Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals Page 13

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Sit still, I want to try something,’ Megan said. She reached out and placed her hand across Yolanda’s jaw and neck below her ear. She concentrated hard trying to see past the dull glow of the spell to the tendrils it had cast out. ‘Little tendril, shrink back to your source,’ she commanded under her breath. ‘Good. Now cease to be.’ She paused assessing it. ‘Oh, that seemed to work,’ Megan said cheerfully. ‘Only about another eighty to do,’ she added trying to get a feel for the scale of the spell’s influence. She concentrated on the strong thick threads first. They were difficult to force back. ‘I’ve done six strands. They’re some of the major ones so hopefully some of the influence will start to weaken. I can’t do any more just now though. This is going to take several sessions.’

  ‘Thank you Megan, you’ve given me such hope,’ Yolanda enthused and hugged the little wizard then had to steady her as she swayed.

  ‘You’ve pushed yourself too much again haven’t you,’ Zacharias chided aware her face had turned pale. ‘Are you trying to avoid being awake for me?’

  ‘What’s more important, truly Zach? Using my magic for you and your friends’ health, or my company?’

  ‘I’m sorry, that didn’t come out the way I intended,’ Zacharias said quickly. ‘I was only expressing concern for you.’

  ‘Mm. Excuse me everyone, I’m going to lie down for a bit,’ Megan said making her way to the door. ‘Zach, you can stay here,’ she added feeling him rise.


  ‘I am perfectly capable of walking down the corridor on my own,’ she said and made it out the door. At least in the corridor there were walls to orient her. ‘Zach, I can feel your eyes boring into the back of my head. Go away.’

  ‘Not until I know you are safe,’ Zach said keeping his tone light. Megan scowled at him but said nothing. She turned and went down the corridor, one hand brushing the wall until she reached the correct door. She fumbled a little opening the door as there was no knob in the usual place but an old style latch higher up. But a moment later she’d found it. She glanced at him then went through slamming the door after her.

  ‘I think you’re crowding her,’ Julius commented as Zacharias left the doorway and sat down.

  ‘I can’t help it, even though she keeps pushing me away. She’s so vulnerable and fragile.’

  ‘She isn’t truly, though, is she,’ Schubert said. ‘She rode right through the night leading us, straight as a die, to where you were. You were all she could think of. She didn’t balk at going into the cave either, even knowing we couldn’t help. Julius was puking.’

  ‘So did you,’ Julius retorted. ‘The point is that she already has strong feelings for you. She kept referring to you as her man. But you are pushing her, perhaps faster than she’s ready for. She risked her life twice for you in that cave.’

  ‘She thinks my life is worth more than hers. That she is unimportant because she is mortal,’ Zacharias told them bleakly.

  ‘She is an extraordinary woman and a wizard,’ Julius said. ‘You’ll just have to convince her that she’s truly worthy of being an immortal’s wife. It’s a real bonus that her magic makes it likely she would bear an immortal child.’

  ‘Well, we could sit here chatting all day, but there are plenty of chores that aren’t going to do themselves,’ Schubert observed, once the silence had lengthened. The stables needed to mucked out, ready for the evening. Eggs needed to be collected from the chickens and their food and water replaced. Fire wood needed to be chopped and brought in. Vegetables for dinner needed to be dug and others already harvested had to be brought into the kitchen from the store room and prepared ready for dinner.

  ‘We’ll have to go into the village tomorrow for fresh supplies,’ Schubert said rummaging through his cold room. Catering for five rather than one took some adjusting to for supplies, but it wasn’t necessarily any problem.


  Megan was up and about in time to help prepare the evening meal although she was restricted to chopping vegetables. After dinner she approached Yolanda for another go at unravelling the spell. The spell must have been cast in one go; the chances were high that it could be removed the same way. She just needed to find the key.

  Chopping back and killing a whole section of tendrils in one area it struck her that they were acting like a plant with roots. The upper thicker “branches” were what she’d cut earlier but they all seemed to link back to a dark central mass like a seed. She hadn’t seen this earlier; perhaps she’d needed to clear away some of the tangle of roots to reveal it? ‘I see you,’ she murmured. She was about to pluck the mass but something about its structure bothered her. Why, when she’d gone close had it suddenly revealed this to her? Was it aware? Was this a defensive ploy or other subterfuge to protect the true root? She moved around the mass and zapped a large root forcing it to retract fully. Watching closely she realised this was not retracting into the dark mass, but a little to one side. Aha! Ignoring the large dark mass, she concentrated on methodically forcing strand after strand to retract in that other area. Each retraction made the picture clearer. Suddenly the strand she was pulling wavered and the false mass image was sucked in revealing a second dark mass. This one was smaller but densely black. Magically she latched on to it, ordering it and any of its tendrils to withdraw its influence. Now it was a plain black seed, small and innocent in appearance and easily overlooked. Like she’d done with the Scritcher larvae she transported it out of Yolanda and onto the coffee table.

  ‘There,’ she said pointing. ‘Kill it.’

  ‘That seed?’ Schubert asked.

  ‘Yes. That’s what’s been the problem. Don’t let it touch skin.’

  ‘Why don’t you get it with magic?’ Schubert asked whilst reluctantly taking off his shoe.

  ‘I think using magic on it now might trigger something. It had a defensive camouflage that came on when I got too close. That seemed to be inviting me to use magic on it so I didn’t.’

  ‘Did it just move?’ Julius asked having kept a close eye on the harmless looking seed that Megan said was anything but harmless.

  Schubert wasted no more time but wacked it with his shoe repeatedly.

  ‘Eww,’ Julius breathed. The seed had been pounded to mush but it wasn’t the white of a seed, but pink and fleshy like an animal. ‘Was that a parasite then?’

  ‘Seems that way, although what the creature originally was before it was turned into a weapon is anyone’s guess. I had a feeling it was aware of me and felt threatened. That’s not likely with a plant or even a spell, unless it’s been specifically designed in and that’s usually too complicated to bother doing.’

  ‘I am now free of the spell?’ Yolanda asked.

  ‘Yes. But only time will tell whether your body has been irreversibly affected,’ Megan warned her. ‘I don’t know what triggers puberty to begin. This has tricked your body somehow, but hopefully your body will now begin the change. You’ll be a one hundred year old teenager!’ she added grinning.

  Yolanda jumped up and hugged Megan tightly. ‘Thank you. However this ends up, I now know I’m free. I have a chance I never hoped I’d ever get. I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to repay you for all that you’ve done for me.’

  ‘I’m just very glad I was there at the right time,’ Megan said quietly. ‘Sometimes being a healer is frustrating and soul destroying, but we live for times like this when we know we’ve made a real difference to someone’s life. Now, you should get an early night. We’ve given your body some confusing signals to adjust to and you’re still not up to full strength.’

  ‘And neither are you, what with everything you keep doing,’ Yolanda commented aware Zacharias wore a concerned frown, although he said nothing.

  ‘True,’ Megan agreed easily. ‘Good night everyone,’ she said. She leaned down and kissed Zach’s cheek, surprising him before heading quickly to her room.


  ‘I wish you could see me,’ Yolanda said, bouncing into the kitchen late the f
ollowing morning where Megan and the ever present Zacharias were having breakfast. ‘I’m changing already. I’m starting to grow breasts,’ she added cheerfully. ‘Sorry Zach, I didn’t mean to put you off your breakfast,’ she added as he dropped his spoon in shocked surprise.

  ‘You didn’t,’ Zacharias assured her although he was certainly uncomfortable at hearing this revelation, especially over his breakfast. ‘I’m happy for you and what it means. Does Schubert know?’

  ‘Not yet, he went into the village early this morning with Julius and before I noticed. Can you see?’

  ‘Ah,’ Zacharias wasn’t sure where to look.

  ‘Give me your hand,’ Yolanda asked grabbing hold and pressing his hand to her chest before he could back off. ‘Please tell me I’m right, that I’m not imagining it,’ she pleaded.

  ‘Ok,’ Zacharias acquiesced, her pleading tone the only reason. He’d noted Yolanda’s flat boyishly straight figure in the shower, but never touched, so he didn’t have any comparison. He refused the offer of touching her skin, feeling through her shirt instead. This touching felt wrong enough for his peace of mind. He didn’t want to tell her his own muscled chest had more shape. If she thought this was different then she must have been completely flat. ‘There is a bit of softness there,’ he conceded quietly, aware he was deflating her joy by not wanting to touch her and share her discovery. ‘It’s amazing that after only one night your body has altered enough to detect. Congratulations.’

  Yolanda eyed him and then Megan’s bust defined by the close fitting blouse she wore. Her envy was obvious even though Megan was not a buxom girl. There wasn’t much he could say or do though. Yolanda didn’t hold any attraction for him and she knew it.

  ‘Why didn’t you want to touch her?’ Megan asked him quietly once Yolanda had left the room. ‘You surely realise you hurt her feelings.’

  ‘It wasn’t right. She’s Schubert’s.’

  ‘I thought you immortals weren’t hung up on modesty about your bodies? None of you had a problem seeing each other naked.’

  ‘That’s not touching. I’d be angry if Schubert touched you like that.’

  ‘Julius washed my hair for me,’ she commented and felt a sharp spike of red colour his aura. ‘You didn’t like that?’

  ‘No and he knew it. He was taunting me,’ Zacharias grumbled.

  ‘I must admit I wasn’t comfortable with him doing it either. I felt very defenceless.’

  ‘Even when I took over?’

  ‘I was relieved when you came back to me.’

  ‘Just relieved?’

  ‘No, not just relieved. I like your touch,’ she admitted quietly.

  ‘I’m very happy you do,’ he said lightly knowing he was grinning like a fool. At least she couldn’t see that, or his relief, but then his light mood vanished. ‘You do like kissing me too don’t you?’

  ‘Why do you need to ask?’ she could hear an edge to his tone suddenly.

  ‘Because I still don’t know what you want from me.’

  ‘Whatever do you mean?’ she asked uneasily. His aura had gone yellow with distress.

  ‘Every time we get close and I feel sure you want to commit to me you pull back and push me away. Why? I need to know if you want me in your future. Or are you planning on ditching me as soon as I get you to your precious medical academy? I bet you’ll have your pick of men when you can see.’

  Megan burst into tears; his tone had been loud, angry and accusatory. She could feel his emotions were swirling into orange and red. He felt dangerous and scary. She was almost glad the others had come home.

  ‘If you still have no clue, talk to Yolanda. I’m going out until you calm down,’ she said grasping for some shreds of dignity. ‘Excuse me Schubert,’ she had to say stepping out into the corridor. He must have heard Zacharias, so too must Julius and Yolanda just behind him. She knew tears streamed down her face but she stared up at Schubert until he wordlessly stepped aside.

  ‘No Zach,’ Schubert said blocking Zacharias from following her outside.

  ‘Let me past,’ Zacharias snapped angrily.

  ‘You’ve scared the living daylights out of that poor girl,’ Schubert chastised coldly. ‘She quite clearly told you she’d speak to you when you’ve cooled off and that isn’t yet.’ Schubert let Zacharias watch her through the small window in the door as she slowly made her way between the outbuildings until she reached the grass beyond. They all saw her wiping at her face and misery in her hunched posture. Reaching grass she sat, her back still to the house. Schubert was very glad she’d chosen a place where they could see her; he doubted Zacharias would have consented to remain inside otherwise. He suspected she’d done so deliberately too. She’d glanced sideways, aware of Zacharias following, as soon as he appeared in the lounge doorway. Her expression had been pleading and Schubert didn’t take a woman’s plea for protection lightly, whether she’d actually spoken or not.

  ‘I need to go to her,’ Zacharias said looking past Schubert’s broad shoulders blocking his path. ‘She shouldn’t be out there alone.’

  ‘You’re the last person she wants to see when you’re in such a temper,’ Schubert told him. ‘What the hell did you think you were doing suddenly shouting at her and scaring her half to death? Why would you stomp rough shod on such a sensitive subject? How could she answer that tone? You gave her no choice but to get the hell away from you?’

  ‘She could have just answered me,’ Zacharias said grumpily. ‘So what don’t I know?’ he demanded glaring at Schubert in particular, disliking his accusations. ‘What am I blind to?’

  ‘Come and sit down,’ Schubert said with his arm out indicating Zacharias should turn around and precede him. He ignored Zach’s scowl, calmly waiting and with a last glance out the window to Megan, Zacharias turned on his heel and stalked back to the lounge.

  ‘What don’t I know?’ Zacharias repeated.

  ‘A great deal by the sounds of it,’ Schubert responded and noted Zacharias’s narrow eyed stare.

  ‘So enlighten me. I’ve waited eighty years to find her. I must know why she continually rejects me.’

  ‘You haven’t had sex with her?’ Julius asked and whistled when Zacharias shook his head. ‘No wonder you’re snappy.’

  ‘Not having sex you consider a rejection?’ Yolanda commented. ‘Silly man. Your brain is in your head for a reason, not your trousers. She is by your side all day and all night. She has followed and supported you and repeatedly risked her life to save yours. It was only to further ensure your safety that she went back in that cave and found me. She has aided all of us one way or another and never asks for anything in return. Life must be extremely difficult for her, but she just gets on with it. Yet the one hope she has of gaining proper sight you belittle and throw in her face. You shout at her that she isn’t committing to you! Damn you! How have you committed to her? Have you even told her you love her? You airily talk of children yet how can she even contemplate it? How does she know that you’ll stick around if she gets pregnant? She has no home, nor way of supporting herself, especially if she suddenly had to cope alone with a child. Her blindness means she’ll always have to rely on other people, even though she hates to be a burden. She’s far from anyone she feels she could ask to take her in. So tell us Zacharias, what you want from her, because she cannot be a casual lover you discard in a few months.’

  ‘She loves me?’ Zacharias asked in a small voice.

  ‘YES!’ they all answered in unison.

  ‘She won’t be my lover because she fears I’ll abandon her if she gets pregnant?’ He swore eloquently. ‘So what did you say when she explained this?’

  ‘I told her I would take her in if she ever needed it,’ Yolanda admitted watching his expression closely.

  ‘Thank you Yolanda,’ Zacharias said quietly.

  Unexpectedly there was a knock at the door. They exchanged a questioning glance before Schubert hurried down the corridor to the front door, Julius behind him. Zacharias went to the
doorway but prudently stayed out of sight. He heard Schubert swear quietly and risked a peek. Megan stood at the door but beside her was a strange man.

  ‘I can see you Zach,’ Megan said into his mind. ‘It might not be safe. Hide before he sees you.’

  Zacharias wished he could speak to her like this then he could ask what the hell was going on. Then her choice of words registered. She had seen him. Whatever was going on that she’d felt the need to try her eyesight spell? He knew it was very draining for her to maintain and difficult to use.

  ‘Hi sweetheart,’ Julius called to her as Schubert opened the door. ‘Who is this?’

  ‘His name’s Paul. I believe he’s come to speak with you Schubert,’ Megan said looking up at the big man for the first time. ‘He’s been sent looking for a blind woman. I told him I’ve not seen any around here, but he wondered if you might have. I’ll leave you two to chat shall I?’ she said brightly as though there wasn’t anything to be anxious about and that she hadn’t been in tears only a short time ago. She was aware Schubert was looking at her closely but he’d moved to one side sufficiently for her to pass. ‘Hi Julius,’ she said to the tall slender blonde and blue eyed man behind Schubert. ‘I found some wonderful mushrooms while I was out in the field. Shall we cook them up and see how they taste?’

  Julius stared at her, guessing this girlish fluffy-headed act was her idea of disguising herself as his girlfriend, but he and Schubert were quite distracted by such a change in her. But what was shocking was the difference in her big brown eyes, they were no longer unfocused and she clearly saw him. He took the basket she must have found outside and did indeed see mushrooms in it. ‘They look wonderful dear. What a great idea,’ he added and her smile was genuinely radiant.

  ‘Let’s get started,’ she suggested tucking her arm through his and taking him to the kitchen.

  Zacharias was in the kitchen waiting for them. He’d used the men’s attention on Megan to sneak out of the lounge. She looked right at him now and he caught his breath. He hurried over and slid to his knees before her where he’d be hidden from the window behind the cabinet. ‘I’m so sorry Megan,’ he whispered. ‘I was being an idiot.’


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