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Kurt: Cowboy (Members From Money Book 23)

Page 17

by Katie Dowe

  Running a hand over her tight curls, Lateisha sighed. This was taking entirely too long and her nerves couldn’t withstand it. She retrieved her phone from her purse and texted Becky.

  Lateisha: I’m so sorry. I’m just a bit frazzled about all of this.

  Becky: It’s okay. I was a bit of a bitch.

  Lateisha: You were, but I love you anyway. 

  After she cleared the air with Becky, she decided to check on Facebook to see what was up with her high school friends. Twenty minutes later she realized they were doing better than she was, even the ones without college degrees. Cursing silently under her breath, she put away her phone and frowned. Maybe after all of this was over she would focus more on her career. Maybe.

  “Lateisha Aaron?” The doctor came in and shook her hand, “I’m Dr. Gates.”

  “Yes,” Lateisha answered, relieved that someone finally came in. “The nurse told me that you have to perform an ultrasound and exam first?”

  “Yes, I’d like to make sure you aren’t too late in your cycle before we do this. I’m surprised you and your husband didn’t come in for a checkup first before you decided to do IUI,” The doctor replied, motioning for Lateisha to lie down.

  “Oh he’s not my husband, we, I mean I…” Lateisha paused, unsure of what to say. “I’m just carrying a baby for him, that’s all,” Lateisha said with a little more sadness in her voice than she should have allowed; than she should have felt.

  The doctor nodded but didn’t respond. It was for the best she didn’t because Lateisha wasn’t sure what else she could have said. Lateisha lay back and stared at the ceiling during the exam. When the doctor was done she rolled in the ultrasound machine and checked to see if Lateisha was ovulating.

  “Well, I have good news!” The doctor exclaimed, clicking the machine off.

  “I can’t wait,” Lateisha said dryly.

  The doctor chuckled as if it was the most hilarious thing she heard all day. “You are just about to ovulate so the insemination should go off without a hitch.”

  Lateisha nodded as the doctor left the room to inform Bryce. Here goes nothing.


  Bryce sat in the waiting room brooding. He wasn’t sure why he was so surly this morning, except for maybe sexual frustration after what happened the other night. Lateisha looked gorgeous again this morning when he walked into the doctor’s office and saw her sitting there. She was dressed plainly but it didn’t matter. To him she looked like a million, or possibly a billion, bucks. Growling with frustration, Bryce rubbed a hand over his face, unhappy to find stubble forming. He didn’t know why he skipped his shave this morning but being here on time to meet Lateisha felt more important. Now he was regretting how scruffy he looked. With his hair still in need of a cut and his face full of stubble, Bryce didn’t recognize himself in the mirror across the room. Shaking his head he sat back, only to see the doctor come through the exam room doors and head toward him. Bryce stood up quickly, bumping his knee on the chair’s arm as he went. Stifling a curse, he stood up straight, pushing his unkempt hair back from his forehead.

  “Mr. Henderson. Everything checked out great. We just need your sample and we are all set to proceed.”

  Bryce winced when the couple sitting next to him smirked at the doctor’s words. Now everyone in the place would know he was going into a back room to jack off. Great. He could just see the headlines now. Bryce Henderson pleasures himself in OB’s office. The country would think he was a perv.

  “Right,” he answered, following the doctor back with a scowl.

  She left him in an exam room and told him someone would be back in twenty minutes to collect it. The pressure was on and Bryce did not think he could perform under these conditions. For the first five minutes all he did was walk around, trying to ‘get it up’. When that didn’t work he decided to sit down and relax on the exam table. The doctor was nice enough to leave him a little cup but that was about it. He began to think of Lateisha and the other night. Before he knew it his erection was pressing hard against his suit pants begging to be freed. Not willing to over think it, Bryce undid his pants, wrapping his hand around his thick shaft. He closed his eyes, picturing Lateisha all but naked in the back of his limo. He groaned and began to massage his cock, which was now as hard as a rock. Bryce imagined that Lateisha didn’t spook and they hadn’t stopped. Prior to Gerry interrupting them, Lateisha had her hands wrapped around his length and it felt so good. Just thinking about it now made him even harder. He suppressed a moan and massaged faster, pretending he was buried deep inside of Lateisha as she had her beautiful legs wrapped around him. Bryce’s balls tightened and his hips bucked and at the last second he remembered to grab the cup before he came.

  Bryce blinked, reality coming back to him. Heat flushed his face as he just realized what he did and where he was. It took him several minutes to collect himself but he washed himself off and capped the cup returning it to the counter on which he found it. Five minutes later a knock sounded on the door. Without looking at the nurse, he handed the cup over and headed towards the waiting room, relieved to find the couple who smirked at him earlier had already gone.


  “We’re all set!” Doctor Gates, chipper as ever, returned to the room.

  In her hand she clutched something that looked eerily like a turkey baster.

  “Now lie back, feet up in the stirrups. This won’t hurt at all, but we will need you to lay with your butt up for a bit afterwards,” the doctor said.

  Lateisha rolled her eyes, wanting to just get this over with before she changed her mind. She had to remind herself, more than once, about the thirty-thousand and doing Bryce a favor. Otherwise she would have booked it from the office a half hour ago. Twenty minutes of staring at the ceiling later, Lateisha was allowed to get up and get dressed.

  “Is there anything I shouldn’t do?” Lateisha asked when she walked out of the room.

  “Nope. We will have you come back in two weeks to see if it took and then we will discuss prenatal visits etc. at that time. If you’re pregnant that is.” The nurse, just as cheery as the doctor, said as she walked Lateisha out.

  Lateisha made an appointment for two weeks later and stepped into the waiting room. Bryce sat there, head in his hands. He didn’t see her approach and for a moment she just studied him. He seemed different; not as prim and proper as usual. His hair was a bit disheveled, in a sexy way, and his jaw was covered in brown stubble. If Lateisha hadn’t just been defiled by a turkey baster she would have thrown herself at him. He looked damn sexy.

  “Hey,” she said, resting a hand on his shoulder.

  Touching him was always met with electricity and she resisted the urge to snatch her hand back. Bryce stood. He had a strange look on his face and just looked at her for a moment. He almost looked as if he wanted to kiss her and Lateisha’s heart raced at the idea.

  “You ready?” He asked, turning towards the door without another word.

  Lateisha frowned, something was off but she wasn’t sure what. She missed prim and proper Bryce, and that thought confused her more than anything.


  Bryce offered to give Lateisha a ride home again but she declined, needing some time to herself to digest everything. She could possibly, at that moment, become pregnant with Bryce’s child. A strange shiver of excitement ran down her spine but she ignored it. This wasn’t her baby, it was Bryce’s. Besides, she didn’t even like kids or want them. Did she?

  Shaking her head in confusion, Lateisha climbed onto the bus. The whole ride back to her apartment Lateisha’s mind raced. Did she want to sign the paper? Did she want to give Bryce their baby? Did she even want a baby? Did she really just want Bryce? By the time she reached home she was so confused. Becky was sitting on the couch watching a movie when Lateisha walked in the door. She fought the urge to run for her room and slam the door. Being mature about this was important if she wanted Becky on board.

; “Hey,” Lateisha said with a lame wave.

  “Hey, girl,” Becky answered, not looking up from the TV.

  “I’m going to go lie down for a bit,” Lateisha said, heading towards her room.

  Becky nodded, still not looking at Lateisha. She was mad, but Lateisha didn’t have the energy to care.

  Feeling extremely worn out, Lateisha stripped off her clothes and pulled a t-shirt over her head. She fell into bed and pulled the blanket to her chin, wondering if she just made the biggest mistake of her life.


  “I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this, John,” Bryce said, hanging his head as he pressed the phone to his ear.

  After the appointment he went back to the office, of course. His long time friend and business partner, John Wilson, called him while he was brooding with a glass of Jack and staring out the window.

  “I think this is a mistake, Bryce. She’s using you for your money. Can’t you see? Even if she does end up pregnant not only will she keep the baby, but she will also try to swindle you out of millions to take care of it,” John practically screamed at Bryce through the phone.

  Bryce pulled the phone from his ear for a moment until he was done his ranting.

  “Are you finished?” Bryce asked with disdain, nothing he did lately felt like the right choice.

  “Yes. I’m just worried about you, that’s all. Why couldn’t you get married and have a baby the traditional way?” John said, his tone less harsh.

  “I don’t have time for all that. Dating takes time that I don’t have. This is easier and a way to have a child to pass my company on to,” Bryce answered with defeat. Maybe he was wrong?

  “Well, as long as you’re happy with your choices, man. I can’t say anything else.” They said their goodbyes and hung up.

  Bryce swigged the last of the golden liquid in the glass and slammed it onto the side table where he kept his liquor. A knock sounded at the door.

  “Come in!” He bellowed with a little too much ire.

  His bitchy blond assistant walked in, a faux look of being wounded on her face. Bryce had an inkling she was gunning for him because of his status in the city and his money but he wasn’t the least bit attracted to her.

  “What’s wrong, Bryce?” She purred, her bottom lip poking out like he hurt her feelings.

  Bryce held back the urge to roll his eyes. He hated women who played games. Lateisha didn’t play games; she just told it like it was. Angry about comparing the woman to Lateisha, Bryce frowned.

  “It’s not really any of your business what’s wrong with me,” he snapped at Rachel. “What do you need?”

  Rachel flinched as if he punched her, the first visibly honest thing she did since she started working for him. He felt bad for a minute until he realized she still planned on playing games.

  “I’m sorry, Bryce. I was just concerned,” she pouted some more. Bryce was at the end of his patience limit.

  “Rachel, just tell me what you came to say,” he barked.

  “Right, the results of Ms. Aaron’s background check just came in and I thought you’d like to see them right away,” she said handing him an envelope, a smirk on her face as if she knew something he didn’t.

  Shit, he forgot about that. Why did he push for the insemination before he got the results back? Not liking the answer that came to mind, Bryce pushed the thought away.

  “Thanks,” he said, taking the letter from her outstretched hand. Rachel brushed her fingers with his when he grabbed it and Bryce cringed at the contract. “And Rachel,” he added as she walked from the room, “It’s Mr. Henderson to you.”

  Rachel scowled but didn’t answer, instead turning with attitude and leaving the office.

  Bryce shook his head at her absurdity and walked back to his desk. He tore the letter open and unfolded it, unsure of what he would do if something major showed up. Scanning the letter he frowned. Her credit was good, she had no credit card debt or was being sued by anyone or sued anyone for anything. That was good. But there was one thing that came up that was unusual. Bryce tossed the letter onto his desk angrily and snatched his cell phone from where he left it on the side table after talking to John.

  He dialed the number from memory, something that concerned him but he’d address that another time, and waited for Lateisha to answer.

  “Hello?” She answered, her voice sounded scratchy like she just woke up.

  “Lateisha? Hello. I’m sorry, is this a bad time?” Bryce became flustered at the sexy sound of her sleep deepened voice.

  Bryce heard rustling for a moment. “No, I’m sorry. Is something wrong?”

  Bryce remembered the background check letter and frowned. “Yes. Well, I’m calling because I have a question. Who is Tyler Walker?”

  The other end went quiet. “Ty and I are dating; well we were dating, but not seriously. Why?” Lateisha answered, her voice sounding defensive.

  “How come you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend when we started this process?” Bryce demanded, with more anger than he should have felt.

  “He’s not really my ‘boyfriend’. We’ve been dating off and on since college but he’s such a slacker,” Lateisha said; the pot calling the kettle black.

  “Well did you inform him that you could be carrying another man’s baby?” Bryce said with too much emotion. What was wrong with him?

  “Um, no, cause it’s none of his damn business,” she answered angrily.

  “I’d want to know if my girlfriend was a surrogate,” Bryce said. This conversation was really not going the way he planned.

  “Like I said, he’s not my boyfriend and I don’t owe him anything. If you must know, I spoke to him about possibly going through with this when I found out and he broke it off anyway just for suggesting it. Not that I really cared. This is more important,” Lateisha stopped talking suddenly.

  “Why?” Bryce asked, afraid of the answer.

  “Why what?”

  “Why is this more important?” He asked.

  There was another long pause. “Because I need the money and you really want a kid,” she said, her voice taking on a more gentle tone.

  Bryce’s chest tightened. Never through this whole process did he think she really cared about what he wanted.

  “Bryce? Are you still there?” Lateisha asked.

  “Yeah. I’m sorry about all that. I just didn’t want anything to compromise our deal that’s all,” Bryce lied. He knew why he was angry even if he was afraid to admit it.

  “Right,” She answered, something that sounded like hurt in her voice.

  This whole thing was crazy and he knew it, but why the hell couldn’t he keep his mind off of Lateisha?


  Lateisha waited for a moment for Bryce to say something else. Why he was so angry about her ex-boyfriend was a mystery, but the fact that he didn’t trust her hurt even more. Not that it should; this was a business deal. Lateisha sighed.

  “I’m sorry to have wakened you,” he finally said.

  “It’s alright,” she answered.

  They said goodbye and hung up. Lateisha groaned and lay back down in her bed. This was going to be the longest nine months of her life.


  Two days passed and Lateisha hadn’t heard from Bryce. Not that she was waiting. That morning she woke up, around ten as usual, and got ready for work. She shrugged on her uniform shirt and frowned in the mirror. She was getting tired of working in fast food but she didn’t have the energy to look for something else. Bryce certainly didn’t think much of it. Maybe after she had this baby for Bryce and he paid her she could do something with her life. Frowning at her reflection one last time, she swept her curls into a ponytail and pushed her hat down on her head. Grabbing a quick breakfast of Pop Tarts as she headed out the door, Lateisha wondered what Bryce was up to. She shouldn’t care what he thinks or does, but she did and it made her uncomfortable.

Lateisha walked to the bus, the morning sun rising in the sky to warm up the city just a bit, her phone vibrated alerting her that she had a call.

  “Hello?” She answered, not checking to see who it was.

  The bus stop was packed and the bus that usually came at ten forty-five seemed to be late. Sighing, Lateisha took a seat on the curb, hoping she wasn’t late for work again.

  “Lateisha? It’s Bryce. I was wondering if you had time to meet me at my office this afternoon.” The sound of his voice made Lateisha’s heart hammer against her ribcage. Why Bryce? Why not Ty or one of the other losers she dated?

  “I’m on my way to work right now. I work until seven tonight. Can I meet you after that?” She asked, doubting he would be in the office that late.

  “That’s fine,” he answered to her surprise, “I should be here until nine.”

  Lateisha hung up with confusion. What could Bryce probably want to see her about this time? Probably the parental rights paper she didn’t sign. Her heart sank at the realization and her hand went to her belly from instinct. No, this wasn’t her child. She didn’t want children. That’s what she had to keep telling herself until this was all over.

  Chapter 5

  At seven thirty sharp Lateisha was walking into the lobby of the Henderson Building. She didn’t have time to change before coming here and she tugged self consciously at her McDonald’s uniform. At this time of night the dark haired woman who was in the booth in the lobby was long gone and a security guard took her place.

  “Can I help you, miss?” He asked, standing from his swivel chair parked in front of the security cameras.


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