Thankful Kisses

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Thankful Kisses Page 4

by K. L. Fast

  “How the fuck did I get so lucky? I mean you are beautiful, loving, and a nerd. My fifteen-year-old self is giving me a high five right now.”

  I burst out laughing. “I have three older brothers Marc. I know a thing or two about Star Wars and just about every other kind of nerdgasm there is out there. I prefer Star Trek, but I can dig it,” I shrug.

  “I love them both. Do you want to watch one of the movies when we finish breakfast? I have the afternoon free.”

  “Oh, when do you have to go back to work? Should I just get a hotel or something?” I say. My lip is quivering, and my eyes fill up with unshed tears. I really don’t want to leave this man.

  “Oh, no Princess. We have dinner plans. I don’t have to be back at the station until Monday. I am not going anywhere, and neither are you. Dry up those tears.”

  I sigh and jump up into his arms. Wrapping my legs around his waist. “Which Trek did you have in mind?” I ask excitedly.

  “The best one."

  "Into Darkness,” We say at the same time which causes us to laugh.

  “Oh my God, I love you so much,” I say with a laugh.


  After polishing off four pieces of French toast and the movie, we made love for the rest of the afternoon. He periodically checked on the turkey which I found out needed to be thawed and cooked at a reasonable temperature for several hours. Who knew?

  Around four I take a solo shower. I miss him so much, but he had to go out for a little while. Where is he going? The Shop and Bag is closed today, and any store in Dallas would be scary as fuck seeing that it is Black Friday.

  I have just gotten out of the shower when the doorbell rings. Looking at the clock on the nightstand I know that it is four thirty and Marc still isn’t home, so I grab the first thing I find and rush putting it on. Running down the stairs, I practically skip to the door to answer it. I fling the door open and my eyes widen.

  “Suzy, what are you doing here? Come in, what’s all that? I have so much to tell you.”

  As she walks in, I notice several others behind her. Evan and Sam were there with two women. I took the chance that the one Evan was holding hands with was Candy.

  “Oh, my fuck. I must look like a mess.”

  I am wearing a pair of Marc’s basketball shorts and a t-shirt. My hair is wet, and since I couldn’t find a brush, it was a tangled mess. Shrugging I look over at the girls I have never seen before.

  “You must be Candy,” I say as I extend my hand toward her.

  “Hey, Teagan. It’s so lovely to meet you finally.” She pulls me into a huge hug.

  “We are so glad you are ok.” Sam says.

  “Careful Angel. Not too tight. We got some exciting news yesterday.” He says with a pointed look at her belly as she pulls away from me.

  “Oh, my shit! That is so exciting guys congratulations!” I say as I turn to Evan and pull him into a big hug.

  “Hey shrimp, where's my hug?” Laughing, I let go of Evan and go straight to Sam playfully punching him in the arm.

  “Hey Sammy, what’s been going on, how’s the farm? I know I don’t get out to the farm to help out much anymore.” I say.

  “No worries T. I have some farmhands now.” I nod, but I still feel guilty. His farm was my first job, one I technically still have and get paid for since that is where my health insurance comes from.

  Looking over at the gorgeous brunette who is standing near him I say “You must be Kristy. It’s great to meet you. This is my bestie, Suzy.” Sam and Evan already know her.

  “Come in, please. Have a seat. What are you all doing here, not that I am not happy to see you.”

  “Your man called me last night wanting to surprise you.” Suzy pipes up.

  “Oh, that man. He is just the best.” I sigh, pulling my hands to my face.

  “So, what did you want to tell me?” Suzy continues.

  With a quick look to Sam and Evan, I say “Why don’t you help me in the kitchen for a minute. Candy, Kristy you are welcome too.”

  The four of us head into the kitchen, and I immediately start gushing.

  “I am so in love. I need him in my life for always.”

  “Did you have sex?” Suzy asks.

  I know she is a virgin, so I don’t want to rub it in too much, but I will burst if I don’t say something.

  “You know all those first-time horror stories you see on the internet?”

  When they all nod I continue. “This wasn’t like that. It was amazing. He was amazing.” I lower my voice a little before continuing. “I feel like he is still inside me. And I am upset that he isn’t”

  Kristy laughs. “Phantom dick.” We all stare at her.

  “It’s a thing. I mean I don’t know for sure, but I’ve heard things.” Candy snorts.

  “Like you don’t know. You are kinda a sloot-bag.” With my eyes wide, I sneak a peek at Suzy who has the same expression on her face.

  “I only partake in one-way mouth hugs. I’m technically pure as the driven snow.” When she bursts out laughing, we all do.

  “We are all gonna be best friends, that is some funny shit right there.” We are still laughing when Marc comes into the kitchen.

  “What’s so funny ladies?” We laugh even harder.

  “Hi, baby! I missed you.” I say as I jump into his arms, causing him to drop his bags on the floor. The other girls quickly scatter out of the room. I kiss him deeply, and my pussy instantly floods with arousal. Moaning, I start to rub myself against him which causes him to pull back on a groan.

  “Don’t tempt me, woman, we have a house full of people."

  “I love you. Thank you for my surprise. I love it.”

  Giggling, I hop down off him and when I do my boobs bounce freely. He is drawn to that.

  Growling he says in my ear he asks, “Where the fuck is your bra, Princess? There is gonna be at least three single men here. I can’t have them looking at you.”

  “They can look all they want. They will never have me. I promise. You own me, baby. Every single inch. There will never be another for me.”

  I rub my hand along his jaw and pull him down to me. I kiss him with every fiber of my being.

  “Save that for later. No time for that now, but for my sanity, please put on a bra. I washed your clothes from yesterday. They are in the dryer.”

  He is adorable, but everyone knows that bras don’t go in the dryer. It will probably be misshapen which will draw even more attention to my chest. I tinker around the kitchen, getting things that the others brought heated up or in the freezer, while Marc is entertaining in the living room. I am not sure it was wise to be left alone in the kitchen so soon, but using the microwave is something I excel at. I am not sure how long I lingered in the kitchen but I finally make my way to the downstairs bathroom.

  There is a stackable washer/dryer unit in the corner in an adorable little laundry nook. I push open the door and let out a startled yelp. Sam is balls deep in Kristy who is sitting on the sink.

  Sam is growling out “I’m going to fuck the brattiness right out of you, little girl. You’ve been teasing me with this pretty little pussy for the last month.” Kristy is moaning and digging her hands into his shoulders.

  I don’t know how long I stand there or why I don't just slam the door shut, but Marc comes up behind me and reaches for the doorknob. “We’ll come back later,” and shuts the door. I am still just standing there with my mouth hanging open. I’ve never even watched porn, so that was something for me. I think I am in shock. But more likely I am never gonna let him live this down.

  Chuckling, Marc shuts my mouth with his finger under my chin. “Well this Thanksgiving is going to be fun.”

  “Yeah well, now I can’t put on a bra.” That gets him to stop laughing grabbing my hand he walks out to the living room telling Evan and the girls that we’d be right back as he starts making our way up the stairs. Walking straight to his room he lets go of my hand and heads into the closet looking for somethi

  I hear him muttering under his breath. Walking up behind him I lightly run my hand up his back. “What ya lookin' for babe?”

  Turning towards me he wraps me in his arms. “I have nothing to cover your amazing body. I don’t want anyone looking at what is mine. I feel like a fucking caveman around you.”

  Giggling, I run my hands up his hard chest “Baby, I love that you want to go all caveman on me, but I promise it’s okay. I don’t want anyone else, now calm down. If you’d like I can wear this shirt.”

  I gingerly reach over and grab one of his uniform shirts that has his last name on it.

  “Oh, yeah Princess, that I like a lot.” He grabs the end of the shirt I am wearing and lifts it over my head throwing it to the side then he is ripping off my shorts. I quickly undo his belt and shove his pants down his thighs before he picks me up into his arms and slides right into me.

  I moan at how good he feels stretching my pussy. At the same time, he groans and starts to fuck me hard and fast with quick, powerful thrusts. My arms are wrapped around him, and I am kissing him as though my life depends on it. Oh God, he feels so big inside of me. He is fucking me like there is no tomorrow and I fucking love it. He is reminding me who I belong to. I don't need the reminder, but I know what he needs.

  “Baby, come in my pussy, I want you to fill me up with your cum.” I am out of breath and panting. He is grunting and grinding into me. “I need it so bad, only you can do this for me. I want you to fuck me till I have your baby inside me.”

  I can feel my pussy start to tighten at my dirty talk, and he is starting to get louder. Reaching my hand down I rub my clit with my index finger.

  “That's right you play with the pretty pussy while I'm deep inside you. Come all over my cock Princess.”

  I rub fast circles over my clit and come screaming his name. I feel the exact moment his cock explodes inside of me and after a few seconds of coming down from the high of our orgasms he pulls out of me and sets my feet on the floor.

  I can feel the mixture of cum running down my thighs, and I love how naughty it makes me feel. Kissing me he does up his pants and his belt before reaching down and pulling my shorts back up my body. Kissing my belly, he stands up and pulls his shirt over my head. Giving me a little peck on the lips he pulls back

  “I love seeing my name on you Princess, but we are being very rude.”

  I am too speechless to say anything. Holy fuck! I forgot we had people downstairs and that I just saw my cousins fucking someone. At least I didn’t see anything on him I shouldn’t have. I am never letting him live this one down. Marc grabs my hand and leads me back downstairs.


  Well, this Thanksgiving Dinner is awkward as fuck. Kristy and Sam won’t even look at each other and are pretending that nothing happened. While everyone else is talking and having a great time, I am trying to keep my mouth shut about what I saw.

  We have just finished dinner and everyone's just sitting at the table waiting for a couple of Marc's friends to stop by for dessert.

  I'm having a hard time concentrating on anything but what happened downstairs. My eyes keep darting between Kristy and Sam and by now the others are starting to wonder why they are being so awkward around each other. From what I've heard they are always fighting, or Kristy is always trying to piss Sam off, and he’s instigating it.

  I finally can’t hold it in any longer “Did you get to finish, Sam?” I blurt out. All eyes snap to me. I immediately look down at my napkin. That is what I went with? What the fuck is wrong me?

  He starts to cough as the beer he had just taken a drink of had gone down the wrong pipe, and he is just looking at me like a deer in the headlights.

  Candy looks up from her phone and practically shouts “What!! You guys fucked in the bathroom? I thought you hated him.” Kristy turns bright pink and she starts to stutter a response when Marc comes to her rescue.

  “She is just kidding. She has no desire to know that.”

  Ha, oh hell no, I really want to know. I think to myself.

  “He's cute, but I'm not kidding,” I say like a petulant child.

  “Look, I know it’s none of my business but what was that? You come into someone else’s home and fuck like rabbits and expect me not to be curious. I know you are my cousin, but Jesus Christ how the hell did you break my-” I suddenly break off because boyfriend seems to tame for what Marc and I have. “Man’s fucking bathroom sink. I mean my eyes and ears are totally scarred for life because of you-side note, Kristy you looked awesome, your boobs are really nice.” I finish with everyone staring at me. I only knew about the sink because I went in to get my bra once I came back downstairs. They were no longer in the bathroom, but the sink was mightily cracked in two places.

  “I… uh don’t really know why that happened and it wasn’t anything to write home about,” Kristy answers hastily.

  Sam looks pleased as punch until she says that. He pulls his beer back to his lips. Suzy makes a face like oh no she didn’t.

  “Man, I am sorry about the sink and the mirror, but I’ll pay for it, and if you want, I can help fix it up,” Sam says.

  “What the hell happened to the mirror?” Candy asks.

  “I... uh...flung the back of my head into it. I couldn’t help it.” Kristy says with a small voice and her face turning a darker shade of pink.

  Suzy is just sitting there like she has no idea what we are talking about the look on both their faces have Candy and I sharing a look and we both burst out laughing and so does everyone else. I call bullshit on it not being good. She broke a mirror for fuck's sake. The tension has been averted, just in time for the doorbell.

  Chapter Eight


  I stand to get the door. “I'll be right back.” I kiss my girl on the forehead and walk to the front door. Opening it, I see that Cam and Ryder showed up together. Cam and I have been best friends since high school, and we have known Ryder for about three years. He owns the local bar, On the ShamRocks.

  “What's up fuckers? I’m glad you could make it.” I say as I give them both a manly back-slapping hug.

  “What’s up, man? I hear you got yourself a lady.” Ryder says as he takes off his coat revealing his sleeve of tattoos. Cam pipes in with a “Dude, you should've seen him running into that house. Which reminds me, you still owe me twenty bucks douche.”

  Laughing, I fish a crisp twenty out of my wallet and pass it to him. “There fucker stop hounding me, I invited the chief and his daughter over for dessert, but I am not sure if they can make it. Plus, you both gotta be on your best behavior because Tegan’s parents will be here soon. Also play nice with the other boys.”

  They give me their best church-going face, but I know it won’t last. Walking into the dining room, I make introductions.

  “This is my girl Teagan.” I have to clench my fists when she jumps up out of her chair and hugs Ryder.

  “It’s so nice to see you when I am not all bent over and sweaty and stuff.” She says innocently. She has no ideas the images my brain fills with. I must make a growling sound because her eyes meet mine and she jumps back from him. Ryder puts his hands up in a surrender.

  “I know Ryder from the gym. He is my spotter, and we take a yoga class together.” Teagan blurts out.

  Ryder looks at her pointedly. “You were not supposed to tell anyone that T, it was just because I lost a bet with you.” She laughs.

  “I invited him to dinner at my place to introduce him to Suzy." Suzy whips her head towards us and half screams. “You did what Tegan Jackson?" At the same time, I say “What would you have gotten if you won the bet?”

  Teagan looks at Ryder and gives a tiny shake of her head. Ryder clams up. At this point, I know it’s bad.

  “Teagan, tell me now,” I command.

  “I can’t tell you. What does it matter now, he lost?”

  Someone needs to fess up. My imagination is going crazy and is probably worse than what happened. Through this whole o
rdeal Cam, Sam, Evan, and the girls are looking at us like we are the best tv drama they have ever seen.

  Suzy is still sitting in the corner fuming, and Ryder has completely forgotten about the conversation we are having because he is just standing there staring at her like she is bacon. Okay, that may be a little harsh, but I am fucking pissed, and I need to know what that fucking bet was.

  “Teagan, come here please.” She walks over to me. My hands still clenched, and I have never been more jealous of anything in my life.

  “I need to know what the other end of the bet was.” She leans up to my ear and whispers “a blowjob.”

  I feel like my heart stop. “I am sorry a what? There is no way I heard that correctly.”

  I think I am going to have to kill one of my best friends. I take a step towards him, but before I reach him, there is a knock on the door, which Cam opens.

  “Marc, don’t you fucking dare, it was just a blowjob. One that never happened, I swear.” Teagan yells out just as her parents walk into the room.

  “What did we miss? I do love a good blowjob story.” Tegan's mom asks as she comes to stand next to Teagan.

  Suzy, Candy, and Kristy can’t stop laughing. Suzy to the point of tears.

  “This. Is. Blow. Job. Yoga. Boy? Oh fuck, I can’t breathe. Marc, this is too funny. T, tell the whole story. Please.” Suzy finally gets out. “Don’t!” Ryder shouts as he points at Teagan.

  “I kinda have to now, he is gonna kick your ass. Besides, it is hilarious." She takes a breath and then continues.

  "So, for the last nine months I have been going to the gym and Ryder has been my spotter on the weights several times. Anyway, about six months ago, Ryder swaggers into the gym and right up to me. He says he can lift Six hundred pounds. I said that if he could, I would give him a blowjob. If he couldn't, he would have to hot yoga with me for a year. He was so gung-ho about the whole thing.”

  She is starting to laugh as she tells the story.

  “He got on the bench and tried to lift that much weight, his face turned all red, and the big vein in his forehead was all poking out. He got it halfway up, and suddenly you hear a disgustingly loud pop and him screaming “Fuck” as he drops the weights and runs to the locker room. His shoulder is limp, and his other hand is trying to keep it in place. You guys should have seen him run. It was fucking hilarious like his arm is just limply swinging away I was laughing so hard that I fell over the bench and landed on my ass. I know I sound like a bitch, but good Lord, the whole thing was ridiculous."


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