A Man to Remember Page 19
Recipes from CORAZON CONTENTO, Sonoran Recipes and Stories from the Heart by Madeline Gallego Thorpe and Mary Tate Engels. Print book available from www.Amazon.com . Enjoy an authentic Sonoran Mexican experience!
Mary Tate Engels is the author of more than 33 romance/women's fiction novels and two non-fiction southwest history books. She has three sons, two granddaughters, has raised a wolf in her back yard, and has adopted two black cats for good luck.
Discover her stories at http://www.marytateengels.com or at her Amazon site, http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_9?url=search-alias=digital-text&field-keywords=mary+tate+engels&sprefix=Mary+tate,null,330