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Drilled Page 9

by Opal Carew

  She spent another hour chatting with various men her mother introduced her to, her anxiety level rising as she fretted about Blake and Evan, trying not to fall into despair that they weren’t coming. That they had decided to drop her completely.

  She used the move Marcus had suggested several more times. A couple of times it didn’t work and she used the follow-up trick and wound up on the dance floor, but she was uncomfortable dancing with these strangers. Especially since most of them seemed to think she’d be willing to fall right into their bed, or join them on some weekend excursion.

  Then she found herself with one man named Webster who, although giving her an appreciative gaze when she leaned over, wasn’t distracted from his questioning. He was very interested in architecture, so she knew she could easily get caught in her mother’s lie. Even when she tried to prompt him to ask her to dance by saying she liked the song the band was playing, he didn’t seem to notice.

  “There you are, Danni.”

  Danni glanced at the tuxedoed man stepping to her side.

  It was Marcus. Webster seemed a little uncomfortable at the sight of him. Although the tuxedo was well tailored and quite elegant, Marcus still had that rough edge, with the tattooed vines visible above his collar, the large insert in his ear, and his cropped black hair.

  “I’ve been looking for you to collect on that dance you promised me. I’m sorry, Webster, but I’m going to steal her from you.”

  Without waiting for Webster’s answer, Marcus took her hand and led her to the floor.

  “You looked a bit desperate, so I thought I’d save you.”

  “Thank you,” she said as he drew her into his arms and swept her around the floor. Of all the men she’d danced with this evening, she found she was most comfortable with him.

  “Are you enjoying the party?” he asked.

  “It’s not as bad as I thought it would be,” she said as they glided past another couple. “Thanks to you and Rhett. Your advice was very helpful.”

  Marcus smiled, then drew her closer. “Happy to help.”

  As she danced, she felt the tension of being on all evening slipping away. But as that happened, she started to fret about Blake and Evan again.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  His eyebrow arched. “Tired of spending time with me already?”

  She smiled. “No, of course not. It’s just that . . . well, Blake and Evan told me they’d come to the party after all. I expected they’d be here by now.”

  He glanced at his watch. “It’s after nine. If they’re planning to show up it’s getting pretty late.”

  Her chest tightened.

  Oh, God, they aren’t coming.

  He frowned as she stiffened in his arms. “So tell me. Which one have you fallen for? Blake or Evan?”

  She gazed at him, then pursed her lips.


  “Really?” He laughed. “Again, you really are my kind of woman.”

  Her eyes started to well with tears.

  “Hey, I’m not hitting on you. Look, the fact they’re late doesn’t mean anything . . . except maybe that they’re idiots for making such a pretty lady wait around.”

  “You don’t understand. Something went wrong this week,” she confided.

  “What kind of thing?”

  “I . . .” She sucked in a breath. “I asked them for a favor. I think they weren’t happy about it and . . .” She shook her head. “I wish I’d never done it. It wasn’t worth losing them over.”

  “If those two idiots walk away from a sexy beauty like you because you asked them a favor, they’re complete losers.” His lips quirked up. “And Blake and Evan are anything but. I’m sure that’s not why they didn’t come.”

  She gazed at him and he must have been able to tell she wasn’t convinced because he took her hand and led her from the floor, then out to the atrium. He guided her to a quiet area and then tapped on his phone. He put it away and turned his focus to her.

  “Okay, we’ll just sort this out right now. Why don’t you call them?”

  She shook her head. “It’d be too awkward. They must not want to talk to me or they would have called and explained.”

  Rhett appeared with two drinks in his hand. He gave one to Danni. She smiled her thanks then took a sip.

  “I got your text. So what’s up?” he asked Marcus, his concerned gaze on Danni’s face.

  “Blake and Evan told Danni they were coming tonight and they haven’t shown. Danni figures she’s been stood up and is none too happy about it.”

  Rhett slipped his phone from his pocket, opened his contact list, and dialed. She could hear a single ring on the line, then someone answered.

  Rhett glanced at her. “Voice mail.” He disconnected, then flipped through his contact list again. “I’ll call them at the office. Maybe they got held up in a meeting. If so, their secretary should still be there.”

  He made the call and then pursed his lips. He slipped the phone back into his pocket.

  “I’m sorry, Danni. Their message says they’re out of town until Monday.”

  She felt the blood drain from her face. “So they really aren’t coming.”

  Rhett shook his head. “I’m afraid not.”

  Her stomach clenched and she felt ill.

  “Sweetheart,” Marcus said. “I know you think you’ve done something wrong, but you haven’t.”

  She just nodded. And he was right. It didn’t matter whether she’d asked a favor of them or not. That might have hastened the end, but this relationship had been doomed to fail from the beginning. She had known that deep inside. Blake and Evan were totally out of her league. As nice as they’d been to her—and as hot as the sex was between them—they weren’t going to fall for her.

  Even though she’d totally fallen for them.

  Her stepfather was right. She was a loser.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I think I should probably go.” Danni knew her mother and stepfather would be staying to the end, but she could just catch a cab. She’d slip away quietly.

  “No way.” Marcus took her hand. “We’re going to cheer you up. And don’t worry about your mother introducing you to any more clowns. Rhett and I will work as a tag team and keep you occupied.”

  Marcus gave her hand to Rhett who led her back to the dance floor.

  * * *

  Danni saw her mother approaching as she stood with Rhett while Marcus went to the bar for drinks.

  “There you are, dear,” Mom said while eyeing Rhett with a smile. She gazed at Danni expectantly.

  “Mom, this is Rhett. Rhett, this is my mother, Marjorie Collens.”

  “Very nice to meet you, Ms. Collens,” Rhett said, shaking her hand.

  “Marjorie, please,” her mother said. “I’m glad you could make it to the party.”

  Rhett smiled in Danni’s direction. “So am I.” He turned to Danni. “I’ll go help Marcus with the drinks so you can have some time with your mother.” He took Danni’s hand and kissed it. “I trust you’ll still be here when I get back.”

  “Of course.” Danni smiled.

  He was being extra charming so Mom wouldn’t drag her off to meet other men.

  “Well, you certainly seem to have found someone you’re interested in,” Mom said once he was gone. Then she smiled. “Or should I say two someones. Are you having trouble choosing or”—she grinned—“are you planning on seeing both of them?”

  “Would that be a problem?” Danni asked.

  “For me? No. For them? I don’t know. They seem to be close friends.” She raised an eyebrow. “Have you ever thought they might have something a little . . . um . . . risqué in mind?”

  Shock vaulted through Danni. Mom couldn’t be talking about what it sounded like she was talking about. Was Mom really thinking that Rhett and Marcus were angling for a threesome with her?

  Not that Danni didn’t think Rhett and Marcus would love that. She just didn’t think her mom would think about that
kind of thing. Or grin at her that way while suggesting that was their intent.

  “What are you trying to say?” Danni asked, eyebrow raised.

  “Nothing. I just hope you’re open to interesting new experiences that might come your way.”

  “Mom, we are not having this conversation.”

  Mom squeezed her arm. “Look, honey. I can tell something’s bothering you tonight and I just think you should grab some happiness if you can. If someone broke your heart, then don’t be afraid to move on. Or to open yourself to something new. And these two men both seem eager and willing to make you happy.”

  Danni’s cheeks were heating, more so when she saw Rhett and Marcus approaching through the crowd with their drinks.

  Mom glanced over her shoulder and saw them, then patted Danni’s arm. “I’ll be getting back to your stepfather now.”

  Once Rhett and Marcus were back, Danni took the drink Marcus handed her and took a deep sip. Then another.

  “Tough conversation with your mom?” Rhett asked.

  “No. She just . . . confused me.” Then she put on a smile and said, “I really like the song the band is playing.”

  Marcus chuckled. “That sounds like my cue.” He offered his hand. “Shall we dance?”

  She nodded as she placed her hand in his, then accompanied him onto the floor again.

  Marcus held her snugly against him as they swirled around, then the song ended and the band switched to a much slower number. Marcus drew her even closer to his big body. The heat of him, and the solid muscle, made her remember what it was like to be in Blake’s arms. And Evan’s.

  God, she didn’t want it to be over.

  “I know you’re feeling down now,” Marcus said, “and I’m not going to hit on you while you’re still reeling, but I meant it when I said you’re my kind of woman. I’ll give you a little time, but then . . . fair warning . . . I’m going to pursue you. And I won’t give up until you say yes.”

  She didn’t know what to say. She actually felt a spark for him. He was ultramasculine with his short, cropped black hair, the vine tattoos curling up from under his collar and around his neck, his burning amber eyes, and the dark shadow of whiskers on his jaw. Something about his bad-boy swagger all dressed up in an elegant tux held a lot of appeal. But the attraction she felt for him was nothing compared to the full-out inferno she felt for Blake and Evan.

  Her gaze flickered to the door and she sucked in a breath.

  “Blake and Evan just arrived,” she said as she watched them standing near the ballroom door scanning the room.

  “Of course they did.” Marcus turned them around on the dance floor and gazed toward the door. “I assume you want to go and talk to them.”

  Evan glanced in her direction and their gazes caught. Her heart thumped loudly and a confusing flutter of emotions swirled through her. She wanted to go and throw herself into his arms. To tell him how much she missed him. Both of them.

  But just because they’d shown up at the party didn’t mean everything was okay between them. In fact, maybe they’d purposely come late to make a statement of some kind.

  Or maybe they’d come here to tell her it was over. They were nice guys, so maybe they didn’t want to just end it without talking to her first.

  Maybe they were here to break up with her.

  “Danni? Do you want to go and talk to them?” Marcus asked.

  She drew back and stared at him in a daze. She frowned, knowing she couldn’t face them right now.

  “No,” she murmured. Then her heart compressed and she pulled away from his arms and dashed from the dance floor and out the double doors to the balcony.

  * * *

  Evan caught sight of Danni. The way she gazed at him was odd, her eyes wide as if she was startled to see him.

  He nudged Blake.

  “There she is. On the dance floor with Marcus,” Evan said.

  As they watched, she said something to Marcus, frowned, then pulled away and darted toward the nearest doors.

  “What the hell?” Blake exclaimed.

  Blake strode after her, Evan on his heels. Halfway there, Rhett intercepted them.

  “Where have you two been?” Rhett asked.

  Marcus was two steps behind him.

  “Danni was beside herself wondering if you’d dumped her or what?” Marcus said.

  Blake leaned in face-to-face with the bigger man.

  “And so you decided to hit on her?” Blake’s voice held a dangerous edge. “What did you say to upset her?”

  “Hey, man, that’s all on you two,” Marcus countered, eyes flaring.

  Rhett placed a hand on each of their shoulders. “Calm down you two. Blake, aren’t you here to see Danni?”

  Blake dragged his gaze from Marcus’s and nodded.

  Evan grabbed his arm. “Let’s go.”

  * * *

  Danni stood on the large balcony looking down at the parklike area below, illuminated by soft hanging lights. There was a large garden and a pond with a fountain, colored lights reflecting on the falling water.

  She leaned on the heavy stone railing, breathing deeply to calm her roiling emotions.


  She glanced around at Evan’s voice and watched as he and Blake walked toward her, her chest tightening.

  “You look absolutely stunning,” Evan said with a smile.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “We didn’t mean to arrive so late,” Blake said. “We left for San Diego a couple of hours after you and I talked on Wednesday, and our return flight today was delayed.”

  “I thought you weren’t coming at all.”

  “We told you we were coming,” Evan said.

  “Yes, but . . . after I asked you that favor . . .”

  Blake’s brow creased. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “I didn’t want to ask,” she babbled, “but . . . it meant so much to my mother, and . . .” She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. I should have . . .”

  Blake closed the distance between them in two long-legged strides and pulled her into his arms. His lips captured hers and he devoured her mouth. Her heart pounded as she melted against him.

  “For God’s sake, Danni. We don’t care about some small-time investment with your stepfather. We could lose it all and not even blink an eye.” Blake grasped her shoulders and stared deeply into her eyes. “Don’t you get it? You’re what’s important to us. If we can help make life easier by helping you or someone you love”—he shook his head—“then we’ll do it.”

  “Really?” The tightness in her chest faded.

  Could it really be . . . ?

  “But wait.” She drew back, needing a little distance. “My stepfather said you blew him off.”

  Blake frowned. “I set up the meeting just like I said I would.”

  “Yeah, but he said it was with someone in the legal department.”

  “Of course. We wouldn’t look at any deal without Carl’s input. There was no reason for Evan and me to be there, especially since we had to head back to San Diego to tie up an important project. The deadline was moved up, so we were up to our eyeballs the last couple of days.”

  “That’s why you were both so busy that day,” she said. “When you rushed away right after I asked you, I thought . . .” She bit her lip and raised her wide-eyed gaze to his. “So you weren’t upset with me?”

  “What?” Blake’s serious expression faded and he laughed. “Of course not.” He drew her close and stroked her hair. “Is that what you thought?”

  She nodded, feeling numb. Afraid to accept that maybe . . . just maybe . . . she had a chance with them after all.

  “And then we disappear without calling because we had no idea what you were thinking.”

  “And coming so late to the party,” Evan added, stepping close to her side. His fingers stroked across her cheek, gliding some loose strands of hair behind her ear.

  “You must have thought we’d du
mped you,” Blake said.

  He gazed down at her, and she couldn’t stop the tears welling in her eyes.

  “Fuck.” Blake tugged her into his arms again, holding her tightly against his broad chest. “You really think that asking a favor would drive us away? You really do think that all rich guys are complete assholes.”

  “No. I just didn’t think that I would be that important to you. I’m just a construction worker.”

  “You’re not just anything, Danni,” Blake said. “You’re special and we don’t want to lose you.”

  Evan drew her from Blake and tipped up her chin. His lips found hers in a sweet, tender possession. Then he gazed down at her.

  “We haven’t known you very long, but we know what we want.” He tipped up her chin again, gazing deep into her eyes. “And we want you.”

  “You do?”

  Evan’s smile took her breath away.

  “That’s right. You’re different than any woman we’ve ever known before. Sexier, more interesting, delightfully appealing . . .” Evan grinned. “And feisty.”

  “I especially love how you can go from being totally in control,” Blake said, “to totally surrendering to us. And to the pleasure.”

  “And then back to being in control again,” Evan said. “No doubt about it, you keep us on our toes.”

  “And in case you haven’t figured it out,” Blake said, “we’re falling for you.”

  “Hard,” Evan murmured, then pulled her in for another kiss. This time his tongue delved deep, igniting the passion that had been on a slow simmer inside her ever since she’d met them.

  The word “hard” took on new meaning as his cock throbbed against her. His hand flattened on her back and he pulled her tightly against him, making her moan softly.

  Blake stepped behind her, resting his hands on her hips, then arched enough so she could feel his rock-hard erection.

  “Baby, is it okay if we don’t stay at the party?” Evan asked. “I know you got all dressed up and all, but . . .”

  She gazed at him, seeing her own raging desire reflected in his eyes, and glanced over her shoulder to see the same in Blake’s.


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