One Great Year

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One Great Year Page 35

by Tamara Veitch

  Inside the mysterious tent was a large, perfectly square hole in the ground with an open trap door of thick steel. Within the hole was a steep metal stairway with fifteen steps. It was well lit and the walls were dark and earthy. It smelled of soil and moisture, and the Emissaries entered hesitantly, some needing more reassurance and encouragement from the guards.

  “It’s amazing down there. It’s a secure underground facility with everything you could possibly want and more,” they promised. “Zahn spared no expense.”

  The foursome was in the middle of the pack. Nate descended first, followed by Eden, Elijah, and then Quinn. They were anxious to see what awaited them below. What did I get us into? Quinn thought, anxious to speak with Zahn.

  The tent was certainly more than a tent, that much had already been proved. At the bottom of the steps there was a long, smoothly cut tunnel about seven feet high, lit brightly with electric bulbs. There was a “welcome” sign running six feet in length, and the younger children were excited by the streamers and balloons along the path. The tunnel was at a decline and took the travelers deeper into the cool earth.

  At the end of the corridor there was a massive copper door that shone brilliantly, reflecting the light. The guests were stunned as they passed the threshold and it opened into an enormous room. It was modern and glowing, with pale marble floors and walls and a ceiling of the same polished copper. There were so many people—not only the Crystal Children but hundreds of other Emissaries that Grey Elder had brought to Patagonia with his unlimited resources.

  Quinn’s head was reeling and he watched Elijah suspiciously for any sign of Helghul. The boy stood innocently at Eden’s side, wondering aloud with the others. People all around remarked in astonishment and proceeded deeper into the expansive structure, pleased with what they found. It wasn’t what they had expected, but it was modern and comfortable all the same.

  They were all relieved when they saw Zahn appear through the door with the last of the straggling passengers. The Seducer-Producer, flanked by his massive bodyguards, strolled casually toward the waiting crowd, which was gently moved back by his security barrier. Zahn’s tan linen pants and white shirt hung casual and loose. He still wore his Serengeti shades.

  Quinn tried to move around the guards toward Zahn but was prevented. “I just need to talk to him,” he said in surprise, but the sentries remained silent and impregnable.

  “Zahn! Over here,” Quinn called through the unyielding flesh barricade.

  Zahn’s eyes scanned to the left in response. “Ahhh, Quinn!” he purred, as if surprised to see him. At the flick of his perfectly manicured hand, the guards stepped aside.

  Quinn looked back at them smugly as he passed. “What is this? Where are we?” he asked. They stood in front of the copper door, separated from the rest of the group by five yards and at least twenty stern-faced men. He wanted a simple, reasonable explanation. He wanted to hear that they were heading somewhere different tomorrow. He wanted to hear absolutely anything except the horrible truth that he had only just realized.

  “Haven’t you figured it out yet, Marcus?” Grey Elder sneered, and Quinn’s stomach constricted. The intuition that he had been struggling to ignore let loose, and he felt a bitter sting as his Marcus-memory fully recognized the familiar feeling of captivity. He felt nauseated and briefly missed the sanctuary of his apartment. His Marcus-brain was feeding him information and explanations that he was loath to accept: he had been deceived. He had led them all into a trap. He had willingly walked down the stairs into his own prison.

  “Helghul is my creature, Marcus. I was in the cavern the night you saw him sacrificed to the Darkness. I was the hooded mentor,” the Elder hissed menacingly, pausing to allow the monumental declaration to set in.

  Quinn pounced—fast, but not fast enough. The veins at his neck were bulging as he strained against the thugs, who easily restrained him on either side.

  “You bastard!” he snarled through gritted teeth.

  The crowd became agitated as they watched in confusion. Zahn appeared composed and had not even flinched. He neared, within a breath of Quinn’s face, and removed his sunglasses. His hollow blue eyes had lost their phony sparkle, and the aura that surrounded him had turned an ominous dark purple as he revealed himself.

  “You killed those children? Anjolie?” Quinn accused, referring to the Crystal Child from Lyon who had been murdered. He heard Eden gasp at the accusation, and she tried to break free of the crowd, but the mercenaries barred her way.

  The weight of his error was crushing him. Quinn had brought all of these children and Eden and had delivered them to the Darkness! How could they light the world now? Would the Dark Age continue because of his failure?

  “What’s he saying, what’s happening?” Eden and others around her demanded, but Zahn continued to speak only to Quinn.

  “I, like you, have lived many lives, and in each I have conspired and manipulated to arrive at this very place. I have carefully planned for this day. In this life I was born to a useless pair of simple people but, as you can see, I rose to power as I always have. Memory and money are wonderful tools. I am proof of the greatness you could have aspired to if you had used the power you were given,” Grey Elder said in a low voice.

  Though Quinn had stopped struggling, the guards continued to dig steely fingers into his flesh. “There’s nothing great about you! You’re a murderer and you’ll be stopped,” he said smoothly, determined to keep his emotions hidden. He wouldn’t give in to any more outbursts. He didn’t want to give Grey Elder the satisfaction nor add to the apprehensive energy growing behind him.

  “Stopped by whom? You? A pot-smoking blogger hiding in a dumpy hovel instead of living life? When did you get so weak? At what point did the Darkness win and break you down so completely? You were Plato and you have fallen just like Greece, from greatness into ruin. You’ve had the advantage of memory and have done nothing with it. You were so easy to manipulate, Marcus. What a disappointment,” Grey Elder taunted, pacing back and forth in front of him.

  Marcus refused to be provoked and the Elder continued: “With your and Theron’s help, I’ve found almost every Emissary. You’d like to go back, wouldn’t you? Run away with your dear Theron … shirk your responsibilities … give up on mankind just like I knew you would. She has always been your weakness, Marcus.”

  “What do you want from us?” Quinn demanded.

  Eden was afraid, not having understood the bits of the disturbing conversation she had overheard. She wondered who Theron was. Who had always been Quinn’s weakness? What lifetimes? The crowd was growing more anxious, and she pulled Elijah closer to her.

  “If the Emissaries are here, they can’t hinder my progress. You’ll be contained and I will have my way in the world.”

  “The people will surprise you!” Quinn warned. “There are many good, enlightened people and they don’t need the Emissaries like they used to. We’ve done our job. They’re learning to connect with spirit and be conscious. You can’t stop it.”

  Zahn laughed and his guards chimed in, though they were ignorant to the meaning of the conversation. “What? Like Nate there? The good soul you told me about who tossed you aside for the slightest bruise to his ego? For jealousy?”

  Nate was surprised to hear his name, and he colored, shamefaced, as the truth was spoken. The guards drew their weapons protectively as Zahn’s revelations raised panic in the multitude.

  “You underestimate people. There is unity and compassion,” Eden chimed in.

  Zahn turned with a sudden jerk and indicated the unsettled crowd. “And they look to me! I am their idol, the great humanitarian, the Seducer-Producer, the great Oswald Zahn. I am their god. Celebrity and money is all they value. You say ‘God’ and most of the world tunes out. They shut off, or they divide into their religious trenches and prepare for battle! They think God is some imaginary old being sitting on a throne in the clouds, not something inside them! It’s too late.’

p; He turned back to Quinn. “You think they’ve come so far? Look at how broken down you were, and you’re supposed to be one of the chosen ones! Do you really think the rest of them have a chance?” he snapped, flipping his hand toward Quinn in disgust.

  “You’re wrong,” Quinn challenged.

  “You know better than anyone about the wonderful drugs … legal and illegal … the anti-depressants … letting them all tune out and feel numb … grey … no light or dark, just indifferent and apathetic. It makes them ripe for the picking.”

  “This is a time of awakening. There is a collective consciousness emerging. You’re afraid or you wouldn’t have us here,” Eden rebutted.

  “The hardship’s just begun. I’ll fan the flames of their innermost fears. They will shed their false cloaks of goodness and light, and scatter like cockroaches to hide themselves in the darkest corners. I will crush every Light-sentient being that walks this Earth, and the Darkness will reign forever,” the leader hissed, enunciating every syllable.

  Elijah whispered to his mom, and she hugged him tightly.

  “Why?” Nate asked simply. Nate, a man without memory or understanding of the higher consciousness, had asked the most important question of all.

  “It is my destiny. It is … my role,” Grey Elder answered simply.

  “But why?” Nate asked again.

  When it was obvious that Grey Elder did not intend to answer, Quinn piped up.

  “Because without choice, there is no true goodness. If there is no evil, and therefore no opportunity to choose between good and evil, then there is no real good at all. It is the original intention that we all develop and grow into the Light by choice, denying the Darkness,” Quinn said.

  “The strife, the darkest times … they wake the soul and can lead to the greatest light,” Elijah interjected from where he stood with Eden’s arms wrapped around him. His childish voice was high like a lizard’s chirp in the night.

  Zahn looked at him disapprovingly. It was important that he separate the boy from his mother as soon as possible. “The Emissaries have failed. The Bronze Age will not rise. The Great Darkness will remain,” he announced proudly.

  “You can’t keep us here!” the father of one of the Crystal Children protested, and more joined in.

  “This fortress is impregnable. I suggest you prepare for a long stay,” Zahn shouted for all to hear.

  The frightened group erupted in dissent and tears, but resistance was useless. The intimidating guards shifted their weapons, at attention.

  “Bring the boy to me,” Zahn ordered, pointing at Elijah.

  As a guard took hold of him, Eden punched and howled, all the while clinging to her son. Quinn was still restrained, but Nate and others near them joined the fight.

  “Gently now!” Zahn shouted at the guards. He did not wish to injure or offend Helghul.

  The melee ended quickly as a gunshot echoed through the air. Soldiers descended upon the unarmed group, pushing people roughly to the hard floor and easily scooping Elijah up.

  “NO!” Eden screamed, as they held her back.

  Quinn and Nate were unable to intervene. Eden did not relent and continued struggling and shouting.

  “MOM!” Elijah wailed hysterically as he was carried like a sack over a beefy shoulder.

  Elijah was maneuvered into Seducer-Producer’s Range Rover and sandwiched in by guards on either side. Zahn climbed into the front passenger seat and did not look back at the crying boy as they departed.

  Quinn was released by his subjugators, and the copper door was slammed and locked. Copper ceiling, solid stone floors and walls—Quinn was powerless to stop Grey Elder. He went to Eden, who was sobbing in Nate’s arms. Quinn and Nate held Eden on either side as she continued to sob for her abducted child.

  “I’m sorry I got you into this. I trusted him. It’s so fucking obvious now. I can’t believe I trusted him!” Quinn said, hanging his head.

  Eden couldn’t register his apology. It didn’t make sense. There was nothing anyone could say to console her, but she had so many questions.

  “He fooled everyone. The whole world thinks he’s a saint or guru or something. He’s on the board of half the world’s biggest charities,” Nate comforted, his injured ego forgotten. “Max, who is he, really?” he asked from Eden’s other side.

  “I should have known better. I should have seen through him. How could I be so naïve after all these lifetimes?” Quinn said miserably, flashing back to the night in the cave, the many dreams about it. It had been there in his memory. Grey Elder had been the cloaked grand master to Helghul on the night of the exodus from Atitala. It had been Grey Elder who had first separated Marcus from Theron, with what Quinn now suspected had been a phony leg injury. How could he have missed it? He had gone back to the dream so many times; was he meant to have seen it? Had he failed? Could he have figured it out? Could he have paid closer attention and prevented this nightmare?

  Seducer-Producer had been too good to be true, and Marcus had delivered to him all of the Emissaries. They were innocents, now trapped in some isolated outpost, useless and doomed.



  Quinn could see the amethyst karmic code surrounding the crowd, and he noticed that their auras joined together and grew thicker and stronger when their energies combined. He hadn’t been in the presence of more than two or three Emissaries at one time since leaving Atitala thousands of years earlier. Despite the anger and confusion that the prisoners felt, Marcus sensed that their spirits remained optimistic.

  “It will be okay, things aren’t so bad here,” one kind-faced girl had said brightly, putting her hand on Quinn’s shoulder as she passed.

  You don’t understand, Quinn thought, his cool demeanor strained by the gravity of their predicament. He looked desperately from face to face, searching for understanding and recognition, but there was none.

  They were doomed and only he knew it. None of them knew the truth of why they were there or understood how they were alike. They saw the polished marble floors, miles of immaculate hospital-bright hallways, and stainless steel dorm beds and kitchens around them and they remained hopeful. Only Quinn knew for certain that Zahn had collected them like butterflies pinned under glass. They were neutralized and trapped beneath the beautiful remote wilderness.

  There were Emissaries from every continent, of every age and color. Zahn had lured them with as many false pretenses as there were people. He had sent out pleas, calls for help, donations, and volunteers. In response, from around the globe doctors, teachers, environmentalists, and artists had flocked to him. The Elder had appealed to their sense of duty and service. He was the Seducer-Producer after all, his persona carried influence, especially among the philanthropic.

  Zahn had identified and collected the Emissaries easily, like shiny rocks on a beach. Certainly he may have missed a few, or there were others yet to be reborn, but he was ever vigilant. He was determined to silence them and to withhold their energy from the world.

  People sat on modular benches and cubes instead of traditional tables and chairs. It reminded Quinn of a modern university campus. It was amazing that a subterranean world like this could exist, but it did. It must have cost a fortune. Despite having Nate and Eden beside him, Quinn felt desperately alone.

  Eden’s head was pounding. She was terrified for her son, and in her head she replayed the conversation between Quinn and Zahn. Murder? Theron? Plots? Ghouls? What had they been saying? Eden’s heart was heavy, and she felt responsible for having led so many of the people around her into danger. What the hell was going on?

  “Where’s he taken my son?” she demanded, rounding on Quinn. The tiny woman shook. Her throat constricted with emotion.

  Quinn hesitated. He didn’t know what to say. A few fellow newcomers hovered close by, anxious to hear anything they could, and those who had already been imprisoned there observed the exchange curiously.

  “I don’t know,” Quinn admitted. H
e watched helplessly as Eden was once again overwhelmed, turning to Nate for support. Quinn ached to console her, but it was not him she had reached for.

  After a few minutes Eden’s sobs subsided, and Quinn placed a gentle hand on her back. They each felt the powerful tug in the solar plexus, as though the very cores of them were connected. His energy affected her unlike any other. She did not blame Quinn for their predicament.

  “What was all that crazy talk? What the fuck is going on?” Nate asked, bewildered, and Eden shuddered, her misery catching in her throat.

  “I trusted him. I had no reason to doubt him,” Quinn said, but as he spoke the words they felt like a lie. Once again he flashed to the images of the cloaked figure in Atitala, and he wondered if he had always known that it was Grey Elder. Perhaps he had chosen not to see.

  “We were all fooled,” Eden said with a gulp. She took another deep breath, summoning her inner strength and regaining her composure. Her chestnut hair was wild around her face, and strands were pasted by tears to her cheeks. Her eyes were bloodshot and glowing bright green, and Quinn thought she looked magical. “I’m no good to Elijah crying on the floor. We have to figure out what’s happening and find him. Tell us everything you know that we don’t.”

  “I don’t know where to begin,” Quinn said.

  “Start anywhere! Just gimme some answers,” she demanded, a leftover sob catching as a hiccup as she spoke. She was standing on her own now, and Nate stood beside her, anxious for Quinn to explain.

  Quinn was tired before even beginning. He spoke in low tones, not wanting those eavesdropping nearby to hear. “Eden, this is not the first time that we’ve met … nor is this the first time I have explained this to you. We come from a place long ago where we were chosen. We are Emissaries … many of the others here and all of the Crystal Children are Emissaries as well. We are envoys, chosen to bring goodness and hope to the world, to deliver the secret of creation and guide the world back into enlightenment. Like you … the rest of these people don’t know it.”


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