The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 758

by John MacArthur

  wearing the crown of t John 19:5


  t is that their houses Ps 49:11

  You t that I was Ps 50:21

  Both the inward t Ps 64:6

  I t about my ways Ps 119:59

  You understand my t Ps 139:2

  “Surely, as I have t Is 14:24

  to man what his t Amos 4:13

  perceiving the t Luke 9:47

  And he t within Luke 12:17

  I t as a child 1 Cor 13:11


  the intent of the t 1 Chr 28:9

  is in none of his t Ps 10:4

  t toward us Ps 40:5

  t are very deep Ps 92:5

  The LORD knows the t Ps 94:11

  t will be established Prov 16:3

  unrighteous man his t Is 55:7

  For My t are not your Is 55:8

  long shall your evil t Jer 4:14

  they do not know the t Mic 4:12

  Jesus, knowing their t Matt 9:4

  heart proceed evil t Matt 15:19

  futile in their t Rom 1:21

  The LORD knows the t 1 Cor 3:20


  put ten t to flight Lev 26:8

  you shall chase a t Josh 23:10

  cattle on a t hills Ps 50:10

  Your courts is better than a t Ps 84:10

  A t may fall at your side Ps 91:7

  one day is as a t years 2 Pet 3:8

  bound him for a t years Rev 20:2


  shall flee at the t Is 30:17


  suffered, He did not t 1 Pet 2:23


  to them, giving up t Eph 6:9


  Lord, look on their t Acts 4:29

  still breathing t Acts 9:1


  you will deny Me t Matt 26:34

  hope, love, these t 1 Cor 13:13

  and these t are one 1 John 5:7


  he does not t it Is 28:28

  t the mountains Is 41:15

  it is time to t her Jer 51:33

  “Arise and t Mic 4:13


  t shall last till the Lev 26:5

  like the dust at t 2 Kin 13:7

  Oh, my t and the grain Is 21:10


  t is an open tomb Ps 5:9

  put a knife to your t Prov 23:2

  unshod, and your t Jer 2:25

  t is an open tomb Rom 3:13


  LORD sitting on His t 1 Kin 22:19

  He has prepared His t Ps 9:7

  temple, the LORD’s t Ps 11:4

  Your t, O God, is Ps 45:6

  has established His t Ps 103:19

  he upholds his t Prov 20:28

  Lord sitting on a t Is 6:1

  “Heaven is My t Is 66:1

  shall be called The T Jer 3:17

  do not disgrace the t Jer 14:21

  A glorious high t Jer 17:12

  t was a fiery flame Dan 7:9

  sit and rule on His t Zech 6:13

  for it is God’s t Matt 5:34

  will give Him the t Luke 1:32

  “Your t, O God, is Heb 1:8

  come boldly to the t Heb 4:16

  where Satan’s t Rev 2:13

  My Father on His t Rev 3:21

  I saw a great white t Rev 20:11


  t are set there Ps 122:5

  also sit on twelve t Matt 19:28

  mighty from their t Luke 1:52

  invisible, whether t Col 1:16

  t I saw twenty-four Rev 4:4


  house of God in the t Ps 55:14


  of your land and t Mic 5:11

  t Yourself down Matt 4:6

  children’s bread and t Matt 15:26


  their slain shall be t Is 34:3

  neck, and he were t Mark 9:42


  and rose up and t Luke 4:29


  But the t of His power Job 26:14

  The voice of Your t Ps 77:18

  the secret place of t Ps 81:7

  t they hastened away Ps 104:7

  that is, “Sons of T”Mark 3:17

  the voice of loud t Rev 14:2


  “The LORD t from 2 Sam 22:14

  The LORD t Ps 18:13


  people witnessed the t Ex 20:18

  the sound of mighty t Rev 19:6


  t marvelously with His Job 37:5

  The God of glory t Ps 29:3


  Residence of Lydia, Acts 16:14

  Site of one of the seven churches, Rev 2:18–24


  Sea of Galilee called, John 6:1, 23


  be afraid of evil t Ps 112:7

  I bring you good t Luke 2:10

  who bring glad t Rom 10:15


  Powerful Assyrian king who invades Samaria, 2 Kin 15:29


  no man to t the ground Gen 2:5


  but Cain was a t Gen 4:2


  t his land will be Prov 12:11

  t his land will have Prov 28:19


  pray to You in a t Ps 32:6

  ashamed in the evil t Ps 37:19

  how short my t is Ps 89:47

  A t to be born Eccl 3:2

  but t and chance Eccl 9:11

  your t was the t Ezek 16:8

  you did not know the t Luke 19:44

  t has not yet come John 7:6

  I have a convenient t Acts 24:25

  for the t is near Rev 1:3


  understanding of the t 1 Chr 12:32

  t are not hidden Job 24:1

  t are in Your hand Ps 31:15

  the signs of the t Matt 16:3

  Gentiles until the t Luke 21:24

  not for you to know t Acts 1:7

  their preappointed t Acts 17:26

  last days perilous t 2 Tim 3:1

  God, who at various t Heb 1:1


  One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:1–5


  Paul’s companion, Acts 16:1–3; 18:5; 20:4, 5; 2 Cor 1:19; Phil 1:1; 2 Tim 4:9, 21

  Ministers independently, Acts 17:14, 15; 19:22; 1 Cor 4:17; Phil 2:19, 23; 1 Thess 3:1–6; 1 Tim 1:1–3; 4:14


  Seat of Jeroboam’s rule, 1 Kin 14:17

  Capital of Israel until Omri’s reign, 1 Kin 16:6–23


  And he gave him a t Gen 14:20

  LORD, a tenth of the t Num 18:26

  “You shall truly t Deut 14:22

  shall bring out the t Deut 14:28

  laying aside all the t Deut 26:12

  in abundantly the t 2 Chr 31:5

  Judah brought the t Neh 13:12

  For you pay t of mint Matt 23:23


  to redeem any of his t Lev 27:31

  t which you receive Num 18:28

  and to bring the t Neh 10:37

  firstfruits, and the t Neh 12:44

  the articles, the t Neh 13:5

  Bring all the t Mal 3:10

  I give t of all that I Luke 18:12

  to receive t from the Heb 7:5

  mortal men receive t Heb 7:8

  Levi, who receives t Heb 7:9


  the year of t Deut 26:12


  Now Pilate wrote a t John 19:19


  away, one jot or one t Matt 5:18


  Ministers in Crete, Titus 1:4, 5

  Paul’s representative in Corinth, 2 Cor 7:6, 7, 13, 14; 8:6–23


  Ammonite servant; ridicules the Jews, Neh 2:10


  t I have begotten You Ps 2:7

  of the field, which t Matt 6:30

  the grass, which t Luke 12:28

  t you will be with Me Luke 23:43

  t I have begotten You Heb 1:5

  “T, if you will hear Heb 3:7

  the same yesterday, t Heb 13:8


  t you shall eat of Gen 3:17

  they neither t nor Matt 6:28

  our labor and t 1 Thess 2:9


  “Master, we have t Luke 5:5


  Behold, I have t Matt 28:7

  things which were t Luke 2:18

  t me all things that I John 4:29

  t you the truth which John 8:40

  so, I would have t John 14:2

  “And now I have t John 14:29


  you, it will be more t Matt 10:15


  throat is an open t Ps 5:9

  in the garden a new t John 19:41

  throat is an open t Rom 3:13


  like whitewashed t Matt 23:27

  you build the t Matt 23:29

  For you build the t Luke 11:47


  drink, for t we die Is 22:13

  t will be as today Is 56:12

  t is thrown into the Matt 6:30

  do not worry about t Matt 6:34

  drink, for t we die 1 Cor 15:32

  what will happen t James 4:14


  the scourge of the t Job 5:21

  hides it under his t Job 20:12

  Keep your t from evil Ps 34:13

  t shall speak of Your Ps 35:28

  lest I sin with my t Ps 39:1

  to you, you false t Ps 120:3

  laughter, and our t Ps 126:2

  remember you, let my t Ps 137:6

  is not a word on my t Ps 139:4

  but the perverse t Prov 10:31

  forever, but a lying t Prov 12:19

  A wholesome t is a Prov 15:4

  t keeps his soul Prov 21:23

  t breaks a bone Prov 25:15

  t shall take an oath Is 45:23

  GOD has given Me the t Is 50:4

  t should confess that Phil 2:11

  does not bridle his t James 1:26

  t is a little member James 3:5

  And the t is a fire James 3:6

  no man can tame the t James 3:8

  love in word or in t 1 John 3:18

  every nation, tribe, t Rev 14:6


  From the strife of t Ps 31:20

  speak with new t Mark 16:17

  to them divided t, as of fire Acts 2:3

  speak with t and magnify Acts 10:46

  and they spoke with t Acts 19:6

  I speak with the t 1 Cor 13:1

  Therefore t are for a 1 Cor 14:22

  do not forbid to speak with t 1 Cor 14:39


  eye for eye, t Ex 21:24

  is like a bad t Prov 25:19

  eye for an eye and a t Matt 5:38



  T was established Is 30:33

  the high places of T Jer 7:31

  make this city like T Jer 19:12

  like the place of T Jer 19:13


  and like a fiery t Zech 12:6


  When he had set the t Judg 15:5

  his eyes like t Dan 10:6

  come with flaming t Nah 2:3


  “How long will you t Job 19:2

  shall lie down in t Is 50:11

  You come here to t Matt 8:29

  to this place of t Luke 16:28

  fear involves t 1 John 4:18

  t ascends forever Rev 14:11


  for I am t in this Luke 16:24

  And they will be t Rev 20:10


  And being in t Luke 16:23


  aside my ways and t Lam 3:11

  for He has t Hos 6:1

  of the temple was t Matt 27:51


  Others were t Heb 11:35


  t with tempest Is 54:11

  t to and fro and Eph 4:14


  drunkard, and shall t Is 24:20


  seven no evil shall t Job 5:19

  t no unclean thing Is 52:11

  “If only I may t Matt 9:21

  that they might only t Matt 14:36

  a man not to t a woman 1 Cor 7:1

  wicked one does not t 1 John 5:18


  whose hearts God had t 1 Sam 10:26

  t my mouth with it Is 6:7

  hand and t my mouth Jer 1:9

  mountain that may be t Heb 12:18


  He t the hills Ps 104:32

  t you t the Zech 2:8


  t whose top is in the Gen 11:4

  for me, a strong t Ps 61:3

  my fortress, my high t Ps 144:2

  like an ivory t Song 7:4

  a watchman in the t Is 21:5

  in it and built a t Matt 21:33


  t our steps so that we Lam 4:18


  are princes, whose t Is 23:8


  transgress the t Matt 15:2

  of no effect by your t Matt 15:6

  according to the t Col 2:8

  t which he received 2 Thess 3:6

  conduct received by t 1 Pet 1:18


  zealous for the t Gal 1:14

  t which you were 2 Thess 2:15


  T up a child in the Prov 22:6

  t of His robe filled Is 6:1


  who is perfectly t Luke 6:40

  those who have been t Heb 12:11


  bring them up in the t Eph 6:4


  t my hands for war Ps 144:1


  also became a t Luke 6:16


  t, headstrong 2 Tim 3:4


  Your name we will t Ps 44:5

  serpent you shall t Ps 91:13

  hand, to t My courts Is 1:12

  You shall t the wicked Mal 4:3

  swine, lest they t Matt 7:6

  you the authority to t Lk 10:19


  t them in My fury Is 63:3

  now she will be t Mic 7:10

  t the nations in anger Hab 3:12

  Jerusalem will be t Luke 21:24

  t the Son of God Heb 10:29

  the winepress was t Rev 14:20


  he fell into a t Acts 10:10

  t I saw a vision Acts 11:5


  and was t before them Matt 17:2


  this world, but be t Rom 12:2

  the Lord, are being t 2 Cor 3:18


  t the command of the Num 14:41

  the LORD’s people t 1 Sam 2:24

  my mouth shall not t Ps 17:3

  his mouth must not t Prov 16:10

  of bread a man will t Prov 28:21

  do Your disciples t Matt 15:2


  t My covenant Josh 7:11

  your mediators have t Is 43:27

  the rulers also t Jer 2:8

  their fathers have t Ezek 2:3

  Yes, all Israel has t Dan 9:11

  t your commandment Luke 15:29


  “Indeed, because he t Hab 2:5

  Whoever t and does not 2 John 9


  iniquity and t and sin Ex 34:7

  Make me know my t Job 13:23

  t is sealed up in a Job 14:17

  be innocent of great t Ps 19:13

  because of their t Ps 107:17

  He who covers a t Prov 17:9

  He who loves t loves Prov 17:19
br />   tell My people their t Is 58:1

  at Gilgal multiply t Amos 4:4

  my firstborn for my t Mic 6:7

  and passing over the t Mic 7:18

  no law there is no t Rom 4:15

  deceived, fell into t 1 Tim 2:14

  steadfast, and every t Heb 2:2


  if I have covered my t Job 31:33

  “I will confess my t Ps 32:5

  me from all my t Ps 39:8

  mercies, blot out my t Ps 51:1

  For I acknowledge my t Ps 51:3

  has He removed our t Ps 103:12

  who blots out your t Is 43:25

  was wounded for our t Is 53:5

  for the t of My people Is 53:8

  from you all the t Ezek 18:31

  was added because of t Gal 3:19

  redemption of the t Heb 9:15


  and were called a t Is 48:8

  I make myself a t Gal 2:18


  Then I will teach t Ps 51:13

  to any wicked t Ps 59:5

  numbered with the t Is 53:12

  numbered with the t Mark 15:28


  of Israel, as a t Is 8:14

  where there is no t Amos 3:5


  they have set t Ps 140:5

  for me, and from the t Ps 141:9


  For you t land and sea Matt 23:15


  t who turns aside Jer 14:8


  the t dealer deals Is 21:2

  an assembly of t men Jer 9:2

  are insolent, t Zeph 3:4


  and you who deal t Is 33:1

  happy who deal so t Jer 12:1

  even they have dealt t Jer 12:6

  They have dealt t Hos 5:7

  Why do we deal t Mal 2:10

  that you do not deal t Mal 2:16

  This man dealt t Acts 7:19


  t down the wicked in Job 40:12

  it is He who shall t Ps 60:12

  You shall t upon the Ps 91:13

  shout, as those who t Jer 25:30

  will come down and t Mic 1:3

  And they will t Rev 11:2


  like one who t in the Is 63:2

  t the high places Amos 4:13

  an ox while it t 1 Tim 5:18

  t the winepress Rev 19:15


  to you His good t Deut 28:12

  one who finds great t Ps 119:162

  for His special t Ps 135:4

  there is much t Prov 15:6

  There is desirable t Prov 21:20

  of the LORD is His t Is 33:6

  For where your t Matt 6:21

  t brings forth evil Matt 12:35

  t things new and old Matt 13:52

  and you will have t Matt 19:21

  So is he who lays up t Luke 12:21

  But we have this t 2 Cor 4:7

  You have heaped up t James 5:3


  t the words of His Job 23:12


  Erastus, the t of the Rom 16:23


  sealed up among My t Deut 32:34

  it more than hidden t Job 3:21

  her as for hidden t Prov 2:4

  t of wickedness profit Prov 10:2

  Getting t by a lying Prov 21:6

  is no end to their t Is 2:7


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