Hook Up: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World)

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Hook Up: A Driven World Novel (The Driven World) Page 10

by M. L. Broome

  “Absolutely. What do you have to lose?”

  “Twenty thousand dollars in debt?”

  That got Greg’s attention. “Come again?”

  “In exchange for being his girlfriend, he’s offered to pay off the debt that Richard gifted me.” Holy hell, when I say it aloud, I realize how spectacular this deal is, even if my heart gets mangled in the process.

  Now his smile is full-blown. “If you don’t take this deal, I will. Holy hell, I’ll pose as his girlfriend for the next couple of months for way less than twenty grand. Gigi, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. Unless you don’t think you can stand Ryder for the next couple of months.”

  “I think the idea of you in a dress is going to give me nightmares.” I squeeze his neck, smacking a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “Remember, if you pass on the deal, let him know I’m interested.” A final smirk after I flip him the bird. “Get out of here. Go find your man.”

  “Exactly where I’m headed.” I open the door, colliding with Ryder’s firm chest. He looks even better than before, infinitely hotter. He’s ditched the jacket and tie, his sleeves rolled up to reveal his muscular forearms. And his hands. Good lord, I can only imagine what those hands could do if given free rein. “Fancy meeting you here, Ryder. Getting fresh air, or did you miss me?”

  “I’ve missed you for twenty years.”

  Gazing into his eyes, I see the passion burning in their depths. Granted, I’m likely part of a sexual bucket list, but two months of mind-blowing sex with Ryder sounds pretty damn tempting.

  I need to stay focused. Idle flirtation works. “You have very sexy forearms.”

  A random statement, but I stand by it.

  His eyes widen, a smile splitting his face. “Glad to see you’re turned on by at least one part of me.”

  “Oh, it’s more than one.”

  Desire blazes in Ryder’s eyes as he leads me to a quiet seating area, pulling me down on his lap and laying claim to my mouth. His hands slide along my body, cupping my breasts and gripping my ass. “I want you so much, Gigi.”

  “For real or for this deal of yours?”

  “You know the answer to that. Have you decided about dating me?”

  “You mean, the deal?” I suck in a deep breath, forcing back a smile. “I just don’t know. Maybe?”

  “Greg is moving down there.”

  Damn him for hitting me in the sweet spot. “He told me about his new job. Greg has tried for years to get on a crew. He’ll be perfect.”

  “I know. It’s why I hired him.”

  “But that has nothing to do with me. Besides, North Carolina has snakes, and I hate snakes.”

  “Long Island has snakes.” His fingers drift down my arm, setting my body awash in tingles. “I have a pool. I recall one summer where a certain girl spent every day by the pool.”

  “I like pools. Do you have a jacuzzi?”

  “I do, and a sauna.”

  “Hmm. All things to consider.”

  “Greer, you’re giving me a serious complex here.”

  “Ditto for you, Ryder.”

  He pulls me close, burying his head against my neck. “Final offer, just to let you know how much I want you to do this. Move to North Carolina with me—”

  “For sixty to ninety days and pose as your girlfriend. Yeah, I got it.”

  “Be quiet, Ms. Mouthy. If you do that, I’ll pay off all your debts. Student loans included.”

  My mouth drops open. “Are you insane?”

  “I race cars for a living, so my money is on yes, but I’m serious. Do we have a deal?”

  “Do you have any idea how much my loans are?”

  “Do you have any idea how much money I make?”

  “Conceited ass,” I laugh, my brain fumbling to make heads or tails of this scenario.

  He wants me to leave my life and job—my miserable job and passionless life—to move into his mansion and pose as his girlfriend. Sexual favors from this hunk of love a distinct option. In return, he’ll pay off every debt I have. Damn near one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars.

  Even if my heart wasn’t involved, I’d be an idiot to turn down this offer.

  “It’s over a hundred grand.” That’s it. My final argument.

  “Okay.” Not a look of surprise, fear, nothing. Ryder is absolutely calm and collected.

  I tilt my head back and laugh. “For that sort of money, we might as well up the ante.”

  Ryder presses a kiss to my neck, earning a coo of approval. “How so?”

  Time to turn him on his head. “We get married. Show the world you really mean business.”

  I expect him to run screaming in the opposite direction. Or laugh. Or sit there shell-shocked. It would be the ultimate payback.

  He does none of the above.

  Instead, a slow and sultry grin spreads across his face. “Good idea. In fact, since you mentioned it, it’s now a stipulation.”

  “I’m joking, Ryder.”

  “I’m not, Greer. We’re getting married.”

  I hold out for several seconds, waiting for him to crack, but he’s determined to have the last laugh. Fine. Let him have it. It’s not like I ever planned on getting married. Might as well do it as part of a business transaction. “That is the least romantic proposal I’ve ever heard. Why am I not surprised it’s for me?” I hold out my hand. “You have a deal, Ryder Gray. Here’s to love and marriage in all of its contractual glory.”

  His hand envelops mine, but instead of shaking it, he brings it to his lips, dusting kisses across my knuckles. “You haven’t given me a chance to be romantic, Gigi. Let’s get out of here. Spend some time together.”

  Even though I just sold my soul to the gods of enterprise, I need a few hours to process the upheaval I’ve brought upon myself. “I think you need to enjoy your final nights of bachelorhood. I’ve been up most of the night with the bridal party, so my bed is calling me.”

  “Can it call me, too?”

  “No. Not until the ink is dry.” It’s a bullshit statement, but at least I get the reaction I’m hoping for when his jaw slackens.

  No one says no to Ryder Gray, except Greer Hammond.

  With a last smile, I press a kiss to his cheek, pay my respects to the bride and groom, and head for my room, with one thought in mind.

  What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 7


  “Rise and shine, beautiful.” Ryder’s lips graze my ear, and I grumble into my pillow, not fully willing to leave this comfy cocoon.

  “Five more minutes.”

  “You said that five minutes ago. No can do.” He rips the blanket back, and I scramble to a seated position, my eyes flying open.

  “Never mess with a nurse before coffee. Hasn’t anyone ever told you that?” I snatch the sheet to cover my naked body, but judging from the smirk gracing Ryder’s features, he didn’t miss the view.

  “I’ve never dated a nurse before. But, I do recall your caffeine addiction. Breakfast just arrived.”

  You’re not dating a nurse now, I muse, slipping on the robe that Ryder offers and padding out to the dining area. My body is sore, but I’ll bet money I’m feeling loads better than the rest of the bridal party, who are currently passed out in my suite.

  Likely with all manner of vomit decorating the floors.


  “Thanks for letting me crash here,” I offer, sighing as I gulp down a mouthful of coffee.

  “Gigi, I wanted to spend the night with you, but you refused. Not until the ink is dry,” Ryder states, mimicking my previous night’s declaration. “You knocking on my door was a welcome surprise.”

  “Guess I’m lucky I didn’t interrupt you.” Am I being saucy? Difficult? Yes, to both questions. But this entire deal, no matter how lucrative for my pocketbook, is wreaking havoc on my heart.

  Deep down, even though I’d rather die than admit it, I wanted Ryder to fall in love with me. Instead,
he offered me a job, albeit the highest paying one of my life.

  But what will the cost be to my emotional well-being once these few months are up? Once the media storm dies down, and he no longer needs a stand-in girlfriend?

  All these questions rattled around my brain last night as I sat in my suite, until the utterly soused wedding party appeared at my door, interrupting my internal monologue as they insisted they had to stay with me for some inane reason.

  I tried arguing with them, but it’s absolutely fruitless to battle drunkards.

  So, I packed my suitcase and headed down the hall to Ryder’s suite, never thinking he might be entertaining someone.

  “You thought I had another woman in here?” Ryder questions, crossing his arms over his muscular chest. Damn him for looking so delicious with so few articles of clothing.

  “I wasn’t sure. It seems I was the only one who didn’t get laid last night, not that most of the bridal party will remember their antics.”

  Ryder strides over to me, setting the mug on the table and sinking to his knees on the carpet. “You’re the only woman. Got it? And all you had to do was ask, and I would have spent the night savoring every inch of you.” He leans in, stealing a kiss. “But you chose to be difficult, so neither of us got any loving last night.”

  “I’m not difficult,” I grumble, earning an incredulous look from Ryder. “Fine, but I’m entitled to parameters with this deal, too.”

  A smile splits his face as he nuzzles my neck, his hands prying apart the panels of my robe. “Denying yourself sexual satisfaction is one of your parameters? Gigi, you need to learn better negotiation skills.”

  All the while, his fingers slide along my thighs, drifting ever higher, until they hook on the edges of my underwear. But it’s the look on his face that gets me, those sapphire eyes lit with an inner fire.

  “Tell me what you want, beautiful. I’ll give you anything.”

  My eyes rake over his half-naked form, while my mind lists off a hundred things I’d like for him to do to me. But women have always come easy for Ryder Gray, and I’ll be damned if I fall into that category. He may not love me, but he is going to work for a roll in the hay with me.

  “I’d like my coffee back.” I bite back a laugh as his jaw slackens. “What? You asked.”

  Ryder quickly regains his composure, a chuckle escaping his lips. “Playing it that way? Okay.” He leans in, his tongue circling my nipple before sucking it into his mouth. “You drink your coffee. I’ll find other ways to keep myself occupied.”

  His hands slide along my spine, pulling my body flush against him, his mouth working overtime as he teases first one breast and then the other. I feel him smile against my skin when a low moan slips from my lips and my hands press into his scalp.

  Coffee? Who the hell needs coffee?

  Ryder pulls back, running his tongue along his full lips. “See? There’s more than one way to wake up in the morning.” He hands me my mug, pressing a kiss to my mouth before popping up to answer the knock at the door.

  At least my libido is going to get a hell of a ride these next couple of months. Something to be said for great sex. Hell, there’s a ton to be said for great sex and I know, without a doubt, sex with Ryder will be incredible.

  Grabbing my mug, I stroll onto the balcony. It’s already hot, but nowhere near as scorching as my body when Ryder is near.

  “We have one hour.” Ryder interrupts my thoughts as he joins me on the balcony, his eyes riveted to me.

  “What are you looking at?”

  “You. I’m admiring the view.”

  It might be a line, but there’s something so earnest in his words that they warm my heart and my hormones all in the same breath. Maybe it’s the Vegas heat or the surreal nature of this weekend, but I drop all my inhibitions.

  “I can offer you a much better view than that.” Holding his gaze, I pull open the panels of my robe, letting it slide off my shoulders. Then, I slip off my g-string, shooting him a sultry smirk as I lean against the railing. “Better, right?”

  His expression smolders, his eyes raking down my form. “Keep it up and I’m bending you over this railing in full view of everyone.”

  “Likely story.”

  It takes Ryder three steps to close the distance between us. With a heated breath, he places one hand on either side of the railing, trapping me in his embrace. “If you think I won’t strip you naked right now and kiss every inch of your body while the world watches, you’re wrong.”

  “I think your money is on the fact I’ll tell you no.”

  Inching closer, his mouth hovers against mine. “Try me.”

  “Do it, then.” I’m never this brazen, but the look in his eyes, the blatant desire blazing in their depths, has caused me to throw any last vestiges of common sense out the window.

  Tangling his hand in my hair, Ryder’s mouth claims me while his free hand pushes the robe from my shoulders.

  Holy shit, he’s not kidding.

  He’s also not stopping. His hand slides along my folds, and I moan into his mouth as he plunges two fingers inside me.

  “So tight and wet. You want me, don’t you, Greer?” Adding a third finger to the mix, I bite back a groan, grinding against his hand, my naked body on full display.


  Sinking to his knees, Ryder buries his face between my thighs, his tongue teasing me open as I writhe against him. His hands slide up my legs to cup my ass, all the while his mouth eating me like I’m his favorite treat. I whimper, my hands holding his head in place as a low groan rises from his chest.

  “Fuck, you’re delicious.”

  When his tongue flicks against my clit, every cell in my body blasts apart at the same time, and I’m fairly certain the entire city hears my cries.

  Ryder presses kisses to my thighs before standing, a satisfied smile on his face. Hey, the man earned it.

  “That was spectacular,” I breathe, trying to slow my heart. “Where did you learn to do that? You know what? Don’t tell me.”

  He presses his body against mine, and I’m tempted to yank down his shorts and return the favor. Let the world watch how quickly I make Ryder Gray come. He’s not the only one with hidden talents.

  “You have the most delicious pussy in the world. I want to lick you several times a day.”

  “Will I get to play, too?” I glide my fingers across his cock, earning a grunt of satisfaction.

  Ryder frames my face, claiming my mouth and pulling me into a slow, intoxicating kiss. This man and his kisses. One for every mood.

  My fingers loop into the waistband of his shorts, intent on finishing what we started, but Ryder stays my hands. “We’ll have plenty of playtime. But first, we have to hurry and get the hell out of here.”

  My gaze narrows in confusion. “I thought check-out wasn’t until noon.”

  “For us, it’s earlier, and that’s all I’m telling you. The rest is a surprise.” Ryder scoops me into his arms, littering kisses along my jaw, seemingly oblivious to the fact that he’s showing off my naked body to all of Vegas. “I promise, I’m all yours the second we land.”


  Ryder holds up a hand, slowing my verbal rebuttal. “I know you’re off work the next ten days. You mentioned a few times that you didn’t go back until the twentieth. Even claimed how you didn’t have plans. Now, you do.”

  He can’t be serious, can he? “Where are we going?”

  “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” Ryder responds with a wink. “Now go get packed.”

  I’ll give it to Ryder. The man is incredible with surprises.

  First, a private jet to Barbados.

  Then, a ridiculously opulent private villa overlooking the ocean.

  Finally, our own personal staff to attend to every whim, with the first order of business being a scrumptious dinner.

  I’ve never experienced this level of grandeur before. Even the suites in Vegas pale compared to this palatial spread.<
br />
  After the staff clears the dishes, reminding me that I don’t have to clear the dishes, they excuse themselves for the evening, although they’re on call twenty-four hours per day. Who needs a cook at three in the morning? Apparently, the ultra-wealthy and important.

  Wandering to the teak wood great room, I breathe deeply of the sea air flowing through the open windows, reminding myself I’m really here.

  With Ryder.

  Talk about surreal.

  “For you.” Ryder hands me a cocktail before pulling me close, his mouth slanting over mine. “We’re alone, at last.”

  “So this is how the other half lives.” I place my hand on his chest, putting a couple of inches between us. “This is how you live.”

  “Not exactly, but this is a special occasion. It calls for a celebration.”

  “What are we celebrating?”

  “Us. Together. Living the life we’re supposed to live. How does that sound?”

  Blinking back tears, I raise my glass in a toast. “That sounds incredible.”

  “You’re incredible.” Ryder sets our drinks aside as he holds out his hand. “I want an entire dance this time, so I pulled out the big guns.”

  I wrinkle my brow at his words, but then the strains of my favorite love song since the age of ten floats into the air, and I give up the ghost. My heart doesn’t stand a chance. Even if all of this is an elaborate ruse, I’m jumping into the deep end with no lifejacket. I suppose where Ryder is concerned, it’s the only option for me.

  Even if he smashes my heart to smithereens in a few months.

  Ryder wraps his arms around me, a softness in his azure eyes that I know is reserved for me.

  “You remembered,” I sniffle, a tear rolling down my cheek.

  “I don’t know how many times you’ve danced to this song, but I always considered it ours.”

  “I’ve never danced to it with anyone before. I never wanted to.”

  “And now?”

  Raising on tiptoe, I steal a kiss, desperate to be closer. “I never want to stop.”

  So we don’t. Instead, our gazes remain locked on each other, our bodies pressed close, until the last note rings out. There’s no need for words in those precious moments. Our hearts already know what we’re desperate to say, but scared to speak aloud.


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