Kurt: Cowboy (Members From Money Book 23)

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Kurt: Cowboy (Members From Money Book 23) Page 1

by Katie Dowe


  She came crashing into his life. Now he cant be without her.

  A sexy cowboy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Alexis Turner is going through a rough patch in her life, with relationship struggles, and coping with the deaths of both of her parents.

  Things take a turn for the worse when the plane she’s flying in crashes into the rural countryside!

  As the lone survivor, and suffering from amnesia, she finds herself in the care of cowboy billionaire Kurt Alec Murphy.

  Kurt is immediately smitten by the mysterious and beautiful woman whose life he saved.

  During her recovery, he offers her a job and a place to stay in his estate.

  Alexis is enamored by the beauty of the land, and by the handsome cowboy who stole her heart.

  But as Alexis regains her memories, Kurt finds it difficult to compete with the man of her past…

  Kurt’s own past then comes back to haunt him...

  Will Alexis have the opportunity to start her life over with him before it’s too late?

  Find out in this thrilling yet sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll need your own cowboy to save you!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2017 to Katie Dowe and AfroRomanceBooks.com. No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Bonus Book – Surrogate For The Billionaire

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

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  Chapter 1

  Alexis put away the proof she had been reading and ran long slim fingers around the back of her neck wearily. She loved her job as the feature writer of ‘Splendor Magazine’ and loved to explore the different aspects of the topics covered but she had done a very stupid thing by getting involved with the owner of the paper and now things had gone sour!

  She brooded as she stared out the window of her apartment building. Brantford Apartments was nestled in a quiet and serene area with tall stately trees as the back drop. The neighbors were young professionals, including doctors and lawyers and a few members of the police force. People were constantly coming and going and she often exchanged hurried conversations with the ones she passed in the elevators. Alexis traveled for work and when she was at home she liked to hunker down and do her writing. She had broken her cardinal rule: never date someone she worked with and the falling out with Miller had proved her point. It had turned into an argument and had escalated into a full blown resentment fest with both of them not speaking to each other.

  “I want to write the piece Miller,” she had said to him one night after they had had dinner at his place.

  “We are not that kind of magazine Lexi and you know it.” He had told her as he poured her some more wine. He was a tall well-built man with sandy hair and light blue eyes. He was not exactly attractive and he kept telling her that he was going to be the envy of every man when she decided to marry him. She had not responded because she was very far from that.

  “So you keep telling me,” Alexis had ignored the glass and looked at him as he came to sit next to her. “This is a humanitarian piece and will help to boost the magazine. Those kids are being abused by the nursing home personnel and should be exposed.”

  “It’s none of our business and I wish you would stop being such a bleeding heart. Your stories are about health and beauty tips of which you are an expert. Stop trying to venture into something you are not familiar with. Call in an anonymous tip and let the police investigate. Stop worrying your pretty little head about it.” He had done the unthinkable and pat her on the head.

  She had gotten up immediately, her hackles rising. “My pretty little head?” she had asked him haughtily as she stared at him. “You are patronizing me?”

  “Just because we are sleeping together does not give you leave to do as you please Lexi,” he had told her coldly. “I built that magazine from out of my basement and I am not going to let you or anyone else destroy my work. You are not writing that piece!”

  She had slammed out of his apartment and gone home in the middle of the night. She had not been into the magazine since then and it had been two days ago. But she was nothing if not a professional so she was going to put aside her grievance and do what she was paid to do. He had not called her either and she realized that she did not much care. She had been trying to find a way to end it and maybe this was the out she needed!


  Kurt reined in Thunderbolt sharply as he veered to the right. The black thoroughbred came to immediately and pawed the air, whinnying softly as his master soothed his flanks. Kurt’s sharp ocean blue eyes went over the perimeters of the fence and saw that there was indeed a hole in the fence. The country air was bracing for that time of the year but with October coming in it was getting windy and certainly cold. “Easy boy,” he murmured as he looped the reins and slid off the horse effortlessly, his booted feet hitting the ground. He took off his worn leather gloves and shoved them into the back of his faded jeans. Marco had hinted about stray animals coming in and disturbing the cattle and he had decided to come and see where they were coming in from. He hunkered down and examined the hole in the fence. It certainly looked as if someone had cut into the chain link. He squinted against the sun and after looking at it several more minutes he got to his feet and scouted the area. The cattle ranch spanned several thousand miles and he had men patrolling the areas every day. But they had missed something.

  “What is it boss?” his stable hand, Lenny, a wiry ginger haired man asked as he came up cautiously, eying the pawing stallion.

  “This needs to be taken care of now,” Kurt said briefly gesturing to the tear. “I want to find out what caused it.”

  “Manny said that he saw a couple of guys loitering around and he ran them off. Could be they did this.” He got down and took out his tools ready to repair.

  “I will talk to him. You okay here?”

  “Sure thing boss,” Lenny said with a nod as he set about working.

  Kurt slid on his gloves and mounted Thunderbolt. He wheeled the horse around and gave him his head loving the feel of the wind racing through his shoulder length dark b
rown hair streaked heavily with gold. His skin was tanned to a dark brown by the sun and the open air where he spent the majority of his time. He would be up at the crack of dawn every morning and never go to sleep until the last of his men had turned in for the night. His mother had protested that he did not have to work so hard. “You have thousands of men employed to you darling. So why are you killing yourself?”

  “I own this place Mother, not them. If I don’t put in the work they are going to think they don’t need to either and besides I love what I do.” He had told her.

  He slowed his horse down as they came upon his favorite part of the land. It was a gently gurgling stream surrounded by dozens of orange trees. It was laden with the delicious fruits and would be picked by the wives of the ranch hands who worked for him. Fresh orange juice every morning with breakfast was as a result of these trees that had been planted by his father many years ago. He usually came here when he had some thinking to do and he certainly had a lot on his mind. He had been seeing Connie Fairchild on and off for a year now and she was hinting at marriage which he was not sure he was ready for. She was a pretty enough woman with her fair skin and blonde hair but she was also very biddable and agreed with everything he said. He wanted a woman who could challenge him at every turn and not tell him what he wanted to hear.

  “Easy boy.” He murmured as he slid off the horse and looped the reins over his neck. Thunderbolt whinnied gently and bent his head to drink from the clear water. Kurt picked his favorite stone and sat there gazing over the rolling hills. He had grown up here. At first it had been just him and then five years later came Tessa and two years after that there was Katherine, the ‘baby’ of the family and a raving blonde beauty that set hearts fluttering wherever she went. Both girls had been sent to boarding schools before coming back at the ranch. Kurt was thirty years old and had taken over the running of the ranch five years ago when his father had died of a heart attack. Tessa ran the finance part of it with their mother and Kathy handled sales. It was a family business and had become a billion dollar one over the years. His phone vibrated against his belt and he reached for it automatically. “Yea.”

  “Darling I need to teach you some phone etiquette.” His sister Tessa said dryly. “It could have been a potential customer.”

  “But it’s only you,” he pointed out.

  “Fortunately for you. We have to arrange the barn dance and we need your input.”

  “I hate the damned thing and you know it. Besides I have work to do.”

  “Is sitting by the stream called work now?”

  “Are you spying on me?”

  “I have eyes everywhere. “Lunch is being served now anyway and I really need to talk to you.”

  Kurt sighed. “If I must.”

  “Thanks darling.”

  “Come on Thunder. Rest time is over.”


  “You are being childish,” Miller whispered as he sat at his desk. There were people milling round in his small cramped space as they handed him proofs to be approved.

  “I am being childish?” Alexis asked him coolly. “I have the piece on taking care of your skin when in a harsh climate. I hope it meets with your approval.”

  “Look Lexi, I am sorry if I made you mad, but I have been running this magazine for ten years and I know what I am doing.”

  “Of course you do.” She got to her feet. “I am heading to the mall. I will see you tomorrow.”

  “How about coming over later?” he asked in a persuasive voice. “I am cooking ravioli and I could pick up a bottle of Chardonnay. What do you say?”

  “I think we should cool it for a while Miller.” She told him. “I need some space.”

  He stared at her in shock. “I don’t give in to your demands and you decided that you should end us?”

  “There was never an ‘us’ Miller. We meet a couple of times and hang out and have dinner and sex. We have never been out on a real date and when we are together we talk shop. I don’t want to do that for the rest of my life.”

  His eyebrows met in the middle as he stared at her. “I always knew you thought you could do better Alexis. After all, what’s a beautiful woman like you doing with an average Joe like me?” he said bitterly.

  “If you think that I am that shallow then you don’t really know me, do you?” she said quietly. “I will see you in the morning.”


  Kurt let the shower run over his weary body for a long time trying to get rid of the kinks. There had been a flooding in the south side of the property caused by an overflowing tank and a mare had twisted an ankle as it raced towards the barn. He dunked his head underneath the jet spray and closed his eyes as the water soothed his skin. It was almost midnight and he had just come in. The sprawling ranch style home took up several acres of land and sat on top of a small rise allowing them to see for miles away. He had his own suite complete with four bedrooms, two baths, a kitchen and a sitting room. He had his own private balcony where he usually sat and had a glass of wine or a beer depending on his mood. He was tired but not overly so and he had some paperwork to do. His mother had invited Connie over for dinner and he had eaten and made conversation but had taken off as soon as he had finished the meal. He was going to have to tell his mother to stop trying to set him up. He was not interested. He stepped out of the shower and reached for the towel wrapping himself up and headed for the bedroom. He grabbed a robe and pulled it on over his lean tautly muscled body and went to get a can of beer from the fridge before heading out to the balcony. He sat on one of the chairs and looked up at the velvety sky littered with millions of stars and the solitary moon with its pale glow. He took a deep breath and got ready to enjoy the peace of the beautiful night.


  Alexis dug through her huge pocketbook as she searched for her keys. Her head snapped up as she bumped into a frame. “Oh I am so sorry!”

  “Don’t worry, I was not looking either.” The woman told her with a smile. “My name is Savannah Michaels.”

  “Alexis Turner. You are new.”

  “Just moved in a week ago. I am interning at the hospital a few miles away.”

  “You are a doctor. I am impressed.”

  “Don’t be,” Savannah said wryly. “I am beginning to think I made a big mistake.”

  “The work load?” Alexis asked in sympathy.

  “The other doctors especially the males.”

  “Look, I was just about to go in and change and hit the gym downstairs. Are you on call?”

  “I was in this morning. My shift ended an hour ago. I think I am in the apartment near to yours.”

  “Yes. Gary moved out a few weeks ago to go live in Europe somewhere. Good to have you.”

  “Thanks.” They both got off on the same floor and Alexis went towards her door. “I will meet you out here in a couple of minutes.”


  “I feel as if I have been hit by a truck,” Alexis said as she dropped on one of the benches after doing half an hour worth of lifting weights and doing crunches.

  “That was a pretty brutal workout.” Savannah agreed as she mopped her face with her towel.

  Alexis handed her a bottle of water and took a swig of hers. “It’s a very nice place to live. The neighbors are friendly and security is up to par.”

  “That’s why I chose it. I have to work all sorts of hours so I have to be sure it is someplace safe. What do you do?”

  “I am a writer for a magazine.”

  “Very exciting!”

  “I like to think so but lately I am beginning to have second thoughts.” Alexis told the girl about her boss.

  “That’s tough. That’s why I don’t see people I work with. It can get pretty complicated.”

  “I agree.”


  She set herself a warm bath and poured in all the necessary oils. Alexis stripped off her sodden gym clothes and stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom and stared at herself critically. She had stopped see
ing her beauty a long time ago and had tried to down play it with the way she dressed. In her twenties she had been a party girl who enjoyed life and everything about it until five years ago when her parents had come looking for her and had been driven off the road by a trailer. She had not seen them in three months because she had been too busy living her life and determined to make her own way. She had moved out when she had started going to college. She was an only child and the pressure had been on her to follow in her father’s footsteps. A successful lawyer! She had told him point blank that she would rather sit at home and do nothing.

  “I am paying for college Alexis Turner,” he had told her furiously. “You are fortunate to have parents who care so much that they are not going to saddle you with a student loan that would take years to repay.”

  “In exchange for you paying my college tuition I have to do as you say and study law. I would prefer to take the student loan.”

  They had fought viciously but in the end he had given in and paid her way through college where she had studied creative writing. But that had been the end of their relationship. Her mother had reached out to her but her father barely spoke to her. She had told herself that she did not care but that had been a lie. She had been ‘Daddy’s little girl’ growing up and she had missed the rapport between them. They had finally made amends and were on their way out to visit her when they died in the crash. It had changed her whole lifestyle. She had stopped going to parties and had buried herself in her work, trying to block out the immense tragedy. She lifted her thick black hair and put it on top of her head staring at her sharp cheekbones and large dark brown eyes. “You could have been a model,” A date had teased her a long time ago. “I could hook you up.”

  “No thank you. I am not cut out for something like that.”

  “You could make a ton of money.”

  Now she had money from her parents’ insurance and had not touched a dime of it. The house where she grew up several hundreds of miles away was still there empty. She had contemplated selling it but she could not work up the courage to do so. She had boxed up their clothes and some of the furniture and locked up the three bedroom house and gave the neighbor the key to oversee the property. She had not been back since


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