No Other Love

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No Other Love Page 18

by Jean Adams

  He tasted of red wine. Heady. Tempting. Intoxicating.

  Rockets went off in her head. Heaven help her, she wanted him more than she’d ever wanted anything. Never had a man moved her so much. “Oh, Lucas, I’ve ached to feel your body close to mine.”

  “Dangerous stuff,” he whispered, his voice full of passion.

  “I don’t care.” If any man could derail her plans, this was the man.

  He rested his forehead against hers. “I’ve wanted this since the day we met.”

  “Then why didn’t you do something about it?”

  He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. “Because I know what it’s like to want something so bad, then to have it snatched out from under you. I wasn’t going to be the one to rob you of your dreams, however much I wanted to.”

  Jenna took his face in her hands and kissed him full on the mouth. “I was right to fall in love with you, Lucas Nelson.”

  He eased back a pace. “You love me?”

  “With every fiber of my being. The day you crashed into me, I knew something was happening.”

  “I was very rude to you that day as I recall.”

  “Yes, you were. But do you know what? I didn’t care. Why do you think I followed you halfway round the world?”

  When he laughed, his eyes glittered. “Then you should know that I, too, fell in love that day. That’s why I fought it so hard. When we were talking on the street, I was trying to think up all sorts of ways to keep you talking.”

  Relieved, Jenna sagged against him, while he covered her face with little kisses. “Oh, Lucas, Lucas.”

  His hands arced over her back. This was what she’d been looking for without even realizing it. It’d never been about the Bahamas, or even the travel. It’d always been about finding Lucas.

  She reveled in his touch, running her hands over his chest, his arms, his shoulders, the cotton material of his shirt like silk under her fingers over the taut steel of his muscles.

  The delicious kisses deepened. His hands moved down to her waist. Her body bucked with delight.

  “I used to think you weren’t into me,” she said breathily, between kisses. “I told myself if you’d wanted to kiss me, you would have.”

  His eyes met hers. “You have no idea how difficult it was for me to keep my hands off you, especially when you asked me to make love to you. And then there was the day you asked me to get into bed with you.”

  “But you didn’t.”

  “What kind of a moron hits on a sick woman?” He placed his finger on her lips. “Now, no more talking. It’s time for some serious kissing.”

  He kissed her again with such passion she thought she’d pass out with rapture. Her receptive body loved the touch of his hands, loved the way they made her feel. Her blood was on fire. Dear heaven, her blood was on fire, turning her stomach to warm honey until she feared her knees might buckle and she’d slip to the ground in a heap at his feet.

  Being the generous man he was, he’d been prepared to let her go because he didn’t know her dream had changed.

  Gentle hands caressed her, moving from waist to shoulder, roamed her breast, down to her waist and back to her breast. Her stomach tightened at his needy caresses. Her hands gripped his shoulders, holding him against her trembling body.

  Then his lips were gone from hers, his breathing turned heavy. “If we don’t call it quits now, I can’t be responsible for how tonight ends.”

  But she was ready to let him know how much she loved him, let him know she wanted him above all men. “I don’t care how tonight ends.”

  “You sure about this?” he rasped against her lips.

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.”

  He reached over and pressed the lamp switch all the while keeping his gaze on her face. The patio fell into darkness, save for the light of the full moon reflecting on the gold stars and crescent moons embroidered into the cushions.

  She was in his arms, and he was kissing her with a hunger no food could assuage, his hands moving over her body in long, sensuous strokes.

  This was what she’d wanted since the day she came in out of the rain. No, it was before that. It really was the day he walked into her in the street. She’d felt the connection, even as they collided. Had she known they’d be together, even then?

  Then what of the Roger episode? That had merely been a test of her mettle. By eliminating what she didn’t want she’d got clear on what she did want. To help her know what she really wanted. As soon as she’d admitted she wanted Lucas above all else, the Universe had conspired to help her. She’d found the address, and the metallic voice announcing the Athens flight had rung out like a clarion call.

  She was with Lucas now, exactly where she was meant to be.

  Jenna smiled, took a deep breath for courage and lifted the hem of his shirt slowly upward and over his head, dropping the cotton garment to the floor without taking her eyes from his chest. A daring move.

  Lucas remained very still, waiting, watching, while she stood mesmerized by the curve of his shoulder muscles caught in the gleam of the moonlight, the power and strength in his arms.

  With slow, tentative strokes she ran her hand over the tight muscles of his chest, through the smattering of dark hair that arrowed down to his waist and disappeared inside his jeans.

  The exciting kiss that followed was full of need, full of passion. The kind of passion she’d only read about in her romances. Now she knew it was no fantasy. It really existed.

  That with the right man, the passion she had wanted to experience, came as naturally as breathing. Now, in Lucas’ arms she knew she’d been right to wait.

  While they kissed, he lifted the hem of her knit top. Jenna raised her arms so he could slip it over her head and drop it to the floor.

  Standing there in her bra and slacks, Jenna found a new surge of courage overtake her and she slid her arms around his neck. His hand slipped inside the white bra, lifting her breast to fullness. She couldn’t suppress a small gasp.

  “It’s okay,” he assured her. “No one can see us. We’re totally private.”

  “Just us, hidden from the world where no one can see us. It’s like a magic cavern.”

  He kissed her cheek. “Exactly like that.”

  The touch of his warm, strong hands thrilled her, taking her to heights of awareness she’d never known with any other man.

  In the quiet of the moonlit apartment, the sound of hooks unsnapping sounded louder than she’d expected. Strange thing to think when the man she loved was undressing her. With great care. Slowly. Sensually.

  The bra fell, joining the top at her feet.

  He palmed the fullness of her breasts, taking one in each hand, gently teasing the taut, rose pink tips, lifting them to fullness. “I’ve wanted this moment forever.”

  So had she. All she could do was smile, like the heroines in the books she read. She was the heroine in her own love story now. “Me too.”

  At her words of encouragement, he lowered his head to drop a light kiss on each tight bud before taking one breast in his mouth to suckle and lave with his tongue. Jenna closed her eyes. Dear heaven, his mouth on her was exquisite.

  She clenched her fists, head spinning at the delicious onslaught of his mouth suckling gently. If they didn’t lie down soon, she’d fall. Surely, she wouldn’t pass out with pleasure?

  Just for a moment he lifted his head. “You taste delicious.”

  His warm breath on the moist tip of her breast was like setting a match to tinder. Magma roared through her veins. The heat between her legs was unbearable. She was hot. Hot for Lucas. She didn’t need to think about it. She just knew for certain he was the one. The only love she’d ever want.

  Tonight she’d belong to him. He’d be her first, her only love.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Lucas lifted Jenna into his arms, carried her into the bedroom and set her on her feet.

  Her body trembled. Not with fear of what she was ab
out to do for the first time, but with the awareness of a woman who was about to commit to the man she loved. To let him know he was, and would always be, the only love for her.

  His touch cast a spell. A spell that would never be broken. Even though a tiny part of her still feared the unknown, she was more than ready to make love with Lucas.

  “You have time to stop this if you want.” His words sounded thick, muffled.

  Thought stopped. Need took over.

  “No.” She reached for the buckle of his belt and slipped the end through the fastening.

  “I’d feel happier if you’d let me do that,” he rasped, his voice raw.

  When he slid his pants all the way down and kicked out of them, she lifted her chin. Why, she had no idea. In defiance of her mother’s words of warning, maybe.

  He caressed her gently, lovingly, as though she were made of the finest porcelain. His hands on her, his kiss, had turned her blood to champagne. Any apprehension lingering in the little hidden corners of her being were swept aside like leaves in the wind. Blood roared in her ears. This was how it felt to be truly alive. To desire a man. To know a man’s desire.

  Long, slow caresses moved up and down her arms, trailing warm fingers over her sensitized skin. Her body trembled as his fingers traced the contours of her back, her arms. His exquisite touch lit little fires of passion in her blood.

  Moonlight streaming through the open window reflected in his hot chocolate gaze, and Jenna saw the dark desire in his eyes. Her breath caught in her throat when she took in the beauty of his form, and she placed her hands on his chest. His skin, like silk stretched taut over muscles of steel, quivered beneath her touch.

  Motionless, he stood in front of her, eyes closed, allowing her to take her time. He hissed in a breath and threw his eyes open when her fingers brushed a tight, dark male nipple.

  Barely breathing, she gazed in wonder at the deep, dark pools of need in his eyes. She, Jenna Blake, had put that need in them. Only one fear remained. That she would mess this up. She hoped not for his sake.

  When she slipped off her slacks, a fresh burst of confidence told her she wouldn’t mess anything up. The excitement of what she was about to do stole the breath from her lungs. Her chin came up, allowing his gaze to take in her proud, naked breasts.

  He took possession of her mouth again, slipping his tongue inside to find her more than ready for the erotic dance of love. Her body bucked as his fingers found a sensitive nerve near the indent of her waist.

  “Erogenous zone,” he breathed against her lips.

  “I thought they were a myth.”

  He shook his head. “Uh uh.”

  Without fear, her eager body moved against him. Oh, but he felt good. He cupped her derriere, holding her closer, so she was able to feel his heat through the satin boxers throbbing in time with her heartbeat.

  She stood proudly, content in the knowledge she’d done this to the very sexy, very delicious Lucas Nelson.

  Any lingering doubts had long since fled and, as her confidence grew, the heat between her thighs became a furnace. Her questing fingers played over his chest, easing slowly down his flat, taut stomach toward the waistband of the boxers.

  His stomach tightened. “You know how dangerous that is?”

  She let go a throaty little laugh at her own bravado. “Show me.” The new boldness in her voice surprised her.

  “Easy, sweetheart. We still have a way to go. I want to take this nice and slow.”

  “No. No more slow. Save slow for next time.”

  He cocked a dark eyebrow. “Next time?”

  She wanted to scream. Did he have no idea how close she was to shattering into tiny pieces? Heart pounding, blood pumping, she realized the only barrier between them now was a scrap of apricot-colored lace and black satin boxers. The boxers did little to hide his condition, and in the light of the moon she saw the tension lines etched into his face. He shook with need, but still he held himself in check. She’d had no idea how much power a woman could have over a man until this moment.

  He laid her on the bed, now bathed in moonlight and her arms slid around his neck.

  Laying alongside her, he kissed her lips, her jaw, her neck. She closed her eyes, reveling in the feel of his restless hands caressing her body from breast to hip, from knee to thigh.

  A feather-light touch skimmed over the front of her thighs, carefully avoiding their junction.

  She moaned. “Lucas!”

  He stilled his hand. “Yes?”

  “You’re teasing me.”

  He laughed on a breath. “Yes.”

  “I’m dying of pleasure.”

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered against her lips. “I won’t let you die before you have the all the pleasure you can take.”

  She started to speak, but he stopped her words with a finger on her lips. “No more talking. “

  As his mouth crushed hers with all the fire of a man possessed, and she gave herself up to his passion.


  And he was possessed. She’d taken him over; his mind, his body, his heart, his soul. He was losing control, and any moment feared he’d plunge over the edge before she was ready to go with him. He’d never lost total control before, but this woman had been burrowing into his heart since day one.

  So help him, he wanted to lose himself totally in her, to keep loving her until they both lost their minds, or she begged for mercy.

  He growled and held her against his hot, aching body. Her beautiful face gazed into his, trusting him. He rested his heated erection against her softness, but it did little to relieve the pulsing ache between his legs.

  Moments later he shucked out of his boxers and when he glanced back, realized her final protection had also gone.

  Her restless gaze flicked over his tense face. She lowered her lashes, and for one heart-stopping second he thought she’d call it quits. He waited as the seconds stretched into eternity.

  She pressed her lips to his and wound her leg around him to press her heat against his thigh. Slow and easy was definitely out of the question now. Jenna had reached the point of no return.

  His hand slipped between her thighs to caress her moist, warm womanly folds, to let her eager body get used to his touch, ease away any last-minute tension building. Her body tightened, she held her breath, then relaxed.


  Eyes closed, Jenna dragged air into her lungs and gasped with relief. Dear heaven, she’d had no idea a man’s touch could be so delicious, so powerful, so all-consuming.

  He reached across to the nightstand. A few moments later she heard a tear of foil. She opened her eyes and saw Lucas sheath himself. Goodness, but he was so big and so needy. For one brief moment she wondered whether she could go through with it. But if she stopped now, this moment might never come again and she wanted him so much.

  He came over her, gently easing her thighs apart with his knee. Fearlessly, Jenna lifted her hips to meet him. No trepidation. No qualms.

  Maybe she should’ve told him this would be the first time she’d been with a man, but he’d find out soon enough.

  He groaned and entered her with one swift thrust, until he found her barrier and came to a sudden halt.

  She couldn’t suppress a small gasp. It was an automatic reaction. She’d been prepared for pain, but it wasn’t as much as she’d expected.

  Confusion clouded his handsome face. “Dear God, Jenna. No!”

  He made to withdraw, but her legs tightened around his waist. “It’s all right, Lucas. Really, it’s all right.”

  “Jenna, you’re still a—you were a—”


  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “What would you have done? Made a noble gesture and ruined my beautiful moment?”

  He stilled and she felt his body relax a fraction. “Did I hurt you?”

  She shook her head and teased his thick, dark hair back from his forehead. “No.”

  He paused briefly to take her
face between his hands and gaze into her eyes. Eyes she hoped would show the honesty in her heart.

  “Jenna,” he whispered against her lips. “Jenna.”

  He kissed her with the gentlest of kisses, pushing a little way further into her as he did so.

  He started to move, oh, so slowly, giving her time to get used to the feel of him. This beautiful man moving above her and within her. They fit together perfectly. Two halves of the same whole. Yin and Yang. Her perfect match.

  Now she knew for certain what she’d been searching for all her life. Lucas.

  She closed her eyes, and clasping him tight around his neck, focused all her attention on the man sending wave after wave of glorious sensations through her newly awakened body.

  She clung to his neck as he pushed further into her. Again and again with deep, powerful thrusts, carrying her to the pinnacle of pleasure. Tension built inside her until she became like a tightly coiled spring ready to snap at any moment. She wrapped her legs tighter around him, lifting her hips to match his rhythm.

  He kissed her again, taking her mouth in a soul-searing kiss. But she was losing control. “Lucas,” she gasped. “I’m going to pass out.”

  “Hold tight, sweetheart.”

  His movements became urgent, almost frantic. The power and speed of his big body as he pushed into her reflected his desperate need for release.

  Her own release came when the world exploded inside her head, shattering into a shower of splintered stars, shimmering around her.

  Moments later, he called out her name and with one final, desperate thrust, pushed hard in his need to possess her. Oh, God, she didn’t want this moment to end.

  He collapsed on top of her, dragging in great lungfuls of air. Her senses were numb, alive, soporific, and euphoric all at the same time. She lay beneath him, rejoicing in the feel of him, of the glorious weight of his body on hers. They clung to each other while their breathing eased back to normal.

  Finally, he lifted his head, cupped her face in his hands and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Are you okay?”

  “Terrific. Wonderful. Fantastic.” She smiled and pushed back that stubborn lock of black hair. “What about you?”


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