The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 760

by John MacArthur


  not stand before u Prov 22:29

  To The U God Acts 17:23

  And I was u by face to Gal 1:22


  the Feast of U Bread Ex 12:17

  the Feast of U Bread Mark 14:1

  since you truly are u 1 Cor 5:7


  untrustworthy, u Rom 1:31


  unforgiving, u Rom 1:31


  with me and find you u 2 Cor 9:4


  u parts have greater 1 Cor 12:23


  And cast the u Matt 25:30

  ‘We are u servants Luke 17:10

  have together become u Rom 3:12

  who once was u to you Philem 11

  for that would be u Heb 13:17


  of its weakness and u Heb 7:18


  wicked will not go u Prov 11:21

  be rich will not go u Prov 28:20


  up the chaff with u Matt 3:12

  He will burn with u Luke 3:17


  that the people were u Ex 32:25


  u man his thoughts Is 55:7

  been faithful in the u Luke 16:11

  u will not inherit the 1 Cor 6:9


  and there is no u Ps 92:15

  builds his house by u Jer 22:13

  Him is true, and no u John 7:18

  all ungodliness and u Rom 1:18

  the truth, but obey u Rom 2:8

  Is there u with God Rom 9:14

  cleanse us from all u 1 John 1:9

  All u is sin 1 John 5:17


  those who are u 1 Thess 5:14

  It is an u evil James 3:8


  heart of kings is u Prov 25:3

  u are His judgments Rom 11:33


  only of milk is u Heb 5:13


  to keep oneself u James 1:27


  U as water Gen 49:4


  of the deaf shall be u Is 35:5


  which u and unstable 2 Pet 3:16


  undiscerning, u Rom 1:31


  eat bread with u hands Mark 7:5


  He is an u son Hos 13:13

  Therefore do not be u Eph 5:17


  and judge yourselves u Acts 13:46

  u manner will be 1 Cor 11:27


  u the evildoers Job 8:20

  U me according to Ps 119:116

  My Servant whom I u Is 42:1

  there was no one to u Is 63:5


  u all things by the Heb 1:3


  Your right hand u Ps 63:8

  LORD u all who fall Ps 145:14


  show you a large u Mark 14:15

  went up into the u Acts 1:13

  many lamps in the u Acts 20:8


  righteous and u is He Deut 32:4

  where were the u Job 4:7

  Good and u is the LORD Ps 25:8

  u shall have dominion Ps 49:14

  u will be blessed Ps 112:2

  u there arises light Ps 112:4

  is strength for the u Prov 10:29

  u will guide them Prov 11:3

  u will deliver them Prov 11:6

  u will flourish Prov 14:11

  u is His delight Prov 15:8

  of the u is a highway Prov 15:19

  that God made man u Eccl 7:29

  and there is no one u Mic 7:2

  his soul is not u Hab 2:4


  to show man His u Job 33:23

  me in the land of u Ps 143:10

  princes for their u Prov 17:26

  of the just is u Is 26:7

  land of u he will deal Is 26:10


  then I will u 2 Chr 7:20

  u you from the land Ps 52:5

  u the wheat with Matt 13:29


  City of Abram’s early life, Gen 11:28–31; 15:7

  Located in Mesopotamia by Stephen, Acts 7:2, 4


  Hittite; one of David’s warriors, 2 Sam 23:39

  Husband of Bathsheba; condemned to death by David, 2 Sam 11:1–27


  High priest in Ahaz’s time, 2 Kin 16:10–16

  ———Prophet in Jeremiah’s time, Jer 26:20–23


  of judgment of U Ex 28:30

  Thummim and Your U Deut 33:8


  “God with u Matt 1:23

  who is not against u Mark 9:40

  If God is for u Rom 8:31

  They went out from u 1 John 2:19

  of them were of u 1 John 2:19


  who spitefully u you Matt 5:44

  leaving the natural u Rom 1:27

  u this world as not 1 Cor 7:31

  u liberty as an Gal 5:13

  u a little wine 1 Tim 5:23

  reason of u have their Heb 5:14


  all of them are u Is 44:9

  are unprofitable and u Titus 3:9

  one’s religion is u James 1:26


  if one u it lawfully 1 Tim 1:8


  u no figure of speech John 16:29

  perish with the u Col 2:22

  u liberty as a 1 Pet 2:16


  Take no u or Lev 25:36

  put out his money at u Ps 15:5


  u pure knowledge Job 33:3

  u dark sayings of old Ps 78:2

  let not your heart u Eccl 5:2

  lawful for a man to u 2 Cor 12:4


  the Spirit gave them u Acts 2:4

  u may be given to me Eph 6:19


  The deep u its voice Hab 3:10

  which cannot be u Rom 8:26

  the seven thunders u Rev 10:4


  upon them to the u 1 Thess 2:16

  u those who come Heb 7:25


  Day unto day u speech Ps 19:2

  u His voice from Amos 1:2

  and the great man u Mic 7:3


  Son of Abinadab, struck down for touching the ark of the covenant, 2 Sam 6:3–11


  King of Judah, called Azariah, 2 Kin 14:21; 15:1–7

  Reigns righteously, 2 Chr 26:1–15

  Usurps priestly function; stricken with leprosy, 2 Chr 26:16–21

  Life of, written by Isaiah, 2 Chr 26:22, 23


  v you shall be on the Gen 4:12


  the people plot a v Ps 2:1

  v life which he passes Eccl 6:12

  ‘I have labored in v Is 49:4

  you believed in v 1 Cor 15:2


  Only be v for me 1 Sam 18:17

  They are not v for the Jer 9:3

  v men swept away Jer 46:15


  while Israel does v Num 24:18

  God we will do v Ps 60:12

  of the LORD does v Ps 118:15


  I walk through the v Ps 23:4

  pass through the V Ps 84:6

  the verdure of the v Song 6:11

  v shall be exalted Is 40:4

  in the midst of the v Ezek 37:1

  v shall be filled Luke 3:5


  a mighty man of v 1 Sam 16:18


  does not know its v Job 28:13

  of more v than they Matt 6:26

  they counted up the v Acts 19:19


  It cannot be v in the Job 28:16


  when it is hot, they v Job 6:17

  For the heavens will v Is 51:6

  knowledge, it will v 1 Cor 13:8

  old is ready to v away Heb 8:13


  and He v from their Luke 24:31


  of vanities, all is v Eccl 1:2


  best state is but v Ps 39:5

  surely every man is v Ps 39:11

  It is even a v that James 4:14


  whom there is no v James 1:17


  Queen of Ahasuerus, deposed and divorced, Esth 1:9–22


  and let them give us v Dan 1:12

  is weak eats only v Rom 14:2


  of fire, a most v Song 8:6


  he put a v on his face Ex 34:33

  v of the temple was Matt 27:51

  Moses, who put a v 2 Cor 3:13

  Presence behind the v Heb 6:19


  You shall not take v Lev 19:18

  V is Mine Deut 32:35

  spare in the day of v Prov 6:34

  God will come with v Is 35:4

  on the garments of v Is 59:17

  let me see Your v Jer 11:20

  are the days of v Luke 21:22

  written, “V is Mine Rom 12:19

  flaming fire taking v 2 Thess 1:8

  suffering the v Jude 7


  It becomes cobra v Job 20:14


  like a potter’s v Ps 2:9

  v that he made of clay Jer 18:4

  like a precious v Jer 25:34

  been emptied from v Jer 48:11

  for he is a chosen v Acts 9:15

  lump to make one v Rom 9:21

  to possess his own v 1 Thess 4:4

  to the weaker v 1 Pet 3:7


  longsuffering the v Rom 9:22

  treasure in earthen v 2 Cor 4:7

  like the potter’s v Rev 2:27


  grieved, and I was v Ps 73:21


  as a cloak for v 1 Pet 2:16


  and plucked the v Job 29:17


  who gives us the v 1 Cor 15:57

  v that has overcome 1 John 5:4


  “Go, v the land Josh 2:1


  in prayer, being v Col 4:2

  Be sober, be v 1 Pet 5:8


  nor his natural v Deut 34:7


  sons made themselves v 1 Sam 3:13

  “Behold, I am v Job 40:4

  them up to v passions Rom 1:26


  know that I shall be v Job 13:18


  Let my v come from Ps 17:2


  to the choice v Gen 49:11

  their v is of the v Deut 32:32

  You have brought a v Ps 80:8

  planted you a noble v Jer 2:21

  grapes shall be on the v Jer 8:13

  Israel empties his v Hos 10:1

  shall sit under his v Mic 4:4

  of this fruit of the v Matt 26:29

  “I am the true v John 15:1


  and My Father is the v John 15:1


  As v to the teeth and Prov 10:26

  weather, and like v Prov 25:20


  foxes that spoil the v Song 2:15

  nor fruit be on the v Hab 3:17


  v which Your right Ps 80:15

  laborers for his v Matt 20:1

  Who plants a v and 1 Cor 9:7


  was filled with v Gen 6:11

  You save me from v 2 Sam 22:3

  the one who loves v Ps 11:5

  such as breathe out v Ps 27:12

  from oppression and v Ps 72:14

  v covers the Prov 10:6

  He had done no v Is 53:9

  and v in the land Jer 51:46

  cause the seat of v Amos 6:3

  way and from the v Jon 3:8

  rich men are full of v Mic 6:12

  For plundering and v Hab 1:3

  one’s garment with v Mal 2:16

  of heaven suffers v Matt 11:12


  me from the v man Ps 18:48

  let evil hunt the v Ps 140:11

  violence, and the v Matt 11:12

  haters of God, v Rom 1:30

  given to wine, not v 1 Tim 3:3


  and stings like a v Prov 23:32

  will come forth a v Is 14:29

  which is crushed a v Is 59:5


  to them, “Brood of v Matt 3:7


  v shall conceive Is 7:14

  O you oppressed v Is 23:12

  v daughter of my Jer 14:17

  The v of Israel has Amos 5:2

  “Behold, the v shall Matt 1:23

  between a wife and a v 1 Cor 7:34

  you as a chaste v 2 Cor 11:2


  v who took their lamps Matt 25:1

  women, for they are v Rev 14:4


  if there is any v Phil 4:8

  us by glory and v 2 Pet 1:3

  to your faith v 2 Pet 1:5


  you are a v woman Ruth 3:11

  a v wife Prov 31:10


  v was marred more than Is 52:14


  that are on earth, v Col 1:16

  of things which are v Heb 11:3


  chased away like a v Job 20:8

  Then You spoke in a v Ps 89:19

  the Valley of V Is 22:1

  a dream of a night v Is 29:7

  her prophets find no v Lam 2:9

  Daniel, had seen the v Dan 8:15

  have night without v Mic 3:6

  Write the v Hab 2:2

  they had also seen a v Luke 24:23

  in a trance I saw a v Acts 11:5

  v appeared to Paul in Acts 16:9

  to the heavenly v Acts 26:19


  thoughts from the v Job 4:13

  young men shall see v Joel 2:28

  I will come to v 2 Cor 12:1


  but God will surely v Gen 50:24

  in the day when I v Ex 32:34

  v the earth and water Ps 65:9

  Oh, v me with Your Ps 106:4

  v orphans and widows James 1:27


  the time of your v Luke 19:44

  God in the day of v 1 Pet 2:12


  he will not be v Prov 19:23

  Israel, for He has v Luke 1:68

  how God at the first v Acts 15:14


  v the iniquity of the fathers Ex 20:5


  am a foreigner and a v Gen 23:4


  v was turned into the Ps 32:4


  “I heard Your v Gen 3:10

  v is Jacob’s v Gen 27:22

  I should obey His v Ex 5:2

  fire a still small v 1 Kin 19:12

  and my flute to the v Job 30:31

  you thunder with a v Job 40:9

  He uttered His v Ps 46:6

  He sends out His v Ps 68:33

  have lifted up their v Ps 93:3

  if you will hear His v Ps 95:7

  word, heeding the v Ps 103:20

  for your v is sweet Song 2:14

  The v of one crying in Is 40:3

  the v of weeping shall Is 65:19

  A v from the temple Is 66:6

  v was heard in Ramah Jer 31:15

  who has a pleasant v Ezek 33:32

  v was heard in Ramah Matt 2:18

The v of one crying Matt 3:3

  And suddenly a v Matt 3:17

  will anyone hear His v Matt 12:19

  and suddenly a v Matt 17:5

  for they know his v John 10:4

  v did not come because John 12:30

  the truth hears My v John 18:37

  the v of an archangel 1 Thess 4:16

  whose v then shook the Heb 12:26

  glory when such a v 2 Pet 1:17

  If anyone hears My v Rev 3:20


  shall lift up their v Is 52:8

  And there were loud v Rev 11:15


  they are a nation v Deut 32:28

  the LORD had made a v Judg 21:15

  regarded Your law as v Ps 119:126

  Do we then make v Rom 3:31

  heirs, faith is made v Rom 4:14

  make my boasting v 1 Cor 9:15


  in the v of the book Heb 10:7


  Your people shall be v Ps 110:3


  lest the land v Lev 18:28

  man staggers in his v Is 19:14

  returns to his own v 2 Pet 2:22


  Then Jacob made a v Gen 28:20

  And Jephthah made a v Judg 11:30

  he carried out his v Judg 11:39

  v shall be performed Ps 65:1

  When you make a v Eccl 5:4

  not to v than to v Eccl 5:5

  for he had taken a v Acts 18:18

  men who have taken a v Acts 21:23


  you will pay your v Job 22:27

  I will pay My v Ps 22:25

  V made to You are Ps 56:12

  Make v to the LORD Ps 76:11

  today I have paid my v Prov 7:14

  to reconsider his v Prov 20:25

  And what, son of my v Prov 31:2

  to the LORD and took v Jon 1:16


  those who exploit w Mal 3:5

  w the good warfare 1 Tim 1:18


  I will give you your w Ex 2:9

  the w of the wicked Prov 10:16

  w will be troubled Is 19:10

  and he who earns w Hag 1:6

  to you, give me my w Zech 11:12

  and give them their w Matt 20:8

  be content with your w Luke 3:14

  is worthy of his w Luke 10:7

  him who works, the w Rom 4:4

  For the w of sin is Rom 6:23

  is worthy of his w 1 Tim 5:18

  Indeed the w of the James 5:4


  My heart shall w Jer 48:36

  “Son of man, w Ezek 32:18


  w is heard from Zion Jer 9:19

  of heart and bitter w Ezek 27:31

  There will be w Matt 13:42


  hard service I will w Job 14:14

  If I w for the grave Job 17:13

  W on the LORD Ps 27:14

  w patiently for Him Ps 37:7

  my eyes fail while I w Ps 69:3

  These all w for You Ps 104:27

  And I will w on the Is 8:17

  the LORD will w Is 30:18

  those who w on the Is 40:31

  not be ashamed who w Is 49:23

  w quietly for the Lam 3:26

  I will w for the God Mic 7:7

  be like men who w Luke 12:36

  see, we eagerly w Rom 8:25

  w for one another 1 Cor 11:33

  the Spirit eagerly w Gal 5:5

  we also eagerly w Phil 3:20


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