The Alpha's Revenge (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 6)

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The Alpha's Revenge (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 6) Page 2

by Martha Woods

  The men outside the door shifted uneasily, growing accustomed to these displays of violence as they went on but still worrying what they actually meant, they had a mission after all and this couldn't get in the way of that.

  None of them were going to say that to Christian of course, they cared about the mission but not nearly enough to sacrifice their lives over a time penalty. So they sat in their seats and listened to the muffled sounds of him destroying the room, like every morning. And soon enough they heard the sound of heels clicking against the concrete floor, again, like every morning.

  "Is it happening again?" Claire looked at them with worry, but it was plain that irritation was starting to seep into her everyday expression. The innocent, carefree girl that they all knew before was rapidly falling away. She sighed when the two men nodded in response to her question, "Great. Why don't you two take off, I'll see if I can calm him down. You look like you could use some coffee anyway."

  The two of them stood and walked away, neither of them envying the position that Claire was in, especially since she was going through some very fresh pain of her own. Christian may have lost his wife, but Claire had lost her sister, and hadn't even been there in her last moments. Yet she was being forced to borderline babysit their leader, and while no one would ever say that, a number of them were thinking it, and that number was growing.

  Claire groaned when they were out of sight, breathing harshly for a few seconds before she pushed the door open, not flinching when the sound of a glass shattering against a wall pierced her hearing. Instead, she set her teeth on edge, restraining herself from screaming at him to pull himself together, that all he was doing was making himself weaker. That urge got even stronger when she got a full look at him, scruffy facial hair already making its mark on him, fists pounding against the wall and grunts spitting from between his teeth.

  Claire looked up to the Christian who was strong, who was always in control even during the worst of times, who they could count on to bring them out of the darkness. Now, when she was waist deep in the worst time she had ever been through in her life, when she roamed the hallways and was consciously aware of who would never be walking down them again, she needed that man more than ever. And seeing what had taken his place made her blood boil and almost brought tears to her eyes.

  She couldn't take seeing him like this much longer, something would have to give. All she could do was hope that he would accept her help.

  "Christian." She injected as much power as she could into her voice, trying to come off as more than just his dead wife's little sister. She needed to be seen as an equal for this to work, for him to even consider heeding her advice. "Christian this is getting ridiculous, you can't do this every morning."

  He whirled around at her, anger in his eyes and a snarl across his face. "And why not? Were you there? Do you know what I saw happen to her?"

  With a sentence like that, she gave up on trying to control her anger towards him, marching forward and slapping him viciously across his cheek. "You stupid, selfish little prick! No I don't know what you saw, you two kept me from going! The both of you took that opportunity away from me, and now I will never see my sister again!" She shoved him backwards, Christian too stunned by the sudden movement to do anything except grunt when he hit the wall. "You're not the only one who lost someone dear to you, stop acting like such a whiny child!"

  She turned around, intent on storming out and leaving him to whatever pointless destruction he was so intent on dishing out when she felt his hand on her arm. She wheeled around, intent on driving her fist into his nose when she noticed his expression. That anger that had burned so hot before had vanished, leaving behind only embarrassment and a deeply, painfully obvious sadness.

  "I'm... I'm sorry Claire that was... That was very stupid of me."

  "Yes, it was." She could feel the tears starting to break through, her walls finally breaking down after a month of having to hold herself together. "I couldn't even be there when she needed me Christian, how do you think I feel about that? She was my sister, we've been together through everything, and you come home one day and tell me she's been killed, and you refuse to tell me how. It's not fair Christian, and you should know that."

  "I know. Hey... I know." He swept her into his arms, her face burying itself into his collarbone. Muffled sobs pushed their way out, his shirt staining itself with tears as she finally let herself break down, almost wailing at the pain she felt having had the dearest part of her ripped away so cruelly.

  "It doesn't feel real, nothing feels real anymore."

  He nodded. "It's like we're just walking around, we don't even know if we're still alive. Like we're just... Empty." Christian cradled her head in his hands, rocking her from side to side. "I'm going to kill that monster that took her away from us, I want you to know that. And I want you to be by my side when it happens, I'm not going to keep you away from something so important, not this time."

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders, nodding her head. "Thank you... Thank you..." She pulled her head back up, eyes lidded and rapidly approaching his. "Thank you..."

  Christian stopped her with a hand on her chest, her lips almost a breath from his, both their eyes widening in surprise at the sudden shift in mood. "Woah now, what are you doing Claire?"

  "I don't... I..." She looked away, cheeks burning. "I'm sorry, I just needed... I need to just feel something good after... After all this shit that the last month has been, it's just been so lonely."

  "Claire... You're a beautiful young woman, don't get me wrong, but I'm not sure that this is the best idea, not when we're both like this."

  "That's precisely why, because... Because we both know just how screwed up the other one is, and I know that this is screwed up, you were married to my sister for god sake, but I think we both need this." She grasped his hand, running a finger along knuckles that were rapidly starting to shake in her grip. "We don't have to talk about it afterwards, it'd probably be best if we didn't but... I think we really should do this."

  He could feel his resistance waning more and more, and deep down he was already certain that he'd wanted something like this for a while, though he would never admit that. He had been perfectly happy in his marriage, and while he was not fooling himself about being many a bad thing, unfaithful to his wife was definitely not one of those things. From time to time he could feel his eyes travelling, but one look at his wife was all he needed to be brought back down to earth, her sister was simply one of those things that could be relegated to the realm of dreams that he would never remember except in fleeting glimpses that were quickly forgotten.

  Except the way this was going neither of them were going to be able to forget tonight, even if they tried.

  Slowly, he turned his hand over, holding onto her fingers so lightly that it was like they were made of the finest of glass, bringing them to his lips and pressing his lips delicately to each digit. "Are you sure about this? I need you to be certain."

  She nodded without hesitation. "I am. Please Christian, I need to do this. I won't mention it afterwards, we'll just... Pretend this never happened."

  Somewhat reluctantly, he nodded, still not able to shake off that niggling feeling of guilt that he was betraying his wife, even if Claire was willing it still felt somewhat taboo. But regardless, he would be lying if he said that he wasn't yearning for something as well, maybe this was it, maybe he could find a connection in the midst of all this chaos and horror, someone to come back to when he was finished destroying the creatures that had wronged them. "Ok." He said, "I'll be gentle."

  She shook her head. "No, don't be. I need to feel this Christian, I need to know this is real. So please... Don't hold back."

  Without another word, he pulled her into him, their lips crashing together in a furious passion that both of them knew had been there for quite some time, arousal and shame in equal measure flaring up in the both of them. Claire groaned, threading her hands through his hair and pulling him in deeper
, gladder than ever that she had called his normal guards away, it wouldn't do for anyone to hear what they were going to do.

  Christian dragged his hands lower, cupping her backside and lifting her roughly into him, her legs wrapping around his waist at the same time as her lips left his. She sunk her teeth into his shoulder, the older man grunting before tossing her down onto the bed, Claire yelping momentarily in response. "This is your last chance Claire, after this I'm really not holding back."

  She smirked up at him, desire overriding all her other senses. "Go ahead, I'm sure I can take you."

  He descended on her, hands gripping her cheeks roughly, his legs kicking hers open and inserting himself between them. He ground his thigh between her legs, harsh whimpers pushing through her lips even as he moved down to swallow them, teeth and tongue working together to drive her mad with want. She pushed herself against his leg, rubbing herself frantically back and forth, her hand slipping down to slip underneath her waistband.

  Christian caught her hand, pinning it above her head and looking into her eyes. "Not so fast," He growled, "You don't get to feel that before I do, that's not how this works."

  She nodded, pupils blown and chest heaving, her breathing only growing harder when his grip on her wrist tightened, his own fingers replacing hers where they had been moments before. When his fingers entered her she gasped, her back arching over the bed, only his grip on her hands stopping her from completely leaving the surface. "Oh my god!" She almost shrieked, legs tightening around his waist. "Please, please don't stop!"

  He pushed in another finger, shaking his head to get rid of the image of another woman writhing underneath him, a woman that belonged to another version of him not too long ago. He leaned down, snarling, "What do you want Claire?" He repeated her name, if for no other reason than to remind himself that it was her. "Claire, what do you want me to do to you?"

  "Please..." She panted, "Please I... I want you... I want you inside of me!"

  Grunting, he smirked, licking his lips in anticipation. "As you wish." His fingers pulled out of her, neither of them in the state of mind to notice the wetness staining her pants, pulling down her waistband with an experienced, scarred hand. She was laid bare before him, her eyes scrunching up in embarrassment before shooting open, his tongue dragging across her folds and flicking against the sensitive bundle of nerves just above, shocking her to her very core. She grabbed the back of his head, her arms free now that he was spreading her legs for her, frantically grinding herself against his mouth while she chased what release she could get out of him.

  He was not that yielding however, pulling away after pressing one final kiss to her mound, leaning back and unsheathing himself with one swift movement. She ran a finger along his length, across a bead of already formed precum, slicking up her hand and working back and forth, squeezing gently around his shaft. Christian groaned, thrusting shallowly in her palm while she moaned with want, pushing him lower until he was aligned with her entrance.

  Her lips parted as he dragged himself against her, the teasing driving her half insane before he started to press in, her walls squeezing tightly around him, inch by torturous inch stretching her wide. Her eyes grew wide and her mouth fell open, her fingers tightening in his shirt while he gripped her hips hard enough to bruise. In no time at all she was accustomed to his size, shallow, exploratory thrusts surrounding him with liquid heat and making his eyes roll back in his head, lips clenched between his teeth while he grunted and groaned savagely.

  "Oh god Claire... You feel amazing..." Skin slapped against skin, the staccato sound reverberating off the walls, only partially drowned out by the harsh gasps slipping out from the both of them. She threw her hips back against his, doing her best to match him thrust for thrust, stars popping in her vision and her core feeling as though it were on fire. She was about to say something to him when she was suddenly flipped over, sheets pressing into her face and muffling her startled giggles, still laughing even as he resumed his frantic thrusting, fucking himself deep into her, the new angle pushing him even further into her than she could ever have imagined before. She grabbed hold of the bed, knuckles white while she tried to keep herself from being manhandled off the bed, powerful strokes rocking her back and forth with enough force that she was beginning to get dizzy.

  Claire yelped when his palm slapped down against her cheek, the sudden spike of heat not exactly unwelcome, but a surprise nonetheless. Christian soothed it with a rubbing hand, the next blow not carrying nearly as much surprise as the first. When his hand slid between her cheeks however, she knew exactly what he was going to do, tensing when she felt the pad of his thumb prodding idly at her other entrance, the tight ring of muscle pushing back until he slipped in suddenly, her cheeks blooming a furious red and her voice squeaking with the stimulation. She pushed herself back against him, her vision whiting out when she was filled in two places at once, feeling him getting closer to the edge even as she tumbled over.

  Christian almost screamed out when she tightened around him, his cock and his thumb held in place by a vice grip, only decades of trained willpower stopping him from spilling deep within her right at that moment. He wanted her to know exactly when he did it, it wouldn't do for it to be lost in the throes of her own pleasure. Claire shuddered around him, almost in tears from the length of time her orgasm had stretched on for, Christian's hand that wasn't help prisoner by her body slinking under and toying cruelly with her clit, flicking and tugging harshly and pushing her into a second climax all over again.

  This was Christian's favorite part of sex, the feeling that he had utterly dominated the woman, that she had submitted fully to his will. Before he had met his wife he had certainly gotten around, his followers more than willing to place themselves under his care and enjoy the fruits of his love. There had been many women that had joined him in his chambers, and all of them had submitted in the end, he had only agreed to marry Laura after she had submitted as well. Claire, as it turned out, was no different from them.

  Finally, mercifully, she could feel her climax fading, her body still shaking with aftershocks, every minuscule touch feeling like an electric shock straight to her spine. Just when she thought it was finally over she realized that he wasn't moving, he hadn't been through the entirety of her orgasm. She looked up at him over her shoulder, shuddering at the almost cruel smirk he wore before he thrust into her suddenly, hips pistoning himself in and out of her with a fury that many would only reserve for fighting. She bit down on the covers, muffled shrieks forcing their way out as overstimulation pushed every thought out of her mind, the only thing she was aware of was the grunting above her and the drops of sweat falling against her back.

  Christian clenched his teeth, his own end approaching faster and faster, her walls seeking to milk him and leave him completely drained. He slammed his palm down against her shapely cheek one last time, fingers digging in as he thrust himself in to the hilt, finally erupting within her.

  Claire gasped at the feeling of him spilling in her, a seemingly endless torrent of his seed coating her insides, too stunned to even react when he pulled out of her and she felt him running down her legs onto the bed sheets. He kept himself up, not wanting to collapse onto her, every feeling that he had been ignoring suddenly hitting him full force. This was the sister of his wife, the woman that he had sworn vows with, what he had just done... That was a profound betrayal the likes of which he had never committed before.

  Judging by the look on Claire's face, the way she winced when she became aware of what was at that very moment spilling out of her, she felt much the same way.

  She didn't look at him when she got up, pulling her pants up and attempting to regain some sense of modesty, but she knew that with the way her makeup was running and her lips were bruised and swollen from kissing that it was very unconvincing. Christian watched her move around the room, shame still burning deep in his chest, but in spite of that he still found her incredibly desirable, the swing of her hips as
she walked, the generous heaving of her chest, her shapely legs that had been wrapped around him in ecstasy only moments ago... He was filled with shame and loathing, yet when he thought about doing those things to her once more he could not find it in himself to care about any of that.

  "Claire..." He spoke softly, not wanting to scare her or make her think that he was going to demand something of her. While she was certainly not inexperienced in terms of sex this was still not a situation that one found themselves in very often, she likely needed a moment or two to herself to process things. She still jumped when she heard his voice, but hearing the tone he used and seeing the genuine concern on his face did wonders for her frayed nerves. "Claire, is everything alright?"

  "Is everything alright?" She laughed mirthlessly, shaking her head to herself even as she tried to ignore the fact that she could still feel him within her. "No Christian, everything is not alright... You... You're my Brother-In-Law for god sake, what on earth were we thinking?"

  He winced, when she used words like that... It definitely sounded bad. Then why didn't it feel like that? Every moment that went by was another moment that he felt himself desiring her more, surely that had to mean something, didn't it?

  "I'm sorry Claire I... Can't we just talk about this?"

  She shook her head, picking up the jacket that she hadn't even been aware she had removed off the floor, pulling it around her shoulders and heading towards the door. "No, we don't need to talk about this. This... This was a mistake Christian, we should never have done this. I'm sorry that I pushed you into this."

  He stood, walking over to her slowly and taking one hand in his. "You didn't push me into anything Claire, I... I liked this. You were... My god, you were incredible, I can feel myself wanting more even now."


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