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Enslaved by Charybdis

Page 11

by Bruce McLachlan

  Mina started, more from the loud sound than from the pain.

  Again he lifted his hand and brought it down, smacking her exposed bottom with a slow, steady rhythm, savouring the feel of her warm flesh by squeezing it cruelly between blows.

  Mina ground her teeth into the gag, her pussy growing hot and wet with desire as she writhed against her latex interior wishing the crotch piece were absent so her sleeves could rub against her swelling clit. The more potent the sensation of being spanked became, the more receptive she was to each subsequent slap. Soon she was wriggling in ecstasy, the heady, coursing power of pleasure mixed with pain almost literally making her dizzy with lust. The perverse applause continued resounding through the room as Atlas’s strong arm awarded her the discipline she so craved and needed. Locked in bondage and relentlessly punished, she nearly wept with delight, her stifled cries expressions of rhapsodic bliss rather than of discomfort.

  ‘She certainly enjoys this,’ Atlas commented lightly. ‘Maybe she would prefer something more strenuous. Would my prisoner like that?’ He gave a little tug on the band running from her bottom to her head, inflicting a few spikes of duress before releasing it.

  Desperate for more discipline, Mina gurgled eagerly by way of an answer, her words distorted almost beyond comprehension as droplets of saliva trickled out from around the gag stuffing her mouth.

  ‘How about a crop to scorch these tenderised cheeks?’ he proposed, and Mina garbled an ecstatic response. ‘Well, let’s see how you handle it. Maia, a crop if, you please.’

  ‘Will this suffice, master?’

  ‘My, you must have really riled her, slave,’ Atlas remarked, patting the smooth dome of Mina’s head. Apparently Maia had selected a particularly vicious crop. ‘So, how many do you think you require, slave? Ten? Twenty? Perhaps more than that?’ He stroked the instrument’s leather hoop tip across her flushed bottom cheeks.

  Mina struggled and strained, not sure she could endure so many strokes from a crop after such a hard spanking. Yet she wanted them; she wanted as many as he would give her. Bound as she was, she had no allegiance to anyone. She was his for now, and belonged to him totally while his straps held her. He could beat her until she fainted, and she would be totally satisfied.

  ‘How many would you recommend, Maia?’ Atlas asked his head wife.

  ‘She’s exceptionally masochistic, master. I would suggest fifty strokes.’

  Mina squealed in panic and fought against her bonds in earnest, making it clear that a part of her, at least, opposed being sentenced to such an extreme ordeal.

  ‘I think you are exaggerating slightly, Maia. She may have a taste for punishment, but she is still inexperienced.’

  ‘Yes, but a really good thrashing might help break her,’ Maia countered reasonably.

  ‘Unfortunately, that is not my current motivation. If my patron comes through with his side of the bargain, I’ll make sure she suffers all they want her to. Until then, however, I want her fairly unscathed, just in case I have to return her to her rightful owners.’

  ‘Is that wise, master? It could cause terrible complications for you.’

  ‘Why, Maia, this is most unlike you. There isn’t anything you wish to tell me about this little nymph, is there?’ He suddenly sounded suspicious.

  After a short pause Maia replied quietly, ‘No, master, there is nothing I wish to tell you.’

  ‘Hmm. Seeing as you are so eager to see her suffer, I think you should give her the rest of your desired fifty after I have given her, oh, let’s say, twenty-five.’

  ‘As you wish, master.’

  The crop thrummed through the air, the slender stalk carving a long arc before connecting across Mina’s buttocks. The hoop slammed against her skin as the head of the shaft struck it, imparting a virulent shock that made her flesh quake. And as if too shocked by the impact to immediately accept it, her nerve-endings communicated nothing to her brain for a brief moment, and then they screeched their outrage through Mina’s system as she attempted to scream through her muffling gag. Her jaws opened wide as her hands battled their confining sheaths, her fingers clawing at them and trying to tear a path through them.

  The crop fell again, stinging her left buttock and making her jerk wildly against the condemning metal harness with its arms of embracing leather. Her high-pitched keening wail lasted half a minute, and then weakened to miserable sobs and desperate snorts for breath.

  But Atlas’s stern arm was not to be dissuaded and delivered its third stroke, the shaft connecting viciously to the backs of her thighs. This was the worst blow yet, and Mina wailed for long, miserable moments.

  Next the head of the crop caught her right buttock, transforming her into a tense, howling statue before she once more struggled to get free of her bonds. She did not bother trying to endure the agony stoically but simply surrendered herself to the ordeal in all its barbarous majesty. Each stroke fed her level of distress, making every addition to the sum of her torment more and more unbearable. Her thoughts were a churning, indecipherable chaos. She was ruled by animal instinct alone, by the desperate need to wriggle free of the crop’s cruel licks. Jolting and wailing, bitterly regretting her desire to be beaten, she could not even keep count of the tally, for each new stroke scrambled her thoughts even more and left her confused as to how many had already fallen. Time seemed infinite as she was whipped, until finally the Titan’s punishment ceased.

  ‘There, that’s the twenty-five I wanted to give you, slave,’ he said, handing the crop to Maia. ‘Now, if you would, please, finish her off for me.’

  The crop once more flung itself against the air, its tip whistling with a sibilant tone as it descended with meteoric force, crossing several of the welts Atlas had already forged across Mina’s hapless cheeks.

  She was in such excruciating agony that at first she could not even scream. But after a few seconds of gasping silence her lungs illustrated the full measure of her woe. The crop struck again during her howl as Maia applied it again swiftly. Again and again she struck, and the cumulative misery of her lashes exceeded anything Mina might have found tolerable. Alive only with distress, she barely had time to suck in enough air to fuel her impotently muffled cries.

  At last the storm of blows ceased and Mina went completely limp, her head hanging from the tight strap, her body utterly languid in the unyielding black arms of her bondage.

  ‘Well, what are you waiting for?’ Atlas snapped. ‘Finish her off, slave. Or have you forgotten my warning already?’

  ‘I - I’m sorry, master, I - I can’t,’ Maia stammered. ‘She’s suffered enough. She’ll go insane if we subject her to any more pain.’

  ‘I decide when a slave has taken enough,’ Atlas said quietly.

  ‘Yes, master,’ Maia sighed.

  ‘Then complete your work, or let your bottom take the rest.’

  ‘Yes, master,’ Maia repeated, and Mina’s brief moment of respite ended as she was once more cast back into the maelstrom of the scourging. She squealed in infantile pitches as Maia’s arm lashed into her with extreme speed, applying the last of her sentence in a swift and merciless assault, obviously trying to get it over with as quickly as possible.

  Her body shuddering and her mind in tatters, it took a moment for Mina to realise the ordeal was finally over. Her ears were ringing with the sound of her own throaty screams, her body sweltering within its prison from the exertion of struggling against her bonds, her buttocks aflame with an anguish she had never before known. Collapsing into the comforting arms of her bondage, she wept within her hood, overwhelmed with relief. The endorphins conjured by the beating continued flowing through her unchecked, and her mind floated on an intoxicating natural rush. Giddy with bliss, she continued sobbing with relief and gratitude mixed with an intense sense of satisfaction and pride, because she was blessed to be here in this place.

  ‘Sterope, get Maia
on her back and hold her arms down,’ Atlas commanded efficiently. ‘Alcyone, you sit on her chest. Electra and Taygeta, grab her ankles. Celaeno and Merope, hold her knees. I want her legs held up and parted as wide as you can hold them.’

  ‘Master, please, I did what you asked of me!’ Maia exclaimed, the sound of footsteps padding against the floor sounding all around Mina as the Pleiades converged on their superior.

  ‘You lied about your feelings for this nymph, Maia,’ he said sternly. ‘You do have an affection for her. I don’t care why, I don’t care what caused it, but you lied to me, and you will suffer for it. And because you keep questioning me, after this I think you need to spend a few days in the iron egg to set your mind straight.’

  ‘No, not that! Not again! Oh master, please, not that!’ Maia wailed, sinking to her knees and kissing his feet.

  ‘Prepare her!’ Atlas barked, and Maia was pulled away and her weak struggles defeated as she was served up in the designated position.

  Mina pictured Maia’s glorious body, her shoulder blades crushed to the floor by another woman’s bottom, her arms stretched out and held down, her buttocks pulled into the air and her legs splayed. And her imagination was awarded sound effects as the Titan began to lambaste his favourite slave.

  ‘Oh no, master, you said my bottom! Not there, please, master!’ Maia begged, and then her words became squeals of anguish as the steady thwack of the crop pounded out a relentless metronome, her wails harmonising with the rhythmic drum roll of leather on flesh.

  Mina could not be sure if he was beating Maia’s inner thighs, or perhaps even her more tender regions as well. She pictured it, relishing the possibility, the endorphin high from her own beating making her equable to hearing another suffer such distress. She listened avidly, counting off Maia’s sentence of fifty strokes of the crop as she wriggled slightly, the pressure inside her growing as her need to relieve herself became urgent.

  When Atlas had finished inflicting his terrible punishment Maia was left wheezing in agony, with barely strength enough left to sob her distress.

  ‘Sterope, Electra, take her away, dress her in the punishment sheath and put her in,’ Atlas decreed. ‘Set her for level three, and meet me in my main chambers afterwards.’

  Maia managed a few breathless pleas for him to not do this to her, but with a snort of derision he dismissed them, and the women dragged her away to her fate.

  ‘Bring this nymph with us,’ he stated coldly.

  The remaining four women grabbed the poles, took off the buffers, and pushed the shafts through the rings at either end of Mina’s harness. Slotting the carved discs back on, they pushed them to the hoop and tightened them so they would not move. With these long handles jutting out at Mina’s head and feet, the women had no trouble lifting her up. The squeak of yielding rubber placed serious pressure to the front of her body as she was slung from the harness, and with a startled, embarrassed gasp, she clenched her thighs, denying her bladder the release it so desperately craved.

  The women ferried Mina’s cocooned form out of the room and down a series of corridors. She hung suspended in midair, her body resting against the straps, her engorged breasts swinging back and forth with the marching rhythm of her pallbearers. Eventually she was laid down on a soft surface, and the process of releasing her began. The straps were unfastened and the pole removed from her tracts, a process that doubled her up with a cry as the orbs slid out of her, her orifices having grown accustomed to their presence. Once the last of the uniform was peeled from her perspiring skin she huddled up to keep herself warm. Shivering, she lifted up her damp head, yawning to ease the ache in her jaws as she regarded her new world with a sense of dread and excitement.

  Chapter 9

  A glimpse of tiles was all she gained before she was lifted up by leather-clad hands. Brought to her feet, she hung from their grip, unable to support her own weight. Her arms were raised, dense rubber shackles were buckled to her wrists, and then she was released. She was now hanging from chains in the ceiling, her knees slightly bent as her feet touched the tiled floor. She glanced down over her shoulder and saw the vivid purple lines crisscrossing her bottom, the raised slashes of colour and heat wreathed with a red halo, so that her buttocks and thighs resembled an intricate work of vibrant art. Each time she clenched her cheeks she felt the pain of her welts intensify from a dull throbbing ache to a stabbing agony.

  She was in a small alcove set in a bathroom. A silver shower nozzle lay directly above her, with two detachable hoses fixed next to her on the other side of the wall. The tap for the showers lay outside the small chamber, and two thick rings in the ceiling held the chains keeping her arms apart. Atlas stood before her, snow-haired Taygeta and Indian Alcyone standing respectfully just behind each of his broad shoulders. A raised hot tub, a line of three normal showers with glass doors, a sink with a mirror and a cabinet above it, and a toilet, were the only other things in the room, the white strip lights throwing an intense radiance throughout the clean space.

  Mina closed her legs a little more tightly together as she caught sight of the toilet, her need elevated by the proximity of relief.

  ‘I thought you drank a lot at the feast,’ Atlas commented, telling Mina he knew precisely what she needed, and that it was not going to come without a price tag attached.

  ‘You were watching me, master?’ she asked, frowning slightly, unaware she had been the object of such close scrutiny, especially when she was under the table and hidden from view.

  ‘I have other eyes besides my own working for me, slave,’ he replied, smiling as he idly slapped Taygeta’s bottom. The woman swayed on her heels but held her statuesque pose. ‘So, go ahead, feel free to relieve yourself.’

  ‘Right here?’ Mina asked in alarm.

  He frowned. ‘Where else, slave?’

  ‘I - I can’t do that, master,’ she said, aghast at the concept.

  ‘Why not?’ he demanded, and laughed, mocking her shame.

  ‘It’s embarrassing, master... I just can’t, not with people watching,’ she confessed, praying he would show her some leniency.

  ‘Dear me, such a pity, and after such a promising beginning,’ he stated gravely. ‘I can see you’ll just have to learn the hard way that I am your master and get whatever I want, whenever I want.’

  ‘Please, master, don’t make me do this,’ she begged.

  ‘Alcyone, fetch me a chair and summon all my Pleiades,’ he ordered.

  The tan woman smiled, and sauntered out of the room.

  Mina looked at Atlas in astonishment as he stood before her, grinning with malice.

  Alcyone returned with a high-backed chair, and set it down for her master as all his other wives, except Maia, entered the tiled chamber, their stiletto heels clicking brightly as they gathered into a small audience to observe Mina’s degradation.

  ‘Oh no, please, master,’ Mina whispered, pulling at her bonds and making the chains rattle.

  The Titan sat in his chair and lounged back, folding his arms before him as he fixed her with an intense stare. ‘Everyone is waiting for the show, slave. I can sit here until the end of time. Can you hold out for that long?’

  Mina tightened her hold on her bladder, beads of strain appearing on her brow. She wanted to give in, but maybe if she held out long enough he would grow bored and give up. Silence fell; the only sound was her own soft moan of distress. This man wanted to humble her, proving a point while being entertained at the same time, and she could do nothing to stop him. Whimpering, she felt a warm flow running down her legs she could do nothing to prevent. Even with her defences at full strength it was slipping through, her body committing treason against her mind. Atlas’s mocking chuckle tore at her like a knife, but even through her turmoil there was the feeling of relief afforded by draining the terrible pressure inside her.

  ‘Why, master?’ she moaned softly, a lump in her th
roat as she wished she was back with Tethys and Oceanus. They would never have done something like this to her. But even as her psyche felt mysteriously scratched by the event, the humiliation itself was an arousal combating her hatred of this exposure, and she knew that later she would actually relish having been so degraded.

  ‘Because it amuses me, slave, and that’s the only importance in your life; you will learn to take pleasure in your various torments simply because they please me,’ he replied patiently, and then addressed his Pleiades. ‘Go back to your tasks. Celaeno and Merope can stay here and assist me.’

  The dismissed women left with a brisk clicking of heels.

  ‘Take the hoses and clean her up,’ he commanded.

  The two Asian girls moved forward and removed the portable showers from their mounts, the hoses already fitted with a delicate scrubbing brush head. Turning them on, they also activated the one above Mina, sending cascades of warm water flowing across her naked body from every direction.

  The sudden sensation brought her to her toes, and she gasped with delight as the women turned their full attention on her, rubbing the flowing hoses across her, the soft bristles moving in small caressing circles across her skin carrying away the perspiration and tension of her recent trials. She closed her eyes and surrendered herself to the sensual delight of warmth sparkling all over her body and washing away her shame.

  Once they had cleaned every inch of her, the women put away the hoses, turned off the water, and dried her with warm towels.

  ‘Get her dressed and bring her to me,’ Atlas said, rising from his chair and leaving.

  The two slaves produced a uniform identical to their own. Helping Mina into thigh-high leather boots, they snapped a steel collar around her throat, the plain band fitted with a single ring at the front. With this symbol of her status in place, they helped her into long opera gloves, the entire process conducted without a single word. They then took a chain-link leash from a shelf, clipped it to her collar, and led Mina out of the chamber.


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