Jesse's Brother

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Jesse's Brother Page 11

by Wendy Ely

  “Hey, Tonya,” she replied, walking over to the picnic table.

  “I’m so glad to see you. Do you remember Brett?” Both the women had gone to school with the tall blond man. As Samantha nodded, Tonya continued in her excited way, “He’s my date for today.”

  Hadn’t Brett been married to Mary? She shrugged it off and made a mental note to ask Tonya for details later.

  “Nice seeing you again,” she said. “This is Noah Combs.”

  With the rest of the introductions made, Tonya asked where the couple would be having their picnic.

  Noah shrugged. “On the ground. Doesn’t seem like there’s much room there either.” He continued to look around for an available spot.

  “I have a great idea,” replied Tonya. “Share our table with us. That’s okay. Right, Brett?”

  Noah exhaled in relief as he set the basket down on the table. They were all soon happily enjoying the day. Samantha hung out with Tonya and the various people that stopped by their table to visit. Noah played Frisbee with Brett and the two men seemed to hit it off. Noah would come by the table every so often for a cold drink or to sneak a kiss from Samantha.

  During the whole day, everyone made her feel welcome—not as Frances and Martin’s daughter, or as the girl that had abandoned Jackie and Wiley. Instead, they seemed to like her for being herself. She smiled as she looked at everyone celebrating the holiday. There was finally a place for her in Alban. Why did having a place for her matter if she was returning to school? Did she want to go back? She pushed the thought aside. Of course she did. It was the plan.

  It seemed like time flew by. Before they knew it, people were hauling their baskets and coolers to their cars. Right as the sun set, everyone sat on blankets, eager faces turned toward the sky. Samantha had her spot on the ground between Noah’s legs, her back resting against his chest. His strong arms wrapped around her waist. They sat that way for the whole firework display. The couple oohed and ahhed with most of the townspeople present. The night was perfect, so perfect she might’ve made her choice.

  * * * *

  After another night in Noah’s arms and not wanting to go home in the morning, he suggested he walk with her to the ranch when he was ready to leave. She agreed with reluctance, and threw on her clothes, but slipped into her own bed once she was at home.

  A little before eleven, her cellphone jingled on the end table near her head. She glanced at the caller ID. Noah.

  “I miss you already,” he said as soon as she picked up the phone.

  “I miss you, too. How’s work today?”

  “Hectic. I only have a moment to call you. Let’s do something tonight. “

  “A friend wants to get together for a movie tonight,” she said, then added in a rush, “but we could have lunch together.”

  He sighed. “I can’t take a lunch break today. The horse came in earlier than expected. The work is behind now. Tomorrow?”

  “I can’t wait to see you. I’ll look for you on the ranch as soon as I’m up in the morning.”

  “I love you,” he said.

  She loved him, but how could she? She had a date with another man and claimed to be in love. Was this possible? She needed to search her heart for some sort of answers.


  Jesse’s house was as stunning as it was enormous. The house was three stories tall with a big stucco porch. It looked like it had been taken straight off the pages of a home magazine her college roommate always read.

  The landscape had to have been designed by professionals, and she guessed it was probably manicured at least twice a week. It looked too perfect for anything less than that. The garage door was open, and Jesse’s gleaming car parked inside. He climbed out of the car and hit a button on his key chain. The headlights flashed twice while a clicking noise echoed in the garage. No one would be stealing his car.

  She exited her car and locked it with the key pad, even though she was sure she wouldn’t have to worry in his swanky neighborhood.

  Her smile widened as she met him in a hug, his arms around her waist while hers rested on his shoulders. Their lips met instantly, parting to draw in the taste of each other. He was the first to pull away. He grabbed her by the hand and led her through the garage as she longed for more of his minty kisses.

  Inside the house, they climbed the stairs that led into a formal sitting area. The front windows overlooked the beautiful landscaped yard. They walked past the formal dining room and down the dark hallway until it ended. A very large room came into view.

  “Your house is beautiful. Do you live here alone?” She looked around in awe. She could picture herself in a home such as his. Or with him?

  “For now. I hope to share this with someone soon. You know, start a family. Come on over here,” he said.

  He led her to the bar in one corner of the room.

  She didn’t know what he was making for them, but it looked good, with the clear alcohol and some red fruit juice. She slid onto the bar stool next to his as he sat down, and turned to him.

  He clinked his glass against hers. “To us.”

  “To us,” she repeated, then took a drink of the delicious mixture. She sipped on her drink and so did he. They let the conversation remain casual, each talking about how their week had gone.

  She found it hard to leave out all the parts containing Noah.

  Alcohol warmed her stomach. The cozy, tingling feeling slowly spread up to her chest, then to her cheeks. She wanted more. She raised the glass to her lips for another drink.

  When the glasses contained nothing but ice, his hand covered hers and he pulled her off the barstool. His soft lips kissed the flesh of her hand, then moved up her arm. He kept moving up, over her bare shoulder, until he reached her neck. Then he lifted her up onto the bar, her legs straddling his. She felt sexy in her short mini sundress with the spaghetti straps.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered as he lifted one of her smooth legs and put her foot on his shoulder. His lips moved over her bare leg, then followed the shapely curve of flesh until he reached the hem of her dress that barely covered her panties. She leaned back onto the counter and moaned in delight. Arousal lit her core on fire.

  She wished for once she could give in, give into her own need to be touched…tasted…made to feel like the woman she was. She moved her hand from the bottom of her dress, now leaving her legs wide open and her womanhood clearly visible with the smallest piece of material separating him from it. She kicked her heels off and slid one bare foot onto his lap. She was glad to feel his arousal was as intense as her own. His lips parted on the inside of her thigh as she massaged his erection with her other foot.

  “Jesse…” She moaned as the fireworks were ready to light within her. She leaned back and waited for the explosion as his fingers slid over her panties with rhythmic pressure. The teasing of his fingers intensified the pleasure as she waited eagerly for the orgasm to follow. She continued to massage his erection until he moaned and she could feel the wetness seeping from the tip of his penis.

  Once the fireworks ebbed, Samantha slid off the bar with a shaky breath.

  “I’m going to change my pants. I’ll be right back,” he said before he disappeared down the hall.

  Disappointed she hadn’t reached her own climax, she walked into the lavish living room.

  She could tell the house had been decorated by a man with the rich colors and chunky, antique furniture. A big-screen television rested against one wall. Large windows overlooked the back yard which contained a fancy swimming pool, hot tub and waterfall. She turned from the window.

  Jesse’s house was much more personable than Noah’s. Evidence of his life was everywhere.

  It’s more comfortable than Noah’s trailer. Noticing some pictures on a shelf near the hallway, she walked over to get a closer view. She looked at a picture of an elderly couple, and then some little boys.

  The two boys in the photo looked happy. They were running across the yard, both wearin
g jean over-alls with no shirts. They looked like country boys even though it was obvious they were in the city. Both looked similar, except one had light brown hair and the other had dark wavy hair a lot like…

  “Who is this in the picture?” she asked softly when he came back into the room. She was afraid to hear the answer. Her heart felt as though it would beat itself right out of her chest. Why hadn’t she seen the connection between her two loves on her own? Her eyes were glued to the happy little boys in the photograph. Was she really that stupid?

  “Me and my younger brother. Couldn’t you tell it was me?” he asked with a laugh.

  The television came to life. She stared at the photo and couldn’t believe what she was seeing. It couldn’t be! Could it? Noah and Jesse as little boys? She shook her head and even though it was obvious, she wouldn’t allow herself to believe it. “You never mentioned a brother,” she said, tearing herself away from the photo to join him on the couch.

  “I don’t talk to him anymore. I try not to bring him up in any conversation,” he mumbled, then tried to change the subject by rubbing her breast.

  However, she couldn’t let this go. She needed to hear it for herself.

  “What’s his name? The two of you look very similar.”

  “We were able to pass as twins when we were young. I imagine we look very different now. His name is Noah.”

  She let him hold her hand but somewhere in the pit of her stomach, she had a terrible feeling. The feeling of guilt. Maybe because she knew if she stayed, she’d be cheating on Noah. Or would it be because she would be cheating on Jesse? Or perhaps it was because she knew it would be a hard decision to let one of them go. Did she know either of them well enough to make that decision?

  “I’ve been thinking,” he said.

  She looked at him and suddenly realized he did have several of the same facial expressions as Noah. Could that be why she was in love with them both?


  “I would love to spend some time with you on the farm if the invitation is still valid.” He kissed her on the top of her head.

  A vision of Noah flashed through her mind. What would happen with them both there? “I don’t think it’s a good idea right now,” she mumbled. She quickly glanced away.

  “Why not?”

  Because I’m in love with your brother, too. “Family drama.” She took a deep breath. Her decision weighed heavily on her chest. She squirmed around on the sofa, uneasiness encompassing her body.

  He gave her a side glance. “Are you okay?” he asked before trying to kiss her.

  She moved away from him as she pictured them running across the lawn hand in hand as little boys. Panic filled her. She had so many things she wanted to know about them. Why hadn’t

  Noah ever mentioned Jesse? The questions overwhelmed her. What was their feud about? Waves of nausea filled her chest, and inched their way up her throat. The taste of bile erupted in her throat.

  She coughed.

  “I need to go. Jesse, I’m sorry,” she muttered. She grabbed her purse from the bar and ran out before he could stop her. She didn’t want to look back but was sure he was coming after her.

  Sadness gripped her. She’d never intended to cause either of them pain. She had made a terrible mistake. And now, she needed to fix it.

  She backed out of the driveway and kept going even though Jesse was trying to flag her down.


  “Samantha Lynn Johns,” the report read. “Age twenty-two, senior at…” Jesse’s eyes continued to scan the page of her personal information.

  “How did you manage to do this to me, Samantha?” he asked aloud, even though the office remained devoid of people. The papers dropped onto the desk before he rushed to the well-stocked mini-fridge for a vodka on the rocks.

  “How can you seize me the way you have with your simplistic beauty?” After flopping back into the chair, he put his feet on top of the desk and leaned back. The limit was one alcoholic beverage while working, so he intended to nurse his current one.

  He thought about Samantha, the way she laughed, the twinkle in her eye. He loved the way she kissed and how he touched her, tasted her, and the thought made his erection grow tighter against his trousers. Being with her was a whole new experience.

  Then the image of her fleeing his home after he had let her into his life disintegrated any erotic images that had started to emerge. Why had she left so quickly? What had he said that caused her to rush off the way she did? Had he scared her? Maybe another lover?

  “Damn it.” He glared down at the empty glass, dropping it on the desk a little too forcefully. Who cared if it broke?

  He flipped open the calendar on his desk. Mrs. Iris Hanson 5:15. “I have time to call Joe.” He lifted the receiver. It was time to get the ball rolling on this. “Joe. I want to expand the job,” his voice boomed over the line.

  “Jesse, it’s after hours.”

  He rolled his eyes and twirled the melting ice around in the glass. “I don’t care one goddamned bit. I pay you a generous amount of money to have the privilege of calling any time I feel the need.”

  “Yeah. Whatever.”

  He could picture Joe on the other end of the line. The cantankerous older man was unappealing with his near-toothless smile, shifty black eyes, and greasy hair. It was true that Jesse would never be caught dead with Joe in public but Joe went over and above to get the job done.

  “Do you want to continue with gainful employment or not?” he snapped.

  “Of course,” Joe said, changing his tone. “You know I’ll do anything.”

  * * * *

  Samantha decided if she got a good night’s sleep, it would make her feel refreshed. But could she sleep? A nightmare had her jerking up in bed, barely able to catch her breath. In the dream, she and Noah were making love, but before the act had ended, it was Jesse’s face who appeared. She took in deep breaths of air, trying to calm herself down. Instead of springing from the bed as usual, she looked at the alarm clock on the end table, groaned and covered her head with her blanket.

  “Life sucks,” she thought with a sigh. The two men flashed into her mind again. “Why hadn’t I seen it for myself? They’re alike in so many ways.”

  Still haunted, she didn’t bother changing out of her pajamas before going downstairs. She had a lot of thinking to do, but still wasn’t sure how soon she’d be able to make a decision. After she put on her blue fuzzy slippers, she shuffled down the hall to the stairs.

  “Good morning,” she said to her mother as she made her way into the kitchen. “I’m glad I caught you before you started breakfast for me.”

  Mom sat at the kitchen table with her hands were wrapped around her cup of juice. Nothing was prepared for breakfast, which wasn’t normal.

  Samantha almost missed her mother’s strange behavior because of her own drama. “Mom?”


  She wanted to ask what was wrong but for some reason couldn’t bring herself to. “I’m not feeling well. I’m going to eat a bowl of cereal in my room this morning.”

  Her mom looked up at her as if she hadn’t seen or heard a thing, then got up slowly from the table and walked over to the cupboard to grab a cereal bowl.

  “I can do it, Mother,” she said, taking the bowl from her mother’s hand. Any other time, her mom would have ordered her to sit down for breakfast as she cooked for her. Mom wouldn’t have

  pointed to the cupboard where the cereal was.

  “Over there,” her mom muttered then slid back into her chair, covering her unhappy face with her hands.

  Trying to ignore her mom’s sadness, she turned her back and poured the milk in the bowl, then grabbed a spoon. All she wanted was to curl up in her bed with breakfast and a movie on her television. She needed something, anything to take her mind off the men in her life.

  After chewing the last spoonful of cereal, she placed the bowl on the end table. She pulled the paper from the end table drawer and diale
d the number she’d scribbled on the paper the day in the grocery store.


  “Hey, Tonya,” Samantha said. “The reason I’m calling is because I’d really like to go out. Are you busy tonight?”

  “I haven’t been out in awhile. It would be great to hang out with you. Wanna go to The Grill?”

  “Where’s that?”

  “Downtown Alban. It’s a country bar and loads of fun. I went there once on a date when it first opened.”

  They agreed on a time before ending the conversation. This would afford her one full day to give her feelings serious thought. There was no way she could continue with the way things were. Who would be hurt more by her decision? It wasn’t going to be easy, but she’d make her choice.


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