The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV

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The MacArthur Study Bible, NKJV Page 763

by John MacArthur

  w will observe these Ps 107:43

  Do not be w in your Prov 3:7

  he who wins souls is w Prov 11:30

  The w in heart will be Prov 16:21

  folly, lest he be w Prov 26:5

  they are exceedingly w Prov 30:24

  The words of the w Eccl 12:11

  They are w to do evil Jer 4:22

  Therefore be w as Matt 10:16

  five of them were w Matt 25:2

  barbarians, both to w Rom 1:14

  to God, alone w Rom 16:27

  Where is the w 1 Cor 1:20

  sake, but you are w 1 Cor 4:10

  not as fools but as w Eph 5:15

  are able to make you w 2 Tim 3:15


  I will behave w Ps 101:2

  who heeds the word w Prov 16:20

  you do not inquire w Eccl 7:10


  he was w than all men 1 Kin 4:31

  w than the birds Job 35:11

  w than my enemies Ps 119:98

  of God is w than men 1 Cor 1:25


  for me to do what I w Matt 20:15

  w it were already Luke 12:49


  Then he w death for Jon 4:8


  is as the sin of w 1 Sam 15:23


  God will not w His Job 9:13

  He does not w His eyes Job 36:7

  From such w yourself 1 Tim 6:5


  also shall not w Ps 1:3

  w as the green Ps 37:2

  leaves will not w Ezek 47:12

  How did the fig tree w Matt 21:20


  The grass w Is 40:7

  burning heat than it w James 1:11

  The grass w 1 Pet 1:24


  and your sins have w Jer 5:25


  w Your tender mercies Ps 40:11

  good thing will He w Ps 84:11

  Do not w good from Prov 3:27

  your cloak, do not w Luke 6:29


  having no hope and w Eph 2:12

  pray w ceasing 1 Thess 5:17

  w controversy 1 Tim 3:16

  w works is dead James 2:26


  was I that I could w Acts 11:17

  you may be able to w Eph 6:13


  I w him to his face Gal 2:11


  see, God is w between Gen 31:50

  Surely even now my w Job 16:19

  like the faithful w Ps 89:37

  w does not lie Prov 14:5

  have given him as a w Is 55:4

  a true and faithful w Jer 42:5

  I will be a swift w Mal 3:5

  all the world as a w Matt 24:14

  This man came for a w John 1:7

  do not receive Our w John 3:11

  “If I bear w of John 5:31

  is another who bears w John 5:32

  But I have a greater w John 5:36

  who was bearing w Acts 14:3

  For you will be His w Acts 22:15

  For God is my w Phil 1:8

  are three who bear w 1 John 5:7

  If we receive the w 1 John 5:9

  who bore w to the word Rev 1:2

  Christ, the faithful w Rev 1:5

  beheaded for their w Rev 20:4


  is revealed, being w Rom 3:21

  w the good confession 1 Tim 6:13


  of two or three w Deut 17:6

  for Myself faithful w Is 8:2

  “You are My w Is 43:10

  the presence of many w 1 Tim 6:12

  the Holy Spirit also w Heb 10:15

  so great a cloud of w Heb 12:1

  give power to my two w Rev 11:3


  Husbands, love your w Eph 5:25

  w must be reverent 1 Tim 3:11


  who are mediums and w Is 8:19


  The w and the lamb Is 65:25

  the sheep, sees the w John 10:12


  they are ravenous w Matt 7:15

  out as lambs among w Luke 10:3

  savage w will come in Acts 20:29


  she shall be called W Gen 2:23

  w builds her house Prov 14:1

  w who fears the LORD Prov 31:30

  w shall encompass a Jer 31:22

  whoever looks at a w Matt 5:28

  “Do you see this w Luke 7:44

  Then the w of Samaria John 4:9

  brought to Him a w John 8:3

  “W, behold your John 19:26

  w was full of good Acts 9:36

  natural use of the w Rom 1:27

  a man not to touch a w 1 Cor 7:1

  w is the glory of man 1 Cor 11:7

  His Son, born of a w Gal 4:4

  Let a w learn in 1 Tim 2:11

  I do not permit a w 1 Tim 2:12

  w being deceived 1 Tim 2:14

  w clothed with the sun Rev 12:1

  the earth helped the w Rev 12:16


  nations are in your w Gen 25:23

  LORD had closed her w 1 Sam 1:5

  took Me out of the w Ps 22:9

  in my mother’s w Ps 139:13

  formed you from the w Is 44:2

  called Me from the w Is 49:1

  in the w I knew you Jer 1:5

  is the fruit of your w Luke 1:42

  “Blessed is the w Luke 11:27

  from my mother’s w Gal 1:15


  blessed is she among w Judg 5:24

  among Your honorable w Ps 45:9

  O fairest among w Song 1:8

  w rule over them Is 3:12

  new wine the young w Zech 9:17

  w will be grinding Matt 24:41

  are you among w Luke 1:28

  w keep silent in the 1 Cor 14:34

  admonish the young w Titus 2:4

  times, the holy w 1 Pet 3:5

  not defiled with w Rev 14:4


  I have become as a w Ps 71:7

  marvelous work and a w Is 29:14


  name, seeing it is w Judg 13:18

  Your love to me was w 2 Sam 1:26

  things too w for me Job 42:3

  Your testimonies are w Ps 119:129

  name will be called W Is 9:6

  of hosts, who is w Is 28:29

  and scribes saw the w Matt 21:15

  our own tongues the w Acts 2:11


  fearfully and w made Ps 139:14


  w which I will do Ex 3:20

  are the God who does w Ps 77:14

  Shall Your w be known Ps 88:12

  who alone does great w Ps 136:4

  Egypt with signs and w Jer 32:21

  and how mighty His w Dan 4:3

  He works signs and w Dan 6:27

  “And I will show w Joel 2:30

  and done many w Matt 7:22

  signs, and lying w 2 Thess 2:9

  both with signs and w Heb 2:4


  and tell of all Your w Ps 26:7

  w works declare that Ps 75:1

  w works in the land of Ps 106:22

  for they are a w Zech 3:8


  God, who has dealt w Joel 2:26


  precious stones, w 1 Cor 3:12


  but let them be w Josh 9:21


  they shall be as w Is 1:18

  head was like pure w Dan 7:9

  hair were white like w Rev 1:14


  w that proceeds Deut 8:3

  w is very near you Deut 30:14

  w I have hidden Ps 119:11

  w has given me life Ps 119:50

  w is a lamp to my feet Ps 119:105

  w makes it glad Prov 12:25

  w spok
en in due season Prov 15:23

  w fitly spoken is Prov 25:11

  Every w of God is pure Prov 30:5

  The LORD sent a w Is 9:8

  the w of our God Is 40:8

  w has gone out of My Is 45:23

  w be that goes forth Is 55:11

  But His w was in my Jer 20:9

  w will be his oracle Jer 23:36

  w which I speak will Ezek 12:28

  But only speak a w Matt 8:8

  for every idle w Matt 12:36

  The seed is the w Luke 8:11

  mighty in deed and w Luke 24:19

  beginning was the W John 1:1

  W became flesh and John 1:14

  if anyone keeps My w John 8:51

  w which you hear is John 14:24

  Your w is truth John 17:17

  and glorified the w Acts 13:48

  to one is given the w 1 Cor 12:8

  of water by the w Eph 5:26

  holding fast the w Phil 2:16

  Let the w of Christ Col 3:16

  come to you in w only 1 Thess 1:5

  in every good w 2 Thess 2:17

  by the w of His power Heb 1:3

  w which they heard did Heb 4:2

  For the w of God is Heb 4:12

  the implanted w James 1:21

  does not stumble in w James 3:2

  through the w of God 1 Pet 1:23

  that by the w of God 2 Pet 3:5

  whoever keeps His w 1 John 2:5

  let us not love in w 1 John 3:18

  the Father, the W 1 John 5:7

  name is called The W Rev 19:13


  Give ear to my w Ps 5:1

  Let the w of my mouth Ps 19:14

  How sweet are Your w Ps 119:103

  pay attention to the w Prov 7:24

  The w of the wise are Eccl 12:11

  And I have put My w Is 51:16

  Take w with you Hos 14:2

  Do not My w do good to Mic 2:7

  pass away, but My w Matt 24:35

  at the gracious w Luke 4:22

  w that I speak to you John 6:63

  You have the w of John 6:68

  And remember the w Acts 20:35

  not with wisdom of w 1 Cor 1:17

  those who hear the w Rev 1:3

  is he who keeps the w Rev 22:7


  day God ended His w Gen 2:2

  Moses finished the w Ex 40:33

  people had a mind to w Neh 4:6

  You shall desire the w Job 14:15

  for they are all the w Job 34:19

  the w of Your fingers Ps 8:3

  I hate the w of those Ps 101:3

  the heavens are the w Ps 102:25

  Man goes out to his w Ps 104:23

  w is honorable and Ps 111:3

  man does deceptive w Prov 11:18

  then I saw all the w Eccl 8:17

  for there is no w Eccl 9:10

  God will bring every w Eccl 12:14

  that He may do His w Is 28:21

  and all we are the w Is 64:8

  him nothing for his w Jer 22:13

  and mighty in w Jer 32:19

  For I will w a w Hab 1:5

  and said, ‘Son, go, w Matt 21:28

  could do no mighty w Mark 6:5

  we do, that we may w John 6:28

  “This is the w of God John 6:29

  I must w the works John 9:4

  w which You have given John 17:4

  know that all things w Rom 8:28

  He will finish the w Rom 9:28

  w is no longer w Rom 11:6

  Do not destroy the w Rom 14:20

  w will become manifest 1 Cor 3:13

  Are you not my w 1 Cor 9:1

  abounding in the w 1 Cor 15:58

  without ceasing your w 1 Thess 1:3

  every good word and w 2 Thess 2:17

  If anyone will not w 2 Thess 3:10

  but a doer of the w James 1:25


  with one hand they w Neh 4:17

  and wonders God had w Acts 15:12

  which He w in Christ Eph 1:20


  w is worthy of his Matt 10:10

  Timothy, my fellow w Rom 16:21

  w who does not need 2 Tim 2:15


  You hate all w of Ps 5:5

  we are God’s fellow w 1 Cor 3:9

  dogs, beware of evil w Phil 3:2


  everywhere, the Lord w Mark 16:20

  My Father has been w John 5:17

  according to the w Eph 1:19

  through faith in the w Col 2:12

  manner, not w at all 2 Thess 3:11


  For we are His w Eph 2:10


  the wondrous w of God Job 37:14

  are Your wonderful w Ps 40:5

  Come and see the w Ps 66:5

  how great are Your w Ps 92:5

  manifold are Your w Ps 104:24

  The w of the LORD are Ps 111:2

  w shall praise You Ps 145:10

  and let her own w Prov 31:31

  “For I know their w Is 66:18

  of whose w are truth Dan 4:37

  show Him greater w John 5:20

  w that I do in My John 10:25

  w that I do he will do John 14:12

  w righteousness Acts 10:35

  might stand, not of w Rom 9:11

  let us cast off the w Rom 13:12

  is the same God who w 1 Cor 12:6

  not justified by the w Gal 2:16

  Now the w of the flesh Gal 5:19

  the spirit who now w Eph 2:2

  not of w, lest anyone Eph 2:9

  with the unfruitful w Eph 5:11

  for it is God who w Phil 2:13

  w they deny Him Titus 1:16

  zealous for good w Titus 2:14

  repentance from dead w Heb 6:1

  but does not have w James 2:14

  also justified by w James 2:25

  He might destroy the w 1 John 3:8

  “I know your w Rev 2:2

  their w follow them Rev 14:13

  according to their w Rev 20:12


  He shall judge the w Ps 9:8

  For the w is Mine Ps 50:12

  w is established Ps 93:1

  The field is the w Matt 13:38

  w are more shrewd Luke 16:8

  He was in the w John 1:10

  For God so loved the w John 3:16

  His Son into the w John 3:17

  the Savior of the w John 4:42

  w cannot hate you John 7:7

  You are of this w John 8:23

  Look, the w has gone John 12:19

  w will see Me no more John 14:19

  “If the w hates you John 15:18

  If you were of the w John 15:19

  I have overcome the w John 16:33

  do not pray for the w John 17:9

  w has not known You John 17:25

  w may become guilty Rom 3:19

  be conformed to this w Rom 12:2

  things of the w 1 Cor 1:27

  w is foolishness 1 Cor 3:19

  w has been crucified Gal 6:14

  without God in the w Eph 2:12

  loved this present w 2 Tim 4:10

  He has not put the w Heb 2:5

  unspotted from the w James 1:27

  w is enmity with God James 4:4

  Do not love the w 1 John 2:15

  all that is in the w 1 John 2:16

  w is passing away 1 John 2:17

  w does not know us 1 John 3:1

  They are of the w 1 John 4:5

  so are we in this w 1 John 4:17

  And all the w marveled Rev 13:3


  also He made the w Heb 1:2


  w should feed sweetly Job 24:20

  But I am a w Ps 22:6

  “Fear not, you w Is 41:14

  their w does not die Is 66:24

  w does not die and the Mark 9:44

  WORMSr />
  flesh is caked with w Job 7:5

  you, and w cover you Is 14:11

  And he was eaten by w Acts 12:23


  end she is bitter as w Prov 5:4

  who turn justice to w Amos 5:7

  of the star is W Rev 8:11


  to you, do not w Matt 6:25

  Therefore do not w Matt 6:31


  by w can add one cubit Matt 6:27


  w than their fathers Jer 7:26


  I will go yonder and w Gen 22:5

  He is your Lord, w Ps 45:11

  Oh come, let us w Ps 95:6

  and have come to w Him Matt 2:2

  will fall down and w Matt 4:9

  And in vain they w Matt 15:9

  w what you do not know John 4:22

  true worshipers will w John 4:23

  the One whom you w Acts 17:23

  w the God of my Acts 24:14

  false humility and w Col 2:18

  the angels of God w Heb 1:6

  make them come and w Rev 3:9

  w Him who lives Rev 4:10

  w Him who made Rev 14:7


  Our fathers w John 4:20

  w Him who lives Rev 5:14

  on their faces and w Rev 11:16

  w God who sat on the Rev 19:4


  if anyone is a w John 9:31


  and make my speech w Job 24:25

  of the wicked is w Prov 10:20


  looking at w things Ps 119:37

  A w person, a wicked man Prov 6:12

  Indeed they are all w Is 41:29


  long will you love w Ps 4:2


  I am not w of the Gen 32:10

  sandals I am not w Matt 3:11

  inquire who in it is w Matt 10:11

  invited were not w Matt 22:8

  should do this was w Luke 7:4

  and I am no longer w Luke 15:19

  present time are not w Rom 8:18

  apostles, who am not w 1 Cor 15:9

  to walk w of the calling Eph 4:1

  “The laborer is w 1 Tim 5:18

  the world was not w Heb 11:38

  white, for they are w Rev 3:4

  “You are w, O Lord Rev 4:11

  “W is the Lamb who Rev 5:12


  I w and I heal Deut 32:39

  My w is incurable Job 34:6

  But God will w the Ps 68:21

  and my w incurable Jer 15:18

  and w their weak 1 Cor 8:12

  and his deadly w Rev 13:3


  and my heart is w Ps 109:22

  and w the serpent Is 51:9

  But He was w for our Is 53:5

  there remained only w Jer 37:10

  with which I was w Zech 13:6

  to the beast who was w Rev 13:14


  killed a man for w Gen 4:23


  and binds up their w Ps 147:3

  Faithful are the w Prov 27:6

  and bandaged his w Luke 10:34


  useless w of men of 1 Tim 6:5


  w has gone out from Num 16:46

  provoked the LORD to w Deut 9:22

  Had I not feared the w Deut 32:27


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