Ben & Matilda- Infinite Promise

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Ben & Matilda- Infinite Promise Page 26

by Tania De Melo

  “Call him.” My words come out more directly.

  “I can’t.”

  “You can…call him.”

  She looks back down to her phone, then with a deep breath, hits the call button. It rings twice before there is an answer.


  Ati clears her throat. “Hi, Abe, it’s Ati.”

  “I know.”

  She lets out another breath. “It’s good to hear your voice.”

  He’s silent for a moment, then answers. “I'm glad you called.”

  Ati looks up to me. “You are?”

  “Yeah. Ati, you don’t know how many times I had this phone in my hand with your number up ready to call.”

  “Why didn’t you,” she asks him.

  “Honestly...because I was alone most times, and wasn’t sure if it was your number I was calling.”

  Ati’s eyes open wide as a laugh escapes her mouth, and on the other end, you can hear Abe laughing as well. “Oh, Abe, I’ve missed you. I’ve wanted to call you as well. I just don’t know what to say.”

  He lets out a sigh. “That you’re going to miss Quinn too. That you’ll always remember the way he made you smile, and the way that he was overly anal about his imported cheese.”

  “He really did love his cheese.”

  “Ati, I’m not going to lie, it’s been really hard on me. I loved him more than you could imagine and always will. There is no way I could love someone like that again. But then every day, my mother is here pushing me, telling me that I have to start living again. And that’s when I think about how pissed Quinn would be that I’m sitting around and not enjoying my life. Ati, whenever we think about him, we’ll feel the pain of his loss. But living our life is what will keep his memory alive. We owe him that much.”

  “Thank you,” Ati says, it’s exactly what she needed to hear, but it couldn’t be from anyone else but him.

  “Anytime. Listen, I have to let you go, they’ve been scheduling me with a service worker so that I can get used to using all my new little gadgets. Ati, don't be a stranger. I want to hear from you, and often.”

  Ati smiles. “Same goes for you.”

  “You don’t have to tell me. Oh, and Ati, Congratulations to you and Ben. I always knew you two would make it.”

  The call ends, and instantly, I can see how light she feels.

  “You good?”

  “I am. I needed that, Ben. You know losing Quinn hit hard, in part because he was a dear friend and a big part of my life, but also because on that mountain I could swear he was there with me. I couldn’t have gotten through it if he wasn't. I know it was all just my subconscious preserving whatever it needed to, but it felt so real.”

  Just as I lower myself to give her a kiss, Sammy saunters into the room, a bowl cradled in his arm as he munches away. He stops in front of Ati and me.

  “What’s up, Bud?” I greet.

  He sets his bowl on the ground then climbs onto the couch taking a seat beside me, gesturing for me to pick it up for him. I reach over and hand the bowl to him. He rests it in his lap, crossing his legs and just looking straight ahead. I glance over to Ati, and we both let out a chuckle.

  Ati leans over. “Sammy, sweetie, What’cha got there?”

  He looks to her, rests the bowl on the couch beside him, then slides off the couch, grabbing the bowl and making his way to Ati.

  She lets out a chuckle. “Buddy, you could have just told me.” Sam shrugs and shows her what’s inside. “Ooo, cheese, that looks yummy.”

  “Yep,” he replies.

  “You want to share?”

  He looks at her. The decision obviously a tough one by the look of his creased brow, but he must decide it’s okay and offers her the bowl. Playfully, Ati pretends to take a piece and shove it in her mouth. “Mm, this is so good.”

  Sammy lets out a laugh, and they do that a couple of times before he’s had enough and decides that he just wants to eat what's in the bowl. He turns to leave but then stops, turning back to Ati. His hand comes up to her face, and he says. “He got you, Titi Ati—always.” Then without another word, he just saunters out of the room.

  I look to Ati, and her eyes are full of instant tears that have now soaked her cheeks.

  I sit up and bring my hand to her face, exactly where Sammy just had a moment ago. “Angel, what’s wrong?”

  She takes a deep breath, looks into my eyes, and with a knowing calmness, says, “He was there…he was really there—Quinn was my guardian angel.”



  -Ten Years Later-

  It’s true what they say about how time flies when you’re having fun. I swear it was only yesterday that Maia and I were bringing our firstborn, Liam, home from the hospital. Yet, here we are today, celebrating our fiftieth anniversary on the same day Liam’s oldest son is graduating high school.

  We’ve enjoyed a good life, a full life, a loving life. We’ve enjoyed raising five wonderful children and are now blessed to watch as they raise theirs—all fourteen of our grandchildren, from the oldest, Thomas right down to the youngest of the bunch, Ben and Matilda’s, only child and our only granddaughter, Hutton.

  The life we have lived has been nothing short of a gracious gift. Sure, we have had our share of ups and downs’, but together, as a family, we pulled through, made the best of what we had, and always counted our blessings. So, I will say without a doubt in my mind and heart, that I am the luckiest man alive.

  “Papa, Grams said to tell you to get your rear in gear,” Hutton lets out in a giggle as she tugs at my hand, trying to pull me from my recliner.

  “Did she really use the words, ‘rear in gear?”

  Hutton nods her full head of blonde curls. “She did. She also said something about a procrastinator, but I forget what it was.”

  I look to my granddaughter, who is the spitting image of her mother and feign concern. “Well, then, I best get moving. We all know how Grams gets when she’s in her ‘go zone.”

  She lets out another giggle. “Do you want me to tell her that?”

  I open my eyes wide. “Lord, no. Have you lost your mind? I value my life, child. You just tell her I already have one foot out the door.”

  Her little green eyes squint in confusion. “Papa, you’re still sitting down, and you’re not wearing your Sunday pants.”

  I let out a laugh; this child is too cute for her own good. “Good point, I should probably do as she says.”

  Hutton shrugs. “Daddy always says Gram’s is the final word.”

  “Your Daddy is a smart man.” I give her a smile. “Okay, you tell her that I received her message and will oblige her request.”

  “Okay, Papa.” She leans over, giving me a kiss on the cheek, then skips out of the room.

  I start making my way to the bedroom, walking through the kitchen. When I enter, I spot a full head of black hair towering over the fridge with the door open.

  “Is that you there, Sammy?”

  Crunch, crunch, crunch.

  “Hey, Pops.”

  “Don’t get too full, your mother and grandma have been working all day in the kitchen preparing a nice dinner for after the ceremony.”

  “No worries, it’s just a snack,” he shrugs, taking a bite of a double-decker hoagie that I’m sure Maia left in there just for him. I swear to this day I think the boy has a hollow leg.

  I continue on my way, passing the window looking out to the backyard. Knox, Kip, and Ryder are just arriving, Kai and Eugenia right in behind. The moment they enter the kitchen, you can instantly feel their energy. They are like their father in that sense, all go-go-go. Those boys don’t have an off switch.

  “Hey, grandpa,” the boys greet in unison.

  “Boys, are you staying out of trouble?” They look to me brows perched high in guilt.

  Eugenia walks over, leaving a kiss on my cheek. “They’re grounded.”

  I look to her and Kai. “What did they do this time?”

he looks at me. “Oh, no. When I say they, I mean your son as well.” She turns to Kai. “Go on, show him.”

  I look to my son, just as he widens his mouth into a proud toothless grin.

  “What on earth?”

  Eugenia lets out a frustrated sigh. “That’s what I said when he walked into the house with a bloody mouth after a puck hit him square in the face. Well, that with a few other choice words added in there. It’s not bad enough that he refuses to shave that beard and trim his hair regularly, but now he has no front teeth. I’m married to an unkempt version of Paul Bunyan.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Good thing, love is blind, son. I’m with her; you were hanging by a thread before, now your just downright ugly. Please tell me you’re booked in to get those fixed?”

  Kai shrugs. “I think it adds character.”

  “Son, character is one thing you do not need any more of.” I give him a pat on the back. “You best praise that woman every day.”

  He pulls Eugenia into a loving embrace at his side. “That is one thing you can count on. She’s my life.”

  I give them both a smile then head down the back hall. As I make my way passed the dining room, I find Ewan and Grace fussing over their two sons, Doc and Phinn. I’m proud of all my grandchildren, they are all good-hearted and loving kids. But these two, there is something special about them. Possibly because their mother is a saint herself.

  “Did you two want to go over the song you’ll be playing for the procession as the graduates come in?” Grace asks the boys.

  “We practiced earlier, but if you would like us to again, we can,” Murdoch replies.

  “Princess, they’re good. Heard it myself earlier,” Ewan assures her.

  She looks to the boys. “Okay, then I guess you can go find the others.”

  “Hey, Grandpa,” they greet, walking past.

  “Hello, boys.”

  When I enter the room, Grace comes over, tucking herself under my arm and giving me a hug. “Did you find your clothes? Hutton ran by here, calling out to Maia that you had no Sunday pants.”

  I let out a chuckle. “Remind me never to share my deepest darkest secrets with that girl. She’d sell me out faster than a cheap pair of sneakers.”

  Ewan’s phone rings and he excuses himself, stepping into the other room. I look to Grace. “New case?”

  She nods. “Yeah, and his last as a Detective. He will officially take over the reins as Emerson’s new Mayor in less than a month.”

  “I’m so proud of that boy.”

  Grace lets out a chuckle. “Yes, I must say, I’m a little proud of him as well. I even decided just this morning that I would keep him around a little while longer.”

  I let out a laugh. “Well, I best go get on my Sunday pants before my little traitor of a granddaughter helps Maia hunt me down.”

  Grace gives me another squeeze before I turn to head out.

  Moving down the hall, I run into Thea and Bane, entering from the garage with Asher and Axel.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  I give my daughter a hug and nod to Bane, then look down at my two grandsons. “So, I hear you two spent some time in the principal’s office this week?”

  Both of them lower their heads in guilt. “Yes, Papa.”

  Thea moves behind them to where Bane is standing both of their expression’s stern.

  “So, what happened?”

  Asher looks up to me, letting out a deep breath as he starts to explain. “Well, you see, there are these two twin boys in my grade five class, and they’re bullies, Grandpa. Anyways, the other day at recess, they were picking on Hutton. They pushed her down and dumped the stuff from her snack bag all over the ground and made her cry.”

  “And what did you do?”

  Asher and Axel look to each other, then Asher replies. “We pinned them down in a full nelson in front of the whole school and made them apologize to her.”

  I hold my mouth in the same firm line as Thea and Bane for a moment to hold back a smile, then look to the boys. “What did mom and dad say?”

  Axel lets out a huff. “That violence is never the solution. And our training is for positive activity and fitness, and not to be used on others.”

  “Okay, well, I’m glad to hear you stuck up for your cousin, though.”

  They look up with a smile, then run off down the hall. As I look up to Bane and my daughter, I see they are both wearing wide, ear-to-ear grins.

  “It was a proud moment for you, wasn’t it?”

  Thea’s eyes sparkle. “Darn right. I mean, I don’t condone violence, but those Gallen boys will think twice before messing with any member of this family ever again.”

  Bane chuckles. “Yeah, well, that, and the fact that your daughter almost put their father into a full nelson herself when he started going off on our boys. It almost turned ugly...for him anyway.”

  I laugh. “Fierce just like her mother, and with that being said, I best get moving, or she will soon be hunting me down. See you two out there.”

  I round the corner and come across the spare bedroom. Ben and Matilda just arrived from the airport and rushed right over.

  “You two best get moving, Mom’s on the hunt.”

  Ben looks up and laughs. “What did you do now?”

  “Oh, something about procrastination and Sunday pants.”

  Matilda walks out of the en suite, taking me into a hug. “How was Hutton for you? She wasn’t giving you too much sass, was she?”

  “No more than any queen ruling over her throne,” I let out with a chuckle. “No, that sweetheart is never a problem, she is always such a joy to have with us. Maia and I were actually saying, just the other day, that the two of you should leave the country more often.”

  Matilda smiles. “Well, I’m happy to hear she was well behaved.”

  “Did you hear about those Gallen boys?” I mention.

  Ben lets out a growl. “I heard, I just about jumped through the phone when Thea called.”

  “Yeah, well, sounds like Asher and Axel took care of it,” I reply with a slight smile.

  Matilda snickers, “Yeah, and Thea almost took out their father. I wish I had been there; I wouldn't have hesitated.”

  Ben chuckles, “Oh, it wasn’t due to hesitation. Bane had to hold her back and remind her

  that taking out a three-hundred-pound man in their son’s school wasn’t the best idea. But, by the sounds of it, Thea’s boys made it so that I don’t think another boy will come anywhere near Hutton anytime soon, which suits me just fine. Angel, we will have to remember to get Asher and Axel a little something extra special for Christmas.”

  Smiling, Matilda nods then looks up to me. “It’s getting to be that time; you better get moving before Maia makes you walk out of here in just those old man sweats you’re wearing.”

  I give her a casual shrug. “For some reason, you all think that would bother me. I’ve been telling Maia for years that no one goes to these things to see me anymore. Nowadays, I should be allowed to just exist in comfort.”

  “Aldric.” I hear Maia hollering my name from the top of the landing.

  “That being said, I still do want to exist. So, I’ll let you two finish getting ready, and see you in a bit.”

  I hit the bottom of the steps and make my way up. Standing at the end of the hall is Liam, dressed in his suit, staring out the window.


  He turns to face me. “Hey, Dad. Mom’s been looking for you.”

  “Yeah, I need to get dressed. So, what were you looking at out there?” Letting out a breath, he looks just like I did on a day just like this many years ago. “It’s tough, isn’t it? Watching them grow up and start to become adults. Accomplishing things without mommy and daddy holding their hand.”

  “It’s crazy, Dad. I swear it was just the other day that Thomas was born. Now, he’s graduating high school—valedictorian of his class. Then, at the end of the summer, he’s heading across the country to start a new chapter of his l
ife, all alone.”

  I give my son a smile. “You mean, without you.”

  He looks to me, guilt on his face. “Is it bad of me to want him to hate it there and want to come home?”

  “Not at all. All you kids went to the University of Oregon, and I still had your mother checking in on you all the time.”

  He lets out a laugh. “That was you making her call?”

  I nod. “Each and every time. But you know what? As time went on, and I saw how you went from a young boy to this strong, mindful man in front of me, I knew it was time to trust that I raised you all well, and to have faith that you would be okay.”

  A hand lays on my shoulder, then Gwen appears at Liam’s side, linking her arm with his. “I’ve been telling him this for weeks now. Thomas is a great kid. He has done us proud and will continue to do so.”

  Liam lets out a breath. “I guess you’re right.”

  Gwen gives him a quick kiss then smiles to us as she starts to walk off, but first quickly adding, “And if not, we have five others we can try again with. One of them is bound to get it right.”

  Liam and I both let out a roar of laughter as she makes her way down the hall disappearing into one of the rooms.

  The door to mine and Maia’s bedroom opens, and standing there is my gorgeous wife. Although, at this moment she looks not so happy with me.

  “Aldric, I had Hutton come get you over half an hour ago. You still have to shower and get dressed with only minutes to spare.”

  Liam pats me on the shoulder. “Well, that’s my cue to get moving. Talk to you later.” He leans over, giving his mother a kiss then heads off.

  I follow Maia into the room, and once I close the door behind me, I take her by the hand and spin her into my arms’.

  “Aldric, we don’t have time for your antics. We are going to be late.”

  I let out a breath. “Sweetheart, it’s been fifty years today that we started our life together, and in those fifty years, I can’t recall one time where we have been late. Give me just one more minute to enjoy this goddess before me.”


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