Extremely Famous

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Extremely Famous Page 28

by Heather Leigh

  “No one knows, Adam. You can’t tell anyone either. My parents don’t even know.”

  This is the test, to see if Adam really is the good friend he claims to be.

  “But why the secret?” His brows are pulled together in confusion as he angles his body in my direction.

  I give him my best ‘are you kidding me’ look. “I don’t like the shitstorm that seems to follow me everywhere I go. I don’t want the media to hound me about it.”

  “I guess I understand that. Married.” He gives me a weak smile. “Just wish it could have been a more deserving guy, Sydney.”

  My forehead crumples as I study Adam. Did he really just say that?

  “You know, you’re both being idiots,” I snap at him. “You’re both wrong about each other but you’re too stubborn to listen!”

  “Alright Sydney. I’m an easy guy to get along with. I’ll listen.” He leans back in his chair again, and crosses his arms, an annoying smirk on his face. He thinks he’s right and Drew is wrong, just like Drew thinks the opposite is true.

  Fine, I’ll play his game.

  I inhale deeply and begin, “Do you remember a night about ten years ago when Drew and his cast came to one of your performances way back? He was filming his first movie and your band was still playing tiny clubs in L.A.?”

  Adam takes a moment to consider his words before responding. “I’m not sure, there were a lot of performances and a lot of film crews.”

  “You all went to a party afterwards at someone’s house, a producer of his film.”

  His face lights up in recognition, then saddens some. “I remember that. It was at some big movie producer’s house. I was so bloody nervous to be there because the producer could open a lot of doors for me.” Adam looks at me, slightly embarrassed. “I wanted him to help me get into acting. I loved music and the band, but I was tired of playing small clubs every night, never getting anywhere. I wanted more.”

  Okay, so far he knows what I’m talking about. “Yes, that’s the party. What else do you remember?”

  “Not much, I was very nearly having kittens knowing the film producer was there, so I went on an all-night bender, you know, liquid courage and all that.”

  I happen to know a lot about liquid courage.

  “That’s what I thought. Do you remember a girl?”

  “Girl? What do you mean?” He has a truly puzzled look on his face. “There are always girls, Syd. Be more specific.”

  “A girl Adam. Do you remember hooking up with a girl at the party?”

  I can tell that he’s wracking his brain trying to remember, but can’t, shaking his head. “No, just all the fucking alcohol I drank, and then waking up at my mate’s house with a blinding hangover.”

  “Okay Adam. I’ll fill you in.” He looks confused, wondering how could I know what happened when I wasn’t even there?

  “You got drunk, went upstairs with an equally drunk college girl, and most likely had sex with her. Drew came into the room as you were getting dressed and the girl was passed out naked on the bed.”

  Adam’s eyes are wide as I tell Drew’s story. A story he lived but has no recollection of whatsoever.

  I can’t bring myself to look at Adam as I tell him the worst part. Staring at my now cold cup of tea, I continue. “That was Drew’s girlfriend from home, Adam. He thinks that you took advantage of her while she was, you know, out of it.”

  “That’s bloody well not true!” he yells, my eyes flick up at him in shock at his loud voice. “I wouldn’t shag an unconscious girl!”

  “I know that Adam, but Drew didn’t and he thinks that’s what happened.”

  Adam stares at me open mouthed then drops his head into his hands. “So that’s why he fucked me up right good? Had every studio in town refuse to work with me? I thought he was just an egotistical prick,” Adam admits. “Fuck.”

  I reach over and pat his arm, knowing the gesture is trite and won’t make him feel any better. “I’m sorry Adam. I know you didn’t do anything on purpose. Even if you could remember, I don’t think you would have knowingly slept with someone’s girlfriend. Both of you were drunk.”

  “Jesus, he thinks I’m a fucking rapist,” Adam says quietly.

  I feel horrible that I had to be the one to tell Adam about this. For putting that lost look on his face.

  “Adam, you’re not a rapist. Drew put the blame on you alone, when really, some of it belonged to his girlfriend. He shouldn’t have done what he did to you, but I can see why he did. If only you both had discussed it, none of this would have had to happen.”

  He blows out a huge breath and rakes his hand through his short hair. “Thanks for telling me, Sydney. And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

  I feel bad. I knew he wasn’t the kind of guy Drew made him out to be. He’s actually sensitive and caring and I’ve made him feel like shit. What the hell was he ever doing with that bitch Kiera Radcliff?

  “I’m sorry Adam. I didn’t tell you to hurt you.”

  “I know Sydney. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Adam pushes back from the table, puts the cups in the sink, and exits the room without another word.

  I leave Adam’s penthouse with mixed emotions. I’m glad to have been right about Adam, but angry with myself for putting that desolate look in his usually feisty eyes. He had been so happy today and I fucked it all up.

  At least I had three whole months up until now without drama.

  Drew has Rhys accompany me to Adam’s penthouse for the photo shoot and interview the next day. He says you should never sit down with anyone from the press unless you have someone on your side to help control what goes to print. He would know more than me about those things, I guess.

  When we arrive, Adam has his PR guy and his assistant here with him, so Drew was right about me needing to bring Rhys.

  “Hi Adam,” I say, waiting to see if he’s still the depressed guy I kicked and left while he was down yesterday, or if my playful Adam is back.

  “Sydney!” he exclaims loudly. “Come in, come in! They’re just setting up the equipment for the photos.”

  I guess my Adam is back. I grin at him and give him a big hug.

  “I hope you’re not mad at me,” I whisper in his ear.

  “Never. I’m the prick that can’t remember anything.” He pulls back and grimaces, but it’s so quick I would have missed it if I hadn’t been looking at him.

  We introduce everyone to each other and Rhys immediately gets together with Adam’s PR manager, Will, to discuss their action plan for the interview.

  A few minutes later, the team from Architectural Digest arrives. The man who will interview us is Charles Cook, a writer who has been with the magazine for over thirty years. He’s somewhat intimidating, even in his casual sweater and khakis. His gray hair is brushed away from his weathered face, a face that looks like it has seen and done more things in his life than everyone else in the room put together.

  Will greets Charles and they discuss the parameters for the interview. Once satisfied, they direct Adam and me to sit on one of the couches in the great room with Charles opposite us. Will and Rhys both take seats on nearby chairs.

  Charles sets out a small digital recorder and turns it on. Smiling, he meets each of our eyes to set us at ease. “Okay, let’s start shall we?”

  The interview is fun and Charles is a polite and engaging journalist. His questions are strictly professional, which surprises me. It’s a rare thing for me to not be asked about Drew or any of the scandals that have followed me.

  The photo shoot is more nerve wracking than the interview. After a lifetime of being followed by cameras, I hate having my picture taken. They take what feels like a million shots and want us in each room so they can decide later which ones to use for the article. Thankfully, they don’t try to make us pose together in a familiar or romantic way. I can’t wait to see the finished magazine.

  Right as the crew is packing up their final equipment, the doorbell rings.
/>   Will answers it and I hear Drew’s voice from across the room. Why is he here?

  “Drew?” I make my way to the front door to see him.

  “Hey.” He enters the penthouse, looking around with cautious eyes. “I was done early and wanted to see how it was going. Your first big interview and everything.”

  I introduce Drew to everyone from the magazine, and watch as the mouths of the females in the room hang open at the sight of him. Between Adam and Drew their panties have probably caught fire and combusted.

  Adam comes in from the kitchen and spots Drew talking animatedly to Charles in the great room. I see him freeze in place, unsure of what to do next. I never told Drew about my conversation with Adam. He gets so angry that I find it’s better not to bring up Adam’s name unnecessarily.

  With a determined look on his face, Adam strides across the room and speaks to Drew in a low voice. I’m too far away to hear what they’re saying. Fear chills me as I watch the two of them leave the room together, Drew scowling as he storms out behind Adam.

  Holy shit! Please don’t let them fight.

  A few minutes later they return to the great room. They both appear to be intact and unharmed.

  Adam walks over to me and gives me a small hug. “Sydney, I’ll catch you later.”

  What the hell? “Oh, okay Adam. I’ll see you.” I thank the crew and Charles and leave with Drew, who is suddenly in a hurry to get out of the penthouse. Rhys gives us a strange look and says he’ll catch up with us later.

  Once we’re in the car, I turn to Drew. “So, are you going to tell me what happened up there?”

  “I’m guessing you already know what happened up there.” He narrows his brilliant green eyes at me.

  Shit. “Not really. I mean, I have an idea, but I’d appreciate it if you told me.”

  Drew sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “He told me about that night Syd, the party. How he doesn’t remember anything about it. That he was nervous so he drank way too much.” Drew drops his hand and shifts on the leather seat so he can face me. “He apologized for whatever happened between him and my girlfriend if anything did happen, which he can’t remember, and swears he wouldn’t have done anything if he knew she was with someone.”

  Wow, I can’t believe Adam actually admitted to all of that. “Okay … and what did you say?”

  He looks so uncomfortable right now, not used to being so wrong about something that he was so sure of.

  Drew scowls before answering me, obviously in pain at admitting his mistake. “I believed him. Are you happy?” he says in an annoyed voice.

  I lean over and kiss him softly. “Very,” I whisper against his lips.

  “Then it was worth it,” Drew whispers back right before he crushes his mouth against mine. He pulls back and looks at me again, cocking his head to the side. “He also congratulated me for landing such a beautiful bride.”

  “Oh.” I didn’t think Adam would mention the wedding.

  Drew takes my chin in his fingers and angles my face up to his. “I’m glad you told him, Sydney.” He lowers his head again for a long, sensual kiss.

  Oh my.


  You would think I would be used to this by now. I’m not though, not by a long shot. I don’t think I ever will get used to it. Jane smiles from her seat opposite me in the stretch limo. She looks stunning in her black gown.

  “It’ll be fine,” she says encouragingly, well aware of my heightened nerves by the panicked look on my face.

  Drew squeezes my knee reassuringly. “Syd, you’ve done this before. No worries.”

  Shouldn’t he be the nervous one? After all, he’s the one up for two awards, Best Actor and Best Picture. The second because he is the executive producer and major financier for the film.

  “I’m okay,” I lie, making a pathetic attempt at a smile.

  Rhys leans forward and starts his usual, compulsive drill, giving us directions for the red carpet.

  “Okay, you guys probably don’t need me to say this, so all I’ll tell you is to follow Jane and she’ll direct you to the interviews that we promised as well as the other important ones. There’s a fan area where it’s expected that you’ll sign a few autographs and take a few pictures,” he says to Drew. “Then you head inside. That’s pretty much it.”

  “Right.” Drew says it confidently, but I know him well enough to see the nerves behind the façade.

  God he looks so gorgeous today. He’s wearing a black Armani tuxedo with a regular black tie instead of a bow. His hair is tousled and messy as usual, giving him that just fucked look that I love so much.

  “Okay guys, we’re next.” Rhys leans forward to see out the side window.

  My hands are shaking I’m so nervous. You can do this Sydney.

  I feel Drew’s hot breath on my ear. “I love you, Syd.”

  I nod my head without speaking, too anxious to answer.

  The limo glides to a stop and a valet opens the door. Sounds from the excited crowd fill the car and flashbulbs pulse non-stop just outside.

  Drew gets up and waves to the crowd. A deafening roar ripples through the mass of bystanders. He turns and extends a hand to me. This is it. I reach out to grab my lifeline and step out of the car.

  The sound is so loud that I have to physically fight the urge to cover my ears by clutching Drew’s hand with both of mine. I let go only to smooth a hand down the front of my black Stella McCartney gown with diamond cut-outs that reveal swaths of skin and breathe deeply. I put on my best smile and clutch Drew’s hand so tight he may lose feeling in it.

  He leans down close so I can hear him. “Let’s do this babe.”

  I look up and smile at my gorgeous husband, he’s smiling back down at me. We’re a couple of idiots in love and the crowd is eating it up. Flashes go off non-stop as we start walking the carpet. Photographers scream our names, each trying to get the best shot.

  “Over here first,” Jane says, appearing out of nowhere to direct us to a dark-haired woman with a microphone, a cameraman at her shoulder.

  “And here comes Andrew Forrester, nominated for Best Actor tonight for A Soldier’s Burden, along with his date Sydney Tannen. Hi guys, are you excited to be here?” the bubbly brunette asks us.

  “Hi Julia, this is a little overwhelming I have to tell you,” Drew says to her, his Andrew Forrester persona taking over.

  “You’ve won awards before, you must be used to all this by now,” she jokes, indicating the near-hysterical crowd of women behind us. Drew won the Golden Globe for this same role earlier this year.

  “Yeah, it’s crazy, isn’t it?” Drew says modestly.

  The reporter turns her sharp gaze to me. “Sydney, you look gorgeous as usual. Stella McCartney?”

  “Yes, Julia, it is.”

  “Are you nervous for Andrew tonight?” she continues.

  “No, the film is great and his performance is brilliant. Either way it turns out, I’m proud of him.”

  We wrap up that interview and move on to several more almost identical interviews after that. We pose for so many photos that my face might crack from smiling. Drew keeps leaning down, pretending to tell me something when he’s actually just kissing my ear, giving me chills.

  After an eternity, we make it inside the theater and Drew finds his cast mates and his director, who is also nominated tonight. They’re a great group that I’ve gotten to know over the course of several different awards ceremonies leading up to this night.

  An attendant leads us to our seats and I’m horrified to find out that we’re in the front row. I hadn’t thought about the seating arrangement until now, and front row means on camera… a lot.


  “Are you doing okay?” Drew asks after we take our seats.

  “I’m fine babe, just nervous.” I sit on my hands to hide the fact that they’re shaking.

  He trails his fingers down my cheek and gently presses his mouth to mine. “I can’t wait to get you back to the ho
tel Mrs. Forrester, you look extraordinary.”

  I see the desire in his eyes and it sets my blood racing through my veins. I will never get enough of this hot, sexy man.

  The ceremony starts and so does the anticipation. Best Actor and Best Picture are the last two categories, so we have a long wait. The two female comedians hosting the show poke fun at half of the audience. I grit my teeth when they make a joke about me and Drew and Nakedgate, but pretend to laugh along with them.

  I’m sure the entire viewing audience knows that I don’t find it funny. I’m a terrible actress and my face certainly shows my discomfort. Drew outright scowls at the joke, probably because he knows most of this room has seen me naked and that pisses him off to no end.

  Drew’s cast mate wins Best Supporting Actor and the audience goes wild. It seems as if the film community loves this movie as much as I do. We watch as his film wins three more categories that it’s nominated for; cinematography, adapted screenplay, and visual effects.

  After two and a half painful hours, it’s time for Best Actor. My anxiety level is through the roof and I don’t even know why. It doesn’t matter if Drew wins or not, I love him either way. Maybe it’s just the suspense or maybe his nerves are seeping into me.

  The actress who announces the winner nervously opens the envelope and you could hear a pin drop when she reads the card.

  “Andrew Forrester for A Soldier’s Burden.”

  The entire theater rises to their feet to cheer for my husband. He pulls me up with him and puts his hands on either side of my face kissing me passionately. I’m so excited for him that I barely notice the giant camera two feet away from us. Reaching in his pocket, he takes something out and presses it into my palm. “You’re going to need these,” he says, then he’s gone.

  I watch my confident, beautiful man climb the stairs and stand there stunned as the actress gives him an air kiss and hands him the statue. Drew places it on the podium and looks at it, a little overwhelmed. I guess he didn’t think he’d win, because he is definitely in shock. This is Drew up there, not Andrew Forrester. His astonished reaction is authentic and charming.


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