lead in his wrist?375

  Take a good look at the almost total lack of damage to that bullet; it’s ridiculous. There’s a good photo of it online, with a good article, “The Magic Bullet: Even More Magical Than We Knew?” at:

  If that crazy theory had ever been subjected to the actual legal proceedings of a courtroom, it would have been rejected by a jury as laughably implausible.

  That theory was also totally demolished from a scientific standpoint by respected forensic expert Dr. Cyril Wecht. He has investigated the assassination of President Kennedy in minute detail, and he is diametrically opposed to the findings of the Warren Commission. Many of his excellent works are available at his archives:

  In his book, Cause of Death, Dr. Wecht rejects the single bullet theory as “an asinine pseudoscientific sham at best” that is “absolute nonsense.”376 I’d say that’s pretty clear.

  One important question was whether or not a bullet could indeed strike a rib and a radius bone of a human being and emerge as a pristine bullet. Considering that this same bullet had supposedly gone through both the president and the governor, Wecht claims that no bullet could have caused all the wounds of these two men and emerged pristine.377

  Also recall that Governor Connally—who, lest we forget, was even a victim—always maintained that he and JFK were hit by separate bullets. 378

  When FBI Special Agent James Sibert—who was present at the autopsy of President Kennedy—reflected on what he had seen, studied, and knew; here is his opinion:

  I don’t buy the single-bullet theory. I’m adamant in that statement.379

  The phone transcripts of President Johnson reveal that the Warren Commission’s invention of the premise that a single bullet was responsible for all the combined wounds was dismissed outright by many leaders, including members of the Commission itself.

  In conversations with Senator Richard Russell (Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman and also a member of the Warren Commission), Senator Russell informs President Johnson of the utter unbelievability of the Warren Commission’s “single bullet theory” and President Johnson immediately agrees with its absolute lack of plausibility.

  SENATOR RUSSELL: They was tryin’ to prove that the same bullet that hit Kennedy first, was the one that hit Connally and went through him and went through his hand and his bone and into his leg and everything else . . . But they said that . . . the Commission believe that the same bullet that hit Kennedy hit Connally. Well, I don’t believe it!

  PRESIDENT JOHNSON: I don’t either.380

  And I don’t either.

  Just watch the angles that magic bullet would have had to take in mid-air to do all that damage to Kennedy and Connally. Then they find it on a stretcher at the hospital, and guess what? It’s like a new bullet! They called it a “pristine” bullet, because even after supposedly wreaking all that horrendous damage, the bullet still looks new. That’s impossible!

  In fact, that “pristine” bullet they found literally could not have done all that damage, for one simple reason: There was more bullet fragment recovered from Connally than was missing from that bullet.381 Not possible, period.

  374 JFK, directed by Oliver Stone (Warner Home Video: 1991),

  375 Ventura & Russell, American Conspiracies.

  376 Cyril Wecht, M.D., J.D., Mark Curriden & Ben Wecht, Cause of Death (Onyx: 1995).

  377 Antoinette Giancana, John R. Hughes, DM OXON, MD, Ph.D.& Thomas H. Jobe,

  MD, JFK and Sam: The Connection Between the Giancana and Kennedy Assassinations, (Cumberland House: 2005).

  378 Russell Kent, “The Best Evidence Against the SBT,” Fair Play Magazine, May–June 1998:

  379 William Matson Law & Allan Eaglesham, In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence (JFK Lancer: 2004).

  380 White House tapes of September 18, 1964 at 7:54 P.M., cited in Donald E. Wilkes, Jr., Professor of Law, “JFK Killer Not Alone, UGA Professor Says,” December 8, 1994, The Athens Observer, 1A:

  381 Kent, “The Best Evidence Against the SBT.”


  The U.S. Government Subverted the Investigation of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison

  There’s people who’ll disagree, but I think Jim Garrison was a true American hero. In 1966, the New Orleans District Attorney’s Office uncovered evidence believed to be linked to the assassination of President Kennedy and opened up an official investigation of those facts that they were legally obligated to pursue. It was within their legal jurisdiction and could have—and should have—been pursued without obstruction of justice.

  Take note here that the American people welcomed the District Attorney’s investigation because it seemed that it was the first authentic look at it that anyone had taken. It was widely perceived that finally there was going to actually be an investigation.

  If you want a good example of the American people’s serious reservations about the Warren Commission and the way that they overwhelmingly welcomed Garrison’s investigation, just listen to the District Attorney’s appearance on The Steve Allen Show in 1971. And when you listen to Jim Garrison eloquently explaining what really happened, it’s really amazing that—even though the truth was available then—we’re still being lied to now:382

  Justice was obstructed. And it was obstructed by the very people who were supposed to be guarding our rights
to learn the truth.

  It is now known that the U.S. government hindered the investigation wherever it could. At first, few believed Garrison’s claim that the CIA had curtailed his investigation:

  Then . . . former CIA official Victor Marchetti revealed that high-level CIA conferences in early 1969 had determined to ‘give help in the trial.’ Said Marchetti: ‘I sure as hell know they didn’t mean Garrison.’ Marchetti maintained that both [Clay] Shaw and David Ferrie, another of Garrison’s prime suspects, had served the agency at one time.383

  In fact, the wheels of power in the U.S. government impeded the investigation of Jim Garrison at every opportunity: electronically bugging his office, smearing his name, and blocking extradition of witnesses Garrison sought after they had fled to other states. His attempts to subpoena witnesses were struck down by judges.384 And then major media went after him, too; they launched vicious and well-organized attempts against his investigations.385

  So here’s a very important question: Why did the U.S. government block Jim Garrison’s court case? That shows a government conspiracy, as Garrison was a legitimate District Attorney prosecuting a local case; it was a murder case so there’s no statute of limitations on murder—it’s his call. If he wants to go after this case, why were subpoenaed witnesses halted by the federal government? That point completely shows a government cover-up, government malfeasance to the worst degree. They worked against District Attorney Garrison’s trial. That had to come from the highest echelons of government. Who makes the call to block Jim Garrison’s trial? Is it the Attorney General? Is it the President? It ain’t gonna be some mid-level guy making a call like that and over-ruling a legitimate local district attorney of Orleans Parish, you can bet on that.

  Although the jury found that there was not sufficient evidence to convict Clay Shaw, who was the defendant in that trial, Garrison proved a lot of important things. He found strong assassination links to mobster Carlo Marcello’s associates David Ferrie, Guy Banister, and Jack Ruby.


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