His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3)

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His Little Problem (Rakes of Mayfair Book 3) Page 14

by Melinda Barron

  While one hand worked the phallus, Julian’s fingers toyed with her clit. He pulled and pinched and teased her, remaining silent as he brought her closer to the release that she wanted to feel so much.

  She grasped the bedclothes under her as he fucked and pinched, fucked and pinched. She came on a hard upswing as the phallus hit the sweet spot inside her. As she spiraled downward she looked up to see him watching her with a large smile on his face.

  She wanted to play with his cock, take it into her, but she knew he would not allow it at this time.

  “Over the popper, my pet,” he said.

  Alice did as she was told, her body quivering from the orgasm she’d just experienced

  Julian walked to a dresser behind her and Alice imagined him selecting the leather and the crop from the drawer where he kept his “punishment implements.”

  “Remember, Alice, this is just an experiment. I’m not going to beat you. Not today.”

  She wasn’t sure what to think about the last part of that statement, but right now she didn’t care. She wanted to feel the leather, and the crop in these gentle motions. She wanted to thank him for taking the time to do it this way, to not throw her into the fray, so to speak.

  “Tell me, Alice, if I were going to really punish you, why would I be doing it?”

  “For arguing with you about going to Shaw’s house,” Alice whispered.


  “I don’t understand. Is there another reason?”

  Julian sighed. “Why would more swats have been added on, Alice?”

  “For leaving your bed without permission?”

  “Exactly,” Julian said. “I worry about you, and I don’t want you out of my house without telling me where you are going. I know you’re an independent woman, but you need to keep me informed of where you are.”

  “Yes, Julian,” she said.

  The leather came down gently, over and over. They were, what her mother would call, love taps, hitting just hard enough for them to be felt but not to cause any real damage.

  When it was over he kissed her bottom, both cheeks. The kisses shocked her, but she didn’t say a word.

  “If this were a real punishment your bottom would be as red as a rose,” he said. “Now, that you’ve had a taste of the leather it’s time to add the riding crop to the mix. It will sting a little more, but if it gets to be too much you let me know.

  “I will, Julian.”

  “Good girl, my pet,” he said.

  Alice felt a moment of despair when Julian walked back to the chest. She wanted him next to her. She felt naked, alone. When he returned, she sighed with pleasure. She reminded herself this was an experiment, that he wasn’t going to hurt her with the wicked looking implement he held in his hand.

  The riding crop felt small when he rubbed it on her ass. “It is your job to let me know if it hurts too badly, Alice.”

  The crop came down softly on her behind and Alice smiled. She felt as if she had been worried for nothing.

  Swish. The second swat made a loud noise and then landed on the valley below her behind and above her thighs.

  Swish. The third one was harder and landed in the same area and Alice moaned louder.

  The sound of the crop was almost worse than the swat. It continued for some time, swish, slap. Swish, slap. Swish, slap.

  Finally, when one hit a little harder than the others Alice cried out. “That hurts, that hurts.”

  “Shush,” he said. “I’ll ease up a little. And he did. The spanking went on for a little longer, and then he dropped the crop and pulled Alice up into his arms. He stroked her hair as he held her close.

  “Tell me, Alice, do you think you can love me?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’m a little afraid of it, I admit, but I am also excited about being with you for the rest of my life.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. After he laid her down he quickly stripped out of his clothes. When they were on the bed together Julian kissed her, his tongue probed her mouth as his hand moved down to caress her breasts. Alice voiced her approval as his mouth moved down and captured first one nipple and then the other.

  “Sweet Alice,” he murmured as his fingers dipped into her center. “How wet you are for me. Do you want me, sweet Alice? Do you want the real thing after being fucked by the marble?”

  “Yes, Julian, I want you inside me.” Alice ran her hands up his chest as he raised himself above her.

  “You are mine, sweet Alice,” he whispered as he leaned down and kissed her. He gently bit her lower lip and she giggled softly.

  When they had settled into a sweet rhythm he kissed her over and over again. He guided her legs around his hips and Alice moaned with approval as he sank in deeper.

  “You are mine, pet. Never forget that.”

  “I won’t,” Alice whispered as her climax spilled from her body. Moments later she felt his seed spill into her body as he cried out his own release and collapsed on top of her.

  The weight of his body made Alice feel a bond with him. She’d never felt so needed before. He was still nestled inside her and she felt abandoned as he slipped out of her, and out of the bed.

  He returned with a warm, wet cloth.

  “I’ll have the bedclothes changed,” he whispered as he ran the cloth between her legs. “You are truly mine now, Alice.”

  She laughed as she reached up to kiss him. “And I always will be yours, Julian. Forever.”

  The Ellington house was bustling with activity when Julian and Alice’s carriage joined the line to the front door.

  “Have we heard anything from MacIntosh?” Alice flattened out her skirts and looked at Julian.

  “Not a word. It makes me a bit curious. I do believe he’s up to something and may not be as easy to deal with as we thought.”

  The carriage moved forward, and Alice grinned. “Perhaps your problem is not as solved as we thought it was; it’s a good thing I received payment before the job was done.”

  Julian gave her a wicked grin. “Taking your maidenhead was not payment, Alice. It was a pleasure. A distinct pleasure.”

  Alice blushed as she remembered the number of times Julian had taken her over the past few days. He’d surprised her in the library, the sitting room and the gardens.

  “After you’re my wife I’ll take you in each room in the house,” Julian whispered in her ears as he’d pumped himself into her on the great room sofa.

  Julian had decided to wait until after Cannonberry’s wedding to consolidate their two households, even after Alice had told him about the men banging on the door.

  “Is there anything in there that you don’t want to lose?”

  Alice had thought about the contents of her house. Truthfully there was nothing that she would be devastated to lose, except Jane.

  “You’re a million miles away,” Julian said from the other side of the carriage. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’m worried about Jane leaving me. She confided to me that you frighten her.”

  Julian laughed and then shook his head. “I’ll have a talk with her. I’ll increase her salary and I promise I’ll be nice to her. I’ll just torment her once or twice a day.”

  He raised his eyebrows in a menacing way and Alice giggled.

  “You are terrible,” she said as the carriage moved forward in the line. “Didn’t Amelia make a beautiful bride at her wedding?”

  “Not as beautiful as you will look in three weeks’ time,” he said.

  Alice couldn’t help but smile. “There is so much yet to do.”

  “Charlotte and Carin will help you,” he said.

  “And what will you do?” she asked with a laugh.

  “Drink scotch and watch,” he replied.

  “It doesn’t seem fair,” she said.

  “I’ll make it up to you in other ways,” he said.

  “I will hold you to that promise,” she said.

  Once they were inside the glittering ballroom all thoughts o
f staff and moving households were gone. Brightly colored dresses filled the room and Alice once again smoothed down the skirts on her own purple frock. Her hands were shaking, and the movement stilled her nerves somewhat.

  Everyone in the room was staring at them. The first bans for their marriage had been published yesterday and well-heeled society ladies were talking behind their fans. Alice was sure “fortune-hunter” was the word being bandied about.

  “Relax,” Julian whispered in her ear. “Or we’ll go upstairs, and I’ll give you something to be worried about. I believe your behind would protest greatly if I were to redden it again, but I’m sure Ellington has a crop I could use.”

  Alice shook her head vigorously. “I’m sorry.”

  “As you should be,” Julian said.

  Carin came up and pulled her into a hug. “You look beautiful, Alice. I’m so happy you’re here.”

  Lady Ellington patted Buxton’s arm flirtatiously and then pulled Alice into the room. “Let me introduce you to some of the ladies present. They’re anxious to meet you.”

  “You mean anxious to see who has taken a marriage prospect away from their daughters,” Charlotte laughed, joining the two women.

  Alice smiled and then her head swam as she was introduced to Lady this and Lady that.

  “There’s no way I can remember everyone,” she whispered in Charlotte’s ear. “Some I already know but not all of them. I never knew there were so many members of the realm.”

  “You’ll learn the names quickly enough,” Charlotte responded. “After you and Julian are wed you’ll be expected to host parties and dinners. It’s so much fun. You’ll love it and we’ll help.”

  When the dancing started after dinner, Alice marveled at the way the young ladies flirted with the eligible men. Alice herself took to the floor with Julian and several of his friends. Many of the people were outside, hunting for the boxes that contained the little treasures. Alice was surprised to see how much they all enjoyed it, and how they talked about what they had found. Alice marveled that many of them acted like they’d found the crown jewels.

  She was taking a sip of lemonade when a hand on the small of her back caused her to frown.

  “Mrs. Hamilton,” a low voice said. “May I have the pleasure of a dance?”

  Without waiting for an answer, the man swept her into his arms and onto the dance floor.

  “Do I know you, sir?” Alice asked as she tried to follow the quick steps. They were near the garden doors and the cool breeze blew past them.

  “You know of me,” the man answered. “My name is MacIntosh.”

  Alice swallowed visibly, and the man pulled her closer. “Don’t make a scene, Mrs. Hamilton. Just be a good girl and come with me.”

  MacIntosh laughed when Alice tried to push herself out of his arms when they entered the gardens. When she opened her mouth to protest a strong male hand clamped over her mouth. MacIntosh pushed her backwards into a strong chest. Arms closed around her and pulled her into the shadows.

  MacIntosh followed. When he was close enough Alice looked up into blue eyes that were glittering with hate. “Your husband and his depraved friends have robbed me of a wife. Shaw has made me a laughing stock. Now, I plan to rob them of their money. And you’re going to help me.”

  Alice shook her head and body violently, trying to free herself from her captor’s arms.

  “Oh, yes, you will. And when I have their money I still plan to let everyone know about their little Club. Take her to my hideaway. And don’t let anyone see you. And don’t harm her. I want that pleasure for myself. I have to go back inside and be seen. Until later, my dear.”

  A foul-smelling cloth was placed over Alice’s mouth as she continued to struggle. The last thought she had before the darkness came was that she would probably never see Julian again.

  “I’ve checked his house and Howell’s house,” Barton said, as he and Cannonberry burst into the sitting room at Buxton’s home. “She’s not at either place.”

  The look on Buxton’s face could have killed a man at thirty paces and Barton stepped back and gulped.

  “He has to have some other residence somewhere,” Essex said. “We could check deeds tomorrow…”

  “No! I want her back Now!” Julian worked to overcome the anger that was threatening to swallow him whole. “I will kill him myself if there is one wrinkle on her dress, one hair out of place.”

  Essex took a step forward. “We will find her, Buxton. Ellington will be back soon with Celia Howell. Her performance ended about ten minutes ago. She will tell us where she and MacIntosh tryst. I’m sure that’s where he is holding Alice.”

  Moments later Ellington slammed through the doors, a young street boy in tow.

  “Celia Howell did not perform tonight,” he said through clenched teeth. “But this young man helped her move clothing today from her house to a house near the Thames.”

  The young boy was shaking, and Essex stepped in front of Buxton, who moved to storm across the room toward the cowering youth.

  “Tell me where,” Buxton said menacingly.

  The youth sputtered, and Buxton shook his head. “Just take us there. Now.”

  “Do you really think that MacIntosh will marry you?” Alice continued to struggle against the ropes that held her hands captive behind the chair. “He is an Earl. You are an actress.”

  “Yes,” Celia said, lounging against the back of the couch. “And you are a whore marrying a Lord. Or you would be marrying him, if you were still alive on the wedding day. I’m sure that Tosh has wonderful plans for your death. I hope he lets me watch.”

  Alice stared at the woman sitting in front of her and smiled.

  “Julian won’t allow that to happen. You and your friend underestimate him, and his friends.”

  “And you underestimate us,” Celia replied with a smirk. “Tosh’s name is not linked to this house. Nor is mine. Your lover will not find you here. Once we have the money on Saturday Tosh and I will leave for Scotland. Nothing will link us to your death. Or to the downfall of Buxton and his perverted little Club.”

  The door opened and MacIntosh walked in. A frown was etched upon his face and for the first time Alice saw a crack in the smile that had lit Celia’s face that evening.

  “Where have you been?” Her voice was low.

  “I don’t have to answer to you,” MacIntosh answered. “Has anything untoward happened?”

  Celia shook her head. “I want to know where you have been. I want to know, now!”

  MacIntosh stared at her and then turned an evil smile on Alice. “Seems your future husband doesn’t care about you as much as you thought. I figured he would have found you by now. Maybe he’s not even looking.”

  Alice shook her head and then turned her eyes on Celia. The actress seethed with anger.

  “I won’t be ignored,” Celia shrieked. “You’ve been with another woman, haven’t you?”

  “Silence!” MacIntosh screamed. “Do you think I give a damn about you? I searched you out after I discovered you had a relationship with Shaw and he threw you over for my future wife! You were the perfect way into his household. If you wish to keep breathing, you will keep your mouth closed.”

  Celia began to cry. Long wails of anger filled the room. “Bastard! Bastard! You said you loved me! You made me watch while you killed Rogers. You insufferable whoreson!”

  Alice cringed as MacIntosh crossed the room and pulled Celia from the couch. He slapped her twice and then threw her back down.

  “The only reason you are not dead yet is because I need you,” he said, his voice like steel. “Be a good girl and I won’t kill you later, but I will not tolerate your current behavior. Do I make myself clear?”

  Celia nodded as tears fell down her face. The actress cringed as MacIntosh pulled her up again.

  “I do find you very entertaining in bed,” he said loudly. “That sweet mouth makes a perfect hole for me. Should we put on a show for Mrs. Hamilton? Give a good performa
nce and I might consider letting you live.”

  Alice cringed as MacIntosh began unfastening his pants. Celia shook as she followed MacIntosh’s orders to get on her knees. She gave Alice a pleading look, and then turned her eyes toward her tormentor.

  Alice closed her eyes and prayed for Julian to save her.

  “Watch, Mrs. Hamilton,” MacIntosh said, his eyes fastened on Celia. “Watch how a real whore behaves.”

  A low noise from the doorway pulled Alice’s eyes open. She sighed softly as Julian quietly stepped into the room and stopped, his keen eyes taking in the scene.

  He gave Alice a smile and put his finger to his lips. Near the couch MacIntosh and Celia were so engrossed with each other they hadn’t noticed Julian’s entry.

  Alice watched Julian nod toward the garden doors. Essex, Ellington and Barton were partly hidden by the shadows.

  Celia’s yelp as MacIntosh grabbed her hair and yelled, “Suck me, whore,” broke the silence. Julian nodded, and the garden doors burst open.

  Julian ran across the room and tackled MacIntosh, who struggled against the pants that were down around his ankles.

  MacIntosh screamed out a name as Julian’s fist came down on his face over and over and over.

  “Behind you!” Alice screamed as the man who had abducted her ran into the room.

  Essex and Barton tackled the man as Ellington tried to pull Buxton off MacIntosh.

  “Enough, Buxton! Stop!” Ellington yelled.

  “Julian!” Alice’s voice stopped Buxton’s fist in midair. He sprang to his feet and pulled her up into his arms, chair and all

  “Alice, my love, did he harm you?”

  Alice shook her head and then laid it on Julian’s shoulder.

  Cannonberry entered the room with police constables trailing behind him.

  “He killed him!” Celia yelled out, pointing at MacIntosh. “It was him, not me!

  The constable looked confused. “Killed who?”

  Buxton quickly untied Alice and then gathered her in his arms again. He kissed her repeatedly until she felt as if her lungs no longer had breath in them.

  “Ellington will tell you everything,” he said to the constable. “Tell Inspector Wilcox to come to Lord Buxton’s house in the morning. Right now, I am taking my fiancée home.”


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