The Alpha's Search (The Craven Trilogy, #1)

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The Alpha's Search (The Craven Trilogy, #1) Page 7

by Natalie Shaw

  Now I had.

  Chapter 10

  I was still lying in bed when there was a knock on the door.


  “It's me,” Craven said.

  I was naked, so grabbed the white dressing gown provided by the motel. It was at least three sizes too big.

  “Morning,” I said, but he'd already slipped by me into the room. “What's wrong?”

  “Look!” He grabbed the remote control and switched on the TV.

  The news item was using footage which appeared to have been taken from a helicopter. I recognised the stricken police car which I'd escaped from the previous day.


  “Wait!” Craven held up a finger to shush me.

  The reporter in the helicopter had handed back to the studio. The female news anchor was talking about the mass murder scene where two police officers and two other men had been killed, in what was described as a brutal attack. I was only half listening to the woman's words. I was too busy staring at the image displayed on a large screen behind her. It was a photograph of me.

  “The police are appealing to anyone who knows the whereabouts of this woman. Her name is Jackie Coleman. Anyone with information should contact police on—”

  Craven switched off the TV.

  “Do they really believe I was responsible for all of that?” I asked.

  “I wouldn't think so. It's more likely they think whoever did it has abducted you. It's going to make things a little more difficult though.”

  “Why don't I just hand myself into the police. I haven't done anything wrong.”

  “You know that, and I know that, but people do have a habit of dying around you. The police will have a lot of difficult questions.”

  “So what do we do?”

  “We stick with our original plan.”

  “Which is?”

  “To find a new pack. Once we have the support and protection of a pack around us, we'll be much safer.”

  “How does that work? Do we just turn up and ask if we can join their pack?”

  “Not exactly.” Craven laughed. “As soon as we turn up in another pack's territory, they'll know, and will do their best to drive us out or—”

  “Or what?”

  “Kill us.”

  “So what's the plan then?”

  “The only way for this to work is to defeat the current Alpha or to get his permission to join the pack.”

  “You plan to kill him?”

  “No. I plan to persuade him to let us join his pack.”

  “Will he?”

  “It's not common. Most packs will kill or chase off intruders.”

  “Great! So either he'll kill us or he'll drive us out of his territory so Milton can do the job.”

  “Are you always this optimistic?” He grinned, as he pulled me into his arms. “Everything will be okay. I promise.”

  My head was resting on his chest. I'd never felt safer. I knew I could trust him. I was his mate—his fated mate. I belonged to him.


  We decided it was too risky to eat breakfast in the diner attached to the motel. The car park was almost full, and there was a good chance at least one of the guests would have seen my picture on the news. No one was looking for Craven, so he went down to the diner alone to buy take-way which we could eat on the road.

  “We have to go.” Craven burst into the room.


  “The police pulled into the car park while I was queuing to be served. They were headed towards reception.”

  “Do you think they're here for me?”

  “Almost certainly. Someone must have recognised you.”

  I started towards the door.

  “Not that way.” His words stopped me in my tracks. “We can't take the car. There's more police in the car park. “This way.”

  Jackie Coleman would have questioned him, Louise followed without hesitation. I said a silent goodbye to Jackie—she'd served me well, but I didn't need her any longer.

  Chapter 11

  “Craven!” I was doubled-up with stitch.

  He hadn't heard me.

  “Craven! Wait!”

  My heart was pounding, and my lungs felt as though they were about to burst. We'd left the motel via the fire-escape, and were making our way cross-country—avoiding all roads. For almost an hour, the pace had been relentless, and I was exhausted. Craven looked as though he'd hardly broken sweat.

  “I have to rest!” I gasped.

  For the last few minutes we'd been running through woodland, and were now in a small clearing.

  “Sit here.” Craven kicked a small tree stump.

  “I don't think I can go much further.”

  “We have no choice. We have to keep moving.”

  “I'll try, but I need to catch my breath first.”

  Craven walked the perimeter of the clearing while I allowed my body to recover. The prospect of more of the same filled me with dread, but I didn't want to let him down.

  “You have to shift into wolf form,” he said.

  “How? I can't. I don't know how—”

  “You can. You have to trust your body. You have to let go of your human form. I'll help you.”

  “I'm scared.”

  “There's nothing to fear. It's as natural as breathing.”

  “It doesn't feel that way.”

  “Do you trust me?” His eyes felt as though they had the power to touch my very core.


  “Get undressed then.”


  “Undress.” He was already removing his clothes.

  I didn't react for a moment. Instead, I watched as he threw aside his jacket and shirt.

  “Louise! You have to do this now. There's no time to lose!”

  “Okay.” I began to undo my blouse.

  “Quicker!” he urged.

  He was naked now. I was stunned by his beauty and raw strength. I tried to focus on his chest, but my gaze kept drifting lower. Focus! I had to focus.

  I stood naked in front of him. The pain in my side had been replaced by an ache between my legs. As Jackie Coleman, I'd had a number of relationships, but I'd never known a desire such as this. We were in mortal danger, but all I could think about was having this man inside me.

  “There'll be time for that later,” he said.

  I realised he'd read my mind, and my cheeks flushed.

  Craven moved over to where I was standing. Our naked bodies were now only inches apart. My heart was racing again, but this time for a very different reason.

  “Clear your mind.” He kept his voice low. “Let the inner wolf come to the surface.”

  “I don't know how—”

  He placed a finger on my lips, put his other arm around my back, and pulled me into him. My breasts were pressed hard against his chest. I could feel his erection against my tummy.

  “Close your eyes.”

  I did as he said.

  Without warning, he pressed his lips against mine. He had his arms around my waist; it felt as though he was going to squeeze the life out of me. I tried to wriggle free, but he only strengthened his grip. I began to panic. I couldn't move and could barely breathe.

  “Let out the wolf.” I heard his words, but I'd no idea what I was meant to do.

  He lifted me, so my feet were off the ground. I tried to kick myself free, but to no avail. I thought I was going to die.

  A familiar, but long forgotten sensation came from somewhere deep inside me. Heat rushed through my veins. I pushed aside his arms, and then dropped to the floor on one knee. Craven took two steps back. The pain was excruciating. Every muscle, fibre, and bone screamed. I let out a sound the likes of which I didn't know I was capable of making. My eyes felt as though they were about to explode.

  Then, it was over. I was on all fours—my transformation complete. My senses were suddenly overloaded. A thousand smells and sounds competed for my attention.

  Craven had
shifted too. He nodded to me, and then set off across the clearing, towards the trees. I was at his shoulder. Whereas in human form, I'd been stretched to the very limit, my wolf took it all in its stride. The miles fell away as we made our way cross-country.

  A cool stream provided welcome refreshment. I could feel Craven's gaze on me as I drank.

  “You're beautiful.” It took me a moment to realise it was his thoughts I'd heard.

  “Thank you,” I thought in reply. “It feels good, but is it always so painful to shift?”

  “It'll get easier. It's been a long time for you. We'll continue west for another hour or two. Then we'll need to find somewhere we can hold up for the night.”


  We'd been travelling for just under an hour when Craven pulled up without warning.

  “What's wrong?” I asked.

  He didn't reply. Instead, he sniffed the air. I did likewise, and caught the scent.

  “Another pack?” I asked.

  He nodded.


  “Close by.” He scanned the horizon. “There aren't many of them. Two, maybe three.”

  “What do we do? Run?”

  “No. We wait.”

  We watched and waited. My senses told me they were almost upon us.

  “Will you be okay?” Craven asked.

  “Yes.” I should have been terrified, but I wasn't. Adrenalin was pumping through my veins.

  There were two of them. They looked down on us from a small ridge to our right. First one, and then the other howled. Inside my head, I could hear the abuse they were directing at us. How dare we set foot on their territory? We must leave now or suffer the consequences.

  One glance at Craven told me we wouldn't be going anywhere. He began to walk towards them. I followed his lead. The two wolves howled again—more warnings. Craven returned the howl, and I joined in. There was no going back now. The two wolves raced towards us.

  Neither wolf was as large as Craven, but both were bigger than me. The first launched itself at Craven. It was a fatal mistake. Craven caught it in mid-air by the throat. I was winded by the impact from the other wolf as it hit me side on. As I tried to regain my feet, it leapt on top of me—its teeth only inches from my throat. I managed to get my rear paws under its underbelly, and thrust with all my might to send it flying over my head. I was back on my feet, and now face to face with my opponent. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Craven. I thought he might have come to my aid. Instead, I heard his thoughts: 'All yours'.

  I was flattered by the vote of confidence, and hoped it wasn't misplaced. The wolf lunged forward—I sidestepped, but its teeth still gashed my side. I could smell my own blood. He tried another lunge, but this time I anticipated it, and copied the manoeuvre I'd seen Craven perform a few moments earlier. My first bite missed its mark, and he almost slipped away. My second found the target. His blood filled my mouth. He struggled for several more seconds, but it was all over. I released his throat only when I felt the last breath of life leave his body.

  “My Louise has returned.” Craven howled.


  It was almost dusk when we came across the house. Overlooking a small valley, it was the first building we'd seen for several miles. The house was in good repair, so obviously hadn't been abandoned. There were no lights on and no vehicles parked outside.

  “Holiday home?” Craven mused. “We'll stay here tonight.”

  As much as I'd enjoyed rediscovering my wolf, I was ready to return to human form. I was hungry and desperate for a bath.

  “Come on.” Craven set off up the hill.

  Once at the house, he immediately shifted back into human form.

  I found shifting back to human form much easier, and nothing like as painful. The two of us were now naked on the porch.

  “I hope no one comes back,” I said.

  “Me too.” He smiled. “I don't want us to be disturbed tonight.”

  As he spoke, his gaze ran up and down my body. I felt a tingle and the now familiar ache between my legs.

  “Food first,” he said, as he forced the catch on the window. “Wait here.”

  I'd expected Craven to open the door immediately, but there was no sign of him. I listened, but could hear nothing. What was he doing? Was there someone inside? Had they heard him? I was beginning to worry, and wondered if I should go in through the open window.

  Before I could, the lock turned, and the door slid slowly open.

  “You'd better come in. You'll catch your death out there.” Craven was wearing jeans and a lumber jack shirt.

  “What took so long? I thought something had happened to you!” I snapped.

  “I had to find something to wear. I didn't want you to get over excited.” He laughed. “Not until we've eaten anyway.”

  “You're taking rather a lot for granted aren't you? I've seen plenty of naked men before.”

  He grinned. He could see straight through my words. He knew exactly the effect he'd had on me.

  “There are plenty of clothes in the bedroom,” he said—still grinning. “It's through there to your right.”

  There were two bedrooms. In the larger of the two was a huge walk-in wardrobe. The clothes were almost a perfect fit. I chose a plain white blouse and denim skirt.

  I found Craven in the kitchen.

  “Something smells nice,” I said.

  “There's a freezer full of food. I thought steak would go down well. With potatoes and veg of course.”

  “I'm vegetarian,” I said.

  “What?” He looked at me in horror.

  “Just kidding. Make it rare. The bloodier, the better.”

  Part 2 - Year: 1974

  Chapter 12


  “I'm in here,” I called from the kitchen. It wasn't yet eight o' clock, and very unlike my father to visit at such an early hour. Unless—. “What's wrong?”

  He smiled when he saw me, as he always did.

  “Nothing's wrong. At least it won't be if you make me a mug of tea. I'm parched. Toast wouldn't go amiss either.

  I was keen to know why he'd come around, but he wasn't about to tell me anything until he'd finished his breakfast.

  “So?” I asked—impatient now. “Why are you here?”

  He took another bite of toast, and gestured to his mouth to indicate it was full. Sometimes he could be infuriating, but I loved him deeply.

  “You make superb toast.” He took a swig of tea. “Just like your mother.”

  “Father! Why are your here?”

  “You're impatient like your mother too.”

  “Are you okay?” I put my hand on his.

  “Of course. Don't I look all right?”

  I nodded. My father was still strong, still fit, and still mentally agile. If he'd been any other member of the pack, I wouldn't have had a moment's concern for him. But he wasn't just any member of the pack—he was the Alpha. “You look great.”

  He finished the toast, and I noticed a change in his expression.

  “Milton is garnering support against me,” he said.

  Milton was the pack's Beta.

  “Who would dare support him?”

  “It's best you don't know that.”

  “Tell me and I'll rip their throats out.” I thumped my fist onto the table.

  “No, Louise. That isn't going to help.”

  “It would make me feel a whole lot better.”

  “As I said, you're just like your mother.”

  “You have to confront him,” I said.

  “He'd only deny it. He may be many things, but he isn't stupid. There's no proof.”

  “To hell with proof. You have to kill him.”

  “No!” It was my father's turn to thump the table. “You know me better than that.”

  It was true. My father had been Alpha since the turn of the century—over seventy years. During that time, he'd been challenged on only four occasions. Each time he'd seen off the challenger w
ithout any difficulty. Two had been exiled; the other two hadn't been as lucky. The reason he'd had so few challengers was due in part to his physical strength, but also to the respect he'd earned. The pack members respected my father's strength, but they also valued his judgement. Under his leadership, the pack had gone from strength to strength. Unlike many other packs, we had very few problems with the humans who we lived and worked alongside. Occasionally, a loose cannon in the pack might do something stupid, but when that happened, it was always 'taken care of' before hysteria could set in. It helped that we had pack members working in senior posts in both the police and media. My father made it his business to ensure the loose cannons did not get the chance to embarrass the pack more than once.

  “We can't sit around and do nothing,” I protested.

  “That's precisely what we are going to do. We have to wait until Milton shows his hand.”

  “Then what?”

  “Then, I will attend to the problem.” My father smiled.

  I was nervous. I hated the idea of waiting around while knowing that piece of scum, Milton, was plotting against my father. I still preferred my plan—to take him out now. One phone call and I could have it done. “Why did you bother telling me if there's nothing to be done?”

  “I wanted to warn you what was happening. I wouldn't put anything past Milton. He might get it into his head to try to take out the Alpha's daughter.”

  “He wouldn't dare.”

  “You may be right, but still I want you to be careful.”

  “I'm always careful.”

  He laughed. “Since when?”

  “I can look after myself.”

  “I know. Even so, I've arranged for—”

  The penny dropped. “No way!” I shouted.

  “You don't even know what I'm going to say.”

  “Yes I do. You want one of your lackeys to baby-sit me. I won't have it!”

  “You'll do as I say. Would you defy your Alpha?”

  I was stunned. My father never played the 'Alpha' card. He normally relied on my respect as a daughter. Most of the time, he got it. This was different. I might occasionally go against my father's wishes, but I could never disobey my Alpha.

  “Who have you asked to baby-sit me?”

  He walked over to the door, opened it, and called, “Come in.”


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