Sentinels: Forsaken Knight

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Sentinels: Forsaken Knight Page 2

by B. H. Savage

  As the merchant’s carriage rolled off Anye approached the main gate to the castle she was sworn to protect. It was an impressive display of architecture resting on a cliff overlooking the western sea. As the years went by it became more of a home for her than the family estate had ever been.

  An armored soldier wielding a pike approached her as she made her way towards the door. She wasn’t wearing her issued armor, but she was wearing one of her dress uniforms, so the guard on duty stopping her before granting her entrance was somewhat surprising.

  “Sorry miss,” a gruff sounding voice said from beneath the guard’s helmet. “The castle is off limits to civilians, especially at this hour.”

  “Stand down, guardsman,” Anye answered. She turned to face him without realizing that her sword was still strapped to her waist.

  “And what would a pretty girl such as yourself need with a sword?” the guard asked as he pointed to the blade. “Surly not to defend yourself,” he joked with a gruff laugh.

  “Watch your tongue, guardsman, or I’ll have you reported to your captain,” Anye replied slyly as she pulled part of her blade from its sheath, showing the insignia of the Holy Knights engraved in the steel; two crossed swords in front of a shield all within a circle surrounded by lines symbolizing the magic the unit used. “Now do you know who I am?”

  The guard, upon seeing the crest, immediately brought himself to attention. “Beg your pardon, Captain Everdyne,” the guard replied nervously. “I didn’t recognize you!”

  “At ease, Cole” she said with a sigh as the blade slid back inside its sheath. “How goes the night watch?”

  “Nothing new to report ma’am,” the guard replied with a salute. “Oh, but I was told that Captain Sturmwind was looking for you earlier. I think I heard him and Sir Astley training in the courtyard.”

  “Thank you, Cole,” Anye replied, although she was surprised at the report of her friend training in the middle of the night. Still, the news lifted her spirits slightly. “Return to your duties. I’ll find Glenn myself.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Anye entered the castle grounds and looked up at the sky, taking in the sight of the stars and the moon. She wasn’t sure how long she’d been gone but fatigue was starting to get the better of her. She assumed it was sometime after midnight, but there was no way to be sure.

  As she continued to walk through the deserted castle grounds the sound of metal clanging grew louder. “It looks like Cole was right,” she mumbled to herself. A turn around another corner led her to the area where the kingdom’s lancers commonly trained, where she found the armored figures of Glenn Sturmwind and Amador Astley dueling with their lances. Rather than interrupt the bout she decided to watch the two for a moment before making her presence known.

  Glenn Sturmwind was a well-built man with light skin wearing a blue colored set of light armor. It was crafted out of a mix of leather and polished thin steel that reflected the moon’s light in an almost surreal sort of way. Rounded shoulder pads adorned the armor, protecting his arms from overhead assaults while helping to deflect enemy blows. Amador Astley’s armor was similar in design but was darkened steel with jagged edges and spikes along the shoulder pads.

  The choices in armor design were clear indicators of how different each fought when compared to the other. While Glenn preferred a more agile and defensive approach to combat, Amador used more power and strength to overwhelm his opponents. Both of the men had been recognized for their prowess and skill with the lance, but Glenn always seemed to come out on top when they were compared. A bitter rivalry formed between them over the years as a result, which had led to many fights similar to the one currently happening.

  After Glenn deflected some of Amador’s attacks, Anye saw that Glenn had noticed her. Several more jabs were made with Amador’s weapon, but Glenn dodged each one of them before leaping against a wall and pushing off of it, pinning his opponent down to the ground with his foot and knee. Holding the point of his weapon to Amador’s neck, he spoke.

  “Not bad,” Glenn said as he breathed heavily for air, “but still not good enough, either. I thought you would have learned to make sure you can actually live up to what you boast before running your mouth. You’re lucky I don’t have you reprimanded.”

  Anye grinned and slowly clapped her hands at the result of the duel. As she walked towards the pair, Glenn got to his feet and allowed Amador to get up. “Impressive, Glenn,” she commented, ignoring the irritated grunt coming from Amador.

  “Well thank you, Anye,” Glenn replied.

  “Well, if it isn’t the lovely Anye Everdyne,” Amador sneered as he picked up his lance.

  “That’s Captain Everdyne to you, lieutenant,” Anye replied. “I suggest you go clean yourself off. There’s mud on your armor.” Amador’s face started to match the angry expression she had seen on her father earlier in the night, but he remained silent and stormed off into the adjacent barracks. Turning her attention back to Glenn, she sighed. “I was told you wanted to see me?”

  “Ah yes,” Glenn answered as he cleared his throat. “I went to your quarters earlier but I saw you had to leave for your family’s estate. Is everything alright?”

  “It’s nothing. What did you want to see me for, Glenn?” Anye persisted. She didn’t want to seem cross but it was late and she didn’t feel like getting into a drawn out conversation with him, though a small part of her wanted to.

  “Sorry,” Glenn replied as he rubbed the back of his head. “His Highness, Prince Robert, will be leaving for Mitus’ capital city in the morning to negotiate terms of peace with the emperor.”

  “I know that already,” Anye replied. “We were tasked with selecting twenty soldiers from each of our units to act as an escort a week ago.”

  “Yes, well plans have changed,” Glenn said back to her. “King Justin wants you to go with them personally.” Anye was stricken with surprise, and gawped at her comrade in disbelief. “As you know, I was supposed to go, but His Majesty insisted that I remain here to protect the castle and send Amador with you instead.”

  “You’re serious, Glenn?” Anye asked with a sound of elation.

  “Quite…” Glenn raised an eyebrow at the woman as he observed her face go from shock to complete joy. “Why are you so happy about this?”

  Anye’s face was lit with glee. With news of the escort assignment she didn’t need to worry about her father or his schemes until she returned, and by that point she would have thought of a plan of her own to evade being caught in his marriage trap.

  “Hello?” Glenn persisted as he waved a hand in front of Anye’s face.

  Anye blinked herself back to reality when his hand passed in front of her. Her joyfulness had confused the man and she only now realized it. She composed herself and wiped a loose strand of hair from her face before she spoke. “I’m sorry, Glenn. The news couldn’t have come at a more perfect time.”

  Glenn raised his eyebrow at the woman a second time in response. “Your father again, I take it?”

  Anye nodded her head. “This time he’s threatening to end my career. At least now I have some time to think of something,” she commented as she crossed her arms.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Glenn replied. As he spoke he placed one of his armored hands on her shoulder. “I’ll see what I can do about your father while you’re away.”

  “Thank you, Glenn,” she answered.

  The two remained silent for a moment in the moonlight. Anye would have bid any other companion good night by then, but it was different with Glenn. The two had become very close friends during their time in the military, each moving through the ranks of their respected divisions quickly, and a friendly competition formed because of it.

  But there was more to their relationship for Anye than was common knowledge. Although she wouldn't admit it to anyone she felt particularly close to Glenn. She had only felt the same for one other man who had been a friend to both she and Glenn in their youth, a nobleman’s
son by the name of Leonard Marshall. They were to be married, but he lost his life in battle some years ago during a surprise attack by Mitus in the eastern reaches of the kingdom. The loss affected both of them greatly, and prompted her to becoming more reclusive over the years. As time passed though, she unexpectedly found herself more and more attracted to Glenn.

  Glenn was married however, and she wouldn’t dare attempt to destroy his marriage. If word had gotten out that the only man she was interested in was married after, the slander alone would be enough to destroy her reputation. She couldn’t allow that to happen and kept her feelings to herself, slowly becoming the hardened woman everyone knew.

  A moment later, the two broke away from each other. The hour was late and Anye would now be marching with the prince at dawn along with forty other men and women, which unfortunately included Amador. It wouldn’t do her well to be sleepless before they set out.

  “Well, I think I should head to bed,” she said as she turned away from her companion. “Thank you for your help, Glenn. I appreciate it.”

  The lancer smiled and nodded his head. “Of course, Anye. Sleep well. I’ll see you at the gate before you depart to help with the inspection of the troops.”

  Anye nodded her head in acknowledgment. “See you in the morning then,” she replied, and walked off into the darkness towards her room.


  Twenty armored soldiers stood in a rectangular formation mirroring twenty armored lancers. In the middle of the two was a white steed with ceremonial gold armor mounted by a man dressed in a matching set of armor, augmented with a cape that had Delrich's seal stitched on it. Standing in front of the elegant horse and rider were Anye, dressed in a freshly polished suit of white armor with a cloak tied at her shoulders, Glenn, with the same armor he had worn the previous night only cleaned to perfection, and Amador, who had done the same with his armor but was wearing a cloak that hung over his back similar to Anye.

  The sun had just barely started to rise over the hills to the east, casting long shadows across the castle grounds. The mist from the nearby ocean kept the air cool, and reflected the morning light in a myriad of colors. The two knight captains had finished their troop inspections only moments before the elegantly armored man had entered the archway where they were waiting.

  “Good morning to you, Captain Sturmwind, Captain Everdyne,” the prince greeted from the saddle of his horse. “Quite the monumental day, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sire,” Anye answered.

  "My Prince," Glenn started to say as he and the others took a knee. "The soldiers of your escort have been inspected and are ready to depart at your leisure."

  Prince Robert Ferdinand Delrich the Fourth was well liked by his people and respected in the country's political circles. His father had him trained in both the ways of the sword and the spear from an early age. He wasn't very adept at the magical arts that were practiced by the Holy Knights, nor was he as deadly with a spear like the Dragon Knights as a result. He was well built due to his militaristic upbringing however, and he was also quite humble and polite to any who addressed him.

  The prince kept his flowing blonde hair tied back, similar to Anye's, exposing his bright blue eyes. His gaze, coupled with his demeanor, seemed to command respect from any who would approach him, making him a perfect choice for the task at hand; negotiating peace with their neighboring warring country, the Empire of Mitus.

  "Thank you, Captain Sturmwind," the prince replied. "You may all rise." Each of the three kneeling knights stood and faced their sovereign. As the prince looked at each one his gaze fell upon Glenn once more as he spoke. "I understand you will not be accompanying us on our journey to Mitus, Captain, but that your lieutenant will be in your stead?"

  "Yes, Your Grace," Glenn answered. "Your father, King Justin, wished my presence here to help defend the kingdom and that I send sir Astley in my stead."

  Prince Robert turned his gaze to the darkly armored Amador Astley. "Lieutenant, I hope you understand the expectations I hold for the Dragon Knights, especially those given the rank of an officer."

  Amador bowed his head to the prince before him. “Of course, your majesty,” he said. “I promise you will not be disappointed in my presence here.”

  Prince Robert nodded his head to the individual before turning lastly to Anye, who stood patiently next to the two lancers. “Captain Everdyne, it is always a pleasure to have someone as beautiful as yourself at my side. It is also reassuring knowing your skill with the blade.”

  Anye bowed her head with a smile. “Your Highness, you flatter me,” she said lightheartedly.

  “Not at all,” the prince commented back to her. After taking a deep breath and looking over the troops that would be accompanying him, he looked back at the three knights in front of him and smiled. “If everything is in order I think we should depart.”

  “Yes, Sire,” the three of them said in unison.

  Glenn turned to Amador and nodded at him to take charge of their platoon. Once Amador was with the group Glenn looked to Anye and smiled. “Be safe, Anye.”

  “And you, Glenn,” she replied with a smile before turning away to take charge of her own group of soldiers.

  Once Glenn moved to the side, Prince Robert moved his arm out in front of him. Within a moment of the gesture, both Anye and Amador vocally gave the order to begin marching. The prince and his escort began marching forward through the castle gates and into the open terrain, officially beginning their trek to the neighboring country of Mitus.

  Anye was thrilled to be both out of the castle and away from her father. She was also appreciative that Glenn was doing what he could to stop her father’s plan, but she felt that the responsibility was on her shoulders to find a way around the predicament. Now there was plenty of time to think during the journey.

  After the group had passed through a small town along the road outside of the castle’s gate, Anye heard Amador begin speaking with the prince and was keen to listen in on the conversation. She didn’t like the man at all, and with good reason, but the king had granted him an officer’s rank in the military. He was recognized as a knight of the realm for a reason. Such an honor by itself was enough to deflect most accusations about one’s character.

  “My Liege, what say you for a little extra protection in the sky?” the dark armor-clad lancer asked.

  “I have no objection, Lieutenant,” Prince Robert answered. “We are at war after all, truce or not.”

  “My thanks, Your Highness,” Amador replied.

  The prince ordered the convoy to halt and Amador stepped forward. He unslung his lance from shoulder and held it vertically in front of him. Everyone stood in wait as he prepared the spell taught only to lancers knighted into the Dragon Knights to summon their dragon companion to their side.

  The magic itself wasn’t a closely guarded secret by any means. It was simply a summoning spell taught to lancers which was unique to each knight and dragon. The dragons themselves were kept within the castle and were only able to leave when called by their human counterpart. To ensure that the dragons couldn’t run away and wreak the havoc they had done in the past they were housed in special stone stables when not summoned. When they were with their human they were bound to them by a magical link. If the lancer felt that the dragon was becoming unruly or was injured and needed to return to the castle they merely needed to chant a return spell and the dragon would be whisked back to Delrich.

  As the group watched Amador perform the summoning spell with his lance the wind picked up around them. Dust in the air formed a small whirlwind around Amador as a portal formed in the air above. Moments later, a glass-like seal in front of the portal shattered as a moderately sized black-scaled dragon flew through. The creature circled the group once before it landed at Amador’s side and the dust settled.

  “Hello, Oscar,” Amador greeted the noble beast. He patted his armored hand on its scaly snout and grinned. “To the sky with you. Act as a lookout.”

bsp; The dragon, not incredibly large but of a sizeable enough mass to carry a person or two, spread its wings as the command was given, and flapped them heavily to lift into the air, eventually reaching high enough to keep a good watch over the group.

  “Very good,” the prince commented as the dragon soared overhead. “Let's keep moving then.”

  “Yes, Sire,” Amador replied with a bow.

  Anye gave the order to her soldiers as well to keep moving. Over the years she had seen many dragons summoned to the battlefield so she wasn’t very impressed by that one. Without giving a second thought to the matter, she returned to her duties keeping watch as they marched, though she couldn’t help but contemplate how to outwit her father’s latest marriage scheme.


  It took roughly a week of nearly constant travel for the small convoy to reach its destination. The imperial city of Mitus, capital of the empire, stood tall at the border of what was known as the Frontier Lands, far to the east of Delrich. The kingdom and the empire were bordered naturally by a mountain range commonly referred to as The Devil's Spine, a stretch of black-rocked mountains aptly named for their menacing appearance. Much of the architecture in Mitus was built with the black stone mined from the mountains, giving the city a foreboding appearance to any who did not frequent it. Due to the populace’s encouragement of the study of black magic the areas both surrounding and within the city itself appeared to be twisted in a manner that nature would never have intended. Had Anye not battled against the empire’s army before she would most likely be horrified at the sight of such things, much like many of those under her care appeared to be.

  As the entourage approached the imperial walls they were met by a man dressed in robes of jet black with red and gold trim who was accompanied by a group of four men in shimmering black armor. He was balding, with silver hair lining the sides of his head. The wrinkles on his face showed that he was particularly old, but the cold stare he gave to the group told Anye that he was no fool and knew exactly who they were and why they were there.


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