The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 752

by John MacArthur

  hide My face from s Is 50:6

  S has covered our Jer 51:51

  their glory into s Hos 4:7

  never be put to s Joel 2:26

  the unjust knows no s Zeph 3:5

  worthy to suffer s Acts 5:41

  will not be put to s Rom 9:33

  to put to s the wise 1 Cor 1:27

  I say this to your s 1 Cor 6:5

  glory is in their s Phil 3:19

  put Him to an open s Heb 6:6


  committing what is s Rom 1:27

  for it is s for women 1 Cor 14:35

  For it is s even to Eph 5:12


  Judge of Israel; strikes down 600 Philistines, Judg 3:31


  Son of Jesse, 1 Sam 16:9

  Called Shimea, 1 Chr 2:13

  ———One of David’s mighty men, 2 Sam 23:11

  Also called Shammoth the Harorite, 1 Chr 11:27


  Scribe under Josiah, 2 Kin 22:3–14


  a stranger does not s Prov 14:10

  s your bread with the Is 58:7

  is taught the word s Gal 6:6

  to give, willing to s 1 Tim 6:18

  to do good and to s Heb 13:16


  for your liberal s 2 Cor 9:13


  Coastal plain between Joppa and Mt. Carmel, 1 Chr 27:29

  Famed for roses, Song 2:1

  Inhabitants of, turn to the Lord, Acts 9:35


  S as a two-edged sword Prov 5:4


  s their tongue like a Ps 64:3

  and one does not s Eccl 10:10


  I should use s 2 Cor 13:10


  at ease, but He has s Job 16:12


  Son of King Jeconiah and father of Zerubbabel, 1 Chr 3:17


  Symbolic name given to Isaiah’s son, Is 7:3


  ‘Return it to its s Ezek 21:30

  your sword into the s John 18:11


  bringing his s Ps 126:6

  nor he who binds s Ps 129:7

  gather them like s Mic 4:12


  Land of, occupied by Sabeans, famous traders, Job 1:15; Ps 72:10

  Queen of, visits Solomon; marvels at his wisdom, 1 Kin 10:1–13

  Mentioned by Christ, Matt 12:42


  Name given to a well and town (Beersheba), Gen 26:31–33


  Treasurer under Hezekiah, Is 22:15

  Demoted to position of scribe, 2 Kin 19:2

  Man of pride and luxury, replaced by Eliakim, Is 22:19–21


  Son of Hamor; rapes Dinah, Jacob’s daughter, Gen 34:1–31

  ———Ancient city of Ephraim, Gen 33:18

  Joshua’s farewell address delivered at, Josh 24:1–25

  Supports Abimelech; destroyed, Judg 9

  Rebuilt by Jeroboam I, 1 Kin 12:25


  which is s for many Matt 26:28


  blood, and without s Heb 9:22


  astray like a lost s Ps 119:176

  slaughter, and as a s Is 53:7

  Pull them out like s Jer 12:3

  have been lost s Jer 50:6

  will search for My s Ezek 34:11

  shall judge between s Ezek 34:17

  s will be scattered Zech 13:7

  rather to the lost s Matt 10:6

  I send you out as s Matt 10:16

  And He will set the s Matt 25:33

  having a hundred s Luke 15:4

  and he calls his own s John 10:3

  and I know My s John 10:14

  s I have which are not John 10:16

  “He was led as a s Acts 8:32

  like s going astray 1 Pet 2:25


  lie down among the s Ps 68:13


  object like a great s Acts 10:11


  I will trust in the s Ps 61:4

  in You I take s Ps 143:9

  the LORD will be a s Joel 3:16


  s him all the day long Deut 33:12

  be pastures, with s Zeph 2:6


  Oldest son of Noah, Gen 5:32

  Escapes the Flood, Gen 7:13

  Receives a blessing, Gen 9:23, 26

  Ancestor of Semitic people, Gen 10:22–32


  Prophet of Judah, 1 Kin 12:22–24

  Explains Shishak’s invasion as divine punishment, 2 Chr 12:5–8

  Records Rehoboam’s reign, 2 Chr 12:15


  Sells Omri the hill on which Samaria is built, 1 Kin 16:23, 24


  down to the gates of S Job 17:16

  not leave my soul in S Ps 16:10

  S laid hold of me Ps 116:3

  S cannot thank Is 38:18

  the belly of S I cried Jon 2:2


  s is an abomination Gen 46:34

  s My people Israel 2 Sam 5:2

  The LORD is my s Ps 23:1

  s Jacob His people Ps 78:71

  His flock like a s Is 40:11

  of Cyrus, ‘He is My s Is 44:28

  s who follows You Jer 17:16

  because there was no s Ezek 34:5

  I will establish one s Ezek 34:23

  “As a s takes from Amos 3:12

  to the worthless s Zech 11:17

  ‘I will strike the S Matt 26:31

  “I am the good s John 10:11

  s the church of God Acts 20:28

  the dead, that great S Heb 13:20

  S the flock of God 1 Pet 5:2

  when the Chief S 1 Pet 5:4

  of the throne will s Rev 7:17


  your sons shall be s Num 14:33

  And they are s who Is 56:11

  And I will give you s Jer 3:15

  s who destroy and Jer 23:1

  s who feed My people Jer 23:2

  s have led them astray Jer 50:6

  s fed themselves Ezek 34:8

  in the same country s Luke 2:8


  Symbolic of Babylon, Jer 25:26


  Prince of Judah, Ezra 1:8, 11


  I am your s Gen 15:1

  He is a s to all who 2 Sam 22:31

  my s and the horn of Ps 18:2

  God is a sun and s Ps 84:11

  truth shall be your s Ps 91:4

  all, taking the s Eph 6:16


  Name given to the Nile, Is 23:3

  Israel’s southwestern border, Josh 13:3


  Center of worship, Judg 18:31

  Headquarters for division of Promised Land, Josh 18:1, 10

  Benjamites seize women of, Judg 21:19–23

  Ark of the covenant taken from, 1 Sam 4:3–11

  Punishment given to, Jer 7:12–15

  ———Messianic title, Gen 49:10


  Benjamite; insults David, 2 Sam 16:5–13

  Pardoned, but confined, 2 Sam 19:16–23

  Breaks agreement; executed by Solomon, 1 Kin 2:39–46


  Scribe opposing the Jews, Ezra 4:8–24


  Tower built at, Gen 11:2–9


  LORD make His face s Num 6:25

  cause His face to s Ps 67:1

  the cherubim, s Ps 80:1

  Make Your face s Ps 119:135

  who are wise shall s Dan 12:3

  the righteous will s Matt 13:43

  among whom you s Phil 2:15


  them a light has s Is 9:2


  And the light s John 1:5


he earth, by clear s 2 Sam 23:4

  His clothes became s Mark 9:3

  light is already s 1 John 2:8

  was like the sun s Rev 1:16


  pass by like swift s Job 9:26

  down to the sea in s Ps 107:23

  like the merchant s Prov 31:14

  Look also at s James 3:4


  faith have suffered s 1 Tim 1:19


  they s out the lip Ps 22:7

  But God shall s Ps 64:7


  have sinned and fall s Rom 3:23

  the work and cut it s Rom 9:28


  his youth You have s Ps 89:45

  the wicked will be s Prov 10:27

  those days were s Matt 24:22


  shall be stoned or s Heb 12:20


  s joyfully to the Rock Ps 95:1

  S joyfully to the LORD Ps 98:4

  Make a joyful s Ps 100:1

  from heaven with a s 1 Thess 4:16


  a land that I will s Gen 12:1

  S me Your ways Ps 25:4

  s yourselves men Is 46:8

  s Him greater works John 5:20

  s us the Father John 14:8


  you shall set the s Ex 25:30

  s which had been taken 1 Sam 21:6

  s which was not lawful Matt 12:4


  make it soft with s Ps 65:10

  s have been withheld Jer 3:3

  can the heavens give s Jer 14:22

  from the LORD, like s Mic 5:7


  because he had dealt s Luke 16:8


  who made silver s Acts 19:24


  with his eyes, he s Prov 6:13


  Beloved of the bridegroom king, Song 6:13


  Abishag, David’s nurse, 1 Kin 1:3, 15

  ———Woman who cared for Elisha, 2 Kin 4:8–12


  feared God and s evil Job 1:1


  Residence of Persian monarchs, Esth 1:2


  “Or who s in the sea Job 38:8

  Has He in anger s Ps 77:9

  For you s up the Matt 23:13


  s his ears to the cry Prov 21:13

  s his eyes from seeing Is 33:15

  brother in need, and s 1 John 3:17

  who opens and no one s Rev 3:7


  have made him s Hos 7:5

  I was s and you Matt 25:36

  he whom You love is s John 11:3

  many are weak and s 1 Cor 11:30

  have left in Miletus s 2 Tim 4:20

  faith will save the s James 5:15


  Put in the s Joel 3:13

  “Thrust in Your s Rev 14:15


  will sustain him in s Prov 18:14

  “This s is not unto John 11:4


  And bore our s Matt 8:17


  The LORD is on my s Ps 118:6

  the net on the right s John 21:6


  Canaanite city; inhabitants not expelled, Judg 1:31

  Hostile relations with Israel, Judg 10:12; Is 23:12; Joel 3:4–6

  Jesus preaches to, Matt 15:21; Luke 6:17


  s the nations with the Is 30:28

  s the house of Israel Amos 9:9

  for you, that he may s Luke 22:31


  A wise king s out the Prov 20:26


  our years like a s Ps 90:9

  the merry-hearted s Is 24:7

  of the men who s Ezek 9:4


  For my s comes before Job 3:24

  s is not hidden Ps 38:9


  and see this great s Ex 3:3

  seemed good in Your s Matt 11:26

  by faith, not by s 2 Cor 5:7


  Show me a s for good Ps 86:17

  will give you a s Is 7:14

  for an everlasting s Is 55:13

  we want to see a s Matt 12:38

  seeks after a s Matt 12:39

  And what will be the s Matt 24:3

  s which will be spoken Luke 2:34

  again is the second s John 4:54

  For Jews request a s 1 Cor 1:22

  Now a great s appeared Rev 12:1


  the king’s s ring Esth 8:8

  make you like a s ring Hag 2:23


  and let them be for s Gen 1:14

  you not know their s Job 21:29

  They performed His s Ps 105:27

  We are for s and Is 8:18

  How great are His s Dan 4:3

  cannot discern the s Matt 16:3

  the accompanying s Mark 16:20

  s Jesus did in Cana of John 2:11

  no one can do these s John 3:2

  you people see s John 4:48

  because you saw the s John 6:26

  is a sinner do such s John 9:16

  this Man works many s John 11:47

  Jesus did many other s John 20:30

  demons, performing s Rev 16:14


  Amorite king; defeated by Israel, Num 21:21–32

  Territory of, assigned to Reuben and Gad, Num 32:1–38

  SILAS (or Silvanus)

  Leader in Jerusalem church; sent to Antioch, Acts 15:22–35

  Travels with Paul, Acts 15:40, 41

  Jailed and released, Acts 16:25–40

  Mentioned in epistles, 2 Cor 1:19; 1 Thess 1:1; 2 Thess 1:1; 1 Pet 5:12


  that You may s Ps 8:2

  I was mute with s Ps 39:2

  soon have settled in s Ps 94:17

  “Sit in s Is 47:5

  seal, there was s Rev 8:1


  the wicked shall be s 1 Sam 2:9

  season, and am not s Ps 22:2

  Do not be s to me Ps 28:1

  Let them be s in the Ps 31:17

  Be s in the presence Zeph 1:7

  Let your women keep s 1 Cor 14:34


  and covered you with s Ezek 16:10


  Tower of, falls and kills 18 people, Luke 13:4

  Blind man washes in pool of, John 9:1–11


  and your precious s Job 22:25

  Though he heaps up s Job 27:16

  s tried in a furnace Ps 12:6

  have refined us as s Ps 66:10

  than the profits of s Prov 3:14

  chosen rather than s Prov 16:16

  refining pot is for s Prov 17:3

  He who loves s will Eccl 5:10

  s has become dross Is 1:22

  call them rejected s Jer 6:30

  may buy the poor for s Amos 8:6

  him thirty pieces of s Matt 26:15


  Son of Jacob by Leah, Gen 29:32, 33

  Avenged his sister’s dishonor, Gen 34:25–31

  Held hostage by Joseph, Gen 42:18–20, 24

  Rebuked by Jacob, Gen 49:5–7

  ———Tribe of:

  Numbered, Num 1:23; 26:12–14

  Receive inheritance, Josh 19:1–9

  Fight Canaanites with Judah, Judg 1:1–3, 17–20

  ———Just man; blesses infant Jesus, Luke 2:25–35


  been made in the s James 3:9


  Simon Peter: see PETER

  ———One of the Twelve; called “the Cananite,” Matt 10:4

  ———One of Jesus’ half brothers, Matt 13:55

  ———Pharisee, Luke 7:36–40

  ———Man of Cyrene, Matt 27:32

  ———Sorcerer, Acts 8:9–24

  ———Tanner in Joppa, Acts 9:43


  making wise the s Ps 19:7

  LORD preserves the s Ps 116:6

  understanding to the s Ps 119:130

  s believes every word Prov 14:15

  the hearts of the s Rom 16:18


  ones, will you love s Prov 1:22

  in the world in s 2 Cor 1:12

  corrupted from the s 2 Cor 11:3


  committed a great s Ex 32:20

  he died in his own s Num 27:3

  and be sure your s Num 32:23

  to death for his own s Deut 24:16

  all this Job did not s Job 2:10

  and search out my s Job 10:6

  Be angry, and do not s Ps 4:4

  my ways, lest I s Ps 39:1

  s is always before me Ps 51:3

  in s my mother Ps 51:5

  s is a reproach Prov 14:34

  good and does not s Eccl 7:20

  soul an offering for s Is 53:10

  And He bore the s Is 53:12

  s I will remember no Jer 31:34

  They eat up the s Hos 4:8

  Now they s more and Hos 13:2

  who believe in Me to s Matt 18:6

  who takes away the s John 1:29

  S no more John 5:14

  “He who is without s John 8:7

  convict the world of s John 16:8

  they are all under s Rom 3:9

  s entered the world Rom 5:12

  s is not imputed Rom 5:13

  s that grace may Rom 6:1

  died to s once for all Rom 6:10

  s shall not have Rom 6:14

  Shall we s because we Rom 6:15

  s that dwells in me Rom 7:17

  Him who knew no s 2 Cor 5:21

  man of s is revealed 2 Thess 2:3

  we are, yet without s Heb 4:15

  appeared to put away s Heb 9:26

  s willfully after we Heb 10:26

  it gives birth to s James 1:15

  do it, to him it is s James 4:17

  “Who committed no s 1 Pet 2:22

  say that we have no s 1 John 1:8

  that you may not s 1 John 2:1

  s is lawlessness 1 John 3:4

  in Him there is no s 1 John 3:5

  and he cannot s 1 John 3:9

  for those who commit s 1 John 5:16

  unrighteousness is s 1 John 5:17


  Mountain (same as Horeb) where the law was given, Ex 19:1–25

  Used allegorically by Paul, Gal 4:24, 25


  Holy Spirit, by s love 2 Cor 6:6

  and from s faith 1 Tim 1:5

  s love of the brethren 1 Pet 1:22


  LORD, serve Him in s Josh 24:14

  unleavened bread of s 1 Cor 5:8

  simplicity and godly s 2 Cor 1:12

  men-pleasers, but in s Col 3:22


  Alas, s nation Is 1:4

  and s generation Mark 8:38

  from me, for I am a s Luke 5:8

  the hands of s men Luke 24:7

  become exceedingly s Rom 7:13

  likeness of s flesh Rom 8:3


  “S to the LORD Ex 15:21

  the widow’s heart to s Job 29:13

  S out the honor Ps 66:2

  I will s of mercy and Ps 101:1

  “S us one of the songs Ps 137:3

  My servants shall s Is 65:14


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