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Control Page 22

by J. F. Jenkins

  She stared at him blankly. “Huh?”

  “Up? You asked what it was?”

  “You think you’re so clever. Fine, whatever, I don’t really care anyway. More curious than anything, but maybe I should just assume it means you’ve finally noticed how wonderful and charming I actually am.”

  “Yup and you’re definitely more fun than a barrel full of monkeys.”

  “Aw shucks, you’re so sweet.” She tweaked his cheek gently and took a big bite of her meatball sub sandwich. Some of the barbecue sauce dribbled down her chin and she gracefully licked it off without a second thought.

  He shrugged and watched as Tait walked through the cafeteria towards him. A quiet groan escaped his lips.

  Nia glanced over her shoulder and winced. “I’m gonna take this to go because I have a feeling you want this to be private. Unless you want me to beat her up for you?”

  “I don’t know, she’s feisty.”

  “So am I.” She winked and stood up, taking her food away from the table. But not before glaring at Tait as she walked away.

  Tait hesitantly sat across from him. She didn’t have any food with her, just her things for class. “I get that I messed up. Can we please talk more than a handful of words? I don’t like you not speaking to me.”

  “There’s this phrase I was taught: if you don’t have anything nice to say, then you shouldn’t say anything at all.” He pushed his lunch away, suddenly having no appetite.

  “I shouldn’t have blown you off.”



  “You promised you’d be there,” he said, letting his anger pour out. There was so much he wanted to say, to confront her with, but he wasn’t allowed to. She didn’t know he knew about her alter ego, but he had enough personal anger toward her that he could justify his feelings.

  “I know, and—”

  “You promised you’d be there,” he repeated.

  “Yeah, and I get it—”

  “No, I don’t think you do. If you promise something, you need to follow through with it, otherwise you’re no better than my parents. They promise me a lot of things. Like how they’ll come home and see me. How they’re almost done working and they’ll be back for good. Promises, lots of them. All of which are unfulfilled,” he snapped.

  “I know they’ve left you, but I’m not—”

  Orlando held up a hand to silence her. “You are doing exactly what they do. It’s all empty. It’s all I’ve known for half of my life. I used to be like them too and it cost me the life of my best friend. He killed himself because I fed him the same kind of lies. Constantly. I didn’t know it was wrong until it was too late. Now tell me why I would want to be in love with a girl who does the same thing?”

  He took a deep breath, glad to have at least some of it off his chest. It especially felt good saying the word, love, even if he hadn’t intended for it to come out. He’d been living in denial, making excuses to push the feelings aside. He’d fallen for her, he was sure of it.

  “You love me?” she asked.

  “It doesn’t matter if I do or don’t anymore, because we can’t be together,” he said firmly.

  Tait shook her head, her eyes brimming with tears. “Give me a chance to make it all up to you. I promised you an amazing Christmas. Let me keep it. Let me show you I mean what I say because I—”

  “You can do whatever you want, but we aren’t a couple anymore. I don’t want to date someone who isn’t going to make me one of their priorities.” He stood up and gathered all his things. “I’d say I’ll see you around, but I guess only time will tell. Right now I need some space and time to cool off.”

  “So there might still be a chance?” she asked with wide and hope-filled eyes.

  He glared down at her. “I’m not sure how to answer that question honestly.”

  And then he left the table before she could reply. If he continued to talk to her, he’d either cave and take her back, or say something he didn’t mean. Thankfully Christmas break was starting up soon, so he’d have time apart from her. He wouldn’t have to deal with her pouting during the classes they had together. Hopefully, he’d be able to take a break from everyone. After the big mission coming up this weekend, he’d need one. They all would.

  A few more hours of class time and then he was freed from the school for a few more days. He went straight home so he could shower and change before the final meeting to prep for the mission. Orlando wasn’t dirty, but he needed guaranteed privacy time to be honest with himself about his own emotions. For too long he’d been pushing every feeling he had aside.

  We really just broke up. It took a moment for it all to sink in. I did the right thing. He turned on the water to the shower, making it run as hot as he could stand, before taking the time to strip out of his clothes. A sense of relief washed over him as he stepped into the shower and the hot water began to fall on his skin.

  “I did the right thing,” he repeated in a whisper, as if to convince himself. She’s nothing but bad news. But why do I feel like I need her so badly? Why couldn’t things have stayed good for us? We barely had a chance to enjoy those happy moments. It all crashed a lot sooner than he thought it would. When they’d first met, he was positive she’d understood what was going on in his head, how he felt, everything. They wanted the same things. At least he had thought they did. We shouldn’t have rushed into something. Now I’ve fallen hard and fast for a girl I don’t even know.

  The moments when she had wanted him felt wonderful, and had blinded him into thinking they could make something decent from the connection. Maybe I’m being too hard on her. I should call her back and... No, she’s hurt people. She’s bad. He sighed and felt his chest grow tight as every emotion flooded forward at once. And beautiful, and funny, and she gets me. Why did she have to be Sprout? This would be so much easier to forgive if she was just a normal girl. If anything, I’m using everything as an excuse to break up with her because she’s Sprout. He sighed, feeling awful about that. Orlando was not the type to give up on things easily, especially relationships.

  “I can’t take it back,” he mumbled and then started to wash his hair, then the rest of his body. Might as well as long as he was in there. Maybe when I can get over everything easier, there could be a chance for us. Right now, it’s still too much. I can’t keep thinking about this. It’d give him a mental breakdown. He’d done so well to build up his strength again after Dallas died, and now it was all coming down again because of a girl.

  He shook his head and got out of the shower, dried himself quickly, then got dressed. When he checked his cell phone he saw there was a voice mail from Tait’s number. Would it be filled with her cussing him out, screaming at him, and saying she never wanted to see him again? Or would her insecurities get the best of her, and he would hear a lot of pleading for him to take her back. Whatever the case, he wasn’t ready to listen, so he made sure to save it for after the meeting. Then he wouldn’t be distracted by what she said, be overly emotional, or bring more of his personal life into the mix.

  Time to wear my professional face. He put on some loose black jeans and a rock band T-shirt, something loose he could move around in just in case someone got the bright idea to train. Not like he’d mind. Burning off some physical energy would be good for him. Then maybe he’d be tired when all was said and done.

  At least Lyssa was out for a while. She was working late today, and then had some kind of a date. The others would be able to walk in through the front door for a change instead of sneaking around. Granted, they could probably come in that way more often than they did, but Orlando didn’t want his sister to start asking questions. If she saw them over a lot, she’d want to be included in whatever they were doing. She’d be shocked to know how much time he actually spent with people.

  The doorbell rang and he put on his most convincing happy face, which for him consisted of his usual smug smirk. He let them all in, and they made their way through the mansion and to
The Apartment.

  “Okay, so I’ve been thinking long and hard about this and I think we need to go into this mission wearing costumes,” JD said as they walked through the tight concrete hallway that led to their headquarters.

  “I’m not sure how practical that would be,” Cadence said.

  Angela chimed in next. “I know what you think of when you say ‘costume’, and there is no way I am coordinating to your taste.”

  “And the masks disguise our clothing appearance enough that it isn’t a big deal,” Cadence continued.

  Orlando shrugged, and when everyone was in the entryway, he closed the door behind them. Not sure if he wanted to get in on the debate. Alan and Jaes were already inside waiting. Orlando did not like Jaes’s company much. He seemed nice enough, but he bothered Alan and put the guy on edge. Besides, who gave him permission to join the team? I certainly never approved of it. He’d barely approved of Angela.

  “What are you discussing?” Alan asked.

  “Whether or not we need to wear costumes to help disguise ourselves further. JD seems to think it’s a good idea. Me, not so much. It seems like extra work to fulfill a fantasy of his,” Cadence said.

  “But it’d be so cool,” JD said. “Come on!”

  “And it’s not necessary.” She glanced from one alien to the other, and Orlando noticed her eyes briefly settled on Jaes before she returned her attention to JD.

  “It depends. The first time JD and I saw Bean and Sprout, they were in their sports stuff. I could recognize that it was from Orlando’s place of education,” Alan said. “The masks tend to have a strange inconsistency with clothing. It’s like that back home as well. So costumes would not necessarily be a bad idea, but they can be cumbersome and not always convenient to put on.”

  “The yellow tribe likes to wear them as part of their battle armor. It’s a special ritual with them,” Jaes added. “They believe it to be an extension of their soul and have a technology that allows for a fast change. You would enjoy them JD. I will see if I can get you some from one of our allies.”

  Angela groaned. “Don’t encourage him.”

  “Sure thing,” JD said coolly to Jaes, ignoring his sister. He put an arm around Cadence and pulled her in closer.

  Took you guys long enough. Orlando almost said it out loud, but he noticed the way JD looked up at Jaes like he was trying to challenge the guy. Instead, Orlando walked to the stairs, bumping shoulders with his friend on the way up.

  “Chill, tiger,” he whispered into JD’s ear, and then went to the meeting room. He settled into his usual chair and waited for the meeting to begin. An extension of the soul, he thought, as everyone else walked in. When Jaes words it like that, the costume idea doesn’t sound quite as stupid. Maybe I’ll actually put one on.

  “I’m doing it. If you don’t want to, then you can be a party pooper,” JD said firmly, and glared at his sister.

  “I might actually join you,” Orlando said, and got a small amount of pleasure as everyone stared at him with wide and surprised eyes.

  Angela shook her head. “Boys.”

  “I thought you said...” JD started, then shook his head.

  “I said I wouldn’t wear spandex the first time you mentioned it. What I have planned isn’t spandex,” Orlando clarified.

  He’d known for a while what he’d wear if they ever made the decision to wear costumes. It was a discussion JD started every so often. Cadence was right, he probably only did it to fulfill some kind of superhero, comic book fantasy. As much as Orlando didn’t want to admit it, getting dressed and into character could be fun. Especially since he was stuck with a stupid superhero name like “The Llama Kid”. The right costume could help retain his tough guy image. Plus he hoped he was able to make Sprout’s heart pitter-patter with desire so she could see what she was missing out on.

  “Something we can discuss after we’re done with our other important matters,” Alan said. He waited until everyone was looking at him before continuing. “I have your assignments for this mission. We will be dividing into two groups. Half of you will be with me as we infiltrate The Doctor’s lab once more to obtain two things: information on this upgrade, and stopping the recruitment of new forces. The other half will be going with Sir...Jaes to the warehouse where you will inconspicuously steal part of the shipment of materials so we can recreate our own version of the formula.”

  “’re going to let them take more materials so they can make the drug again?” Angela asked.

  “No, but the part of the mission where we destroy their shipment is not one of your tasks. We have a plan to disrupt their work, but in a way where our involvement won’t be quite so obvious. If they know we are striking both places at once, then they will realize we have a double agent. I don’t think I need to explain why this information needs to be kept a secret. Even my ship does not know the spy’s identity. That is only information Alan and myself are aware of,” Jaes said.

  Orlando had a good guess who the spy was. Deductive reasoning pointed to Dale. How and why it was being kept from their ship were both things that made Orlando curious. Why wouldn’t they trust their shipmates with this information? He shrugged it off for now.

  “So who’s going where?” JD asked, bouncing on the couch as he leaned forward to listen.

  “After a long discussion, we’ve decided that JD and Cadence will be with me. My mission will be significantly less dangerous and not aggressive, so your abilities will be more suited,” Jaes said.

  Orlando couldn’t help but be disappointed. He’d wanted to go to the warehouse because that was most likely where Sprout would be, or rather, Tait. Maybe that was another unspoken reason for him to be with Alan. There would be another time to interact with her, and the idea of doing something more aggressive on purpose was exciting. For the first time since the whole thing started, he was actually looking forward to taking action for the cause.

  “The rescue mission is also going to be close to your place of education, Orlando, so I figure you would know the layout of the area best,” Alan said.

  “Sure.” Orlando was getting more familiar with the Lunar Falls area as time went by. But he wouldn’t call himself an expert or anything.

  After he was given the details where they would be meeting, Orlando’s mind began to drift back to Tait once more. Why couldn’t he just get her out of his head?

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  JD was tingling with excitement. A real mission. Not simply watching and taking notes, or accidentally stepping in on the action. He’d intentionally be doing something with more purpose. He was surprised that Jaes had picked him and Cadence to go, since powers like Orlando’s or Angela’s made the most sense. Then again, if it wasn’t going to be too dangerous, maybe it would be better. He could be sneaky without a superpower. It was something he did all the time at home. Plus he got to spend more time with Cadence, so he couldn’t complain there, either even if they’d be with Jaes. He seemed cool enough, but JD didn’t like the way the guy seemed to have such an interest in Cadence. It was so obvious. Like I’m supposed to believe he came over just to get to know us both better when all he did was get the 411 on her.

  Cadence still hadn’t replied to JD’s confession. He didn’t know how to handle it other than pretend like it didn’t bother him as he waited and hoped for some kind of response. For now, he needed to focus on getting home and having a good night’s rest. Or trying to. Sleeping would be hard to do tonight.

  “You’re home earlier than I expected,” his dad said as soon as he and Angela stepped through the doorway into their house.

  “I don’t always stay out late. Besides, Cadence said something about needing beauty sleep for something with her mom tomorrow. I told her she didn’t need to worry about it. Does she listen? No,” JD said. He kicked off his shoes, and placed them by the door. He moved aside so Angela could do the same.

  Their dad watched, smiling from ear to ear. “I love this whole you—two—getting—along—a
nd—doing—things—with—each—other thing. So what are you actually doing? It seems too good to be true.”

  Angela sighed dramatically, and sat down on the couch in the living room. “You caught me. I’m only using JD because he’s got this super-hot, awesome friend. It’s a good excuse to go over and hang out with him.”

  JD glanced over at Angela, and shook his head, wondering how much truth was in her statement. “We’re hanging out with friends. That’s it, nothing more.”

  “If you say so,” his dad said, and went back to the kitchen.

  “Uh, what are you doing?” JD whispered to his sister.

  She shrugged. “Figure I’d say something that was at least believable. Why else would I spend so much time with you willingly?” She winked and then went to her room, quietly shutting the door behind her.

  Rolling his eyes, JD turned on the television, mindful to keep the volume low so he didn’t wake anyone up. The walls in their house were fairly thin, and his younger siblings were all light sleepers. They were part of the reason why he was doing this. Protecting his family was important to him.

  He watched several hours of TV, but couldn’t get his body to feel tired. Restless, he sent Cadence a text.

  “Yo, you awake?”

  When she didn’t reply right away, he thought she was already in bed. About twenty minutes later he got a message.

  “Yeah, I am. I was in the shower, sorry.”

  “It’s cool. Am just bored.”

  “Go to bed. It’s late,” she replied.

  He laughed. “I can’t sleep.”

  “Head too busy?”

  “No, just can’t sleep.” His mind was calm, ready even. Or maybe it was tired and waiting for the rest of his body to catch up with him. He smiled when he saw her next message.

  “Do you want me to sing you a lullaby?”

  “Can you sing?”

  “Yes, but not well.”

  “Appreciate the thought, but not tonight.” He wouldn’t have minded hearing the sound of her voice. They had said goodbye not too long ago, but still, he could listen to her talk for a long time. She had such a wonderful voice.


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