Beautiful Ties

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Beautiful Ties Page 18

by Alicia Rae

  Shit. “I was teasing!” I said between snickering.

  I uselessly flailed my legs in the air as he stepped to the edge of the pool.

  “Come on, you can dunk me later! How about after I get used to the water?” I asked, knowing that would never pass by him.

  He shook his head, looking down at me. “That would defeat the purpose. I want you to have the full effect.”

  “Throw her in!” Kyle yelled from the window.

  Jason’s chest vibrated with amusement as he looked to his left. I followed his gaze to see Pearl approaching.

  “Should I toss her in?” Jason asked her.

  “Tell him he can’t, Pearl!” I said in my defense.

  She looked between the two of us before stopping at Jason. Then, she nodded her head up and down, smiling.

  “Traitor!” I laughed good-naturedly, making her giggle.

  He dipped his head down toward me and gave me a quick lip-smacking kiss. “Sorry, baby. Gotta follow through on my end of the bargain.”

  And just like that, he leaped into the pool with me in his arms. I tightened my hands around his neck, closed my eyes, and braced for the impact of the cool water. Jason and I emerged to the top after a few seconds. He swam toward me and wrapped me in his arms, hauling me into his hard wall of muscle. A huge boyish grin was plastered on his face.

  “You’re evil,” I said jokingly, attempting to push him away.

  “Don’t lie,” he said, unleashing a sexy smirk. “You know you like my playful side.”

  “Sometimes.” I snorted, seeing Pearl swimming straight for us from the corner of my eye.

  Jason let me go as we both spun around to face her. She swam right into Jason’s arms.

  “My turn!” she exclaimed, putting her hands up on his shoulders. “Can you pick me up and toss me into the water?”

  “I think I can manage that,” he replied, smiling down at her. He gathered his hands around her tiny waist and lifted her out of the water. “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes!” She beamed at him.

  Jason bent his arms forward and then extended them, throwing her. Pearl’s laughter filled the air before she plunged beneath the water. She came about, already asking him to do it again and again. I watched the two of them play with one another, constantly chuckling and smiling at each other.

  When she was ready to move on, the three of us took turns jumping off the diving board at the other end of pool. A few minutes in, she asked Jason how to dive, saying she had never braved that in her class before. He brought her to the edge of the pool, demonstrating how to overlap her hands and tuck her chin as she bent at the waist. After a brief hesitation, she let herself fall forward in slow motion, diving in hands and head first, just like he had told her. Jason and I clapped, telling her what a great job she had done. Pearl hugged us both before going back to her former spot along the side where she continued to practice the new technique.

  I glanced over at Jason, seeing the same emotions flitting across his features that I felt inside. It was a simple act to teach someone how to dive, yet the sense of pride it had given him to be a part of such a treasured moment in this child’s life had a way of leaving a permanent mark on his heart.

  Once finished eating dinner outside on the patio, all of the men congregated to the right side of the table. I heard Kyle and Jason discussing business plans with Ryan and Dad over a few beers. All of the women were gathered at the left side of the patio table, chatting with one another, while Pearl drew pictures in a notebook Mom had given her. Other than the pool, my parents didn’t have any kid toys. I assumed that was about to change with Kate and Ryan’s baby due any day now. Lily was updating Kate and me on all of her honeymoon details as Mom returned with a bottle of wine and three glasses in hand.

  “Well, while the guys are all huddled up over there”—Mom pointed to the men and then raised the items in her hands—“I thought we could all enjoy an excellent bottle of cabernet—except for you, dear Kate, because you’re carrying my little grandbaby,” she teased.

  “No worries,” Kate replied. “Me and an entire bottle of wine have a date all to ourselves in about a week or two.”

  I chuckled out loud at Kate’s joke. She was such a character to be around, and she could always make anyone laugh.

  “Oh, dear, after you push that baby out, wine will be the last thing on your mind, especially if you nurse,” Mom replied, setting down the glasses and uncorking the bottle of wine. She poured each of us a glass.

  “Hey now, don’t be raining on my parade. I plan to continue dreaming of my wishful thinking for the remainder of my pregnancy,” Kate said, snorting at the end. “And no talks of labor. I specifically ordered my doctor to give me every drug he has,” she joked.

  I would have laughed along with Mom, but my eyes were glued on Lily and her flushed skin. She was frowning at the wine glass Mom had set in front of her. Biting her lip, she had an alarmed look on her face.


  Then, Lily looked over at Kyle. I followed her gaze to see Kyle deep in conversation with Jason. It didn’t look like he could save her at the moment. I chuckled inwardly as I lifted my wine glass and took a sip. The berry flavor tasted sweet and oh-so good. My mom always kept great wine in stock.

  Lily made eye contact with me. Her eyes widened, staring at me with that deer-caught-in-the-headlights look. I couldn’t resist the impulse to ask the question running wild in my mind, considering Lily hadn’t drunk a drop of wine on the night she’d spent at my condo, her bachelorette party, or on her wedding night. My gut told me I was right on target.

  I listened to Kyle, waiting for him to pause in his conversation. When he did, I spoke loud enough, so he could hear since he was sitting closest to me, “So, Lily, how’s that glass of cabernet treating you?”

  Just as I’d suspected, a metal chair skidded across the tiled patio. I turned to see Kyle on his feet.

  “Cabernet?” His tone rose, laced with nervousness. “Lily can’t have any wine!” he added, coming to stand at his wife’s side.


  Lily was now as red as my Camaro sitting out front, and her eyes were pinned on me, slightly glaring. Everyone was dead silent, all heads bouncing between Kyle, Lily, and me.

  “Oh, and why is that?” I asked Kyle, stifling my smile.

  The look in his eyes told me my answer.

  I am going to be an aunt! Again!

  Kyle gave me an amused smirk at calling him out. He rested his hand on Lily’s shoulder. The tenderness of his touch was evident in his caress. He smiled. “Because Lily and I are going to have a baby.” His voice was full of love and pride and happiness.

  The air erupted into a bunch of, “Congratulations,” and hugs all around.

  Jason congratulated Lily when she approached him. He wrapped her in his arms, hugging her tightly in another bear hug. After Kyle finished embracing our parents, he came over to where I was standing on the other side of Jason.

  “You know, Lily and I were going to wait a few more weeks before we told everyone.” Kyle cocked a brow at me. His brownish-green eyes danced with mirth. “I should have known I’d never be able to keep a secret from you for that long,” he said playfully as Lily positioned herself alongside him. He wrapped his hand around hers.

  I mirrored Kyle’s expression. “You’re lucky I waited this long,” I said teasingly, my voice filled with love for my brother and his new wife. I shifted my attention to Lily. “I’ve had my suspicions for a while now.” I winked.

  “I thought you might.” Lily chortled softly.

  Jason stepped forward, putting his arm around Kyle’s shoulder. Lily and I stepped aside, rotating to face the men.

  “I don’t know whether to congratulate you or kick your ass for getting my cousin pregnant,” Jason said jokingly.

  Kyle’s deep laughter filled the backyard, and then he glanced back at Jason. “Considering you’re dating my sister and I haven’t beaten your ass yet, I’d say you
better thank me, fucker.”

  “I love you, too.” Jason chortled mockingly. He patted Kyle’s back in a manly hug and backed up. “Congrats, man. I’m so happy for you both.”

  Lily and I shook our heads at their banter, and she leaned in closer to me. “Men.” She laughed, so only I could hear.

  I tilted my head at her, keeping my eyes on Kyle and Jason. “Yep.” I chortled, shaking my head. “Enough said.”

  After everyone hung out on the patio for a while longer, we all decided to get our pool volleyball game started. The first match was guys against girls. Needless to say, the girls got our butts kicked. The second round, we paired as couples. Kyle and Lily teamed up with my parents on one side while Jason and I joined Ryan and Kate. Pearl even played, too, riding on Jason’s shoulders for the first half. Then, she left to go practice more dives. The couples’ volleyball match went into overtime until Jason served the winning point. By the end of the second game, we were all wiped, and it was starting to get dark. Jason, Pearl, and I said our good-byes to everyone before heading home.

  Once we made the short drive back to my condo, Jason and I walked Pearl to her door. I was hoping we were not walking up to an empty house, and I was relieved to see Diane was already there. When Pearl hugged me good night, she told me how much fun she’d had. Her eyes nearly glowed brighter than the stars. I found myself feeling an overwhelming amount of sadness in my heart from saying good-bye to her even though I would be seeing her again soon.

  Over the course of the next week, Jason started moving boxes over to my place. Most of the items were his clothing, which easily fit into the armoire I never used and my large walk-in closet. I was over the moon to see all of his personal belongings around my house, and it made me feel as though we were making the right decision for us by living together.

  Pearl even stopped by a few nights. When I told her Jason was moving in with me, I thought she was going to faint from excitement. When the two of us had a few minutes to ourselves one night, she told me that she approved of Jason being my boyfriend in the most adorable yet serious tone for a seven-year-old. Pearl’s sweet sincere words had me embracing her.

  Every day I kept my phone by my side, waiting for Ryan to call and announce that Kate was finally in labor, but it had not happened yet. I was beginning to think that poor woman was going to be pregnant forever.

  Then, on Saturday, after having lunch with Gail to catch up with her and to apologize for my recent absence since meeting Jason, I had a meeting with a CEO, Richard Grayson, who was interested in purchasing one of Kyle’s properties. The consultation went much later than I’d anticipated, but my thorough attention to details and dedication to answering all his concerns paid off in the end when Mr. Grayson said he had made his decision to finalize the sale. I was a bit bummed that Jason couldn’t come with me today to observe another meeting. Since he had brought more of his belongings over last night and hadn’t unpacked them yet, he’d opted to stay home today to finish.

  After a crazy week, we were planning to stay in tonight.

  I sent him a text to let him know I was done with my meeting.

  Appointment with Richard Grayson went well! On my way back. ♥

  I set my briefcase in the passenger seat of my Camaro, buckled up, and started my car. My phone beeped with Jason’s reply.

  That’s awesome news. Now, get your fine ass back here. I want you all to myself for the rest of the night. ;)

  I smiled and started typing away on my screen.

  Sounds heavenly. Be there soon!

  While driving home, all my thoughts were occupied with Jason and our road trip last Saturday. It had been exactly seven days since I realized I was in love with him. In each of those said days, I desperately wanted to share my feelings with him, yet something was holding me back. It was like I wanted it to be the perfect moment when I told him.

  I pulled my Camaro into the parking garage. I quickly gathered my belongings, exited the car, and stopped to enter the key code to shut the large door. Once I was ready to leave, I spun around and saw Diane. She looked to be on her way out.

  “Diane!” I said, waving as I headed toward her.

  “Abbey,” she greeted me warily. “Pearl is gone on her field trip at the zoo today, and then my cousin, Sam, is picking her up. Is there something you need?”

  It dawned on me that I hadn’t had the slightest clue that Pearl’s zoo field trip was today. I frowned, thinking that Pearl had to go by herself. I thought parents were supposed to attend those activities, too.

  “Oh, I didn’t know that. I wish I would have known. I could have switched around my schedule and offered to accompany her,” I spoke out loud more to myself than her.

  I realized I should have kept my thoughts internal at the exasperated sigh Diane released.

  “Abbey, I appreciated your help last weekend when I was in a bind, but it’s not your job to escort her everywhere she goes. Pearl is a big girl. She can take care of herself, and she prefers to be alone quite frequently.” She shrugged. “Besides, she never even asked me to go, or maybe I would have considered.”

  I completely disagreed with more than one of her statements, especially the one about Pearl being alone.

  My eyes roamed over the planes of her face. Diane’s body language seemed stiff and distant. This was not the same woman I had spoken to on the phone last Saturday when Pearl needed somewhere to stay overnight. That person was nice and appreciative, sincere even. The one standing in front of me at this very second was not so nice, to say the least. Diane seemed to be hot and then cold. I could never get a feel for her. She would constantly throw me off my game. I feared voicing my opinion would rock the boat, so I tried to respect those boundaries that I really hated right about now.

  I inhaled deeply, praying for patience and strength, aware that she was awaiting my response. “I can assure you that I only meant to offer my support because I love spending time with Pearl. I don’t want to overstep my bounds.”

  “You are helping, but just leave it at that, Abbey,” she replied. Her eyes seemed to say much more than her words.

  I felt like she was telling me to back off. “Okay,” I agreed reluctantly. “Well, please let me know if you ever need me to watch her again overnight. Pearl is always welcome to stay with me.”

  “I will.” She nodded. “I have to get going now, but I’ll see you around,” she said, dismissing herself.

  “Bye,” I murmured as she waved to me.

  I turned back to head in the direction of my condo, my mood feeling sour, while pondering over our conversation. It had not been what I hoped for, but it had been better than nothing. I felt like my one step forward with her last week had just taken two giant steps back. I was so lost and confused, and maybe I was a little in over my head. Yet, here I was, still wanting to help. I was unable to back away from Pearl. The whole situation was disconcerting to be left so unresolved.

  When I opened the front door, a soft, relaxing musical tone filled my ears. I stepped inside and set my briefcase on the floor next to the door, only to smell a distinctive vanilla and lavender scent aroma in the room. My gaze landed on Jason leaning against my kitchen table with one leg overlapping the other. His right hand was tucked into the dark blue denim pocket of his jeans. In his left, he was holding a single red rose. The rose bud twirled in the air as he rotated the stem between his thumb and forefinger. I could see the muscles on his bare forearm twitching with every movement. I swallowed, allowing my eyes to gradually meander upward until I reached his face. The warmth in his eyes had my pulse speeding up to an expeditious rate. His mouth curved up into the most loving smile. The sincerity in his expression stole my breath away.

  “Welcome home,” he breathed with the smile still etched across his handsome face.

  Like a magnet, I was drawn to him, my legs managing to carry me forward. He followed me with his gaze, and the space between us tingled with electricity that became more powerful with every step.

“Thank you,” I murmured.

  When I was within his reach, he stood to his full height, towering over me, and tugged me against him. He bent down and nuzzled his nose into the crevice of my neck, tickling my skin.

  “How was your day?” he asked in a soft tone.

  I closed my eyes, absorbing the feeling of finally being back in his arms. I had only been gone for eight hours, and for a Saturday, it had been eight too many.

  “Long,” I replied truthfully.

  He started trailing kisses from my ear to the base of my jaw. “Not the simple day you expected, I take it?”

  “My lunch with Gail was great, but my meeting ran much longer than I anticipated.” In fear of souring my mood, I didn’t want to bring up my conversation with Diane.

  “Well, I have our whole evening planned out, so hopefully, I can brighten your spirits,” he purred against my cheek. He raised his other hand, and with a slow sensual movement, he stroked the velvety petals of the rose from the center of my throat to all the way down my chest.

  Small tremors shook throughout my body at the tenderness of his touch. “Oh, I like the sound of that.”

  Suddenly, he backed up. The loss of his contact had me gazing up at him inquisitively. I was yearning for him to come closer again.

  The wicked glint in his eye told me he had more in store for me. “First on the list is…dinner.” He grinned.

  I ignored the sexy look on his face and playfully glared at him. “Tease,” I muttered under my breath, just loud enough for him to hear.

  A deep throaty chuckle escaped his lips. “I know, but anticipation is half the fun.”

  He winked before pivoting himself, so I could see behind him. My eyes darted to the three candles flickering from the center of the table. Two place settings were set on the table with a covered dish in the center. Jason pulled the lid off the main dish, and inside laid a home-cooked lasagna. The marinara sauce smelled delicious, and it made my tummy rumble. I stared in awe for a moment, surprised it had taken me this long to see the meal. I blamed his good looks for distracting me. I glanced back up at him, smiling. He had taken the time to cook me dinner while I was gone.


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