Wanted By The Devil

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Wanted By The Devil Page 9

by Joanna Blake

  She'd never seen him like this. But she had to make him promise her. She loved him. She couldn't let him do something stupid on her behalf.

  She loved him.

  The realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Even after everything, she wanted to be his.

  "Promise me, Devlin!"

  He took a deep breath and nodded once, sharply.

  "Good. Because I couldn't stand it if anything happened to you- not because of me…"

  She stood up and walked out of the room. Her pace quickened in the hallway until she was on the stairs, then running through the clubhouse to the street.

  She was out of the gate and a block away before he caught up- banging on the fence and calling her name. But he couldn't go after her. She'd known that when she ran.

  The cop car was already parked outside.

  Chapter 30


  “Fuck this.”

  He stared at the monitor on his ankle. Some lady had come by to strap it on. He’d held still for her, deciding not to fight it.

  Even though all he wanted to do was run after his woman.

  She had come to see him and then- poof. After they had make each other come like there was no tomorrow.

  She’d walked. And he knew why.

  Fucking Grant and his sloppy seconds.

  Devlin was beside himself. He walked behind the club and found some old plywood to break. He kicked it until it cracked in half. Then he found another piece. This time he used his fists. After about twenty minutes he looked up and realized he had an audience.

  "Grant. He's done."

  Jack and Donnie looked at each other. Donnie cleared his throat.

  "You want me to go to Mae's tonight?"

  Devlin nodded. He could feel the pulse in his cheek from clenching his jaw so hard.

  What the hell was he going to do?

  He felt sick at the thought of Grant treating Kaylie that way. Like she was a whore instead of the most perfect woman on earth.

  His angel.

  She hadn't wanted to tell him about it. She was trying to protect him he realized. Just the way he hadn't been able to protect her.

  He walked back into the clubhouse and poured himself a shot of tequila. It was the first of many to come. He started slowly but worked steadily toward oblivion. He knew that Kaylie wouldn't be back tonight.

  He was starting to wonder if she'd be back at all.

  Devlin stared straight forward as people clapped him on the back, congratulating him for getting out, saying he'd beat the rap, not to worry. He ignored them all, just stared straight ahead and imagined tearing Grant's head from his body.

  He'd do it too. It didn't matter that he'd promised Kaylie he wouldn't. Grant had messed with his woman. It was a point of honor now.

  And a warning to anyone who ever considered messing with her again.

  Keeping Kaylie safe was the only thing that mattered now.

  Chapter 31


  Just put one foot in front of the other. Look straight ahead. Don’t think. Don’t feel.

  Kaylie went about her business like a robot, working her shift with precision, if not a smile. At least she wasn’t crying her eyes out the way she wanted to. She was able to keep it together.

  At least until she served a cheeseburger and turkey club to Mr. and Mrs. Marcus. They were a sweet old couple who came in at least once a week. Kaylie had always imagined she'd have something like that someday- growing old together, taking walks, raising a family.

  How could she ever have any of that with Dev?

  Maybe he wasn't the problem. Maybe it was her.

  His lifestyle was extreme to be sure. But he'd shown her that he was a good man again and again. Better than most she'd wager.

  So what if he rode a bike and hung out with a bunch of tattoo'd tough guys. They stuck together like glue. If any of them ever needed anything, Dev would be there for them and vise versa.

  He was loyal, to a fault. He was loyal to her, too. Even if she didn’t feel like she deserved it.

  Not with the way she was acting.

  If she couldn't get past all that then she would be the one missing out. She had no doubt that Devlin would have another woman just by snapping his fingers. A dozen.

  He might miss her, or even be really sad for a while, but she doubted he would experience the soul crushing loss that she was experiencing.

  Maybe it was just better to turn a blind eye to the club and the troubles that went hand in hand with it. If the cops wanted to harass her, so be it. She would just toughen up.

  She loved Dev already. As time went on she was realizing that she wasn't even close to done falling for him. In fact, she couldn't think about anything else but him, and the way he'd made love to her that afternoon at the club.

  Her cheeks were still flushed when she walked to Mae's to do the night shift. She had been glad for an excuse to get out of the club. She needed the distraction of work. She'd needed time to think and clear her mind.

  And now she was almost certain she'd made her decision. She was sticking with her man, no matter what. Whether it was the right decision or not was hard to say.

  She retied her apron over her pink polyester uniform and got back to work. It was busy tonight which was a blessing. It kept her mind off of… other things.

  Her mind was in overdrive, with images of Dev and Grant were swapping places in her mind with intensely different effect on her. The things she’d done with Dev made her feel woozy in a good day, but then Grant’s leering face would pop into her mind.

  She went from feeling very warm and gooey to wanting to run out back and upchuck all over her tennis shoes.

  So being busy was great. It was neccessary. It was even working, keeping the demons at bay. Until he walked in.

  Officer Grant.

  Her stomach felt like it dropped right into her shoes.

  The big officer was looking around the place as if he owned it. He caught sight of her behind the counter and his expression changed to one of unconcealed lust. He oozed his way toward the counter like the slime ball that he was and sat down in front of her.

  He rested his big meaty hands on the counter. She had trouble looking away from them for a minute. It was hard not to imagine him touching her, in all the ways he said he was going to.

  Officer Grant was a huge man. Tall and strong but also getting close to thirty and starting to get fat. His hands looked pink and swollen laying there on the counter like two uncooked chicken cutlets. If he ever touched her with them she'd scream.

  Then again, she had a feeling he might like that.

  "Well, if it isn't my favorite little waitress. How are you doin' tonight honey?"

  She flipped over her pad and stared at it, pen at the ready.

  "What can I get you Officer Grant?"

  A disgusting smile crept over his face as he pondered the question. It was obvious that he was thinking about things that were not on the menu.

  And never would be!

  "I don't know, doll face. Do you have any specials tonight? Maybe something leftover, like sloppy seconds?"

  She swallowed the bile rising in her throat. Was he kidding with that nasty talk? Suddenly she started hoping that Dev would do something to the guy. Not kill him but… something bad.

  Maybe she was cut out to be a biker's woman after all.

  "Let me know when you're ready to order."

  She slapped the menu down in front of him and walked away. She didn't see Donnie outside on his bike making a phone call.

  Chapter 32



  Devlin was being held down by three guys. He'd taken the call from Donnie and ran out of the clubhouse before anyone could stop him. It was Jack who wrestled him off his bike to the pavement and then got a few other guys to help him hold Dev down.

  Grant was at Mae's.

  Bothering Kaylie again.

  Donnie had said she looked u
pset. That was it. Dev saw red. He stopped thinking. He just ran.

  Dev’s guts twisted at the thought of that pig talking dirty to his sweet girl. She'd lost her virginity less than a week ago. She was still so innocent. And she was already dealing with this crap?

  It made his blood boil.

  Enough so that he was ready to break the agreement of his release. If he left the clubhouse compound his ankle bracelet would go off and that would be it. Guaranteed jail time, even though he was innocent.

  Then he wouldn't be able to protect Kaylie at all. Or touch her.


  He nodded curtly and the guys eased their weight off of him. He stood and brushed himself off then stalked back inside the club. He got up on a chair and put one of his boots on the bar.

  "Listen up! We are having a club outing. You are all going to Mae's for banana splits."

  A couple of the guys moaned amongst all the cheering.

  "I'm lactose intolerant, Dev!"

  "Whatever- get what you want, Lennie. The point is, that pig Grant is in there right now, messing with my old lady. I can't go anywhere. But you guys can."

  Dead silence.

  Then with a roar all all the guys ran for the door.

  In unison.

  The sound of 40 something hogs revving up and hitting the road was like music to his ears. He climbed down and reached behind the bar for a beer. Even the guy manning the bar had gone.

  Grant was going to love this.

  Chapter 33


  Kaylie could hardly believe her eyes.

  Mae's was full of leather. Kaylie stared around as she rushed to take everyone's orders. There were at least fifty bikers in the diner, all coming within the last few minutes.

  She noticed that Donnie and Jack had taken seats on either side of a suddenly very nervous looking Grant.

  She was worried about getting all the orders straight until she realized they were all getting the same thing. Banana split. Extra nuts.

  Well, all except for one guy who ordered sprite, mumbling under his breath 'food allergies.' She felt tears welling in her eyes. Dev couldn't have sent a clearer message to Grant.

  Or to her.

  She was his. He would protect her. No matter what.

  Donnie was leaning in toward Grant and whispering something in an urgent manner. Jack said nothing as usual, but was following the conversation closely and nodding.

  When Kaylie brought Grant his check she looked at him proudly. Sloppy seconds didn't get this kind of protection. She was one of them, for real.

  "Anything else, Officer Grant?"

  He shook his head no and reached for his wallet.

  "No, thank you.”

  Jack grabbed his hand, twisting it hard while Donnie grinned up at her and winked.

  “I’m- uh- sorry for not treating you like a lady."

  She nodded at him regally.

  "I accept your apology. Just see that it doesn't happen again. To any woman."

  He nodded eagerly while his wrist was slowly wrenched underneath the counter.

  "And tell Dev-"

  She cocked an eyebrow at him.

  “The charges are dropped."

  Jack released his hand. With a whoosh of air he stood and dropped twenty bucks on the counter. In less than 30 seconds, he was gone.

  A huge cheer went up from the crowd, bikers and staff alike. And then one of the prospects came behind the counter to help her dole out ice cream for everyone.

  The only thing missing was Dev.

  Chapter 34


  He was waiting for her when she walked into the clubhouse. It was after midnight but he’d already talked to mama.

  Kaylie had finished her shift later than usual. There had been a lot of ice cream bowls to clean. Jack had waited while Donnie went back for her with Dev's SUV.

  There was a nervous knot in the pit of his stomach as she walked toward him through the crowd of bikers. They all smiled at her as she passed. She was one of them now.

  They loved her as much as he did.

  Love. There it was again. No point fighting it now. He loved his woman. He was hers, hook, line and sinker.

  Finally she stood in front of him. She didn't smile or kiss him. She just raised her chin and stared him right in the eye.

  "I didn't know if I wanted this kind of life."

  His chest felt like it might explode but he forced his voice to remain steady.

  "I understand. I won't be mad if this isn't what you want Kaylie.”

  He felt tears in his eyes as he faced her, but he had to say it. He had to give her an out.

  “I could never be mad at you."

  She looked down as if she were embarrassed or nervous. Like the words didn't come easy. He held his breath, hoping beyond hope that she wouldn't say they were through.

  "I said I didn't know. But now I do."

  When she looked up again he was shocked at the triumphant look blazing out of her eyes. It was strong and sure and confident. It was full of love. For him.

  "I'm yours Devlin. For as long as you want me."

  He almost laughed but he felt emotion choking his throat, making it tough to even talk. He cupped her face and stared into her eyes.

  "Forever, Kaylie. Is that long enough?"

  She nodded as he watched tears fill her beautiful eyes. He clasped her to him harder and bent his lips to hers.



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  A Joanna Blake Single

  About This Book

  This is a brand new edition of one of my earliest stories The Biker Next Door, a series of shorter stories entitled 'Joanna Blake Singles'. I've expanded the story and included a brand new epilogue!

  I hope you enjoy!



  Chapter One


  I twisted to the side, trying to crack my back. I had never been so tired in my life. A long day of travel yesterday and then doing the grocery shopping for Gran and I. Then the chore of unpacking and cleaning it up before I finally sank gratefully into the worn in chair in the living room.

  Home. I was finally home. No more cramped apartment filled with nursing student. One of which had the unpleasant habit of bringing home every guy she met.

  Not that I was judging. I just came home to eat, sleep and study. Instead I spent quit a few nights staring at the ceiling, trying to muffle out the sounds of all the sex I wasn't having.

  Silence. Blissfull, peacful silence. I closed my eyes and felt myself start to drift…


  "What the-"

  I sat up and looked around. I had been home less than five minutes when I heard the unwelcome sound. It took me a minute to figure out what it was: the persistent rumble of a motorcycle.

  A big one from the sounds of it.

  It was close. Really close.

  I ran to the window and looked out. Oh no. There was a large, muscular man in worn in denim and leather climbing off a bike in the driveway next door. Calling it 'a bike' was laughable. It was hell on wheels. Literally.

  Suddenly I wanted to cry.

  The thing was huge and looked terrifying. Kind of like the man who was standing next to it. Some maniac had actually customized the thing so that it looked like it had wings. Boney, black wings coming out of the front.

  They'd made the bik
e bigger too somehow. To suit the rider. The man was menacing to say the least. He stood well over six feet, with long lean legs and thick, tattooed shoulders that looked wider than four feet.

  I shook my head wildly. My eyes were playing tricks on me. That wasn't possible was it? I'd never heard of someone that broad, not even in anatomy class.

  I gasped when he pulled off his helmet a moment later. Long dark hair poured out over his shoulders, making him look like an avenging angel. His sunglasses were on but his face was chiseled and handsome, with a full pouty mouth below it.

  A smiling mouth. What the heck did a monster like him have to smile at? It was a predatory smile, making him look hungry.

  In fact, it looked like he was smiling at his next meal.

  He was staring right at me.

  I jumped back from the window, nearly knocking over a lamp in the process. I righted it and casually strolled into the kitchen, where Gran was baking a full tin's worth of bran muffins. I stared at her, wondering if that monster next door had made her life a living hell. She hadn't said a word about it.

  Gran carefully stacked the muffins on a plate covered with a napkin. Funny… she didn't look like she was being terrorized by bikers. She looked healthy and happy, with rosy cheeks and sparkling eyes. I frowned at the number of muffins she'd made. Not only was it a full tin, but she'd made lemonade from scratch. We must be expecting company. Usually she only made half a tin.

  Gran was big on healthy eating and had raised me to be mindful of what I put into my body. That was a big reason I had decided to go into helping sick people. Even though the nursing program was challenging to say the least.


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