Wanted By The Devil

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Wanted By The Devil Page 12

by Joanna Blake

  I couldn't wait to fuck her again.

  She looked alarmed though.

  "Callie? You okay? They won't bite."

  She was hastily pulling her clothes back on. I frowned. The best damn lay of my life and now she was acting all squirrelly on me.

  "I think I should- just go to bed."

  "Nuh uh. No way girl. Get your ass over here."

  Her eyes were wide as I pulled her into my arms.

  "You're my girl now Callie. You sleep in my bed."

  Her mouth dropped open. She looked so delicious and sweet. I took the opportunity to kiss some sense into her. Her eyes were soft and unfocused by the time I lifted my head again.

  "Now you are going to come outside and meet my brothers. And then we are going next door to do that again. Some other stuff too."

  She nodded mutely and I kissed her again, gently spanking her ass. Hmmm… spanking was the least of the things I wanted to do to her sweet bottom.

  "Good girl."

  I had had a good feeling about moving onto this block. Just like I had a good feeling about my new woman. I'd just have to keep her too busy to get worried about all the silly rules that said what a nice girl could and couldn't do.

  I had a feeling I'd have to work real hard to keep her from worrying, but I didn't mind. I looked forward to it.

  A good hunter always trusted his instincts.

  Six Months Later


  "That's it, sweetheart."

  My words were muffled from where I was wedged between her thighs. My woman wasn't feeling so good this morning so I decided to make her feel better.

  And eating that sweet pussy of hers was a nice way to start the day for both of us.

  She whimpered, her fingers flexing in my hair.

  I grinned and lowered my head again, licking and stroking her with my tongue. I used a finger to stroke her deep inside, making her rock her hips against me. I was tempted to try and kiss her bottom again, but she was still skittish about letting me near her ass.

  I grinned to myself. All in good time. After all, after a certain point in the pregnancy, we were going to have to lay off the regular intercourse. If I slipped a finger or tongue in her sweet little ass now and then… well, she'd probably come around on having something bigger in there eventually.

  Either way, Callie kept me on my toes.

  She was nursing at a hosptial near by now. A nice one, in the rich town about a half hour away. We were thinking about moving there. Getting a big house with room for Gran and a baby.

  Lots of babies if I had anything to say about it. I grunted as Callie started to quiver. She was close to coming. I decided I was going to make her come twice more at least before she got up to start the day. She deserved it after puking her guts up from my baby growing inside her.

  I pulled her clit into my lips and sucked hard. She screamed as shook all over the bed, but I didn't stop. As she was settling down I pressed my finger against her rose bud and started tonguing her pussy lips again.


  She sighed in pure bliss as I fingered her asshole and licked her clit. She was coming again in no time. I decided she needed one more for the road…

  After all, my woman deserved the best.


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  About the Author

  Thank you for reading Wanted By The Devil! If you enjoyed this book please let me know on by reviewing and on and Goodreads! You can find me on Facebook, Twitter, or you can email me at: [email protected]

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  Other works by Joanna Blake:


  A Bad Boy For Summer



  GRIND (Man Candy Trilogy Book One)

  HEAT (Man Candy Trilogy Book Two)

  DEEP (Man Candy Trilogy Book Three with extended epilogues)

  Go Long

  Go Big


  Hot Shot

  Stud Farm (The Complete Delancey Brothers Collection)




  The Continuation of Mason and Cain’s stories

  The completely rewritten expanded Devil’s Riders Trilogy

  Turn the page for excerpts from Joanna Blake's Cuffed, Cockpit, Go Long, GRIND, BRO' and A Bad Boy For Summer.


  I went inside and took a look around. The bar was nearly empty. They must have been closing up when the bike went up in flames. Everyone had taken off after that.

  Everyone but the staff.

  I saw Mason with his hand resting possessively on a girl’s shoulder. She sat at the bar, her arms wrapped around her protectively. I could only see her profile but even that was enough to stop me in my tracks.

  All thoughts of murder flew from my head.

  The girl was beautiful.

  Not just a little bit pretty, or cute, or even sexy. She was fucking gorgeous. With long, wavy, light brown hair, and a delicate profile with a nose that was just the slightest bit turned upwards. Her figure looked slim and athletic, but with curves in all the right places.

  She turned to look at me and my breath stopped. My heart seemed to pause, waiting for my mind to catch up with my eyeballs, which felt like they were bugging out of my damn head.

  She was a Goddamned angel.

  Even in this smokey juke joint, with the dim lights and neon beer signs, I could see her eyes.

  They were the brightest, deepest blue I’d seen in my life. And I was a fan of staring at the sky, or I had been when I had less shit to worry about.

  This was the blue of ten thousands skies.

  She blinked and I came back to myself. The girl might have the face of an angel but right now she was part of a crime scene. If she worked here, she most likely knew the killer, or at least served him a bucket of wings.

  Which meant under my rules, she was part of the problem. The fact that I had such a strong reaction to her only pissed me off. Why the hell work here with all the criminals when she could be plastered all over billboards and magazine covers?

  Because she was one of them. The enemy. The ones who had killed Danny.

  Remember that, Conn.

  I forced myself to ignore the hot pulse of lust that was throbbing in my belly and crossed the bar. I flashed my badge and pulled out a tiny note pad. Yeah, I was old school in that way too.


  “They already interviewed me.”

  “Not you.”

  They exchanged a glance and Mason stepped in front of her.

  “She ain’t got nothin’ to do with this, DeWitt.”

  I let myself steal another look at her. Her huge eyes were looking down at the ground. Her juicy bottom lip was caught between Chiclet white teeth. I squinted at Mason and asked again.


  “It’s okay, Mase.”

  She cleared her throat and Mason sighed heavily, stepping aside. I was once again struck by the girl’s absolute physical perfection. And the nervous look in her eyes.


  She should be fucking nervous. I wasn’t going to go easy on her because she was stunningly beautiful. Or young. Or scared.

  I realized belatedly
that the girl looked more than scared. She was frightened out of her mind. That made me want to tell her that everything would be okay. That I would take care of everything for her.

  I frowned, disquieted by the swirl of protective and animalistic urges that she was causing. Unwanted urges, dammit.

  “Casey. Casey Jones.”

  Her voice was soft and sweet, stirring something even warmer inside me. But something felt off. It felt like a lie. Maybe it wasn’t her real name. I leaned against the bar, musing over how young she looked.

  Too young for me.

  The thought caught me off guard. Now where the hell had that come from? Completely out of left field. Not only was it true, but I certainly didn’t date criminal trash.

  I glanced at Mason who was frowning at me, a worried look on his face. He cared about the girl, that much was obvious. I had a moment of pure animal jealousy, wondering if he was screwing her.

  Why I cared, I had no fucking idea.

  But I did. I cared a lot.

  I gave Mason a hard look.

  “Is she your wife?”



  He shook his head and some of the tension left my body. I felt a strange relief that made no sense at all. I should not give a damn one way or the other.

  But I was almost friendly as I nodded to Mason.

  “Then you have to step away, Mason. Sorry.”

  “I’m responsible for her, dammit!”

  Well, that was unexpected. Maybe she was his kid. I looked at her again. Hmm, no. He wasn’t that much older.

  Unless he had a kid at fourteen.

  “Is she your child? Relation?”

  He shook his head. I glanced at the girl, my eyes skimming over her graceful curves. She really was perfect. She looked like one of those girls in those sexy bra commercials.

  Lush and young and desirable.

  And way too clean and innocent to be in a place like this. But she wasn’t innocent. At the very least, she was a prime witness.

  “Is she underage?”

  “I’m old enough to work here. I don’t serve drinks.”

  I felt something hitch in my stomach at that. Damn, she was young. Not even twenty-one.

  I definitely shouldn’t be having the sort of thoughts I was having. Thoughts about touching her. Kissing her. Taking her to my bed and tangling up the sheets.

  No. I should not be thinking any of that, dammit. And not just because she was involved in a crime.

  Not just because she was so young either.

  She was one of them. The people who had killed my partner.

  I’d just met the girl. Never before in my life had I taken one look at a female and thought- I would like to hold her all night.

  Not just all night either. I had a crazy feeling I’d like to hold her a lot longer than that.

  Well, fuck.


  I licked the sauce off my fingers, watching Jenny work. Feldon had been right. This place did have the best barbeque south of the Mississippi.

  But the amazing ribs were not half as good as the view.

  Sweet Jesus, Jenny was finer than what I'd conjured up in my imagination. Her legs were just as long as I remembered but the rest of her was... different. She'd filled out even more, keeping that hourglass shape that drove me nuts last time we'd met. And then some.

  She was a brick house.

  And I would love to have a visit inside. Hell, not a visit. I wanted to take up permanent residence.

  Too bad she wasn't as happy to see me as I was to see her.

  I frowned, rubbing my face. I had to wonder why that was. Maybe she'd asked around about me... Yeah, that would do it.

  I had quite a reputation amongst the Marines.

  But I was a reformed man now. Or I would be, if she gave me another shot. I tilted my head, wondering why she was here. Again. Off another base.

  My eyes got wide. I must be an idiot. She was either a military groupie or had a family member in the service. Just... which one? Husband? No. She wasn't wearing a ring and she didn't strike me as the cheating type. Parent? She wasn't that young.

  It wasn't falling into place for me. Sweet little Jenny was a mystery. I would figure it out though. And I would make her mine. Or at least soften her up enough to take another crack at it.

  If she was a groupie, I didn't care. There were women who had a thing for soldiers, officers in particular. I'd convert her to a one man woman. Just like she'd done to me, the first time I saw those emerald eyes of hers. Hell, if she let me, I'd stick to her like glue.

  If she was... related to someone... or an Army brat... well, I might be in bigger trouble than I realized.

  I might have to contend with a big brother or a daddy, whoever the unlucky bastard was. I tried to imagine having a daughter that looked like Jenny. It would be hell. Especially since she did not seem to know her effect on men.

  And she was innocent enough to work in a place like this and think she wouldn't be dealing with a hard dick or twelve every damn minute. I started getting upset just thinking about it. This was no place for a sweet girl like her. It wasn't safe.

  I was going to have to protect her. I'd see her home each night, starting tonight. Hopefully, back to my place.

  To my bed.

  And that's all there was to it.

  I watched as she 'accidentally' spilled a glass of water on a customer. I grinned. He must've said something cheeky to her. So, maybe she could take care of herself.

  Didn't mean she didn't need backup.

  And I was just the man for the job.

  She went behind the bar and picked up a huge box of empties. I was across the room in a flash. I was grinning as I tried to take the box from her.

  "I got this sweetheart."

  "Let go!"

  "What? Why? No need to trouble your pretty little arms."

  "My what?"

  Oh boy. Her eyes were green fire as she wrenched the box out of my hands and flounced into the back. I followed her, a little less confident than I'd been a few minutes ago.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart? What got you so riled up?"

  She spun around and hissed at me. Like a pissed off kitty cat. I leaned against the door and grinned. I liked kitties. Especially gorgeous ones like her.

  "I need this job, Jagger! Don't ruin it for me like you-"

  I straightened up. This was not regular grade anger. This was a bonafide grudge.

  "Like I what?"

  She scowled at me mutinously.


  I smiled again.

  "Well, if it reall is nothing, when are you going to let me take you out again?"

  "How about never?"

  "Oh come on sweetheart, we had a good time together, didn't we?"

  She looked like she was about to cough. Or choke. Her eyes were wide, practically bulging, as she seemed to struggle for air. I was about to get her a glass of water when she burst out laughing.

  And kept laughing.

  She laughed so hard she had to bend forward and rest her hands on her knees.

  I stopped smiling.

  "What's so damn funny?"

  "You are Jagger. I'm surprised you even remember me with all your floozies."

  "I don't have any floozies."

  I glanced at the heavens, expecting lightning to strike.

  "Well, not anymore."

  She just looked at me. I could see I'd hurt her somehow. I didn't like that.

  Not one bit.

  "Come on sweetheart, let's talk."

  "I can't. And don't call me that."

  I raised an eyebrow at her.

  "You can't talk? You're doing just fine."

  "No, I mean not here. I'm not supposed to... fraternize."

  "Says who?"

  She sighed.

  "My boss, that's who."

  Go Long

  "How do you like our campus so far Kyle?"

  Kyle smiled benignly at my mother. He look
ed as innocent as a choirboy. Meanwhile, under the table his foot was brushing mine. I wasn't sure if it was deliberate until he did it again. I scowled at him as he oozed charm and good will. All false of course.

  I wasn't fooled.

  "It's the most beautiful I've ever seen. And the students have been... very friendly."

  He grinned at me pointedly and popped a bite of food into his mouth. He made it clear he was talking about me as his foot caressed mine again. I kicked him and he nearly choked. I smiled serenely as my father pounded his back.

  Kyle glared at me as he wiped his mouth.

  I gave him a look that clearly said 'two can play at that game.'

  "Thank you Coach."

  "Make sure you chew your food, boy. Can't lose you before the season starts!"

  I put my chin on my hand and smiled sweetly. I knew more about sports than most men. But Kyle didn't know that. I intended to milk it.

  "Daddy, isn't it unusual to put a walk-on on the team?"

  "Hardly ever happens at this level. But Kyle here is an unusual young man."

  "He is?"

  "He's unnaturally talented on the field Bellie. His military training had a lot to do with it, but some people are just naturals."


  Kyle's eyes were glowing mischievously. I could have screamed. My plan to control the conversation had completely backfired. If he started calling me 'Bellie' I would lose it. I really would.

  "That's what we call our little girl. Did you know they actually pay her to attend school? She had a full ride of course, but they actually give her a stipend and all sorts of administrative jobs for extra money. She has career academic written all over her."

  I groaned inwardly. Did he have to make me sound like a cross between a 12 year-old and a grandma? That's what I was really. Kyle was right when he called me Miss Priss. Just a little girl who acted like the biggest, most responsible, boring goodie two-shoes ever to walk the face of the-


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