Enslaved by Charybdis

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Enslaved by Charybdis Page 8

by Bruce McLachlan

  Maia watched her with an intrigued expression that gradually transformed into one of annoyance, as Mina remained silent. Releasing the device with a vexed gesture, she nudged her with her boot again, her hands on her hips as she nearly growled, ‘Well, as you intend to try and prove yourself my superior, let’s see just how much you can take when we start on you in earnest. String her up.’

  A whimper of distress caught Mina’s ears, and she looked across to see Merope being forced to the floor beside piles of rope. Then Sterope walked up to her and lifted her slack form off the floor, the powerful black woman carrying her almost effortlessly and setting her down beside the miserable Asian girl.

  ‘You’d best not antagonise her,’ Sterope whispered in Mina’s ear. ‘She’ll be merciless with you if you do.’

  The women positioned their captives across the floor back to back.

  ‘Get this stuff off her, Electra,’ Maia ordered, and Mina’s cuffs, collar and belt were removed, leaving her utterly naked. As the chastity belt was pried off her, Mina arched her back slightly and gasped, the flight of the dildos from her smouldering orifices coming as a welcome relief.

  A metal bar was placed between the splayed legs of the two prostrate girls, with the pole pressing against the backs of their ankles. A hoop at each end and in the middle turned it into an effective spreader bar, and coils of rope were brought into play that wound around their joints and locked their legs to the pole.

  ‘Little Merope here will do better than you because she’s so small. Less weight on her ankles, you see. But you... oh you’re not going to like this one little bit,’ Maia promised, crouching beside Mina’s head and running her hand along her victim’s naked body. ‘Okay, get them up,’ she commanded, and a rope was attached to the centre of the pole before being cast through a hoop in the ceiling. Two women began pulling on it from opposite directions, hauling in the slack and lifting the two bound girls from the floor in small jolts. Mina scowled as her ankles were used to haul her up, her legs spread wide, until her whole body was suspended from them and she could feel the other girl’s distress as their bottoms wriggled against each other’s.

  ‘Let them share a crotch rope,’ Maia said.

  Her assistants took up a length of slender, abrasive rope, which they placed over Mina’s navel and started wrapping tightly around her waist, lodging the coils over her hips. She winced beneath the rough treatment but did nothing, her arms hanging down so her hands rested gently against the floor. The two lengths were knotted at her front and slipped between her legs so the rope dug into her sex as it was pulled over Merope’s loins. A harsh yank ensured the abrasive material cut sharply into the vulvas of the two suspended slaves, and another knot was tied. Then the rest of the rope was quickly tightened around Merope’s trim waist, locking the girls together, their bottoms pressed tightly against each other’s, so that if one of them clenched her cheeks the rope would chafe them both.

  ‘Bind their hands now,’ Maia said quietly, watching the restraining process with intense interest.

  Mina’s arms were taken and dragged back around the other girl’s body, and her wrists were tied together against Merope’s belly. Then her partner’s slim arms were bound in a similar fashion, her small hands hovering just over her crotch.

  ‘There, are we all nice and cosy now?’ Maia asked mockingly, and wrapped a single rope around their chests. Pulling it tight, she looped it around the girls again above and below their breasts, squeezing the flesh through its coarse jaws and pressing their backs tightly together.

  Mina could feel the sensations in her breasts rising, yet she knew she could hold out, she just had to be strong, to resurrect her old professional grit, banish her doubts and dedicate herself to the coming ordeal.

  ‘Nice tits,’ Maia said, cupping Mina’s left breast and caressing it. ‘But they’ll be much more attractive once I’ve given them a good flogging,’ she added, and walked over to the dresser. Rummaging through a drawer she selected a wooden rod with a tip from which spewed a bushel of long woven leather thongs.

  ‘Oh Christ, Maia, no, not that one!’ Merope begged, uselessly struggling against her bonds.

  ‘So, you remember the first thing I used on you, eh, Merope? How nice. It’s like a piece of nostalgia for you. Look on it as a reunion with an old friend.’ Maia teased cruelly, running her fingers through the leather strands and separating the slender coils as she wandered slowly back towards her victims.

  ‘Maia, please, I’ll do anything you want, just don’t use that, please!’ Merope sobbed, her legs fighting the suspension and her small frame writhing against Mina.

  ‘That’s it, Merope, get all the words out now, because the moment I start all you’ll be able to do is scream.’

  ‘No!’ she wailed as Maia stepped back, lifted her arm around, and brought the leather coils swinging down through the air. Then she screamed as they made contact with her breasts, licking her skin with over a dozen searing tongues. She screamed again and again, bucking like a wild thing as Maia flogged her repeatedly, raining a blizzard of scorching blows across her pert breasts.

  Mina could feel Merope’s fevered perspiration against her skin as she was abused, and the fear of her own imminent castigation intensified as she heard and felt her partner’s pain.

  The other Pleiades had retired to the bed; the five women were reclining against the silk sheets idly playing with each other, their smooth forms hugging languidly as they listened to the sounds of another girl’s anguish filling the room.

  Mina frowned as the jerking of the crotch rope made it ride deeper into her labia, chafing her terribly. Her hanging breasts were aching and her legs were throbbing, the ligaments and tendons stretched to their limits, her joints welling with small storms of suffering as she began to lose feeling in her feet. Then finally the assault on Merope ceased and the girl went completely limp against Mina even as her body shook reflexively with shock.

  ‘Now what do you say, Merope?’ Maia asked sweetly.

  ‘Thank you, mistress, thank you so much,’ Merope whispered, kissing the whip as it was offered to her lips.

  ‘And now for you,’ Maia said in a purring voice as she walked around to face the inverted form of Mina.

  Mina was scared, but also exhilarated. Her previous punishment sessions had been loving ones, and even the most severe experiences had been inflicted on her with care. But now she was going to be beaten by a true sadist, by someone who felt nothing but contempt for her, by someone who would not temper her blows with concern or show her any mercy, no matter what she said or did. She was completely at this woman’s mercy, and the thought proved a powerful aphrodisiac.

  ‘Ready for your flogging, slave?’

  ‘If you’ve got enough energy left for it,’ Mina retorted mildly.

  ‘We’ll see if that mouth is just as cocky after this!’ Maia replied with venom, and swung the whip around with vicious force.

  The hot burst of suffering that flashed through Mina’s breasts was more intense than she would have thought possible. Gasping in shock she had to hold her breath to endure it, and still she came dangerously close to screaming.

  The whip swung back and down again, the long coils humming through the air just before they lashed her breasts.

  Mina jerked and strained against her bonds, her eyes screwed shut, her teeth grinding against each other.

  ‘Come on, bitch, I want to hear you wail.’ Maia thrashed her again, slapping the whip’s tentacles across the other girl’s defenceless assets.

  Mina’s flesh was alive with a harrowing heat that flared through her bosom and made her nipples feel as though they were made of molten lead. Although it did not seem possible, each successive stroke added to her store of agony, and made it harder and harder not to vent her suffering in a scream. Her body began glistening with perspiration, her face flushed from hanging upside down and from straining
to keep quiet. Each spasm of her body made the crotch rope grate even more painfully against her labia, each useless attempt she made to double up and protect herself denied by the other woman tied against her. The need to scream welled in her lungs, creeping up her throat with every stroke of the accursed implement, stretching treacherously towards her larynx. Her efforts found new vitality, however, when she heard Merope begging for Maia to stop, the sawing effects of the rope through her sex making the girl sob and plead for an end to the punishment. And each thrashing response Mina made against her bonds punished Merope, too.

  Finally the beating stopped, and her breasts throbbing, wheezing for breath, Mina slowly opened her eyes. Blinking away her tears, she saw Maia panting and rubbing her whip arm. She could not believe how beautiful this despicable woman was. It was a blessing to be captured by her, and though she longed to return to her owners, she was more than ready to spend some time in Maia’s sadistic care. She wanted to see how far she could be taken, how much pain she could sustain, and how deep into absolute slavery she could go. Maia could be a means to experience a level of degradation and humiliation Oceanus and Tethys would never inflict upon her, their love for her softening the edge of their brutal appetites. Watching Maia, she felt her libido kick into new levels of need, and suddenly the terrible whipping felt like a wonderful thing. Her sense of accomplishment at having exhausted her abuser, of having effectively defeated her, was powerfully arousing. She wanted more of this unrestrained abuse, she longed to endure the unbearable, and so she set about rousing her tormentor’s resentment even more.

  ‘Is that all you’ve got?’ Mina panted, and managed a dry laugh through her parched lips.

  ‘Bitch!’ Maia hissed, and flinging her arm back skimmed the whip against Mina’s breasts, tearing into her with all her vindictive rage.

  Mina’s mouth opened wide, her jaws stretched in a silent scream, her eyes screwed shut as she emitted a long sibilant hiss of exhalation.

  ‘Come on, scream, scream, you whore!’ Maia ranted, her fury giving her the strength she needed to continue beating Mina. ‘Scream or I’ll whip these right off!’ Her face was flushed and her jaw quivered as beads of perspiration ran down her naked breasts, her red hair clinging to her damp cheeks in fiery strands. And yet she finally had to give in and admit defeat, her body quaking with rage and weariness, her eyes full of hate as she regarded her silent victim while rubbing the throbbing bicep.

  ‘Oh, the terrible pain,’ Mina moaned, and chuckled sarcastically.

  Maia stepped right up to her, reversed the angle of the whip, and forced the handle down into her sex, sinking it between the twin strands of rope deep into her cleft. ‘Here, hold this for me,’ she said, and turning the handle sharply made Mina spasm as though it were a lever controlling her motions, each twist and turn making her body jolt.

  Then Maia stepped back.

  Mina hung slack, her pussy aching from the rude penetration. Yet a smile touched her lips, the dense cloud of pain enveloping her making her shudder with a bizarre sense of rapture. She felt wonderful. She had defeated the brutal woman. She had taken a thrashing few other slaves could endure without begging for mercy. She had proved she was not like the others. Giddy with pride, she watched her tormentor rummaging through a drawer, her every gesture full of controlled rage.

  ‘So you can take a whipping,’ Maia said breathlessly. ‘Well, let’s see what else you can take. By the time I’m finished with you, you’ll wish you had screamed when I told you to.’ She strode back towards Mina carrying a tackle box loaded with weapons to use in her quest to break Mina’s defiant spirit.

  ‘If you keep boring me with your empty threats,’ Mina replied just as breathlessly, ‘I might just scream to shut you up.’ She laughed to hide the agonising pangs the suspension and punishment were causing her. Yet still she craved more. She wanted to go deeper, to taste depraved delights as she never had before.

  The women on the bed had sat up and were watching the punishment with riveted attention, surprised and shocked by the way Mina was belittling Maia. They had all suffered under Maia, and they knew they could not have sustained such torture without breaking.

  ‘Maia, can you please let me down?’ Merope begged. ‘You’re—’

  ‘Quiet!’ Maia grabbed the rope between their crotches and forced it down, digging it into their hot vulvas all the more savagely.

  Merope cried out in supreme distress and sobbed her apologies as Mina growled and endured the spiteful attack, her inner muscles clinging to the whip handle still sheathed inside her. It was wonderful to be treated with such casual disdain, to be seen as nothing save a vessel of torment.

  ‘Now, little miss smart ass, let’s see you laugh these off.’ Maia set the box down and flung open the lid. She reached inside and extracted a set of fierce-looking clover clamps, each one bearing a stern weight - a leaden teardrop bristling with an array of slender pins. The sinister jaws opened and closed in on one of her nipples, gathering it up and then slowly closing in on it in a ferocious bite. Mina gurgled softly as she felt the compression take effect, the clamps squeezing the peaks of her breasts and making them throb with an icy fire as the weight hung from her suspended mounds. Her other nipple suffered the same treatment, and then with casual indifference, Maia drew the whip out of Mina’s sex and showed her a third clamp before lifting it up towards her vulva.

  Mina’s breath quickened as she felt the cold jaws brushing her clitoris, the nugget of flesh already raw from the attentions of the crotch rope. Using her fingers to part the woven coils, Maia snapped the implement’s jaws around the raised and raw bud, causing Mina to whimper and nearly choke on her cries, which she was almost unable to hold back. The need to scream was an ocean pressing on the crumbling dam of her tenacity as the weight dragged at her clit and the spines stung her belly.

  ‘Still laughing?’ Maia asked quietly. ‘Maybe you need to be warmed up some more.’ The vicious woman removed a pair of latex gloves from the box and drew the protective sheaths over her leather ones. ‘I’m sure you recognise this?’ She removed a tube of extra-strength embrocating cream from the box. Unscrewing the lid, she smeared a generous measure across her middle finger, and the acrid chemical smell of the substance wafted up Mina’s nostrils, reminding her of her last infernal encounter with it. Maia’s finger traced it across her clamped clit, wiping it through the ropes and along the length of her vulva. For a moment nothing seemed to happen, and then fires were ignited as the cream penetrated her skin and bored into her nerve-endings. The terrible heat scorched her sex, making her spasm and whine softly, her teeth grinding as she snorted in air in order not to let it out in a scream, her face reddening even more and tears flowing from her eyes as she fought the impossible urge to double up. Even so, Merope cried out as she was bent backwards, Mina’s strength and response to the pain causing her considerable distress.

  ‘Maia, please, she’s going to snap me in half!’ Merope wailed, unable to withstand the accidental abuse visited on her by her partner’s pain.

  ‘Oh, you want some too, Merope dear? Fine, there’s plenty for you both.’ Maia seemed happy to hear someone begging for mercy.

  ‘Oh no, don’t! I—’ Merope froze as Maia wiped her embrocated finger against her sex, and then she began struggling again, screeching as she begged to have the burning cream wiped off.

  Mina managed a weak smile and devoted herself to relishing the abuse, to somehow enjoying the terrible fire coursing through her pussy into her womb and all the way up to her clamped breasts.

  Maia smeared another quantity of cream across her finger and forced it into Mina’s anus, wiping it inside and out, thrusting the digit deep into her clenched sphincter.

  The same searing pain spread through Mina’s nether regions, the smell of the substance distinct and terrible in her nostrils as Maia continued driving her finger back and forth through her ring, working it deep into her tight pa

  ‘Why won’t you do as you’re told?’ Maia demanded, grabbing Mina’s hair and shaking her head with frustrated rage.

  ‘Because, you don’t deserve me,’ Mina gasped. ‘You’re not good enough to defeat me.’

  ‘You fucking bitch, how dare you? I’ve broken women far stronger than you! I’ve—’

  ‘I hear no screams. I guess they weren’t all that tough, after all. Either that, or you’re not as good as you think your are.’

  ‘Everyone out!’ Maia yelled.

  No one moved.

  She wheeled around to face the other Pleiades on the bed. ‘I said go in the other room and get ready. Move.’

  The other slaves leapt off the bed and hurried out of the room, using one of the covert doors to make their exit. Then the dense portal slid back into place, and locked itself.

  The moment they were alone, Maia sank to her knees before Mina’s inverted head. ‘All right, all right, I see why everyone’s been so interested in you. You’ve taken more than any slave I’ve ever seen. Are you happy now? Can you stop tormenting me now?’ Her words were choked with tears.

  Mina opened her eyes and saw the woman was actually weeping. The way she had belittled her sadistic skills had upset her terribly. Maia was accustomed to being in control, to being the favourite. Mina’s capacity to enjoy and seek any sensation, be it pleasure or pain, threatened her position, and she was terrified.

  ‘Damn it, don’t replace me, please,’ Maia begged, tears running down her mortified face, her body shaking with a level of fear Mina had not seen even in those she had been about to execute in her old career. This woman valued her position more than life itself, and Mina had unwittingly almost usurped it.

  ‘I - I’m sorry,’ Mina whispered, her desire to forge a perfect sadistic mistress from this woman falling like a deck of cards. The two of them were more alike than she had believed. They wanted to excel, to be the favourite, as most slaves probably did, but Maia had achieved it, and now she was terrified of losing her position. At present she was a sultry beauty, but she knew time was passing, and as age dwindled her looks she was paranoid another would replace her as the favoured slave.


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