Second Chance Romance

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Second Chance Romance Page 8

by Jill Weatherholt

  Simple words, yet they jabbed Melanie’s heart. She knew her aunt ran The Bean primarily on her own. “I miss her, too, but I’m here, so I’ll get a fresh pot going, and you can start peeling the pile of potatoes over there.” She pointed to the mound next to the sink.

  “Ten-four, Sergeant Harper.” He did a quick salute and laughed. “Can you send Rebecca back here? I’ll let her give them a good scrub.”

  Two hours later, the restaurant was bustling with customers. Jackson had command of the kitchen, but not without a few minor mishaps. Melanie had to use a chisel to remove the gobs of hardened egg from the skillet after he forgot to use enough cooking spray on the first batch of scrambled eggs.

  Melanie thought she had everything under control until Mr. Phillips, who she learned was the town barber, requested ketchup for his eggs.

  “I’ll get it for you, Mr. Phillips,” Rebecca announced and sprinted toward the kitchen, eager to help. She ran back out with the bottle in her tiny hands. Melanie heard the crash and watched the ketchup splatter everywhere.

  “Oh no!” The woman who’d earlier introduced herself to Melanie as the pastor’s wife sprang to her feet.

  Melanie raced toward her. Her once-lovely winter-white pantsuit was now painted in red blobs. “Let me help you.” But Melanie knew the flimsy dishcloth wasn’t a solution. The suit was ruined.

  Rebecca stood frozen, and then she burst into tears. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Stevenson. It was an accident.” Her sobs grew in volume and traveled through the restaurant.

  Jackson flew from the kitchen. “What happened? Why is she crying?”

  “There was a little accident.” Mrs. Stevenson pursed her lips. “No harm done. I’ll go home and change before the board meeting.” She snatched her purse and turned on her heel toward the door.

  “Send me the dry-cleaning bill,” Jackson called out before the door closed. He looked down at Rebecca.

  “I’m really sorry, Daddy. I didn’t mean to drop the ketchup.”

  No matter how hard Melanie tried to keep her feelings about Rebecca under control, her heart ached for the child.

  “Okay, but try and be more careful, sweetheart.”

  Her head dropped, and she kicked her tennis shoe into the tile. “I will... I’ll go get the mop.” She shot to the kitchen.

  Melanie scanned the room. Two elderly men were enjoying a leisurely cup of coffee, paying no mind to the scene that had transpired. The morning rush had finally slowed. She released a breath.

  “Tired?” Jackson asked and took the mop from Rebecca. “Thank you.”

  “No, I’m not tired. I guess I’m not used to so much socializing at work.” In DC, her day began at 6:30 a.m. She’d shut herself behind the closed door of her professionally decorated office, only to come out for restroom breaks. If she left the office after 8:00 or 9:00 p.m., it was a guarantee she wouldn’t run into anyone in the elevator. That was her life.

  Jackson nodded. “I suppose having your face buried in a file doesn’t leave much time for talking to people.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  The truth was that her workdays hadn’t always been so bleak. She’d once enjoyed the camaraderie she shared with her fellow partners and associates. But after the accident, everything changed. The constant looks of concern and people asking how she was doing were exhausting. It was much easier to hide.

  “You okay?” Jackson’s light touch on her forearm brought her back to the present.

  “I’m fine. I was thinking, I should probably call the hospital and see how Aunt Phoebe did last night.”

  “Good idea. The bus will be here to pick up Rebecca at eleven thirty. Why don’t I drive you over to see Phoebe after we finish up with the lunch rush?” Jackson wiped the last of the ketchup spatters off the table.

  Melanie needed to see her aunt. A shiver traveled through her body. She rubbed her arms. Talking with all the customers this morning, although they were friendly, made her feel like an outsider. “I appreciate it, but I wouldn’t want to impose. I’m sure you have other things to do this afternoon.”

  “Nothing would make me happier than to see Phoebe, too.”

  She paused, but only for a moment. “Sounds like a plan, then.” She retrieved her purse from behind the counter and pulled out her cell phone. “Oh shoot, my battery is dead. Can I use your phone?”

  He pulled his cell from his shirt pocket. “Of course you can.”

  Melanie glanced at the screen and looked up. “Jackson, you have quite a few missed calls on your phone.”

  His eyebrow arched, and he took the phone from Melanie’s hand. “What?”

  “Maybe you have it set on Silent by accident.”

  He examined the phone. “I do. I’m not sure how it happened.”

  Jackson pushed the button and scrolled through calls. “This is odd.” He scratched his temple.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “All of the calls are from an unknown number, and all within the past fifteen minutes.” Jackson handed the phone back to Melanie. “Go ahead and call the hospital. It must have been a solicitor. If it had been important, the caller would have left a message.”

  Moments later, Melanie pushed her way through the kitchen door and into the dining area. She stopped quick and smiled. Jackson sat at a table by the window with Rebecca perched on his lap. He rubbed her curls while she quietly read to him. Curious George. A pain seared her stomach. It had been her girls’ favorite book.

  “Miss Melanie! Do you want me to read to you, too?”

  Jarred back into the present, she approached the table. Her heels sounded a gentle click. “I got through to Sara at the hospital. Aunt Phoebe had a good night.”

  Jackson smiled and glanced at his watch. “I need to run to the store and pick up some coffee and napkins. I’m afraid we might run out before the delivery at the end of the week. Do you think you’ll be okay by yourself for a bit?”

  The aroma of bacon lingered in the air. The two elderly men from the morning rush had gone, and the restaurant was empty. Melanie opened up her arms. “I think I can handle this crowd.” She continued to wipe down the countertop.

  He motioned to Rebecca. “Come on, Squirt. Let’s do some grocery shopping before your bus comes.”

  Rebecca sprang from her chair, leaving Curious George on the table. “Can’t I stay here with Miss Melanie?”

  Melanie ran her palm down the front of her pant leg. She enjoyed the time she got to spend with Rebecca when Jackson was around, but she was afraid of being alone with her. However, there was something about the child’s disposition that made Melanie feel like she had before the accident, before her world exploded. “Yes, Jackson, please let her stay.”

  “Are you sure, Mel?”

  “I think it’s a good idea. You never know who might come in.” She tousled Rebecca’s curls.

  Jackson jammed his hands inside the pockets of his jeans. “Okay, then. You two hold down the fort.”

  Melanie caught a whiff of his aftershave as he strolled toward the coatrack and grabbed his leather jacket. The hairs on her arms stood at attention. Her insides warmed at the sight of his dark hair against the leather collar. He was definitely what she and her old college girlfriends referred to as a stud. There was no doubt Nurse Sara wasn’t the only woman in the valley who’d love the title of Mrs. Jackson Daughtry.

  After a father-daughter hug, she and Rebecca waved goodbye. “Take your time. We’ll be fine.” Melanie’s stomach clenched. Would they really be fine? She wasn’t so sure. The memories of her daughters flooded her mind whenever Rebecca was around. But her adorable giggle and warm heart filled a void empty since the accident.

  For the next thirty minutes, Rebecca read to Melanie as they sat at the counter. She sneaked quick peeks at the child. Joy was edging its way into Melan
ie’s heart, and she couldn’t stop it.

  When an elderly couple arrived for a late breakfast, Melanie cooked scrambled eggs while Rebecca monitored the bread in the toaster. As the couple sipped their second cup of dark roast coffee, the front door bell jingled.

  Rebecca hopped out of her chair and ran toward the door. “Welcome to The Bean. I’m Rebecca.”

  Melanie turned and spied a tall, attractive brunette standing in the doorway, looking down at Rebecca. The woman was dressed in tight blue jeans and spiked high heels, the kind you might wear to a nightclub. It was hard to tell her age from her heavy eye makeup.

  She continued to stare at the little girl as though she was in a trance. A chill ran across Melanie’s skin. She grabbed a menu from the counter and approached the woman. Something didn’t feel right.

  She extended her hand in hopes of getting the woman’s eyes off Rebecca. “Hello, I’m Melanie. Welcome to The Bean.”

  The woman nodded.

  “You’re not from around here. I know everyone.” The little girl must have noticed the longing gaze the brunette was giving her, so she stepped behind Melanie in an attempt to hide.

  There was something definitely odd going on, but Melanie didn’t feel right chasing off a customer. “Would you like to sit at a table or the counter?”

  Except for the sound of the couple’s clinking silverware, silence consumed the room.

  The woman glanced at Melanie, her face expressionless. Seconds later, she shook her head and exited the restaurant.

  Rebecca hung on to Melanie’s thigh. “Who was that lady, Miss Melanie?”

  Melanie peered through the blinds and wondered the same thing. Who was she, and why did she have such an obvious interest in Rebecca?

  Chapter Six

  As Jackson cruised along the narrow, winding mountain road, the wildflowers’ brilliant colors exploded under the autumn sun. With all the necessary supplies, he headed back to The Bean. He smiled at his recent blessings. He and Melanie were working together to keep things running for Phoebe. And Sara’s report on the lady’s condition was positive. Life was good. His daughter brought out a softer side of Melanie, one he found quite attractive.

  He turned into the parking lot of The Bean with a tight grip on the steering wheel. Jackson did a double take when he spied a woman who resembled his ex-wife, Taylor. She was running toward a black Mustang.

  His hands wet with sweat, he jammed the truck into Park. There was no way she would come back. Not now.

  The engine revved and the Mustang peeled out of the parking lot, leaving Jackson’s truck in a swirling cloud of dust. The high speed and the car’s tinted windows made it impossible for him to get a better look.

  He sprang from the truck and raced inside The Bean. His heart slowed when he opened the front door and spotted Melanie and Rebecca sitting at the counter. Each had a large glass of chocolate milk. By the looks of the dark layer puddled on the bottom, it was heavy on the chocolate.

  “Well, what do we have here? Are the workers taking a break?”

  Wearing huge grins, they both spun around in their stools like synchronized swimmers. “Miss Melanie made us real chocolate milk, Daddy. It’s got the good syrup.”

  He laughed. “I see. Maybe I should have bought some more syrup while I was at the store.”

  Melanie smiled. “When I was a little girl, my dad let me drink it only on special occasions.”

  Rebecca tilted her head. “What kind of occasions, Miss Melanie?”

  “If I got a good grade on my report card or did well on a test.” She touched her earring. “He believed if you drank it every day, it wouldn’t taste as good.”

  “It looks pretty tasty to me,” Jackson said. He put the coffee on the counter. He was anxious to ask Melanie about the woman who’d just left the restaurant. “Hey, Squirt, why don’t you go and wash an apple to take with your lunch?”

  Rebecca zipped to the kitchen.

  Jackson moved closer to the window. “So, did you have many customers while I was gone?”

  She shook her head. “We had one really sweet couple from Upstate New York. They were on their way to Florida for the winter,” Melanie said.

  Jackson stepped away from the window. “Oh yes, the snowbirds. We actually get a lot of those this time of the year. Ah...anyone else?”

  Rebecca poked her head from behind the kitchen door and walked toward them. “Did you tell Daddy about the strange lady, Miss Melanie?”

  He noticed Melanie’s shoulders stiffen, and his heart sped up. “What lady, Rebecca?” he asked.

  His daughter first looked at Melanie and then at Jackson with wide eyes. “A weird lady. She didn’t say anything.” She shrugged her shoulders. “She stared at me for a long time. It was kind of creepy.”

  “What do you mean, she stared at you?”

  “You tell him, Miss Melanie.”

  Melanie picked at her fingernail as she turned to look at him. “It was a little strange. A woman came in, but I don’t think she was interested in eating or even a cup of coffee. She didn’t want a table and she never said a word. She had this far-off look in her eyes and seemed confused.”

  “Maybe she was lost.” Doubt consumed him.

  Melanie cocked her head. “I don’t know what was wrong with her, but she did seem captivated by Rebecca. It was very odd.”

  Rebecca nodded. Her curls jiggled. “Yeah, she was scary.” Her nose wrinkled. “I hope she doesn’t come back.”

  If his gut was right and it was Taylor, why would she come back after so many years away? “Don’t worry. She was probably just passing through town and got lost.” But until he confirmed that the “weird lady” was not his ex-wife, there was no way Jackson would leave Melanie or Rebecca alone in the restaurant.

  * * *

  The next morning at The Bean, Jackson was a bundle of nerves. His crazy dream from the night before, with Taylor kidnapping Rebecca, had him jumping each time the front door bell jingled. He expected to see his ex walk in and try to snatch Rebecca. To play it safe, he sat Rebecca at the far corner table, away from the door. She colored, unaware of his paranoia.

  Gurgling sounds filled the restaurant when the ninth pot of coffee of the day started to percolate. He couldn’t keep the pots filled. For a Tuesday morning, it was wild. A tour bus rolled in with a crowd of senior leaf-peepers. Some lingered out front to snap pictures of the golden leaves on the trees.

  Thirty minutes later, Jackson stood at the window, relief settling in when the bus rolled out of the parking lot. He turned to clear the coffee cups from the table near the door.

  Rebecca raised her head. “Daddy, I smell something burning.” She turned her attention back to the two rabbits she chose to color purple.

  He took a whiff and immediately sprinted into the kitchen. Flames shot up from the skillet. Melanie sat at a small table in the corner on her cell phone. She wrote feverously on a pad of paper, oblivious to her surroundings.

  Jackson bolted toward the fire extinguisher mounted on the wall. “Melanie! There’s a fire!”

  With four quick blasts from the extinguisher, the fire was out. Jackson wiped the perspiration from his brow and turned toward her. Unbelievable...she was still on the phone. Didn’t she smell the smoke or see the flames? She could have burned the place to the ground. He flung the skillet with the blackened bacon into the sink and stormed out of the kitchen. The crash echoed behind him.

  Moments later, Melanie stomped into the dining area, carrying her phone and the pad of paper. “Jackson, I was on an important call. I didn’t appreciate you banging the dishes and making so much noise.”

  Was she joking? She was angry at him? He bit down hard on his lip, nearly breaking the skin. “Are you kidding? Didn’t you see the grease fire you started? You can’t leave food cooking on the st
ove unattended.” His anger continued to bubble.

  She rolled her eyes. “Don’t you think you’re overdramatizing the situation? It’s just a little burned bacon, Jackson.”

  Afraid of what he might say, he held his tongue for a moment. The rumble of Rebecca’s school bus pulling into the parking lot was a relief. He’d have a few more minutes to cool off. “Rebecca, get your coat and your book bag. The bus is here.”

  She grabbed her stuff, ran toward Melanie and kissed her hand. “’Bye, Miss Melanie.”

  “Goodbye, sweetie. You have a good day.”

  Outside, the school bus honked its horn. Rebecca sprinted to Jackson and hugged his waist. “Please don’t yell at Miss Melanie any more, Daddy. I’m sure it was an accident.”

  As the bus pulled out of the parking lot, Jackson turned to Melanie. “I’m sorry I yelled, but you could have burned the place down.” His face pinched. “What could take priority that you’d ignore a fire?”

  She looked away. “I was talking to my office.”

  “Ah... I should have known. Of course, your job takes priority over this hillbilly place.”

  “That’s not fair, Jackson.”

  He stepped closer. “What’s not fair? It’s how you feel about this place...about me. I’m just some uneducated country bumpkin compared to you.”

  She leaned in. “For your information, my client’s son was kidnapped. This case has consumed my time for weeks. The only reason my partners allowed me some time off is because I promised to work on it while I’m here.”

  Jackson raised his eyebrow. Kidnapped. Last night’s dream surfaced in his mind.

  Hugging the notepad to her chest, she looked him in the eye. “My client’s ex-husband took their child back to his country. He went against a court order. The child has been uprooted from his home and deprived from seeing his own mother.”

  His anger eased. Thoughts of Rebecca filled his mind. How would he feel if Taylor kidnapped his daughter? “I’m sorry for your client and for how I acted.” Who knew how much longer Phoebe would be out of commission and they would have to work together? It was time for him to accept the fact Melanie had a job back in DC. If they needed her from time to time, he’d have to adjust his frame of mind. “So, is there anything you can do for your client from here?”


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