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Oculus Page 102

by S. E. Akers

  “I personally picked Dr. Lange. She’s very accomplished, and compared to the other faculty members, her lectures won’t bore you to sleep,” he assured with a curt nod. “You met her at the museum benefit the other night.”

  “Which one was she?” I asked.

  “The woman in the yellow dress.” Tanner shied his stare to the floor in an attempt to cover his grin. “The one with all the wine stains.”

  I shoved my schedule back inside the folder, really thinking about that one finger now. “Well, if I’m going to get an F, I may as well get it from you.”

  “Hopefully you’ll have the sense to appeal to her mentally before it comes to that,” he argued. “Though if you’re looking to get in her good-graces, might I suggest an apple on her desk instead of any more wine?”

  She was lucky it was just wine. I’d started to send her for a long walk down a short pier just outside the museum and into the Charles River…until I checked her head and found out that she couldn’t swim.


  “No,” he interrupted. “My class is full, and this case is closed. Life tends to throw people in our path we don’t like to challenge us. It’s unavoidable. You had a rough start with Silas in the beginning, and see how that turned out?”

  My lips pressed into a pout as I stood there, silently grumbling. Yeah, but Silas’ adoration for you is platonic. Color me crazy, but I never caught the first whiff of his brain wanting you to bend him over your desk…

  “Fine,” I agreed in a twist and continued flipping through the packet. A few flicks of paper led me straight to my dormitory assignment. “Henderson Hall,” I remarked aloud. I couldn’t find anything listing the name of my roommate, though I knew I wasn’t lucky enough not to have one. I just hoped whomever I would be sharing those cramped four walls with wasn’t anything like Chloe.

  “I arranged to have you placed in Henderson. Though you won’t find any other freshmen living there. It’s a dorm reserved for third and fourth-year science majors.”

  “So I’m guessing there’s not a lot of partying going on?” I grinned.

  “No,” Tanner confirmed. “But besides being the strictest academic dormitory on campus, it’ll also afford you more privacy. All the others are set up as suites — one roommate and two additional suitemates. The one you’re in is configured more like an apartment with private bedrooms. Your roommate is actually the dorm’s Resident Assistant, A.J. Smith. You’ll like her. She’s a graduate student. She keeps to herself mostly, but she’s very pleasant — almost too sweet,” he added.

  “Won’t she think that a Freshman bunking with her is a little strange?”

  “No. Yardley has an extremely engaging mentoring program. They like to mix the under and upperclassmen,” he explained. “And besides, A.J.’s my teaching assistant.”

  My eyes popped. “Oh.”

  “But I would suggest warding your bedroom when you get there, so no one can enter without your permission.”

  Hearing about my new bedroom had me thinking about the perfect one I was abandoning downstairs. “I’m really going to miss you being right across the hall,” I admitted.

  Tanner locked his hands around my waist. “You’ll be across the hall from me on weekends and breaks.” He tugged me closer. “Every one of them.”

  My chest tingled with a sweet swirl, knowing my mind had already skipped on ahead to this coming Friday. “So two days on and five days off,” I acknowledged.

  “Not exactly,” he countered with a manly pout. “There’s another reason I had you placed in that particular dorm . . . more lenient visiting privileges for males.”

  “I’m in an all-girls dorm?” I questioned.

  “Yes,” he admitted.

  My mouth formed a suspicious grin. I’d already witnessed a smidge of his jealously over the roses he thought Ty had given me, as well as our courtyard dance, and now he’d thrown me in a tower to keep me away from the beasts of the opposite sex. In a weird way, I kind of liked seeing this side of him. I’d witnessed my share of suggestive smiles and lusty thoughts directed at him from other women on plenty of occasions; it was nice to know he had some potential crazy hiding up in the attic too.

  “But there aren’t any co-ed dormitories anywhere on campus,” he stressed.

  “Oh,” I mumbled. Well that admission shot a little of my hope right out of the sky. I’m pretty sure he knew it too, just from the crook in his grin. I was going to have to stop assuming so much, particularly because I seemed to be the only ass between the two of us.

  “Well, I might put you on my list of visitors.”

  “You’ll have to, unless you like answering to the sound of your date’s car horn,” he vowed. “Every evening.”

  “Every evening?” I questioned.

  “Almost every evening,” he vowed. “I’ll let you get some studying in, but I suggest using your daylight hours wisely.” He cupped my face tenderly. “I can be very greedy with my needs and there won’t come a day when my lips aren’t aching to touch yours, I can promise you that.”

  I guided him towards my lips. “So you’re giving me your word on that?”

  “I don’t have to,” Tanner rustled, his tone sounding as resolute as the look in his eyes. “You already have my heart.”

  An undisputable truth struck me like one of my own lightning bolts in the split-second after hearing his sentiments and just before our mouths melded magnetically: the sincerity radiating behind every passionate word he whispered would ultimately be the end of me. The lingering release of our lips shortly after just stamped it official. One way or another, I was a complete goner over that perfect mouth, what it breathed and how sensuous it touched me…both skin and soul.

  With my head now freefalling back to earth, I started pulling a few things out of my purse so I could slap on my ruby cuff before heading off. After all, the terms of the promise I’d made to keep it off had been formally met. The sight of Lazarus’ journal tucked in there was a nagging reminder that I wasn’t any further along with my deciphering and that I’d never told Tanner about it. Part of me wanted to go ahead and whip it out right now, but part of me didn’t. I still wanted to figure it out on my own through his memories, though mostly, I didn’t want to risk my “oversight” ruining our farewell. I knew he would want to know about it, but he didn’t need to know since Lazarus wasn’t a threat anymore. Odds were it just detailed his search for the diamond and possibly a few narcissistic, memoir-like ramblings. So with that considered, I was keeping mum on this one until I had some meat to go with it. He wasn’t unfamiliar with the concept of omissions and their reasons. Was there not an extra guest staying here that until recently I knew nothing about?

  I’d no sooner laid my hilt down on the table when Tanner asked, “Why is that in your purse and not strapped to your thigh?”

  I should have known that was coming, especially from someone so anti-Voodoo bag. “I hated feeling like it was permanently gone when I was under Nerina’s wards,” I admitted. “I think that was the closest I’ve ever come to experiencing a full-blown panic-attack.” I patted my bag. “Even if I can’t draw my diamond blade the first inch, at least I’ll know it’s still in there and not floating around who-knows-where.” I shook my head. “Or if I’ll ever see it again.”

  “The chances of that happening again are slim,” he argued.

  “With my luck, a chance is as good as a promise,” I countered. And that was the daggone truth. His remark about how “slim” of one it was only confirmed I’d made the right decision. One-in-a-million odds were my specialty.

  I finally found the ruby cuff down in the bottom-left corner of my purse. Tanner shook his head as he watched me slip it on my wrist. “You know I despise that thing.”

  “I’m aware,” I beamed brightly.

  He walked me to the door, leaving me with one final kiss for the road. Our lips had no sooner parted when I sensed him about to say the words I never wanted to hear cross his lips. I’d always passed
off Daddy’s excuse for hating “goodbye” as a touch of O.C.D., but now I realized there was much more to it than that. It was a sincere wish for a loved one’s protection, from harm or anything random that could keep either of you from seeing each other again, just as much as it was a heartfelt promise of one’s return — his own personal guarantee by way of a deliberate omission. And I was officially and forever adopting it, right here and now.

  “Can you not tell me ‘good-bye’?” I requested. I could tell I’d taken him a little off guard by the hint of confusion in his eyes. “Can you just say ‘See ya’ or something else? Anything but that.” I shifted my weight to a firmer stance. “It sounds too final,” I added.

  “Do I have to say the ‘ya’ part?” he teased.

  “No,” I smiled. “Proper English is permissible.”

  “All right,” he agreed. “But when I tell you goodbye, I’m wanting every possible blessing to come your way. Saying ‘see you’, doesn’t mean the same to me. I’ll see you in my mind a thousand times before my eyes fall upon your face the next time.” He brushed the curve of my jaw gingerly. “And there’s not a person or force out there that can keep me from coming back to you.”

  I guided my hands up his pulsing pecs and locked them around his neck. The hunger I had for him was insatiable right now, and every caressing twine of my tongue exuded it. Without a doubt, I was head over heels in love with him, and as intensely as what my emotions were burning, I wished that I’d waited five more minutes before slipping on that ruby cuff. This was one time I wanted him to feel every flicker of their blaze.

  Tanner opened the door, sporting the most satisfied look on his face. “Do me a favor and truly embrace today. The more years you rack up, the more you’ll wish you had more human moments like this.”

  I paused at the threshold. “I know, and I promise I will,” I said and turned to start down the staircase.

  Tanner smacked my rear before I hit the first step, whirling me around like a top. But it wasn’t that hard and shamefully I wasn’t that offended.

  “And try to stay out of trouble today,” he added, along with a point of his finger.

  “I’ll be spending the entire day moving and unpacking,” I argued, knowing I’d sensed a little stern lurking behind some of his teasing.

  “It’s not the activity that heightens the probability of you finding some as much as the company you’ll be keeping,” he submitted. “And then throw your luck into the mix and you might find yourself stuck in a vat of supernatural trouble.”

  I couldn’t argue with him about that any other time, but certainly not today.

  “See you,” Tanner stressed. Then as he was closing the door, he directed a nod towards my rear and held up a few of his fingers. “That’s three,” he mouthed, slyly gloating.

  With the door now resting at its harsh close, I spun around to find an equally rigid sight poised right beside my Charger. And even standing here in the sunny A.M. hours, I would swear the magical bastard was actually glowing after he whisked open my driver’s-side door.

  “Well, Ms. Wallace, do you have any specific farewell requests for me as well?” he posed. “Though for the record, I’m perfectly comfortable with you issuing me that fateful ‘good-bye’ you seem to think works like an emerald. In fact, I’m practically giddy with anticipation.” The enthusiastic-looking house steward dusted off his vest and then straightened his stance. “You may fire at will.”

  I slung my purse inside the car without tearing my flat glare away from his face for a second. Then I pounced on his frame, my arms wrapped just as snuggly as when I’d found out I hadn’t sent his burnt & mangy butt back to serve out his fallen-faery sentence in The Darklands. I finally released him after giving his cheek a firm peck, one of the most grateful ones I’d ever puckered in fact. And I was pretty sure I felt a smidge of a squeeze coming the other way too. But only enough to where the Djinn who claimed he “never lied” could save face by insisting that it was only an innocent, involuntary twitch.

  “That’ll do,” I hummed and then slid into my seat.

  “Considering the looseness of that orifice over the past several days, I suppose I should be grateful you didn’t mar me with your tongue.” Then he slammed the door straightaway.

  With my keys slid into the ignition, I gave them a turn, revved my engine, and then quickly rolled down my window. I leaned my head out to issue the house steward my official response. And I would say it was the finest raspberry I’d popped off to date.

  Silas pointed his finger. “Ah, now there it is!” he sang. “I’m afraid that thing’s starting to fling around here worse than your buttons.”

  I turned around and rolled up my window as I pulled off, offering him my concession of having the coveted “last word”. Well, the last word from me. Tanner’s talk would knock the frosting off his cupcake soon enough.

  Sprinkles and all, I mused with a grin.

  I sensed a telepathic message from Silas streaming. “Ms. Wallace, aren’t you going to tell me ‘good-bye’?”

  Eyes on my path ahead, I kept my mouth buttoned — literally.

  “PLEASE, Ms. Wallace?” Silas posed wearily. “I would very much like my formal ‘GOOD-BYE’!”

  I was guessing from my staunch silence and his shaky tone, he knew what that really meant. Though I did feel the need to shoot Tanner a mental “heads-up” when I spied Silas in the rearview mirror storming up the steps.

  My mind drifted back to when I’d arrived through the approaching gates via the opposite direction, ten weeks ago — some far too short, some painfully long. But regardless of the numerous struggles and fiascos that I’d amassed, I wouldn’t change a second of it — right down to my diamond stabbing, as insane as that sounded. I glanced at the rearview mirror to catch a glimpse of the white light spinning in my eyes. That was what I felt most grateful for—getting my fire back—well before discovering any of Tanner’s true feelings. That was what I’d really come here for, whether I had fully acknowledged it in the beginning or not. Those long-lost, sweet vibrations that steadily quivered my heart were back—vibrating how truly blessed I felt for all the things my stone had granted me—and rocking stronger than ever, I might add. And everything worked out, even despite all the bumps destiny had laid out like landmines and roadblocks that rivaled the slicing coil of barbwire. And although my complaints about the cosmos were plenty at times, the universe had seen to it that I was leaving even more blissfully hopeful than when I’d first arrived…about everything. The way I felt right here and now, nothing stood a fat chance in hell of ruining my spectacular mood!

  I paused to glance back at the marker on the stone wall, my eyes etching every turn of each letter with an indelible sweep. With the swell of my rosy cheeks now uncontainable, I turned back towards the windshield and gave the steering wheel a tight squeeze.

  Nope, I grinned. Absolutely nothing…

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  Talisman : Volume IV

  Release Date Pending

  Larimar — Talisman : Volume IV : Chapter 1

  The drive into Boston didn’t take any time at all, not with the right-side of my brain courteously auto-piloting my course while I mentally replayed the past several days with Tanner as I cruised down the road. The unwavering wrap of his strong, warm arms… The delectable taste of his soft, honey-sweet lips… And The tormenting writhe I felt every time I gazed into his eyes, which was still at this very second steadily stirring my insides. May one of my own lightning bolts st
rike me dead right here in the car, but I’d truly never felt so EVERYTHING before. That was the only way I could describe the blissful medley of emotions that were churning non-stop. Excited. Carefree. Intoxicated. I glanced towards the sky once I’d taken my routed left onto Shellise Cove. The clearest blue hue drenched the heavens, and the sun seemed at its brightest, enlivening me with its rays. Hell, even the leaves on the endless stretch of trees dotting the sidewalk couldn’t have looked any greener. I hadn’t brushed with a gemstone to date that could incite this much sensory-overload. And I could say with utmost certainty that even if the most vivid and stellar rainbow were to come bouncing across the sky, it wouldn’t have made anything seem more perfect than it was right now, not in my enraptured eyes. My mind carried me back to Tanner’s last kiss as soon as I spotted Katie’s building and then an insatiable flutter birthed from the depths of my heart tickled my lips straight into a smile. I NEVER wanted to come down off this incredible high, and the first person who so much as dared to slap me off my fluffy white cloud would be pulling back an arm minus its daggone hand.

  I eased my Charger into a spot directly in front of Bethesda’s building, without having to back-up the first bit and practically in-line with the door. And as a bonus, Katie just happened to be sitting there on the steps, casually flipping through a magazine. Suddenly I felt like I was inescapably in total sync with the cosmos — and that’s never happened before. Well, at least not without a line of lucky numbers expressly spelling it out.

  I rose out of my seat and then batted the door to a close with a quick bump of my hip. “Out here dodging Bethesda again?” I teased.

  My BFF rolled up her issue of Cosmo and hopped to her feet. “No. She’s already left . . . I’ve been down here for the past twenty minutes waiting for you.” Katie issued me a slow head-to-toe sweep as she tapped the magazine against her palm. “Why are you glowing?”


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