Cameron 6

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Cameron 6 Page 1

by Jade Jones


  A Novel by



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  This novel is a work of fiction. Any reference to real people, events, establishments, or locales is intended only to give the fiction a sense of reality and authenticity. Other names, characters, and incidents occurring in the work are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, as are those fictionalized events and events that involve real persons. Any character that happens to share the name of a person who is any acquaintance of the author, past or present, is purely coincidental and is in no way intended to be an actual account involving that person.

  Copyright © 2015

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portion thereof in any form whatsoever.


  To better enhance your experience, I would highly recommend reading Uncovered Secrets and Uncovered Secrets 2 prior to reading “Cameron 6”. Thank you to all my supporters, and everyone who’s been rocking with me since “Cameron” part one. Your continued love and support has been overwhelming and is greatly appreciated! You all definitely keep me striving to go hard!


  Lark’s red bottoms clicked against the pavement as she headed towards her Benz truck. She’d just left work — in spite of being absent for damn near two months. Honestly, Lark had gotten lazy and less inspired due to being spoiled by her ex-boyfriend Jag. But now that he was out of the picture, she had to resume taking care of herself. And that meant popping her ass on a pole every weekend.

  At least I got something out of the shit, Lark thought, smiling as she approached the brand new truck he’d gotten her. She hated to believe she’d wasted her time on Jag — after all, she did love him — but at least her broken heart wasn’t in vain.

  A swift breeze blew through Lark’s hair as she walked up to the door. She was so ready to get back to her west Midtown condo that she hadn’t even taken her dancing clothes off. Instead she pulled her regular attire over them. Nights like those came frequently, but at least she was $2000 richer.

  Reaching inside her red Chanel purse, Lark pulled out her car keys — but dropped them as soon as she felt a pair of strong arms grab her from behind. Before she could scream, a black sack was ruthlessly pulled over her head.

  The back door of the truck next to hers opened, and Lark was violently tossed inside. As soon as she landed she made a move to run — but was held down by a second man beside her.

  “Somebody help—”

  Lark’s sentence was cut short when Goon #1 slammed the door. Unfortunately, her hand was caught between it and the frame. Muffled cries came from beneath her sack after two fingers broke.

  Instantly, Lark retracted her swollen hand while sobbing hysterically. She was so frightened that she urinated in the midst struggling.

  After closing the back door successfully Goon #1 hopped in the passenger seat of the black truck. The windows were tinted darker than legally acceptable so no one would be able to see inside.

  Switching the gears into reverse, Jude’s 250 lb. enforcer Mike backed out the parking lot and drove off into the night. Now that Jude’s request had been fulfilled, it was time to carry out the task. By the time Jude finished with Jag, he’d be ready to turn the gun on himself.


  The following afternoon, Cameron pushed her shopping cart through the Publix parking lot towards her Audi truck. Justin’s legs playfully swung back and forth as he sat in the front holder. Even after all of the drama with Jude and his messy ass side chick, it felt good to be back home and reunited with her family. She’d stayed away for damn near a week after discovering her husband was cheating, and now had a baby on the way. Cameron wanted to stay away forever, but she knew eventually she’d have to return to the real world. Her son needed her. With Jude being so devoted to work, Cam knew her son Justin would’ve wound up neglected sooner or later.

  Not only that, Cameron could also keep a watchful eye on Jude. After learning about Essence, he couldn’t be trusted. Had it not been for a mysterious person dropping of photos of Jude and Essence on her doorstep, Cam would’ve never found out otherwise. When she finally confronted Jude about the pictures, he claimed they were old and inconclusive. Cam didn’t know if she truly believed the spill he gave about Essence just being a one-night stand. He sounded genuine, but a cheater was always a liar first.

  Cameron wanted to believe Essence was a crazy ass bitch obsessed with the D — but she knew better. It wasn’t too long ago when she was going through the same thing with her first love, Silk.

  Please don’t let Jude wound up turning into him, Cameron prayed. But she knew it was already too late.

  Cameron was just about to unlock the car when a familiar voice startled her from behind.

  “I see you got my photos…”

  The moment Cameron turned around her mouth fell open in shock.


  It was nearing sunset when Jag returned home from a three-day stay at his private getaway. After parking and climbing out his ride, he decided to hit up Lark for the first time since their fight. She can’t stay mad at me forever, Jag reasoned with himself. Though he wasn’t ready to fully commit to her, he did cherish having her in his life.

  Lark was one of the first females he’d met in Georgia, and the only one to leave the most impact. Jag knew it wasn’t fair for Lark to wait while he matured, but he wanted her around.

  Jag wasn’t all too surprised when Lark’s phone went straight to voicemail. He chalked it up as her blocking his calls and left it at that. He didn’t possibly consider that something was wrong and her phone was dead.

  Dismissing her non-responsiveness, Jag arrived at the front door and let himself in. He, his mother, and his 16-year old sister Alessia lived together in a spacious bungalow near the lake.

  The property was secluded and surrounded by beautiful plants and shrubbery. Jag’s mother called it a paradise while Alessia despised it. She didn’t like being away from society but Jag figured it was for the best. He didn’t want his baby sister following in his footsteps. Their father and brothers had all lived and died by the gun, and Jag couldn’t have the same happen to her.

  As soon as he entered his home, a strange feeling took over him. It was quiet — eerily quiet and he could smell something burning nearby. Jag quickly went to investigate.

  He immediately found the source; Italian baked chicken and pastina that had been left in the oven for way too long. It wasn’t like his mother to burn her meals.

  “Mamma?” Jag called out, walking through the home. “Alessia, I’m home.”


  Normally, Alessia and his mother would let Jag know if they were going into town. Pulling out his cell, he checked to see if he had any missed calls — Suddenly, Jag slipped on something wet. He had to grab the nearby wall just to keep from falling.

  The minute Jag looked down, his heart sank into the pit of his stomach. Smeared across the beige hardwood floors was dark red blood.

  “Alessia?! Mamma?! Dove sei?” he called out, running through the house. He wanted to know where they were so his mind could be put at ease — but he knew that wouldn’t happen.

  Jag nearly fainted when he saw his mother sprawled out in the next room. Furniture pieces were overturned, and a picture frame of the family had been shattered. Signs of a struggle were definitely evident. Blood-soaked pajamas covered Anzia’s stiff body, and Jag could only hope there was still a pulse.

  “Mamma…?” his voice crac
ked as he dropped down on his knees. Trembling uncontrollably, Jag slowly turned her over his mother. Anzia’s eyes were still open and filled with fear. She was 57 — too old to defend herself against a bunch of murderous thugs.

  “Who did this to you?” Jag cried. Her skin was ice cold to the touch, and he knew without a doubt, she’d been dead for a while. “Who the fuck did this shit, ma?”

  A deep, guttural groan erupted from the pit of his stomach, and it took Jag several seconds to realize it’d come from him. Sorrow consumed him as he held onto his dead mother. Tears slid down his cheeks and dripped onto Anzia’s forehead.

  Jag slowly rocked back and forth as he cried. Anger manifested deep within Jag’s broken heart. All he wanted to do was mangle whoever had murdered his mom.

  I’ma kill the son of a bitch who did this shit, Jag promised himself. Not even God himself can stop me.

  Suddenly, Jag remembered that his little sister was missing. Gently, placing his mother’s head down, Jag raced to his bedroom for his gun — any gun. He had quite the collection.

  “ALESSIA?!” Jag yelled out, loading his Taurus.

  Silence was the response he received.

  Jag’s heart thumped wildly in his chest as he ran towards his sibling’s bedroom. As soon as he reached the closed door, he flung it open and looked around. His suspicions were on high alert, and every so often he expected a motherfucker to run up on him.


  Jag quickly made his way over to her closet and peeked inside. He knew he was reaching, but it was worth a shot. Alessia had never been the type to run and hide. She had Matteo’s blood in her. She’d die fighting before she went out like a coward.


  Jag looked everywhere, but he didn’t find his sister anywhere in her room or the house. She was gone, and his first assumption was that she’d been kidnapped. Cocking his heat, Jag rushed out the house and to his car…





  Essence sighed dramatically before closing her textbook. She wasn’t expecting company that evening; yet there was only person who’d made a habit of popping up unannounced. Wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt, Essence padded barefoot to the front door of her apartment.

  The minute she looked through the peephole she realized her assumption was correct. “What do you want, Jude?” Essence asked with an attitude, after opening the door. “You don’t call or text for days now you show up uninvited? I’m sure you heard the news. Took you this long to reach out?”

  Jude stepped around Essence and walked further into her house.

  “Well… that’s what we need to talk about,” he said.

  Essence walked past him and to her bedroom. Jude followed closely behind. Her ass looked tempting as it switched back and forth beneath her tee. He could see her butt cheeks hanging out, and that she wasn’t wearing any panties.

  Jude quickly reminded himself that he was there to handle business. After having his hittas tie up two loose ends, he himself had to handle the third.

  Once in her room, Essence grabbed the pregnancy test off her dresser and held it up. “Just in case you thought I was lying like yo’ bitch—”

  “Man, chill with all that shit,” Jude said, slightly irritated. His voice was still surprisingly calm. “I ain’t come over here for all dat.”

  “Well, what did you come over for, Jude — cuz I’m keeping this baby,” Essence added.

  Jude hung his head in frustration and pinched the bridge of his nose. She was more hardheaded than an untrained dog.

  “I had a feelin’ you was gon’ say that shit,” he muttered.

  Taken back by his crude comment, Essence sat on her bed and stared at him in disbelief. She couldn’t believe how heartless he’d been acting. Lately, he was so hot and cold with her. One minute he was sweet and the next he was unapologetically dismissive.

  “So that’s what you came over to tell me,” Essence said, putting two and two together. “That I need to get my unborn baby scraped out just to keep your stuck up bitch happy?!” Tears slid down her cheeks as she let all her emotions pour out.

  “Essence, don’t make this shit no harder than it has to be, a'ight—”

  “You know what? I don’t fucking get you, Jude!” she yelled. “You stay putting this bitch over me! The same bitch that you told me cheated on you twice! I’d never do you like that! How could you choose that slut over me?! I love you unconditionally—”

  “Essence, stop sayin’ dat shit, man.”

  “Like, I told you before you don’t get to decide how I feel! I put you before myself sometimes, Jude!” Essence cried. “What? I’m not good enough to have your baby?”

  “No. You’re not!” Jude sneered. “You a hoe dat’ll let any married nigga bust in.”

  Essence’s eyes popped open in surprise. She couldn’t believe he’d say such a thing. “FUCK YOU, JUDE! I don’t give a damn how you feel! I’m keepin’ this baby and you gon’ pay mothafucka! Fuck you and yo’ wife!” Spit flew from Essence’s mouth as she gave Jude all she had. She was so hurt that the pain was unbearable. “You have no right to ask me to do some shit like that! I fucking hate yo’ ass!”

  Jude waited patiently for Essence to finish her tantrum. “I know,” he said in a low tone. Jude reached in his back pocket, and pulled out a pair of black leather driving gloves. “I hate myself sometimes…” he admitted.

  A look of fear swept across Essence’s face. She’d never thought Jude would be capable of hurting her until now. All of a sudden, she realized she didn’t know him at all. The man she thought she’d fallen in love with had died long ago. Getting caught up with a married man was one of the worst mistakes Essence had ever made. Sadly, she would have to face the consequences — especially if she wasn’t willing to play ball.

  “J—Jude… wh—what are you doing?” Essence asked in a shaky tone. “You’re scaring me.”

  “I am truly sorry, babe,” Jude told her. “When I put the bullshit aside, you really are a good girl…” he paused. “All you had to do was keep yo’ fuckin’ mouth closed and get the abortion.”

  Finally realizing what was about to happen, Essence leapt off the bed and ran towards the door. Unfortunately, Jude was much faster than she. Grabbing her by the waist, he slung her onto the mattress.

  Essence held her hands up in defense while scurrying away. “Jude, please! I’m sorry!” she wailed.

  Essence’s desperate pleas went ignored as he advanced on her…



  Roxie cradled and soothed her whining infant as Cameron sat beside her with her head buried in her hands. Lately, it seemed like she just couldn’t catch a break to save her life. If there wasn’t one thing, there was another.

  Earlier that day, Justin’s daycare had called expressing concern over his health. What was thought to be an upset stomach and fever had actually turned out to be a childhood autoimmune illness known as Kawasaki disease.

  “Is he answering?” Roxie asked.

  Worry was heavy in her tone as she waited on a response. She’d witnessed Cameron call Jude several times, and to no avail, he refused to pick up. In the beginning, Roxie believe their marriage was nothing short of happiness and perfection. But over time she quickly discovered the shit buried beneath the glitz and glam. Jude treated his wife like crap, and because of that Roxie hardly wanted anything to do with him.

  The fact that he paid her bills and made sure she was financially stable was the only reason she maintained a certain level of respect for him. And she knew he did that only out of obligation. Over a year ago, she’d lost the love of her life and father of her child, Joaquin. He was also Jude’s young protégé, and dear friend. Back then, Jude was much kinder — but money had quickly turned a humble man hedonistic.

  “This dirty, inconsiderate motherfucker doesn’t even know what’s going on with his own child,” Cameron said, fighting to not hyperventilate. S
he hated whenever Jude blatantly ignored her. She was beyond tired of her husband’s sometimey attitude when it came to their relationship. Sometimes he answered her calls. Sometimes he didn’t. Sometimes he came home at night. Sometimes he didn’t.

  Cameron often found herself wondering why she even bothered to remain with a doggish, neglectful nigga. It was clear that the caring, and loving man she’d met some three years ago was now dead and gone. In its place now was a carnivorous monster that put business over family and insignificant women over marriage.

  “If you wanna go get him, I can stay with Justin,” Roxie offered sympathetically.

  She was the closest thing Cameron had to family and vice versa. She was a cute, chocolate younger version of her sister. Ever since Rumor’s disappearance, she and Cam had grown inseparable. In a short amount of time, they became one another’s support systems during their times of need and grievance. Sadly, Roxie still had no clue that the very man who paid her mortgage was also the same one who’d buried her sister six feet deep.

  “You shouldn’t have to. He should be here,” Cameron stressed.


  Looking over at her play sister, Cameron saw the sincerity in her expression. She then looked over at Justin lying in the hospital bed, playing with Roxie’s cellphone without a care in the world. She tried to fight back tears of overwhelming emotion for the sake of remaining strong.

  “Go,” Roxie said.

  Cameron released a ragged sigh of frustration before finally standing to her feet. Without another word, she stepped out into the hallway and headed towards the elevators. She had just pushed the button when her cellphone rang unexpectedly. Initially, Cam assumed it was her husband returning her calls. However, she was surprised to see Jag’s name displayed on her screen.

  Images of him dipping his head between her thighs on the kitchen counter quickly flooded her mind. It was that same lust that had driven them apart, and created a rivalry with Jude. She and Jag’s bond just hadn’t been the same since he skipped town. They barely even communicated like they used to. He claimed it was because of the Feds closing in — but she knew it had everything to do with Jude.


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