Baby, Don’t Go
Yeah, Baby 3
Fiona Davenport
© 2016 Fiona Davenport
All rights reserved.
Edited by PREMA Romance Editing.
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used factiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons or living or dead, events or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Baby, Don’t Go
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Risqué Contracts Box Set
Books By This Author
About the Author
Baby, Don’t Go
Yeah, Baby 3
Guy Rule #3: No sex in the friend zone
Jack Halston’s life changed when his best friend married his sister. He started flying solo more often, especially once his niece and nephew were born. It made him reexamine his life and consider the possibility of settling down. But finding the right woman isn’t easy—unless she’s the one who filled the gap your best friend left behind.
Ellison Reed enjoyed her long-standing work flirtation with Jack. When their friendship deepened over time, she did her best to ignore the chemistry which sizzled whenever he was near... until the night Jack’s possessive tendencies exploded and he claimed the woman who was his. Before someone else could.
An accidental pregnancy between two surgeons who should have known better. A job offer in another state Ellison would be crazy to turn down. Too bad the path from friends to lovers is so complicated.
Warning: This novella contains a sexy alpha, insta-love, and an "oops" baby! It's quick, hot, and dirty.
**This is the third novella in the Yeah, Baby series, but each story can be read as a standalone and features a different couple.
The pregnancy might be accidental, but their love is not.
Chapter 1
Guy Rule #3: No sex in the friend zone
“Hey, Ellie!” I yelled as I jogged down the sterile halls of the hospital. A white lab coat and dark brown ponytail had just disappeared around the corner. As I reached the turn, I rammed into said lab coat and ponytail, knocking us both to the ground. I caught her as we fell, so that she landed on top of me. Soft tits were pressed against my chest, wisps of straight, toffee-colored hair tickled my chin, and a sweet, elfin face grinned at me, while her hazel eyes danced with amusement.
“You’re pretty clumsy for a surgeon, honey,” she laughed, then lightly smacked my shoulder. “And, would you stop calling me Ellie?”
The endearment brought warmth to my chest and her laugh started a buzz in the general area of my dick. I shoved both feelings away. Ellison Reed was my friend. In fact, since my best friend had gone and knocked up, then married my sister, Ellie (no, I wouldn’t stop calling her that) had basically taken his place.
She jumped to her feet and I followed, my own grin splitting my face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Dr. Reed. You plowed into me.
Ellison snorted, “You wish.”
Yes. I did wish, but I wasn’t about to admit it aloud. I raised a single eyebrow. “You think so?”
She shook her head. “Well, since your blow-up girlfriend deflated...”
I tweaked her nose. “Funny, funny girl.”
Winking at me, she curtseyed. “Thank you.”
Damn, she was adorable. Or, you know, cute. Like a friend. “Alright, Dr. Comedienne, I have a surgery in half an hour, but I wanted to see if we were still on for movie night at my place.”
“Yep. My last case should be done by five, so I’ll grab a shower and pick up Chinese on the way. I should be there by six.”
“Great. And none of that all vegetable crap you got last time. I’m a growing boy, I need meat, woman!” Her short ponytail was swinging and I couldn’t resist tugging it before I walked away, her laughter following me, bringing back those damn tingles.
Ellison and I had worked together on and off over the last two years. She was a general pediatric surgeon and when her patients needed a specialist in pediatric vascular surgery, she usually requested me. However, a few months ago, we ran into a tough case and ended up working long hours together. We began to realize we had a lot in common, a love of crappy horror movies, Thai food, eighties music, and baseball. When Wyatt, had to cancel a baseball game with me, I invited Ellison. From there, things took off and we’d been inseparable ever since.
I’d always been attracted to her, but the friendship we’d developed was important to me and I decided never to cross the line out of the “friend zone.” Friday nights became movie night for us most weeks and I was looking forward to unwinding with her, a cold beer, and a shitty B-list horror film.
My afternoon was spent with a tough case, and by the time the surgery was done, I was strung tight with stress and worry.
“I want updates every hour for the next four hours,” I told my nurse as I finished writing Heather’s orders. She was only six years old and in critical condition. “Then I want another update every four hours from then on.”
“No problem, Dr. Halston.” She finished hooking up Heather’s IV and followed me from the small room in the ICU, both of us stopping at the nurse’s station to drop off paperwork.
I changed into street clothes in the locker room and tossed my scrubs in a laundry bin on my way out the door. Entering the employee-parking garage, I strolled over to my Mercedes convertible and popped the remote lock. Getting in, I put down the top and drove out into the balmy, summer evening. On the way home, I stopped by the store for beer and a carton of Moose Tracks, Ellison’s favorite ice cream. When I arrived at my house, I pulled into the four-car garage and parked next to my Ducati. Taking everything inside, I put the groceries away and hopped in the shower, washing away the grime and some of the stress from the day. Afterwards, I dressed in an old pair of comfy jeans and a grey T-shirt, but stayed barefoot, enjoying the feel of my soft, plush carpet on my feet.
I pulled my comforter off of the bed and took it to the couch, knowing Ellie would get cold and ask me for it eventually anyway, and tossed it onto one of the couches in my theater room. I checked my phone for an update on my patient and was pleased to know she was improving. When the doorbell rang, I walked down the hall and into my large entryway, to the front door and twisted the handle. Opening it, I found Ellison holding plastic bags in one hand and munching on an egg roll with the other. Her plump lips closed around the cylindrical food and I fought a groan as I suddenly pictured those plump lips around a similarly shaped part of my body. You need to get laid, dude. Clearly, six months of celibacy had put my fucking hormones into overdrive. It didn’t help matters to see her wearing yoga pants that molded to her very fine legs and ass, and a large T-shi
rt that hung off one shoulder, revealing a bright purple bra strap.
“That better not be my egg roll,” I growled playfully. Her eyes widened with innocent shock as she took another bite.
“You wanted one?” She popped the last of the greasy treat into her mouth and chewed slowly. I rolled my eyes and stood back, allowing her to enter.
“I saved you all of the crab rangoons, though,” she tossed over her shoulder.
I felt my face screw up in a disgusted grimace, I hated seafood. “Hardy har, Ellie. Now, give me my food.”
She set the bags on the table while I grabbed plates and silverware, bringing them over to her. We dished up our food, I grumbled over the vegetable fried rice and lo mein, and then we each grabbed a beer and headed for my theater room, settling on a couch to watch our movie. Ellie finished off two plates of food and I wondered, not for the first time, where she put all of it. She was barely five foot three and no more than one hundred and ten pounds, soaking wet. An image I’ve pictured a million times. I grabbed our plates, taking them to the kitchen and returning to find she’d taken over my couch. As usual.
She was wrapped up in the blanket I’d left for her and I lifted her mummified feet, so I could sit back on my end of the couch and let them drop into my lap. They were dangerously close to my cock and he had definitely taken notice. I focused on the movie, determined to forget about her sexy body and the proximity of her cute little feet to my budding erection. At one point, she ran a toe up her opposite leg, likely scratching it, but it was sexy as hell, and I had to clench my fists in order to keep from following the path of her foot with my hands. Then she shifted and when she brushed against my hard as fuck cock, I almost came in my pants right then and there. If she noticed the bulge in my crotch, she didn’t mention it and I wasn’t going to bring it up. All in all, it was fucking agony.
I managed to get through it, but when the credits started to roll, I jumped up, almost knocking her to the ground.
“Hey!” she yelped as she caught herself.
“Sorry, I need cream!” I hurried to the kitchen and opened the freezer, basking in the cool air. I dished up the bowls and returned to the living room, handing hers over and taking a seat in my black, leather recliner.
“Ready for the sequel?” I asked as I cued up the DVR.
She licked her spoon and let out a tiny little moan of delight. Fuck! Ok, stupid choice of words.
“Sure. Although, I’m not sure I’ll be able to stay for it all.”
I glanced at her in surprise. “You know you can crash here if it gets too late or if you want to have a couple of beers.”
She nodded absentmindedly, continuing to dig into her ice cream, searching out the little peanut butter cups. “Yeah, I know. It’s not that. I have an early date tomorrow.”
Something inside me started to burn, an irrational anger building. Her date was cutting into my time with her, the bastard.
“What kind of a date happens on Saturday morning?” I muttered rhetorically.
“He’s taking me horseback riding and wants to get an early start before it gets really hot.” She didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about the date and it soothed a little of my ire. Why was I mad? What the fuck was wrong with me? I was being ridiculous.
“Sounds like he’s a pretentious snob, showing off.”
Ellison laughed at my comment, giving me a dry look. “Excuse me, but don’t you own horses, Jack?”
“That’s different,” I huffed. “We’re friends. I’d take you riding if you wanted to go. But, taking a woman horseback riding for a first date? What a tool.”
It was Ellison’s turn to roll her eyes and mutter, “What crawled up your ass tonight?”
“Nothing. I just think you shouldn’t waste your time with losers and this guy is obviously trying to get in your pants by throwing his money in your face.”
“What? Jack, seriously, what is wrong with you tonight?” Ellison stood and left the room. I followed at a slow pace, confused by my own behavior and having lost my appetite. I found her in the kitchen, loading all of our dishes into the dishwasher.
“I’m sorry,” I mumbled. “Bad day, I guess.”
She sighed. “Yeah. I’m going to head out.”
I felt something akin to panic creeping into my chest. I couldn’t let her walk out the door, because it would mean she’d be going on a date tomorrow morning. I couldn’t let it happen, I just couldn’t. I was stunned at my reaction and didn’t know what to make of it. Before I was able to form a response, Ellison had left the room. I trotted to the entryway to find her grabbing her keys and cell phone from the glass bowl on the little marble table by the coat closet.
I stood there, watching, my arms hanging at my sides, not knowing what to do or say. She glanced at me with a half-smile as she slipped on her flip-flops and headed to the door.
I joined her and put my hand on it to keep it closed. “I’ll see you Sunday for breakfast?” I asked tentatively.
“Oh, sorry. I forgot to tell you, he’s taking me to a cabin by a lake for the night. That’s why we want to get on the trail before the heat is unbearable.”
“Your—um,” I croaked as something began to choke me. “Your date is overnight? As in spending the night with him, in the cabin, alone?”
Ellison looked at me curiously. “Yes.”
No. No fucking way in hell was that happening.
The tightness in my chest and throat snapped and a rush of adrenaline, lust, and uncontrollable need rushed through my body as though a dam had broken. My hand cupped the back of her neck, the other grasping her waist, and pulled her flush against my body, my mouth slamming down over hers.
Chapter 2
I gasped in surprise as Jack’s tongue slid inside my mouth. It tangled with mine as he devoured me, kissing me the way I’d always assumed he would on the rare occasions I allowed my thoughts to wander in that direction. Jack Halston was a sexy devil. I’d known it from the first moment I’d laid eyes on him, just as every woman did. At six foot two, with a toned body that showed he worked out during his off hours, dark hair that looked like he’d just rolled out of bed, and chocolate brown eyes that always seemed to be smiling, he was impossible to miss. At first, I was happy for him to be my work flirt when our paths crossed on a shared case. We didn’t see each other often enough for it to be awkward, and I enjoyed the little thrill I got from the way we bantered back and forth.
Flirting with Jack offered me a naughty distraction, but I knew nothing would ever come of it. Jack had a rule about not sleeping with anyone from the hospital, a fact long bemoaned by the vast majority of the female staff who would have given just about anything to make him break it. There was no way I’d be the one to make him throw his rulebook out the window. When our friendship deepened a few months ago, the slim chance I ever had of seeing Jack naked became even less likely because we went from being work peers to friends. If a guy like Jack didn’t sleep with his co-workers, then he most definitely didn’t screw any of his female friends. A fact I’d reminded myself of each time I’d woken up from dreams about all the things I’d do to him if I ever had the chance.
I wasn’t about to waste an opportunity like this. Shoving away all thoughts of what might happen to our friendship if this went sideways, I dropped my keys and phone back down and reveled in the feel of his lips over mine.
“Fuck it,” he groaned into my mouth. “I’m done playing the nice guy, trying to ignore how hard you make me because you’re my friend and co-worker. How you’ve made it fucking impossible for me to even look at another woman without comparing her to you.”
Wait? Had his recent dry spell been because of me? Because I could definitely lay the blame for mine at his feet. It was hard to find a guy who measured up to my dreams of Jack. I’d finally talked myself into accepting this date with a guy who’d asked me about a dozen times whenever I bumped into him at the gym. The only reason I’d said yes was because I figur
ed that at some point, I’d have to hear about Jack’s dates with another woman.
“I’m not letting you walk out this door, knowing you’ll be with some douchebag this weekend. He doesn’t get to touch what’s mine,” he growled, making my pussy quiver at the possessiveness in his tone.
“And what exactly do you consider to be yours?” Yeah, that was my raspy voice, taunting him with my question when we both knew what he meant. I couldn’t help myself. He’d started this, and I wanted to make sure he damn well finished it.
He crowded me closer to the door, his hard chest pressed against mine while his big hands held my hips. My heart raced as his lips traced a path along my cheek and up to my ear. His breath was hot as he answered my question, his fingers tightening on me. “You’re mine.”
“Oh, yeah?” I breathed. “Prove it, honey.”
“I fucking love it when you call me honey.” His voice was dark and dangerous, with none of the teasing quality that was always there between us. “And I can’t fucking wait to taste yours.”
His lips on me sounded like a great plan. “Yes, please.”
“Looking at your curves without being able to touch them was pure torture.” His hand drifted up from my hip, along the curve of my waist and my side until it rested below one of my tits. My nipples pebbled as his thumb swept upwards. His other hand tightened on my hip, holding me firmly against his cock while his hips flexed and pressed his length against me. “See what you do to me? I’m a walking hard-on whenever you’re near.”
“Maybe we should do something about that,” I murmured, running my hands down his back, his muscles bunching underneath my fingertips.
“Not until I get my taste of you.”
He dropped to his knees, shoving my yoga pants and panties down my legs and ripping them and my flip-flops off my body. He widened my stance and without warning, two fingers plunged into me. His thumb stayed on my clit, rubbing in circles.
I moaned, riding his hand as his fingers worked in and out of me, staring down at his dark head as his body flexed with each thrust of his fingers. All coherent thought flew out of my brain when he leaned forward and replaced his thumb with his lips at my clit. Alternating between sucking and licking, he never stopped thrusting his two fingers into me.
Baby, Don't Go (Yeah, Baby #3) Page 1