Jesse's Brother

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Jesse's Brother Page 9

by Wendy Ely

  “I promised to be there and I wasn’t. I’m so sorry for breaking my promise. Please, let me make it up to you.” He walked over to her.

  For a split second, she wished he wouldn’t put his arms around her. It would be easier if he didn’t touch her. If Noah turned away from her, left the garden, and stayed away, her life would be so much easier.

  However, Noah did the opposite. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. He tilted her chin up to kiss her gently on the lips. Fireworks shot through her. He lifted her up into the air and swung her around.

  “Put me down.” She giggled. Her legs flew out behind her, giving the sensation that she would fall at any moment. Unlike her heart, her body was secure wrapped in his strong embrace.

  “Only if you forgive me.”

  “Fine.” Her laugh filled the air before he put her back down onto the ground. She smiled at him again but he pulled away.

  “Forgive me?” he asked.

  She kept her eyes on his strong facial features. The internal fireworks slowly died down and let the beginnings of uncertainty creep into its place. What about Jesse?

  “Of course, I do,” she whispered.

  He kissed her again, then walked over to the edge of the garden. He gave her a smile like one she had never seen before. “I have to go finish rebuilding the side wall on the barn, then run some errands in town. Can we do something tonight?”

  She nodded. He gave a small wave, then turned to go back to the barn. Confusion filled her heart as she returned to her work. Good thing there wasn’t much to do. With a groan, she finished picking the ripe vegetables off the plants. Her legs and back began to ache even more, making her wish she had chosen a different chore for the day.

  “What am I going to do?” she said aloud.

  Jesse was so distinguished and handsome. He made her feel like a whole new woman, bringing out a side she’d never known existed. When they were together, she felt as beautiful and exotic as a movie star. He’d opened a door to a whole new world she’d only dreamed about.

  At the same time, Noah was the dark and rugged man who made her heart melt. He understood her love for the hard work on the ranch. She was most at ease with him. How could she choose? No matter what, she’d have to make the decision soon.

  She grabbed the basket of vegetables. On her trip back to the house, thoughts of Jesse and Noah flashed through her mind. Memories of time spent with each of them took turns running through her head like a film strip on a movie reel, sending exciting shivers through her body. She was falling for both men. She couldn’t make the decision until she’d had time to get to know each

  of them.


  June passed in a whirlwind of activities for Samantha. The goal was to divide her time between the two men she adored in order to know them as much as she possibly could. It was wrong to date both men at once but she needed the time in order to make the perfect decision.

  It was only while lying in bed alone that she let those guilt-laden thoughts creep into her mind. On those nights, she spent little time sleeping. In fact, she was plain miserable. She thought of Jesse and the way he treated her, like she was a princess. Then Noah would pop into her mind with his warm, strong embrace.

  Lucky for her, Noah invited her out most nights, and she preferred to spend the days with Jesse while Noah was working. Jesse was working less to spend more time with her. Oh yes, life was getting complicated. She enjoyed the days with Jesse but her favorite was the evenings. With Noah.

  * * * *

  “How are you and your mom doing?” Dad asked, coming up the stairs where she’d been waiting for Noah.

  “I was actually thinking about that. She’s been trying really hard to respect the boundaries.”

  He nodded. “I’ve noticed.”

  “I was thinking I should do something nice for her. Any suggestions?”

  “Why don’t you get up early and cook breakfast? It’s been years since she’s slept in.” It was the perfect plan. Her mom needed to relax for once. “Can you shut the alarm off when you go to bed tonight?”

  “Sure thing. I’m going to invite Noah. Maybe she’ll take the chance to get to know him a little. Won’t that be nice?”

  “He’s here to get me so I’ll let him know.” Waving at her father, she turned toward Noah.

  “Ready?” Noah asked. She smiled up at him, pleased as always to be in his company.

  “Yes. Where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  They had agreed to take Samantha’s car and not the truck. She didn’t mind driving—it kept her focused on one area, instead of her messy love life.

  It had consumed her mind all day, even while doing various things to keep herself occupied. She tried watching movies, reading and even playing with Culata. Nothing seemed to work. Driving provided a much needed mental break.

  “I’ll give you directions,” he said, and she laughed. “What’s so funny?”

  “I know how to get everywhere in this town. Tell me where we’re going and I’ll get us there.” They slipped into the seats and he slid his hand onto her leg. He’d hinted they were having dinner so she wore a pretty yellow sundress with bright blue flowers. The dress showed off her long, tanned legs. His hand rested directly on her flesh.

  “Turn left,” he said, making her laugh again.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m very serious.”

  She laughed again. “I can figure it out. I promise.”

  His hand squeezed her thigh. “It’s a surprise. You’ll love it.”

  “Turn left here,” he ordered, removing his hand from her thigh to point down the dirt road that led directly to the pasture. Why were they going to his place?

  “Did you forget something?”

  He shook his head but wouldn’t say anything else until they parked. She saw a small picnic table outside the trailer this time. On top was a beautiful bouquet of red roses and several candles. Her face flushed with excitement as she stared at the things before her.

  “We’re having dinner here, if that’s okay.”

  They got out of the car and he opened the front door. He motioned for her to walk inside. Everything was the exact same way as when she had snuck in before. She looked at the books on the bookshelf and said hello to the bird.

  “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  “My pleasure. Take a look around, then go see your surprise on the table.”

  “The flowers?”

  He nodded as he walked over to the small kitchen. Not wanting to crowd him while he was cooking, she didn’t walk any further into the small trailer. The bedroom door was still in view from where she stood, causing heat to rush to her cheeks. She quickly walked outside to see the roses and searched the flowers for a card tucked inside. The wind gently blew the delicious scent of the red blooms as she slid onto the bench.

  “Did you read the card?” he asked, startling her.

  “Not yet. I wanted you to be here first.”

  The card had been easy to find in the flowers. Being careful to not rip the envelope since she knew she’d want to keep everything he gave her, she tore the envelope open.

  Dearest Samantha,

  The beauty of these roses is nothing compared to the beauty you hold. You are so important to me and I have something extraordinary to tell you.

  Love, Noah.

  She put the card back into the envelope as he lit some candles.

  The sun began to fall behind the trees and the suspense was so thick she could barely breathe. What was he going to say? Was he going to propose even though it had only been two months? The idea of him proposing filled her with dread. She couldn’t say yes. She wasn’t ready to make a choice between Noah and Jesse. Noah proposing would mean choosing between them tonight. Her heart screamed, “No, not yet!”

  He slid onto the bench next to her and they both turned to face each other. He took her hand into his. His mouth formed into
a big grin and his dimples made a rare appearance. Her breath caught in her chest while her heart pounded.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, although she really wasn’t.

  “I know it was important for you to come into my house. Letting you into my house was a way for you to enter into my world. In the past, I have blocked you out of any intimate part of my life.” His voice stayed low and deep.


  “I’m so sorry I was rude. You didn’t deserve that kind of treatment.”

  She smiled. “I accept your apology.”

  He kissed her. “I want you in my life, Samantha. You’re the best a guy like me could have.”

  “I feel the same about you, Noah.”

  “I have fallen in love with you.” He looked deep into her eyes, and tears began to fall down her cheeks. He wrapped his strong arms around her, then lifted her from the picnic table.

  “I love you too.” And she meant it. The words were not planned, but she couldn’t help it. She had to tell him because she did.

  After dinner, they went back into the trailer and she curled up on the couch with her head on his lap. A soft knock intruded on the small space. She moved away from Noah and shot him a look as if to ask if he was expecting company. He shrugged before pulling the door open.

  “Hi, Noah,” her father said.

  He held the door open for her dad to walk up the short set of stairs and into the trailer. The three of them filled the small living room, even with Samantha sitting on the couch.

  “Is everything okay? Do you need help with something?” asked Noah. The confusion in his eyes was replaced with concern.

  “Oh, nothing is wrong, Noah. Well, not technically, but I do need to talk to you.”

  Noah motioned for him to sit down in the small built-in swivel chair while he returned to his place next to Samantha.

  Dad smiled at Samantha as he sat down in the chair across from them. Samantha smiled back, knowing the purpose of his social call. She also had a feeling it would make Noah’s whole night to know her dad was giving him the farm.

  “What is it?” Noah leaned forward and put his hands on his knees, as he did every time he was having a serious conversation or was in deep thought.

  “How do you like working on the farm?”

  “I enjoy it. Are you reconsidering my job?” Noah raked his fingers through his hair, while looking from Samantha to her dad.

  She laughed and received a strange glance from Noah. Cutting the laugh short, she slid her hand over his bare back.

  “No. In fact, you are completely wrong. What I’m here for is to discuss you taking over the farm.”

  Noah shook his head. “I can’t afford to buy it from you. It’s worth well over what I can pay.”

  “Noah, I don’t want your money. I already have your loyalty. You’re like a son to me.”

  Noah smiled. “Wow. That means a lot to me, Martin. I feel the same about you.”

  “I’m too tired to run it anymore and Samantha will be leaving in a few months for school.”

  “I know,” Noah said, letting a touch of sadness enter his voice. That was a subject they hadn’t discussed yet.

  “I wanted her to be close to marriage by this time, but since she has chosen a different career path, I’m forced to find someone I feel worthy to take over. I want that person to be you. Please accept.”

  He looked down at his work-worn hands. “I’m honored, Martin, but I don’t think I deserve it. Do you have any other relatives so it could be kept in the family?”

  Her dad flinched. “If you don’t want it, Noah, that’s okay but I’m telling you it would mean the world to me and Samantha if you accepted the offer. You know the ins-and-outs of the ranch. It’s only right for you to have it.”

  “I will accept with some conditions,” Noah said and rose from the couch. “The first condition is that your name stays on the farm until you pass away.”

  Her dad smiled. It was the first genuine smile she’d seen on his face since she’d arrived in the beginning of June. “Okay. Anything else?”

  “Yes. I want you guys to stay in the main house. I also want to pay you for half of the farm. I don’t want it for free.” Noah smiled once Samantha gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

  “I don’t want your money,” he said with a shake of his head.

  “That’s perfectly understood, but I don’t feel right taking the J Ranch totally over. I’d like to purchase my half.”

  “That sounds reasonable.” Martin nodded and then looked at Samantha. “Your mom said you spent some time together yesterday. How did it go?”

  Samantha and her mom had gone to the Farmer’s Market to sell the produce they had grown in the garden and orchard. It was something Samantha had enjoyed when she was little but her mom had suddenly stopped taking her around age ten. Samantha’s feelings had been hurt terribly.

  Yesterday her mom had been in the kitchen packing up the items that were to be sold when Samantha had found her way into the kitchen, looking for an early lunch. “Where are you going? Farmer’s Market?” she asked.

  Her mom gave a quick nod, then asked if she’d like to come.

  They had sold all of their produce so they spent the rest of the time wandering around the market, socializing with the rest of the vendors and shoppers. It was great and Samantha had bought an apple pie they agreed would be for dessert. It had been the best time she’d had with her mom in years.

  “It was great. We got along and it seems like we’re on the right path to a better relationship.”

  Dad smiled at her. “Well…” Her father glanced down at Noah’s chest with a red glow on his cheeks. “I should be going. Sorry to bother you.”

  “Dad, you’re no bother at all. We were visiting.”

  Her dad looked at Noah. “We’ll sign the papers soon?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  They laughed as the men shook hands. Daddy quickly retreated down the stairs and shut the door behind him.

  “What do you think?” she asked.

  He looked down at his chest. “That I should’ve put a shirt on when he came in.”

  “Why? You would have taken it right back off.” She pulled him back down onto her.


  The rest of the evening with Noah was like a dream. The television had been left off so they could curl on the couch to talk and steal kisses now and then. Always a gentleman, he never pushed her boundaries. She smiled at him. The late hour was leaving her tired even though she didn’t want to leave.

  She started for the door but was pulled back to him, her petite body against his bare chest.

  “Don’t go.” His lips brushed against hers.

  “If I stay, it could lead to more than this…” His lips pressed against hers cut the sentence in half. Pulling from his embrace and resting her hand on the knob, she tried to get the will power it took to actually walk away from him.

  His hand went against the door to stop her from leaving. “Before you go, there’s something I want to ask you.”


  He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist. Heat shot through her body as his lips found the curve of her neck. “I was listening to the radio while I was getting ready this morning.”

  “Mmm hmm?” She loved the way his lips felt against her bare skin. The fabric of her top slipped down to reveal her shoulder.

  “There was an announcement about the Fourth of July Festival this weekend,” he mumbled while leaving trails of kisses across her skin.

  “I’ve heard of it.” The words came out in a small breath of air as her nipples puckered against the lacy fabric of her bra.

  His hand slipped under her dress to massage her tender mounds. She’d almost forgotten what they were talking about. Right, the Fourth of July Festival.

  “Will you go with me?”

  “I would love to.” Oh, how much she wanted to touch him, but she was scared to turn around. He
r body leaned against his. Noah’s erection throbbed against her. “I should go.”

  “Shh. I want to hold you. I would never push you for more than you want to give. Pushing you would hurt you and I don’t ever want to do that.” He grabbed her by the hand and slowly turned her around. “Please stay with me.”

  She nodded slowly at him as he began to lead her to the bedroom. She’d promised herself, no matter what, she wouldn’t allow herself to make love to either of the men until she had made her decision. Noah’s touch set her on fire each and every time but she had to stick to her rule. His lips pushed the promises from her thoughts. Samantha trembled while his hands traveled over her body.


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