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Surviving Prophesy: The Immortals

Page 31

by Frances Howitt

  ‘Sebastian, at your service, my lady,’ he said with a slight bow and warm smile.

  ‘Yolanda. How may I help you sir?’

  ‘Are you the healer?’

  ‘No, that’s Wizard Megan. She’s inside,’ Yolanda said. ‘I’ll just get her for you shall I?’ she volunteered when he remained silent watching her for a long moment.

  ‘That would be most kind.’

  ‘Clarice, Megan has a visitor,’ Yolanda announced as she went directly into the huge airy kitchen and found Clarice busy chopping vegetables. Schubert, Julius and Brendon sat at the table chatting and now fell silent to eye the newcomer who’d followed Yolanda into the kitchen. ‘Everyone, this is Sebastian.’

  ‘Clarice,’ Sebastian said cheerfully and taking her hand swooped in to hug her momentarily and take her scent from her neck. She now bore the scent of a man, the very large one at the table now wearing a forbidding frown. He released her immediately. ‘I haven’t seen you in a very long time. Please forgive the intrusion, but I was in the village today for supplies and heard some disturbing stories about a malady affecting pretty well all our people. Evidently, due to its personal nature, it has been an unsuspected widespread problem for decades. A number of the men seemed to be in heat, which was a very peculiar development but appeared to bear out the story’s truth.’

  ‘The stories are true, Sebastian. We have all been living with the blight of imposed infertility,’ Clarice affirmed quietly and his lips thinned bitterly.

  Sebastian turned to acknowledge another man who had entered the kitchen while she spoke, but beside him was a small very attractive woman. The dark haired man’s attitude was proprietary and protective of the small woman so he didn’t go over to take her scent; in any case he’d heard what she was and now knew for sure she was taken. He swept her a small respectful bow instead. ‘You are a wizard healer, my lady?’

  ‘Yes. I am Megan. You wish to know whether you have the same infection?’

  ‘I find I seriously dislike the possibility that something so personal is amiss.’

  ‘I’m sorry to tell you, that I can see from here that you have been affected too.’

  Sebastian drooped before meeting her eye again. ‘But you can cure me?’

  ‘Yes. Did you go into heat the first time?’

  ‘Doesn’t everyone?’

  ‘No actually. Some immortals never do. Are you married?’


  ‘But you will go into heat, therefore you need to consider that and plan for it. You will have about an hour after treatment before the full effects kick in. Most men prefer to sleep through this healing because it can be a little uncomfortable. With that in mind I treated most either at home or close to it. How far do you have to travel to get home?’

  ‘Half a day. I left my wagon in the village to be loaded with the supplies I ordered. Since nearly everyone seemed to be distracted and working at half speed I thought it a better use of my time to come here and fact find.’

  ‘Well, distraction and discomfort are part of the symptoms you have to look forward to. I’m sure you can remember the rest. Do you want some time to think about this?’

  ‘You’ve all been through it?’ Sebastian asked the men silently listening.

  ‘Yes. I was the first and we didn’t know heat would be triggered,’ Schubert responded with a grim smile. ‘I would spare others the drama I went through. If I might make a suggestion, you’d probably find it simplest to return tomorrow for the treatment. That way you’ll have had time to chase up your suppliers, get loaded up properly and take your supplies home. It’ll also give you time to think about what preparations you need to make for up to a week of isolation.’

  ‘A full week?’ Sebastian noticed the men glanced meaningfully at the healer’s man who shrugged negligently. ‘Ah, well that’s understandable. But heat, alone? Joyous,’ he added sardonically and eyed Yolanda again. ‘I’ll return tomorrow. Thank you, you’ve been most kind,’ he said and left the house.

  ‘I wonder what his story is,’ Julius mused. ‘His manners are pure Court.’

  Everyone noticed that Yolanda stared out the window long enough to have watched him walk down the drive until he was out of sight.

  ‘Well, that proves word of your presence is going to spread quickly from now on,’ Schubert remarked to Zacharias.

  ‘Yes,’ Zacharias said heavily. ‘It’s only going to be a matter of time before we come under attack again.’ He pulled Megan close to his side protectively. ‘We need to find a new hiding place.’

  Yolanda took Megan’s hand and led her outside over to the vegetable patch. Megan went with her without comment, unsurprised she should want to chat. ‘So, what did you think of him?’

  ‘Sebastian? He’s very well spoken and certainly easy on the eye,’ Megan admitted. ‘You’re thinking of helping him through heat?’

  ‘Schubert has Clarice now. He and I were never really interested in each other like that and I didn’t even succumb to him in heat!’

  ‘Did you take Julius though instead?’


  ‘That first night I let Schubert’s scent free. I saw you in his room on the floor with Julius.’

  ‘Oh! I’d forgotten that. Damn, my mind must have been fogged. I can’t even remember what he was like or even if we actually did anything. Has he said anything?’

  ‘Not to me. I take it you’re not interested in him?’

  ‘No. Julius is a good friend, but there’s no spark between us. Besides, I’ve had my period since then.’

  ‘And there’s a spark with Sebastian?’

  ‘I was drooling as he walked up the road. I found myself wondering if the attraction I felt was because he was in heat, but then I scented him and knew it wasn’t that at all; it was real.’

  ‘And tomorrow he’ll be in heat and be a very different man, remember.’

  ‘Do you think he was attracted to me?’ Yolanda asked anxiously.

  ‘He certainly kept looking at you.’

  ‘Yes, he did seem interested. I am one of the few unmarried immortal woman around of course. If I play my cards right he’ll come to me knowing I’ll understand his predicament. If he does I won’t share him.’

  ‘You’re not planning to trap him into marriage I hope.’

  ‘Of course not, but I do want children and he would make beautiful ones. I wouldn’t mind experiencing what you had bonding with Zach last week. Have you any idea how many female visitors we had turn up wanting to know when you’d be curing their men. We then had such a difficult time getting them to leave; they kept going to sit by your door to breathe Zach’s scent.’

  ‘What? Why? Surely he was no different from all the other men in the village?’

  ‘He was cured before them remember. Everyone scents differently of course, but since I think Sebastian already smells good, his new scent is probably going to be wonderful,’ Yolanda said dreamily.

  Megan tried to hide her amusement; yep Yolanda was definitely smitten like a horny teenager. But who was she to judge? ‘Just don’t get your hopes up; he might not be married but that doesn’t mean he’s entirely single. And in any case he’ll doubtless be thinking of what women friends he can ask.’

  ‘I know. We know nothing of him or his living arrangements,’ Yolanda conceded, then fell silent as Schubert and Zacharias came out of the house and wandered over.

  ‘What have you two been chatting about?’ Zacharias asked.

  ‘The sexy Sebastian,’ Megan responded.

  ‘You needn’t be finding him sexy,’ Zacharias reproved and she laughed at his jealous tone and ruffled his hair.

  ‘Maybe Sebastian knows of somewhere you can hide out in his area,’ Yolanda suggested. ‘It’d be better to treat him at his home in any case.’

  ‘You want to trust the knowledge of our whereabouts to a complete stranger?’ Zacharias asked her.

  ‘He doesn’t know who you are and doesn’t live in the village. Besides, he’s goin
g to have to be isolated for nearly a week. I could make sure he doesn’t talk to anyone during that time. You’d be safe,’ Yolanda mentioned, studiously flicking mud from her fingernails to avoid their faces.

  ‘You’re planning to volunteer yourself to him tomorrow?’ Zacharias asked and glanced quickly at a silent Schubert.

  ‘If he hasn’t got anyone lined up,’ she admitted with a shrug.

  ‘You know nothing about him,’ Schubert said.

  ‘I don’t need to know his life history to have sex. I want children and you have Clarice now Schubert. There’s no way I would mess up her relationship with you. She’s going to have your baby, Megan’s going to have one and so will many of my friends in the village. This is my chance to share that experience.’

  ‘If you’re not intending him to have any part in the child’s rearing, make sure he is happy for you to use him that way,’ Schubert said seriously. ‘You must discuss it before he goes into heat and then feels he has no choice in the matter.’

  ‘I know I’ve got to be upfront about this, it’s too serious an issue,’ she agreed and then headed back through the gate into the vegetable garden to continue digging, effectively closing the discussion.


  No one was surprised when there was a knock at the door just after sunrise next morning, heralding Sebastian’s return.

  ‘Eager are we?’ Schubert asked in amusement on opening the door.

  ‘Do you blame me?’

  ‘Not at all. Come on in. When it was me, I demanded she cure me immediately,’ he added in an aside. ‘I couldn’t have waited overnight. Of course I then paid the penalty for my impatience.’

  ‘How did we get this infection?’

  ‘We haven’t discovered that. It’s got to have been decades ago at least and appears widespread. It’s also something created specifically to affect immortals only. Have you had children?’

  ‘A very long time ago. They were killed,’ he added quietly.

  ‘I’m sorry for your loss. I know exactly how that feels,’ Schubert admitted and noticed Sebastian eyeing him closely, then he nodded. The others came into the room then and Schubert knew they’d been in the corridor listening.

  ‘We’ll get your horses ready,’ Julius said with a nod of greeting to the stranger before he and Brendon headed outside.

  Sebastian eyed the two men leaving the house and as they passed him he breathed in anxiously trying to catch their scents. Clarice really did have a houseful of guests, most of whom were unknown immortals. Where had they all come from? As far as he could tell, Clarice had been claimed by the big man Schubert and the healer had come with her man. That left the woman Yolanda alone, but why when he’d just seen two other men leave the house? Where did they all fit in? Had he missed his chance in the meantime?

  ‘Sebastian, do sit down,’ Zacharias invited and sank into a chair with Megan on his knee.

  ‘Thank you,’ Sebastian said politely.

  ‘I think Megan mentioned yesterday that it is best to treat you at home and we’re perfectly happy to accompany you back there if that is acceptable?’

  ‘You are most generous with your time and making available your lady’s cure. How can I repay you?’

  ‘We have no interest in financial profit. It is enough for us to be able to aid our people and right this injustice. However, we could use some advice on a place Megan and I could briefly stay in your area. As you’ve probably noticed, we are guests here and we make quite a crowd. We had not planned to have stayed as long as we already have. Unfortunately for us, it was medically best that the ladies of the village were treated a week prior to the men. Of course now so many of the men are in heat, no-one is entertaining guests. Would you know of anywhere close to you we could stay a few days? Megan and I are due to be married at the end of the week so we weren’t planning on going far, but we simply don’t know the area or where would be safe.’

  ‘Safe in what way, may I ask?’

  ‘As your arrival yesterday demonstrated, word of this affliction and Megan’s ability to cure it, is going to spread quickly. Whilst the magic necessary to treat each individual is not great, when combined over several people, it quickly became a heavy burden. People can be exceedingly demanding and immortals do not always appreciate that a wizard is not as resilient to wear and tear as we are. She could use a quiet spot to rest that is out of sight for a few days.’

  ‘I think I may be able to help with that,’ Sebastian agreed readily. He noticed Yolanda disappear out the door and he bit his lip nervously.

  ‘Excellent,’ Zacharias said, pulling his attention back. ‘We’ll just go and pack. It’ll only take a few minutes and we’ll be with you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Sebastian said and he took the opportunity of Zacharias’s leaving the room to head outside after Yolanda.

  ‘He asked you then?’ Megan asked as Yolanda returned quite quickly alone and trying not to grin.

  ‘Yes!’ She didn’t look at Schubert but Clarice gave her a hug, then she was rushing down the corridor to her room to complete packing the bag she’d hoped she’d need.

  ‘Call us if you need us,’ Julius said quietly coming to Megan’s side where she sat astride her horse. ‘It’d be sensible for at least one of us to know where you end up going for your reclusive few days.’

  ‘I’ll let you know,’ she said into his mind since Sebastian had just come close enough to hear. ‘Don’t worry about us or Yolanda, we’ll keep an eye on how Sebastian treats her.’

  ‘See you on Saturday if not before,’ Schubert said as the four riders assembled properly and rode out, with Sebastian in the lead. Schubert watched them disappear down the lane. ‘Let’s have some breakfast and go into the village,’ he said to Clarice. ‘I’d like to spread the word that Megan has gone, her cure accomplished, so no-one expects her here and comes looking.’

  ‘We’ll stay here out of sight,’ Julius added, glancing at Brendon.

  ‘If you’re going to be twiddling your thumbs,’ Clarice began, ‘the barn roof is leaking.’

  ‘We’ll look at it for you,’ Julius assured her, ignoring Schubert’s grin. ‘You know that heavy lump would only fall through the timbers and that’s assuming he could clamber up there in the first place.’

  ‘Hey, I’m not fat,’ Schubert protested and Julius smiled having achieved getting a rise out of the too content Schubert.


  Sebastian’s home was isolated and deep in the woods above Brookdell’s valley. Yet for all its isolation it was not a coarse, dirty or ill-maintained place. Across from an elegantly designed house were three other buildings edging a sunny clearing.

  ‘You are quite welcome to stay here if it would suit,’ Sebastian said taking them into a small log cabin across from his own house. ‘The staff I used to have lived here, helping with my livestock. Unfortunately they grew old for the work and retired back to their family, so this is now vacant.’

  ‘It doesn’t look deserted or smell musty,’ Zacharias remarked in surprise. The cabin was really only two rooms, the smaller being a bedroom with a surprisingly large bed, the rest of the cabin held a couple of easy chairs, a dining table with benches and a very rudimentary kitchen.

  ‘I keep thinking I’ll get someone up here again so I keep it aired and clean,’ Sebastian shrugged. He was lonely, but wasn’t going to share his refuge with just anyone. He watched the little wizard look around her, peer into the forest in all directions before nodding approval.

  ‘It’s perfect,’ she said to him with a broad smile. She dropped her bag on the table and turned to him. ‘Ok, let’s get you settled and sorted.’

  Sebastian led the little party into his home. ‘Please feel free to make yourselves something to eat,’ he suggested, aware he’d collared them before breakfast and it was approaching lunchtime. He then led on to his bedroom. While Yolanda and Zacharias followed and peered into it momentarily, they quickly retreated back to the living area to politely wait for the private treatmen
t to be undertaken.

  As Sebastian submitted to a personal examination, that was fortunately very brief, he was obscurely glad he’d cleaned the house last night in the hope of gaining Yolanda’s company. It relieved his mind to know everything was neat and in order.

  ‘Does that feel better?’ Megan asked. ‘Most people seem to find great satisfaction in killing the parasite themselves.’

  ‘I cannot deny similar satisfaction,’ Sebastian agreed having swatted the odd black seed under her instruction and now examined, with revulsion, the fleshy residue smeared across his side table. ‘What happens now?’

  ‘Now your body will heal. This is my vision of your balls; they are a dull grey and empty of life. Sleep now if you can. I’ll come and check on you in about an hour and I’ll show you the difference. Call if you need me before then.’

  ‘Thank you so much my lady.’

  ‘Sleep, Sebastian,’ Megan prompted gently and pulled the cover over him as he lay in his bed. She left the room knowing he was less likely to relax into sleep with someone standing over him.

  ‘He’s already starting to smell good,’ Yolanda remarked after they’d finished a light lunch. ‘Is the hour up yet?’

  ‘No. However, if you can detect a difference in his scent, I’d better check on him.’

  ‘Should I come too?’ Zacharias asked.

  ‘No. He may have questions he wouldn’t feel comfortable asking with someone else present.’ Zacharias nodded so she went along to his room. ‘How are you feeling? Did you sleep?’

  ‘I’ve only just woken, I think. How am I doing?’ he asked noticing her intense gaze even though he was covered by a sheet.

  ‘The process is nearly complete. You’re healing nicely,’ she told him and showed him her new vision that his balls now glowed in the middle, but the outer edges were still dull. ‘I think in another fifteen minutes you’ll be about done.’


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