The Matchmaker Bride

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The Matchmaker Bride Page 26

by Ginny Baird

  Grandmother Margaret headed up the steps behind Chad. “Goodnight, all!” she said. “Nice day.”

  Chad waved. “See you young folks in the morning.”

  “Don’t stay up too late,” Parker warned. “We’re leaving here at ten for the christening.”

  “I’ll put some fresh muffins out in the morning,” Elsa added. “Help yourselves!”

  Margaret chastised her in a good-humored way. “Oh Elsa, you don’t need to get up early and bake for us again.”

  “It’s no problem,” Elsa said. “Always happy to contribute.”

  When they’d gone, Clarita turned to the Fuenteses. “Thanks for treating us to pizza.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Amar said.

  “It’s been so fun meeting you and Meredith both. Amar and I are really pleased you could join us.”

  Amar checked his watch. “Well, Ginette. It’s probably time we head upstairs ourselves.”

  Olivia glanced around and peeked up at Derrick, who shifted on his feet, his gaze darting from her to Meredith then back again. “I should probably go, too,” she said.

  “Yeah.” Derrick nodded. “I’m going to get back to my cabin.”

  Clarita smiled. “That’s my cue to say good night, too.” She waved at Ginette and Amar, who’d nearly reached the second floor. “See you both in the morning!”

  “Good night!” they called. Then Clarita opened the front door.

  “Meredith,” she said to her niece. “Are you coming with—”

  “Just a sec.” Derrick caught Meredith’s eye. “If you have a moment?”

  She felt her whole body flush. “Um, sure.” She glanced uncertainly at Olivia, who stared at Derrick.

  “I’ll go with Clarita,” Olivia said.

  Was she planning to stay at the guesthouse or merely pack her things to take over to Derrick’s?

  She smiled at Derrick and answered Meredith’s question. “Night, Derrick,” she told him. “See you in the morning.”

  Meredith hadn’t exactly planned on a slumber party with her aunt and Olivia. She hoped things wouldn’t be too weird with the three of them staying there. Then again, Olivia had been there first, before her. It was only for one night anyway and Olivia had her own room.

  Derrick stared at his feet. “I can’t believe that you’re leaving tomorrow. It’s only a few days early but still…” He looked up with his penetrating blue eyes. “I’d hoped you’d stay until Wednesday. The full ten days.”

  “Yeah well, I’ve got work to do.” Sadness hummed through her. “We’re taping on Tuesday.”

  “Tuesday? Wait.” He studied her closely. “Did you get some news?”

  Delaying telling him was pointless now, so she went on ahead. “Uh, yeah,” she said. “About that…” She bit her lip. “The deals fell through.”

  “You’re kidding me.” His brow creased. “Both of them?”

  She nodded. “I wish, but no. I heard from Beth yesterday—”

  “Hang on? Yesterday? And you didn’t tell me?” He looked crushed.

  “I didn’t want to spoil the moment—between you and Olivia.”

  “And this morning?”

  “There never seemed to be the right time.”

  “Any time would have been the right time.” He raked a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, Mer. I know this was your dream.”

  “Other dreams will come along.”

  “Maybe so, but it would have been nice for you to have this one now.”


  He blew out a breath. “So, what are you going to tell the paparazzi? What’s the public message going to be?”

  “Same as before,” she told him. “That your ex came to Blue Hill for a family christening and, when you two reconnected, things sparked.”

  “Sparked, huh?” His face hung in a frown. “Funny that you’d say that.”

  “Funny?” she asked, not understanding.

  “I just meant your choice of words,” he said without explaining further.

  Okay… “Anyway,” she continued. “I still plan to use the same line about stepping aside for true love.” Her heart pinged when she said it, because before it was just a cover story. Now, everything was painfully real. But Derrick could never know that.

  He was finally getting his second chance with Olivia, and it would be selfish of her to ruin it for him by expressing her gushy feelings. What would that accomplish other than putting Derrick in an uncomfortable spot?

  “So,” he said after a pause. “I guess this is it then? After tomorrow I’ll never see you again?”

  “Not unless you invite me to your wedding.” Her face burned hot. “I mean, some of my clients do, but I really wouldn’t expect that this time.”

  “Slow down there, Mer. Nobody’s announced any new engagements yet. In fact, Olivia and I are taking it slow. Extra slow.” He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “So slow I doubt it’s going anywhere beyond us being friends.”

  This threw her for a loop. “What? But I thought—”

  “It’s pretty hard to focus on Olivia when my head is somewhere else.” His gaze misted over and he set his chin.

  Wait. Was he speaking about her? It was probably too much to hope that her aunt was right. “Derrick,” she asked. “What are you saying?”

  “What I’m saying is…” His shoulders sank. “I’m going to miss you.”

  She waited for him to add something more but he didn’t.

  It was just like last summer.

  “Yeah.” Her lips trembled. “I’m going to miss you, too.”

  “Good night, Mer,” he said, looking resigned somehow, and her heart broke in two.

  Her throat swelled, but she managed to eke out, “Good night, Derrick.”

  Then she quickly turned away and walked briskly toward the guesthouse, ready to leave Blue Hill behind her—once and for all.

  Chapter Thirty

  Meredith placed Clarita’s luggage in the trunk of her rental car. She’d already loaded up hers, as they planned to get on the road right after the christening without stopping back here. They’d had minimal interactions with Olivia, who’d been polite and had pretty much kept to herself in her room. She’d left early this morning to ride with William and Sofia and help them with the baby.

  Olivia would be staying an extra day so would have the guesthouse to herself tonight. Would she ask Derrick over for a drink in the gazebo? When he’d said that thing about them taking things slow and maybe not being anything more than friends because his mind had been somewhere else, Meredith’s heart had given a hopeful surge. But then he hadn’t exactly followed through by expressing his interest in her, either.

  Well, she’d done her good deed in bringing Derrick and Olivia back together.

  Now the rest of their future was up to them.

  “Beautiful place.” Clarita surveyed the property, the hemline of her lemon chiffon dress fluttering in the breeze. “I almost hate to leave it.”

  Meredith wore her flouncy floral skirt and white peasant blouse. The ensemble was maybe a bit date-like, but it was the most suitable outfit she had for church. When she’d arrived at Derrick’s cabin, she’d brought mostly casual clothing.

  “I know what you mean,” Meredith said. “I’m going to miss being in Blue Hill.”

  “Keep telling yourself you’re doing a good thing, because you are.”

  “Thanks, Titi Clarita.” She shut Clarita’s trunk with unexpected force. “I guess I’m just ready for all this benevolence to be over with.”

  Clarita frowned in sympathy. “It will be soon enough.”

  A short time later, Meredith walked down the sun-dappled sidewalk approaching the small white church with its tall steeple seemingly touching the clouds. The group was waiting on her and Clarita, who’d arrived there l
ast. Sofia held Julia who was dressed in a darling white lace christening gown. Its matching baby cap was tied on with a silky ribbon knotted in a dainty bow.

  Sofia’s parents and William stood beside her and Olivia. Derrick was there, too, along with the rest of his family. He looked so handsome in a suit and tie that Meredith had to peel her eyes off of him as she and Clarita hurried up the steps.

  “Morning everyone!” she said.

  Clarita smiled. “What a nice-looking group!”

  Grandpa Chad grinned. “You ladies look lovely yourselves.”

  Meredith turned her attention on Julia. “Aww, she’s an angel.”

  “The christening gown belonged to my mother,” Ginette explained. “It’s been in the family for years.”

  “What a precious keepsake,” Clarita said, admiring Julia.

  Julia gurgled and Sofia jostled her against her shoulder. “Let’s hope she stays quiet during the service.”

  Meredith guessed that she would. The baby had barely fussed the entire time she’d seen her.

  Maybe that was because Julia had been saving up for a momentous occasion like today.

  The first sputtering cry came right after the family settled into the pews. Sofia, William, their parents, and the grandparents sat on the front row with the others seated behind them. Clarita scooted down so Meredith could sit beside her on the end of the pew adjoining the aisle. Olivia and Derrick were on Clarita’s other side.

  Sofia and William had all sorts of toys in their diaper bag to keep Julia distracted. They tried inserting a pacifier into her pudgy mouth, but she kept spitting it out. By the time the baptism ceremony began, the infant was cranked up and ready to roar.

  The minute the holy water hit her forehead, she wailed. William shifted on his feet looking embarrassed and Sofia pursed her lips, passing Julia to the minister, an older man with silvery white hair. Hope and Brent stood close by, as the infant’s designated godparents, while everyone tried to pretend that Julia wasn’t screaming at the top of her lungs.

  Clarita chuckled and leaned toward Meredith. “You were that way at your baptism, too. Very noisy.”

  Meredith giggled behind her bulletin. “Let’s hope for everyone’s sake it’s over soon.”

  And it was. The minister sped up the service and only walked Julia halfway down the aisle before returning her into William’s open arms and issuing a quick blessing. Ten minutes later, the service had ended and the Albrights and company escaped nervously out of the church, accepting well wishes from others in attendance as they passed by.

  The only one who hadn’t seemed to notice Julia’s ruckus was Olivia. Each time Meredith had peeked her way, Olivia had had her eyes on Derrick and not the service. She was probably planning what she was going to say about them giving things another shot. Meredith was glad she wouldn’t be around for that part. She sighed, trying not to wonder about the possibility of her being with Derrick instead of Olivia, because clearly that wasn’t happening. She drew in a deep breath to calm herself, repeating the mantra her aunt had encouraged. You’re doing a good thing.

  At last, her time in Blue Hill had finally ended.


  Clarita and Meredith hugged everyone goodbye in the parking lot beside the church, thanking the Albrights for their hospitality and Sofia and William for accepting them as party crashers.

  “You can crash our parties anytime,” Margaret said with a big hug.

  Meredith’s heart hurt when she realized she’d miss Derrick’s grandma as much as the rest of them. There was even something about Olivia she’d miss. Strangely.

  Olivia hugged her and whispered, “Thanks for your tips! I plan to act on them today.”

  “Oh?” Meredith stared at her, not knowing what she meant and maybe not wanting to. Maybe Olivia was going to finally make her big play for Derrick by suggesting they start dating. So much for taking it slow. She was probably ready to step on the gas.

  Meredith glanced at Derrick who was hanging back from the group, and then more family members pressed in for hugs from her Titi Clarita. The Albrights were a really huggy family. In that way, they reminded Meredith of her own.

  Derrick was the last to approach her. Some of the others were still talking to her aunt.

  “So.” He shoved his hands into his slacks pockets. “I guess this is it then.”

  Unlike everyone else, he didn’t hug her and maybe Meredith was glad. She didn’t know how she’d take being in his arms again, even briefly. “Yeah, guess so.”

  His blue eyes glinted in the midday sun. “I’m sure you’ll do great things in Boston.”

  “Thanks.” She glanced at Olivia and her heart sank. “I’m sure you’ll do great things here.”

  He nodded.

  “Oh Derrick!” Grandmother Margaret said. “Would you be a dear and help your grandpa get his seat back? The controls are stuck on his car again and he wants to drive.”

  Derrick set his chin. “Sorry,” he said to Meredith. “I’d better—”

  “Sure, sure. Go.”

  He walked away and Meredith’s heart thudded dully in her chest. His farewell had felt incomplete, though she wasn’t sure what she’d expected.

  Clarita hugged her the hardest. “Well, mija. This is it until we see each other again in Miami or Boston.”

  “Take care, Titi Clarita, and thanks again for everything. Give my love to Mom and Dad.”

  Clarita got in her rental car and the others headed toward their vehicles with waves.

  Meredith climbed into her convertible and pushed a button to lower the roof. Given the dark clouds thundering in her soul, she could use all the sunshine she could get.

  Once she got back to Boston, things would look brighter. She’d devise a plan for getting her career back on track, beginning with a big reveal show about her sad engagement breakup and the important way it had ended…with her stepping aside for true love.

  She saw Derrick and Olivia standing together, chatting with Sofia, and tears prickled her eyes. She held them back and slid the key into her ignition.

  When she looked up, Derrick was striding in her direction. Her heart leaped but then it fell when she saw the sad look in his eyes.

  “You know,” he said, “we didn’t get a proper goodbye.” He leaned toward her with a hug and she returned it, her battered heart aching. His embrace was tender and warm, but crushing in its finality.

  “Goodbye, Derrick.”

  “Take care of yourself, Mer.”

  “Thanks. You, too.” She bit her lip, ready to put this agonizing moment behind her. “Um, I’d better get going. I’ve got a long drive.”

  “Yeah.” He thumped the side of her car and frowned. “Safe travels.”


  The drive back to his grandparents’ place was gruelingly slow. Derrick felt like it took an hour to go those last fifteen minutes. In a way he hadn’t expected, it had been really tough watching Meredith leave Blue Hill. He’d had this crazy idea about begging her not to go. He’d even thought about jumping into that car with her and heading down to Boston to begin a new life. But no. He’d never do that. His life was in Blue Hill and he loved his job at the boat school.

  He also preferred the peaceful view of a moonlit cove over the glare of big-city lights, and the quiet rustle of the breeze through the pines to the wailing sound of late-night emergency vehicles. He got enough of that when he visited his grandparents in their ritzy brownstone in Boston. He didn’t need concrete sidewalks when worn dirt roads did just as well for his morning runs. Boston Common was beautiful, but the enormous, planned park couldn’t compete with the view of sailboats skimming across Blue Hill Bay in his mind.

  Meredith had called their one passionate moment together a mistake. And maybe it had been, because now it was going to be twice as hard getting over her. No matter how much he wished things ha
d ended differently, they hadn’t. At least he was on better footing with Olivia. Not romantically, though. He was more certain than ever that their chapter had closed. He just needed to find a way to tell her.


  The rest of the afternoon was pleasant enough, with folks having cake and coffee on the back porch after lunch and enjoying the sunny weather. Derrick tried to keep abreast of the various conversations going on around him, but his mind kept drifting out to sea with the tide.

  Olivia stayed beside him, chatting with his family, and it was easy to forget there had ever been rift between them. She really was a good person, and the two of them were getting along better than they had before.

  But the vibe between them was definitely friendship. Nothing more.

  Sofia’s parents were the first to announce they needed to go.

  “I have summer school classes tomorrow,” Amar told them.

  “Ahh, I remember those days,” William said.

  “Now he’s lucky to get a break at all,” Sofia added, but she was smiling.

  “I don’t mind the hard work.” He lovingly gazed at his wife and the infant daughter in her arms. “It’s been worth it.”

  “We’re saving up for a bigger house,” Sofia told the group.

  “How exciting,” Ginette said. “We didn’t know.” She was already slipping on her cardigan and had gotten to her feet.

  “We should probably hit the road, too,” Parker said, standing. He nodded at Elsa as she carried some empty dishes into the house.

  “All packed!” she answered. Her apologetic gaze swept the group. “It’s been such a wonderful weekend. We really hate to go, but duty calls.”

  Derrick knew his mom’s work as a magazine editor kept her busy, and his literary agent dad had an upcoming conference to prepare for.

  “We need to push off, too,” Brent said, nodding at his wife. “To catch our flight back to North Carolina out of Boston.”

  Hope smiled. “It’s been so great seeing everyone.”

  “Am I the only one staying until tomorrow?” Sally complained.

  “No,” Grandmother Margaret said. “William, Sofia, and Julia will be here one more day.”


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