Bluewater Drone: The Eleventh Novel in the Caribbean Mystery and Adventure Series (Bluewater Thrillers Book 11)

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Bluewater Drone: The Eleventh Novel in the Caribbean Mystery and Adventure Series (Bluewater Thrillers Book 11) Page 8

by Charles Dougherty

  "We'll hold you to that," Liz said.

  "Will you meet him at that resort? The one on the island?" Mindy asked.

  "I don't think that's a good place for your ambush; it would be too hard for Blaine to hide, and they're hyper about the privacy of their guests."

  "There's a better place," Liz said. "It's on the mainland side of the bay. Quiet, small, not well-known, and they serve extraordinary food. Just the kind of place I'd think you'd want to feature."

  "It sounds good," Blaine said. "Is there enough cover for me?"

  "Yes," Dani said. "I'll ask for one of their private patio tables; some of them back up to the jungle. Most days, they only serve lunch by prior arrangement, so it won't be crowded. You'll have to hide well, though, or you'll blow it."

  "Oh, that sounds really cool," Mindy said. "Think I could get some video there? I mean, on another visit? I don't want to mess up Blaine's photo op."

  "I imagine they'd be pleased," Liz said.

  "Okay. I'm going to go up on the bow for a little privacy and make my call," Dani said. "I'll try for lunch tomorrow, but we may have to take what we can get."

  "Hey, Dani?" Blaine asked.

  Dani paused as she was about to step onto the side deck. "Yes?"

  "Before you call him, did you get any more information on the yacht? I could use it for background, like."

  "A little bit. It's registered in the Cayman Islands, to a shell corporation, as we suspected. But the beneficial owner is Danilov; you'll have to trust me on that. I can't tell you how I learned that."

  "Okay. That's great, but how big is it?"

  "Just shy of a hundred meters long — a little over 300 feet. It was built to order for Danilov, in Russia, in a commercial shipyard. That's pretty unusual. It's the only non-military, non-commercial vessel that ever came out of that yard."

  "What's that mean?"

  "I'm not sure of all the implications, but it certainly means that Danilov's got some pull in Russia."

  "What's something like that cost? Roughly — just so I can make it sound good in the article, you know."

  "It's hard to say. We're talking about something the size of a small cruise ship, here. Assuming it's got luxurious appointments, I'm sure you'd be safe putting the value in the hundreds of millions. Market value on vessels like that isn't something you look up in a reference book, like with used cars."

  "Okay. That's close enough. Thanks. I'm gonna go make some notes while you call Strong."

  Dani nodded and stepped out of the cockpit.


  "The first wire transfers should start coming in tomorrow," Vinnie said, running a finger around the inside of the starched collar of his dress shirt.

  "Good," Don Petrillo said. "How much?"

  "Around a million and a half," Vinnie said, swallowing.

  "That's just for the actors? They ain't gonna get suspicious about that?"

  "No. Not just for the actors. There's deposits for equipment rental and all kinda shit in there. We gotta spread it out. Doin' all the people at once might make 'em suspicious. Joey figured we shouldn't take no chances. He's kinda basing it on what we did with Strong's last movie."

  "Yeah, good for him. Danilov's got those records; he might match them up. You find out any more about that commie fucker's yacht?"

  "It's called Platinum Odyssey, registered in the Cayman Islands to a bogus company called Gemini Travels."

  "How big? We gotta find a place on Lake Tahoe to keep it."

  "Somethin' like 300 feet long."

  "Holy shit, Vinnie! You sure about that?"

  "It's what's on the registration, according to my source."

  "Jesus! What's somethin' like that worth, you think?"

  "He's guessin' more than a hundred million, but it's hard to say."

  "This guy know what the fuck he's talkin' about, Vinnie?"

  "I got somebody else checkin', but I got no reason to doubt my first source."

  "Where the hell we gonna get a trailer big enough to move somethin' like that, Vinnie?"

  "Maybe don't put it on the lake, Don Petrillo. How 'bout Miami? You want me to check on marinas there? Just to get an idea?"

  "Nah, not yet. We don't wanna be tippin' our hand to nobody. I was just curious. You start askin' too many questions about a boat that big and word might get back to Danilov."

  Vinnie nodded, relieved. "Good thinkin', Don Petrillo. Mum's the word."

  "Who else you got checkin' on it? Maybe you better shut that down for now."

  "It's low-risk. The people I got in Antigua are followin' up. They can't do us no harm, and ain't no way for word to get back through them. Might as well let 'em see what they can learn."

  "Yeah, okay. You talk to Strong today?"

  "Not yet. He's due to be callin' pretty soon. You want me to tell him anything special?"

  "Remind him about when we had him in the warehouse. Make sure he remembers the guy that was laughin' when he pissed himself."

  Vinnie grinned. "Okay Don Petrillo. That'll give the son of a bitch chills, for sure."

  Chapter 12

  "Hello, Kev; it's Dani Berger." Dani sat on the foredeck, speaking softly, her back to the cockpit and their guests. "Can you hear me okay?"

  "Hi, Dani! No problem hearing you. Why do you ask?"

  "Oh, I don't have much privacy, so I'm keeping my voice down. That's all."

  "I'm delighted to hear from you. What's on your mind?"

  "We're around in Nonesuch Bay. Do you know where that is?"

  "Antigua?" Strong asked.

  "Yes. It's on the windward side of the island. I don't know the draft of your friend's yacht, but it may be a little tight if it's really big."

  "It's really big, but that's okay. I've got access to plenty of fast powerboats, big enough for island hopping. Why?"

  "Our guests want to explore this part of the island for a couple of days, so I have some free time. I was hoping you were serious about getting together."

  "Absolutely! That would be wonderful. When do you have in mind?"

  "Tomorrow for lunch would work well for me. Is that okay?"

  "Sure. I'll ask my host if he knows a place near Nonesuch Bay and get back to you this afternoon."

  "That's not necessary; I know just the place. You'll like it, I promise. I'll make the arrangements. Shall we say one o'clock?"

  "Okay, but how will I find it?"

  "It's called Le Gaulois, and it's on Pig Point. It's kind of hidden away on a heavily forested stretch of shoreline. It's tough to spot from the water if you don't know it's there. I'd suggest getting them to drop you in English Harbour and taking a taxi. The drivers know it. It's only open by appointment, and it caters to wealthy locals, mainly. I hear it's a favorite of the prime minister. We'll most likely have it to ourselves. Sound okay?"

  "It sounds perfect! I can't wait."

  "Good. I'll see you tomorrow about one, then."

  Dani disconnected the call and sat for a moment, collecting her thoughts. She felt a flush of excitement spreading up her neck from her chest and shook her head, frustrated at her body's betrayal. She didn't even like the man, not even a little bit.

  What was happening to her? Her instinct was to confide in Liz, but she thought better of that. Liz was her best friend, one of only a few people that she trusted, but this was too embarrassing to share even with Liz.

  She closed her eyes, concentrating on the feel of the morning sun's warmth on her cheeks. She inhaled the tangy smell of the strong breeze off the ocean. Opening her eyes, she took in the vista before her, studying the change in the color of the water between where she sat and the horizon.

  It was a pale, pastel green under Vengeance, brightening almost to white over the reef. Beyond the breakers, it became darker again. Just outside the reef, there was another band of the pale green, this one looking cloudy because of the sand churned up by the waves.

  Gradually, the hue became turquoise over the sandy bank outside the reef, shiftin
g to pale blue a bit farther out. A mile or so beyond the reef, there was an abrupt transition to the indigo and violet of the open water that conjured the serenity of an offshore passage. She took a deep breath and stood. Relaxed, she went back to the cockpit to share the news with Liz and their guests.


  Kev could barely contain himself as the stewardess poured their wine. Once she left, he said, "She called, Greg!"

  Greg paused, a fork laden with salad halfway to his mouth. He smiled and returned the fork to his plate. "It must be good news."

  "Yep. We've got a date."

  "Good for you. Does she know you want to make her a star?"

  "Not yet. You can't rush these things. I'll work up to that gradually; otherwise, she'll just think it's a bullshit line to get in her pants."

  Greg nodded. "You mean it's not?"

  "Of course it is, but I don't want her to think that. Come on, Greg. Get with the program, here. "

  "I was just pulling your chain. You already told me she was perfect for the role. Has she done any acting?"

  "I don't know. I asked if she'd ever been a model, and she hadn't, but I decided not to push it, given our rocky start the other night."

  Greg nodded. "That makes sense. So where and when are you meeting her?"

  "Lunch tomorrow at one at a place called Le Gaulois. She picked it, and she's making the arrangements. She said it's on the water on Nonesuch Bay, but the best way for me to find it would be to take a taxi from English Harbour."

  "That's the perfect place for our little charade."

  "You know it, then?"

  "Yes. It's an unusual place. You kinda just have to know it's there. They don't advertise or anything. I wonder how she found it. Did she say?"

  "No, but when we met, she said she was sort of a local."

  "Did she give any indication that she might be a regular there?"

  "No — I mean, no indication, either way. Why?"

  "It's not important; it'll just be a little easier if they don't know her, but it shouldn't really make any difference. We'll get things set up well in advance. We'll drop you at English Harbour like she suggested, and you can take a taxi. Tell the driver you want to get there at ten after one — no earlier, okay?"

  "Yes. Should I call her and apologize?"

  "No. Call the restaurant; I'll give you the number. Ask them to give her the message; tell 'em there's a wreck on the road, or something. I don't want her on the phone, in case the fun starts a bit early."

  "Okay," Strong said.

  "When you walk in, there'll be a rough-looking guy giving her a hard time, maybe waving a pistol or a knife around. Get his attention and slap the weapon aside. Give him your best punch on the chin, and he'll go down. Yell for help; ask them to call the cops. We'll have two of them waiting for the call. They'll drag him out. One of them will come back and take your statements — just keep it simple. These cops are part of the team; they won't give you or her any trouble. After that, you're on your own."

  "Damn. Where have you been all my life?"

  "You don't need to know. Good luck, hero."


  Vinnie Albarino was reviewing the paperwork that was about to go to Angelika Ivanova. The first wave of wire transfers had gone off with no problems. The documents he was looking at purported to be employment contracts for several actors who were filling lesser roles. He was interrupted by the cellphone that was reserved for calls from Strong.

  "Yeah?" he barked.

  "Johnny?" He heard Strong's voice.


  "I made contact with the woman I mentioned."

  "What woman is that?"

  "The one I want for the role of Cassie."

  "Yeah? So?"

  "She's not in the union."

  "Whaddaya want from me?"

  "Just a heads up; we'll have to send a copy of her contract to them and get her a card."

  "Yeah, okay. I'll make sure it's clean, then. When you gonna sign her?"

  "Not sure yet."

  "What's her name? I'll get somebody started on it."

  "Danielle Berger."

  "Okay. Lemme know when she's on board. When are you meetin' her?"

  "Lunch tomorrow."


  "Yeah, Johnny?"

  "Don't forget about the guy that laughed at you in the warehouse when you pissed yourself. He wanted me to remind you. He's stropping that razor, just in case."

  "I won't forget."

  "I didn't think you would. Call tomorrow after you meet with the broad."


  "He's meeting her for lunch, huh? That's progress," Danilov said. "You have your plan in place like you were talking about?"

  "Yes. By this time tomorrow, Dani Berger will think Strong's her knight in shining armor," Greg Baklanov said.

  "No shit?"

  "I guarantee it."

  "Who's playing the heavy?"


  "Chernov!" Danilov shook his head. "He's a wildman. You think he'll take a fall like that?"

  "Why not?" Greg asked.

  "Those Spetsnaz bastards all have huge egos. I can't picture him rolling over for a wimp like Strong."

  "I gave him a reason."

  "Yeah? What reason?"

  "Thirty days paid leave, and a bonus of $20,000."

  "Damn. Who's gonna fill in for him?"

  "I got it covered. Besides, we're going to have Berger aboard soon. We can't risk having him on board at the same time. If she saw him, it would be all over."

  "Well, that bastard is perfect for the role. You don't think he might get carried away and actually do her some damage before Strong gets there?"

  "I have two well-bribed cops waiting in the wings. If it gets out of hand, they've been instructed to take him down."

  "Two cops? If he gets out of hand, two cops won't even slow him down, Greg. You've seen that son of a bitch when his blood's up."

  "The cops have dart guns with enough shit to stop a horse in his tracks. Don't worry; Chernov's cool."

  Danilov shook his head. "You're the fixer. Anything else?"

  "Not much. Strong called the talent agency again. They're working on getting her set up for a SAG card."

  "Why? We need a union card for her?"

  "You left it to him to make the hiring decisions on talent. If he's going to put her in the movie, it's cleaner to do it that way, Andrei."

  "Yeah, okay."

  Chapter 13

  "Here's our plan for the day," Dani said, setting her empty coffee mug on the cockpit table. She and Liz and their guests had just finished a light breakfast. "Let me run through it before you start asking questions, okay?"

  Blaine and Mindy nodded.

  "I'm meeting Strong at one o'clock at a restaurant called Le Gaulois. It's the place we talked about yesterday. I'll get there a few minutes early, and I've requested one of their three patio tables. They're open-air, on the back side. There's a short stretch of lawn, and then it's wooded. You should have plenty of cover, Blaine. I've asked for the table in the middle. If you want me in a different chair, call me on the cellphone and let me know. Don't call unless you need to reposition me, though. I'll sit with my back to the woods, which will force Strong to face you; I requested a table for two. You should have a clear shot of him.

  "Liz will take you in at about 12 o'clock. She'll drop you at a cove that's maybe half a mile from the restaurant. You should walk straight back into the woods for several hundred meters until you come to a dirt road. Follow that to your right. After a few hundred meters, you'll see the sign marking a driveway to the restaurant on the right. Work your way through the woods on the left side of the driveway until you can see the restaurant building. The driveway goes around the right side to a parking lot, so don't follow it. In fact, you should probably stay off the roads. Pick your spot and settle in. You shouldn't have any trouble, but if you do, call one of us. Questions?"

  "How do I get back?"

you leave before Strong and I do, go back the way you came and call Liz. If you want to wait until he's gone, we can pick you up on the shore in front of the restaurant. Call Liz, either way."

  "Got it," Blaine said.

  "Mindy," Liz said, "if you'd like, I could show you a few of my favorite snorkeling spots while they're gone."

  "Out on the fringing reef?" Mindy asked.

  "If you want, but I like the little patch reefs closer to the boat. It's easier to spot the fish around them."

  "Will you shoot some video?" Blaine asked.

  "Maybe, just for the fun of it," Mindy said. "But I'd rather wait until you can go with me to shoot stuff for the show."

  Blaine nodded. "I was hoping you'd say that."

  "We've done this so much that we work best as a team," Mindy said. "But I'd love a guided tour, Liz. Thanks."

  "My pleasure. I'll just fix us a light lunch when we get back. That reminds me, Blaine. Would you like for me to pack a lunch for you?"

  "That would be great. Thanks, Liz. Hey, Dani?"


  "How do you think Strong will get there?"

  "He's coming by boat, but I suggested that he ask them to drop him in English Harbour and take a taxi. Why?"

  Blaine shrugged. "I was wondering if I'd get a shot of Platinum Odyssey."

  "Oh. I doubt it. It's pretty tight in here for a yacht that size. Strong said they had several good-sized speedboats. That's more likely."

  "Maybe you can ask him where Platinum Odyssey is," Liz said. "If you really want a shot of her, Blaine, we could go for a day sail and check her out."

  "That could work. It might be a good thing to have, to help me sell the candids, you know?"

  "I'll ask," Dani said.

  "Don't mention photos, though," Blaine said.

  Dani studied him for a few seconds before saying, "No, of course not. If you'll excuse me, I guess I should go do some of that girl stuff, like makeup and a dress."

  "Do you want a hand?" Liz asked.

  "Sure. I need to borrow some of your clothes, anyway."


  As Dani had expected, she had the restaurant to herself when she arrived at ten minutes before one. The maître d' greeted her and explained that Strong had called and left a message. He was running a few minutes late because of problems with the launch that was taking him to English Harbour, but he should be there by ten after one. Dani had nodded and ordered a bottle of Pinot Grigio, asking the man to let it chill at the table until Strong arrived.


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