How the Scoundrel Seduces

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How the Scoundrel Seduces Page 5

by Sabrina Jeffries

  She swallowed hard. “Still, you must admit that I look like a Gypsy, with my coloring and my hair—”

  “Nonsense,” he said.

  Granted, she looked unusual, rather like a Russian princess he’d once met. But not so unusual as to provoke suspicion about her heritage. Her skin was the creamy hue of marzipan, and her hair wasn’t dark enough. Though she did have a Gypsy’s high cheekbones, her eyes were pure English—green as the wolds of York in summer.

  “You look half-Gypsy at most.” As something occurred to him, Tristan searched her features again. “Perhaps the Gypsy story is only partly true. Perhaps you really aren’t your mother’s child. But you could still be your father’s.”

  Her eyes got huge in her face. “What are you saying?”

  “Nothing,” Dom put in with a look of caution.

  Tristan ignored him. “Perhaps Drina was your father’s mistress.”


  FOR HALF A second, all Zoe could do was gape at the wretch. Then she leapt from her chair. “That’s impossible. Papa would never have shamed Mama so. They were in love!”

  Mr. Bonnaud cocked his head. “So were Dom’s parents, yet his father—our father—took my mother as a mistress fairly early in their marriage. He claimed to love her as well. That sort of thing happens in England more than you think.”

  “Don’t drag our family into this, Tristan,” Mr. Manton warned.

  Paying him no mind, the dratted devil began to pace before her. “It would explain all the inconsistencies—why a Romany woman was alone on the road to York without her people. Why your father took you in so readily, even though your mother could still have borne him children. Drina might have been waiting for him when your family arrived at Winborough. Perhaps he was just hiding the truth from your mother when he said that he’d bought you.”

  Zoe glowered at him. “And the fact that Drina was beaten, what of that? I suppose you’re going to blame my father for that, too.”

  “Certainly not,” he said.

  Her pulse steadied a little.

  “But Gypsies have a stricter morality than Englishmen realize. All rumors about them to the contrary, they don’t allow adultery or fornication. If Drina had shared a bed with your father, then her husband—or her own father—might have beaten her for it.”

  “You claimed that Gypsies don’t abuse their women,” she pointed out.

  He shrugged. “They don’t generally, but it’s hard to know what a husband might do when faced with his wife’s adultery.” He paused in his pacing to shoot her a meaningful glance. “Or what an English husband might do to cover up his own.”

  Heat rose in her cheeks. She’d had quite enough of this. “You are a vile, vile man. To cast aspersions on my family with nothing more than a few facts—”

  “I’m merely trying to get at the truth.” His eyes glittered at her. “That is what you want, isn’t it?”

  “Not from you.” Turning on her heel, she approached the desk. “Mr. Manton, I want you to promise that your brother won’t be involved in this investigation. He’s clearly biased against my family, for no reason that I can see, and I don’t want his bias to affect his judgment.”

  Mr. Manton glanced from her to Mr. Bonnaud, then sighed. “I’m afraid I can’t promise you that, Lady Zoe.”

  “Why not?”

  Mr. Bonnaud was the one to answer, in his typically self-satisfied manner. “Because I know more about the Romany people than Dom and Victor put together. I speak their language, I’m familiar with their customs, and I’ll have no trouble learning the whereabouts of all the major Gypsy families.”


  “He’s right,” Mr. Manton added. “Tristan spent far more time with them than I did. I was either at school or going about in society with our father. And Victor has had no dealings with them at all.”

  The words had scarcely left Mr. Manton’s lips when a knocking sounded from downstairs.

  He rose. “That’s probably the records I’ve been waiting for. So if you’ll excuse me . . .”

  Surely he wasn’t going to rush out of here and leave this matter unresolved! “But . . . but I don’t want Mr. Bonnaud to be part of this!” she cried as Mr. Manton headed for the door.

  Mr. Bonnaud gave a harsh laugh. “I think my brother has made it clear that you don’t have a choice.” When she whirled on him, he added with a smirk, “Not if you want Drina found. Assuming that she even exists.”

  Heaven save her, this was not to be borne! “I could always tell the world that you’re a thief,” she hissed, unable to govern her temper any longer. “You were the one seen running from Kinlaw Castle that day. And I’m the one who can testify to that.”

  That didn’t seem to faze him one jot. “Go ahead, my lady, tell the world.” Mr. Bonnaud marched up to lower his voice to a threatening rasp. “Then I’ll tell the world that you might not really be heir to the Earl of Olivier.”

  She gasped. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  “Not unless he has to,” Mr. Manton broke in. His tone turned forbidding. “I promised you our discretion, but that was contingent upon yours. If you choose to engage my brother in a fight that could ruin him, then you’ll have to engage me as well. And I assure you, I’ll defend us both by any means necessary.”

  The warning gave her pause. She hadn’t meant to take this to such an extreme. It was just that Mr. Bonnaud had the most abominable ability to shatter her control. Now, thanks to him, she would have to regain lost ground . . . which meant choking down great gobs of her pride.

  “I understand.” She forced a smile. “And I . . . apologize for my rash words. Manton’s Investigations is doing me a favor, after all. I didn’t mean to be ungracious.”

  When Mr. Manton acknowledged her words with a tight nod, she went on hastily, “But I still think that Mr. Bonnaud—”

  “You have no choice,” Mr. Manton cut in. “And for more reasons than my brother’s knowledge of the Romany. You see, I’m in the middle of a case involving a marquess’s missing valet, and Victor is tied up in a case at court. Tristan happens to be the only one free to pursue this matter just now.” He eyed her steadily. “Unless, of course, you wish to wait longer to have it taken care of.”

  She let out a frustrated breath. “You know perfectly well I can’t.”

  “Then Tristan will be handling your case.” As the knocker sounded downstairs again, he added, “I really must tend to that. I’ll leave you and my brother to work out the details.”

  Then he was gone, and she was alone with her nemesis.

  How mortifying. She couldn’t even bear to look at him after she’d let her temper get the better of her. When would she learn that just because she felt something didn’t mean she had to let it fly? As Mama always said, If you keep your true feelings private, you’ll never feel regret.

  Regret was a bitter pill indeed.

  After a moment, Mr. Bonnaud murmured, “Was that really so hard?”



  “You have no idea,” she muttered.

  When he remained silent, she ventured to look at him and was astonished to find his smirk gone and his eyes surveying her thoughtfully. “Pax,” he said. “I didn’t mean to provoke you.”

  “Oh, yes, you did! You’ve been provoking me since the moment we met.”

  “True. Nonetheless, I shouldn’t have carried it quite so far.”

  She eyed him uncertainly. “Is that your idea of an apology?”

  A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. “Take it however you like, princess.”

  Princess? Knowing him, he probably meant that as an insult. “Last I checked, I was never heir to a royal title.”

  His eyes gleamed. “A Gypsy princess, then,” he amended in a slow, silky drawl that made her stomach flip over.

  “We’re not even sure that I am a Gypsy.”

  “No. But by the time I’m done, we’ll know the truth one way or the other, I promise.”

��Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  Leaning back against the desk, he stared hard at her. “I happen to be very good at what I do. I worked for La Sûreté Nationale in France for years, you know.”

  “I didn’t know, actually.” But she did know about the French secret police, who had supposedly cut crime in Paris by nearly half. There’d been articles about them, now that the home secretary, Robert Peel, was attempting to start a police force in London. “Details of your former life haven’t appeared in the newspapers.”

  “Yes, well, there are many things that don’t appear in the papers. That doesn’t make them any less true.”

  He had a point. And now her curiosity was roused. “What exactly did you do for La Sûreté Nationale?”

  “I was an agent. So was Victor. We caught criminals by pretending to be criminals.”

  “That certainly explains why you were so successful at playing the thief the day we first met,” she said testily. “You make a very convincing criminal.”

  One eyebrow quirked up. “You really don’t like me much, do you?”

  Torn between telling the truth and being circumspect, she settled for something in the middle. “I don’t like having pistols pointed at me.” Her voice hardened. “Or mud slung on my father’s good name.”

  “Ah.” He drummed his fingers against the desk, then said softly, “Still, you can’t ignore the possibility that you could be your father’s by-blow.”

  She winced. She had never met anyone like him—so blunt, so rude, so . . . honest. She’d find it refreshing, if not for the fact that he was insulting Papa. “You’d really enjoy it if I proved to be so, wouldn’t you? It would make me the same as you.”

  “Hardly.” Eyes of arctic blue pinned her in place. “Unlike you, I don’t get to choose between being the pampered heir to an estate or merely marrying the pampered heir to an estate. So no, we aren’t remotely the same.”

  “In one respect we are.” She regarded him with a faint smile. “It seems you really don’t like me much, either.”

  He blinked. Then his lips twitched as if he fought a smile of his own. “Actually, I haven’t decided that yet.” He raked her with a slow, sensual glance that sent a thrill skittering through her. “I daresay I could like you a great deal . . . under the right circumstances.”

  There was no mistaking his meaning. Or its effect on her. And she would die before she let him guess it. “Does that sort of blatantly lascivious glance generally sway women to jump into your bed?” she asked tartly.

  “Often enough to make it worth the attempt.” He grinned. “Besides, it need only work occasionally. A man must sleep sometime.”

  She rolled her eyes. “At least now I understand why you’re convinced that Drina was my father’s mistress. You judge him by your own low standards.”

  The insult slid off him like rain off an oak leaf. “Have you a better explanation for why Drina’s people left her to bear a child among strangers in the dead of winter?”

  “No,” she admitted reluctantly. “But there is one hole in your lovely theory. When I asked around in Highthorpe, I was told of a local proscription against Gypsies dating back for decades. So how could Papa have taken a Gypsy mistress when there were never any Gypsies around Winborough?”

  “Can you really be sure of that, princess?”

  “Stop calling me that.” She knew he meant to mock her for being the “pampered heir to an estate,” something he clearly neither understood nor approved of. “And I’m telling you, I never so much as saw a Gypsy growing up.”

  He eyed her skeptically. “No tinkers, no itinerant musicians, no soothsayers of any kind?”

  “Not in Highthorpe.” A long-ago memory drifted into her mind. “I did meet a fortune-teller once, but that was in London. One of my good friends had a Gypsy soothsayer at her birthday party when I was a girl. I remember because Papa got so angry when I told—”

  Pain ripped through her. “Oh, Lord, I’d forgotten that. He went on and on about the foolishness of hiring Gypsies to spout nonsense in the ears of young, respectable girls. I thought he was just being overly cautious, as usual.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “But what if it was more than that?”

  “You mean, what if she was your father’s mistress?”

  “No, of course not,” she said dismissively. “What if Papa didn’t like Gypsies because he bought me from one of them?”

  His face clouded over. “I told you—the Romany don’t sell their children.”

  “But it could happen.”

  “It’s highly unlikely.” He crossed his arms over his chest. “It makes far more sense that the former mistress of your father would have shown up at the party because she wanted to find out if you were all right. Did the woman show any special interest in you? Ask you any probing questions?”

  “Not really. She just read my palm along with all the other girls’.”

  “What did she say?”

  “A great many things.” As the memories rose, she walked over to the window to stare out at the waiting hackney. “That I was born of secrets and sadness. That it would either destroy my future or lead me to greatness. And she said something about a person becoming the hand of my vengeance. Whatever that means.”

  “It could mean anything,” he said with surprising gentleness. “A good fortune-teller leaves the predictions vague or mysterious on purpose so that you can make what you wish of them. Most of what they tell people is rot anyway.”

  She dearly hoped so, considering something else the woman had said: A handsome gentleman with eyes like the sky and hair like a raven’s wing will come into your life.

  Oh, Lord. She could well imagine what Mr. Bonnaud would make of that. Then again, perhaps Jeremy Keane also had blue eyes and dark hair. Or perhaps fortune-telling was all rot.

  She drew a deep breath. “So, I suppose you mean to focus your investigation around proving my father to be an adulterer.”

  “Actually, I should first determine if your aunt’s tale is even true. I’ll head for Liverpool in the morning to examine the Customs records for the year of your birth.”

  “That sounds time-consuming.”

  “It will take a few days, yes.”

  “But I don’t have a few days!”

  “You do want to be sure that she’s not lying before we pursue the Gypsy connection, don’t you?”

  She bit her lower lip. “I suppose.”

  “Then you must let me do this my own way. I’ll work as swiftly as I can.” He glanced at the window. “But keep in mind that if the Customs records prove your aunt’s story to be true, it will take me quite a bit longer to explore your past. All of this occurred years ago, which makes it hard enough, but with the Romany keeping to themselves as they do . . .” He shook his head.

  “I know,” she said. “But at least I’ll have some idea of how to proceed with my cousin while you’re looking for the mother who actually bore me.”

  Silence fell between them, thick as fog and twice as impenetrable. She could feel his eyes examining her, as if he were looking for cracks in her armor. He wouldn’t have to look hard. Lately, her armor was flimsier than muslin.

  Then he shoved away from the desk. “You do realize you don’t have to pursue this at all. You could just go on with your life and hope no one ever learns of this.”

  “But what if someone did? If I am a Gypsy, then my Gypsy mother, at the very least, knows where I am and who I am. What’s to stop her—or someone in her family—from trying to blackmail me once I inherit the title and my fortune? And if word got back to my cousin, he would surely fight to gain the title and the estate and disinherit me. That would be disastrous.”

  “Because of the scandal?” he said cynically. “Or because you’d lose all that lovely money and high rank?”

  “Neither, you dratted—” She caught herself when she saw the glint of satisfaction in his eyes. He was deliberately provoking her. Again. She moderated her tone. “Hundreds of people depend upon
Winborough for their livelihood, and I take my responsibilities to them very seriously. But you wouldn’t understand that, would you? You live for yourself alone.”

  “Yes, thank God,” he said, though a telltale tightening about his lips belied his seeming nonchalance. “I wouldn’t have your meddlesome duties for all the money in England.”

  “My cousin might very well feel the same. He’s an artist, accustomed to catering only to his muse, not to the needs of tenants and servants. And Winborough can ill afford an owner who will let it fall into disrepair while he’s off painting pictures of trees.”

  “You’re not an art lover, I take it,” he said sarcastically.

  “I like art well enough in its place, but there are more important matters to deal with on a large estate. That’s why it’s imperative that I marry Mr. Keane if I prove not to be the legitimate heir. Papa isn’t exactly young, so I can’t take the chance of my cousin inheriting everything in his own right before we can make sure he could handle it.”

  “Fine. Then marry him.” His expression was impassive. “Even if you do turn out to be your parents’ daughter, you still have to marry in order to produce the requisite heir. Personally, I think you ought to do as you please and take your chances, but if you insist on saving the family estate, you might as well marry him as anyone else. Assuming that you can stomach him, that is.”

  Men could be so obtuse. “There’s more to love than that.”

  He snorted. “Who said anything about love? Marriage, especially in your world, is about two things: gaining or securing property, and satisfying one’s desires. You already know what you have to do to secure your property. Now you need only determine whether you can desire your cousin and he desire you.”

  “Yes, and what if he doesn’t? What then?”

  He swept her with a long, heated glance. “Then he’s blind and stupid, and you won’t wish to marry him anyway.”

  When the offhand compliment sent her silly pulse into a scamper, she chided it silently. Mr. Bonnaud was well known for his blithe flatteries. He didn’t mean anything by them. “All right, what if he desires me but I don’t like him?”


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