Cameron 6

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Cameron 6 Page 9

by Jade Jones

  With the women he dealt with, things were much more straightforward and uncomplicated. He fucked and sent their asses on their merry way… He never even kissed them. He didn’t want that level of intimacy with any of them. But with Cam… shit was different. He was different. She didn’t know it, but he was like putty in her hands. She did things to him — unexplainable things that both scared and excited him.

  Cameron noticed his odd gesture, but decided not to speak on it.

  “You know if you ever needed help — or anything, I got you. You don’t always have to feel like you have to do everything on your own.”

  “I get tired of asking you for favors. And to be honest, I don’t want some dude taking care of me.”

  “I’m not some dude.”

  “You know what I mean,” Cameron said. “I just don’t…” she paused. “I guess I just don’t want you — or anyone else turning into Jude. Do you know what he said to me the day I left? His ass told me he saved me by modifying my life. Can you believe that? I don’t want anyone else to make me feel as low as that comment made feel—”

  Jag reached over and touched her hand. “First off, I’m not Jude — or anything like him. You can come to me. I want you to… and there’s no imposition. You don’t owe me shit… just don’t change ya number on me again, a'ight,” he smiled.

  Cameron laughed and shook her head. “Why’re you so good to me, Jag?”

  “’Cuz I…” his voice trailed off.

  Cameron’s grin grew wider. “Because you what? Say it,” she pressed.

  “’Cuz I… admire you…” Jag couldn’t bring himself to say the word ‘love.’ He’d already let her in once, only for his sentiments not to be returned. Jag had too much pride to allow that to happen again. Besides, Cam knew how he felt. He didn’t need to say it.

  “You admire me?” she repeated. Cam stared at him sideways. She knew he was fronting, but she granted him a pass.

  Jag gave her an enigmatic smile before looking down at their hands. He loved the way their different skin tones complimented each other. “That, among other things,” he simply said.

  “I’ll take that,” she told him. “Anyway yesterday me and Juicy did this private party downtown. Things got a little crazy towards the end but I met this guy… Cole. He stood up for me when one of the niggas started harassing me. He wanted to maybe see each other again afterwards.”

  Jag slowly moved his hand away again. He was silent, and annoyed that she was even telling him that shit.

  “He was a normal guy,” she laughed. “I don’t know why that’s so weird and foreign to me now. He seemed sweet. Not into any BS — or so he claims. He works at a warehouse.”

  There was still no response on Jag’s end.

  Cameron looked confused. “You don’t have anything to say?”

  “You want me to be happy you met some square?” Jag asked sarcastically. “Fuck that dude.”

  “Somebody ‘s the jealous type.”

  “I’m not into any BS. Will that make me more interesting to you?”

  Cameron laughed. “Whatever. You keep your hand in all types of shit, Jag.”

  He guffawed. “No, I’m serious. I’m legit now.”

  Cameron raised an eyebrow. She didn’t believe him. “How so?”

  “Invested some of my savings into a restaurant for my mother,” he lied.

  “You bought your mother a restaurant?” Cameron had no idea his mother was actually dead.

  “Yeah. Well… you know how much she loves to cook. I figured it’d be good for her. Something to keep her preoccupied in Savannah. My sister helps out by waitressing on the weekends.”

  “Wow, Jag. That was really sweet of you.”

  Jag felt horrible for lying, but he didn’t want to tell her the truth. He feared she would blame herself and feel guilty for his loss. That was not what he wanted.

  “I keep my hands clean,” Jag continued to lie.

  Cam nodded her head, clearly impressed. It was good to know he was taking care of himself and actually staying out of trouble. Had she known the truth, she would’ve probably left Jude a long time ago.

  After a hearty breakfast, Jag paid the bill and walked Cam to her truck. “Sorry about that,” he said, noticing a small dent near her door.

  Cameron shrugged. “It was worth it,” she said nonchalantly.

  Jag pulled out his wallet and handed her a bundle of folded up Franklins. “Go take it to get fixed and detailed.”


  Jag lightly pinched her chin and caressed her cheek. “I wanna be there for you, Cam… but I can’t if you don’t let me.”

  “I won’t shut you out again,” she promised. “I knew what I was trying to do at the time… but I guess I was going about it the wrong way.”

  Jag leaned in close to Cameron and smiled. “You know what I just noticed?”

  Looking up, she gazed into his pale blue eyes. They reminded her of the morning sky. “What?”

  “You’re single.”

  Cameron giggled. “I’m separated.”

  “Whatever you wanna call it. You’re fair game now…”

  “Is that right?”

  Jag lips slowly covered hers. Cameron closed her eyes and melted into his firm body. She missed his intoxicating touch and scent.

  Gently pushing her against the truck, Jag grabbed her small waist and held her. His tongue eagerly slipped inside her mouth, mating with hers. He sucked the taste of peppermint off it; he wanted her right then and there.

  Cameron nibbled on his bottom lip as she tugged at his shirt. She could feel his erection pressing against her. Jag placed delicate kisses along her jawline and neck, causing her to shiver in response. She would never understand how he was easily able to find her spot. Her clit throbbed nonstop underneath her panties. She wanted him just as badly as he wanted her.

  Jag thought about opening her door and taking her right there on the backseat, but the sound of his phone vibrating halted those provocative thoughts. Reluctantly, Jag pulled back and reached for his iPhone. He already knew what time it was. No one contacted him just to chit chat.

  “Is everything cool?” Cam asked breathlessly. She was still winded from their mind-blowing kiss.

  Jag looked at his phone. He had a notification for a wired transfer, and a text message of an address. Work was calling him.

  “Damn,” he muttered.

  “What is it?”

  Jag quickly shoved his phone in his pocket before she saw anything. “Nothing. My moms need me back at home. I think I’ma take a red-eye flight out to Georgia. But I’ll be back.”

  Cameron looked let down. “Okay.”

  He didn’t miss the disappointment in her voice. It made him anxious to hurry up and get back to her. Jag kissed Cameron on the forehead before opening the driver’s door for her.

  “Plug my number in your phone before you leave,” she said, climbing in.

  After saving Cameron’s new number, he gave her one more passion-felt kiss, and left. As he headed towards his restored Porsche Panamera, Jag prayed his lies didn’t catch up with him one day.


  Don't know why I came in this club with you, girl…

  Don't know why I came in with these diamonds on my chain…

  Surrounded by bad bitches I can't get 'em out my face…

  Maybe ‘cuz a nigga handsome and wealthy…

  Magyc was vibing to the Migos in the upstairs VIP section at Gold Room when he noticed a familiar face on the dance floor below. Tossing back his shot of Hen, he tried his best to contain himself. The shit he was seeing, he didn’t like. It took everything in him not to snap.

  Jude, ever the observant type, noticed his friend tense up. He then followed his gaze to the culprit. Roxie was dancing seductively with a guy whose first name she probably didn’t know. It was her first time stepping out in months since Rain kept her busy, and she was simply looking to have a good time.

  Suddenly, Jude understood Magyc’s s
udden edginess. “So I’m guessin’ you did more than just take her home that night,” he hinted.

  Magyc quickly looked away and shook his head vehemently. “Nah. Ain’t shit poppin’ off,” he told Jude. “She don’t fuck with a nigga for real.”

  Jude was just about to ask him how he knew, but a familiar face stopped his question. Stone and his henchman had just walked in. The malevolent grin on his lips made Jude want to pistol-whip him. He was taunting him. So this mothafucka got eyes on me, Jude realized. How else would he have known where to find him?

  Luckily, Jude and his clan were deep. If an all out war were to emerge in the club, at least he wouldn’t be outnumbered. Still, he hoped shit didn’t come to that. Stone didn’t seem like the type to negotiate, but he figured it was worth a shot at bare minimum. At the end of the day, Jude wanted to keep the peace amongst them.

  He nodded his head towards Stone, and the older man instantly understood the silent gesture. Breaking away from his congregation, he headed over to the bar alone.

  “I’ll be right back,” Jude said.

  Magyc didn’t hear him since he was busy staring at Roxie. The longer he gazed the more his jealousy and animosity grew. She don’t wanna see a young nigga’s bad side. Before he had a chance to think twice about his actions, Magyc stormed off in anger, determined to check her and that lame ass nigga.

  “Aye, where da fuck is you goin’?” Michael yelled after him. He was puffing on an L like it was legal to in public. When you had their money and status, you could pretty much do whatever.

  Magyc ignored his brother’s question as he descended the stairs to ground level. Colorful strobe lights reflected off the club-goers. A quarter to midnight, the place was filled to capacity. Two beautiful women tried to get Magyc’s attention but he paid them no mind. He was too sidetracked by the sight of Roxie pushing it back on her little boy toy.

  When Magyc finally reached them, he shoved the shit out of homeboy.

  “Aye, what the fuck is yo’ problem?”

  “Magyc, what are you doing?” Roxie asked, jumping between the two. She didn’t even know he was there, or that he had the audacity to pull this shit. “I’m not your girl. You need to chill.”

  What she didn’t know was that Magyc had no chill. He took one look at her scantily clad body and frowned. “That don’t mean I’ma sit back and watch you dry hump some clown. Have some fucking class. You somebody mama.”

  Roxie pushed past Magyc and walked off. She was disgusted he would even say some whack shit like that. He had no right.

  “Look, what the fuck you did, pixie dust.” The loser Roxie was dancing with clowned on his name.

  Bad choice.

  Magyc snatched his pistol out and shoved it in his face. He didn’t see a damn thing funny then. “Nigga, you got three seconds to get the fuck on or I’m squeezin’.”

  The poor guy ran off so fast that he tripped in the process.

  Roxie was practically in tears when she climbed in her Audi and started it up. Unfortunately, her night had been ruined. She barely had a chance to pull off before Magyc climbed in on the passenger side. She was starting to despise how bold he was.

  “Oh, hell no. Get out of my car. I swear everything about you is trouble. First that shit at the restaurant and now this. I mean, like seriously. Does Jude pay you to be an asshole? I can’t believe you said that shit.”

  Magyc chuckled. “Aye, it got you to walk away from that lame ass nigga.”

  Roxie wanted to be mad at him, but she was betrayed by her laughter. “I think you’re crazy,” she said, shaking her head.

  “Oh, so you think about me?”

  Roxie quickly looked away. She thought about lying but figured it was pointless. “Yeah… maybe just a little…” she admitted. “But you’re something else. I can see that now. Maybe even more than I can handle right now.”

  “I’ll give it to you in doses then.”

  Roxie’s kitty jumped at the sound of ‘give it to you’. Magyc did things to her. She wanted him, but she couldn’t stand his ass at the same time.

  “Why you come out tonight anyway? Politickin’ with them square ass niggas. None of them are on ya level, and you know it.”

  “I just came out to have a good time.”

  Magyc reached over and glided the tip of his fingers along her bare thigh. It instantly sent chills down her spine. “Just a good time, huh?” he said, not believing her. “That’s why you stepped out in this lil’ ass skirt? Looks to me like ya ass just wanted some attention.”

  “And what if I did?”

  Magyc took her hand and slowly brought it to his lips. Closing her eyes, she savored the way he softly kissed her knuckles. She hadn’t been intimate with anyone since Joaquin. That was over a year ago.

  Magyc placed a trail of kisses along her right arm, causing her nipples to harden. His breath tickled her skin when he reached her earlobe. Roxie couldn’t help the low-pitched moan that escaped her lips. He was turning her on.

  “Let me stop. You ain’t ready,” he said with a smile. Magyc reclined in his seat, but continued to hold her hand. He knew what he was doing.

  “You don’t know what I’m ready for,” she challenged.

  Magyc admired how beautiful she was. Her smile was his best feature. He loved how natural she was; real hair, nails, and lashes. He didn’t see much of that in his generation anymore. “I really am feeling you, Roxie…”

  “But you gotta chick you fucking with,” she reminded him.

  “Man, she… don’t act like you ain’t got a couple lil’ dips too.”

  “I don’t.”

  “That’s good. You bet not.”

  Roxie laughed and shook her head. “Unh-unh. See, you’re a hypocrite. That ain’t cool.”

  Magyc kissed the back of her hand again. “If I cut all my hoes off for you, then what?”

  “What you mean then what?” Roxie asked.

  “I wanna be yo’ nigga.”

  “You don’t even know m—”


  Shards of glass sprayed over all them after a steel bat suddenly connected with the window.


  “I figured I’d be seein’ you again sooner or later,” Jude said after joining Stone at the bar.

  “Have you thought more on my offer?”

  Jude wanted to tell him what he could do with his offer, but he thought about Cameron. They may not have been together, but he still cared about her safety and well-being.

  “I’ll give you twenty percent,” he said. “Take it or leave it.”

  “I don’t think you’re in the position to negotiate,” Stone told him. “I can see that you’ve changed some since prison… but strangely enough, you haven’t gotten much smarter. You see… I don’t need you to be on top. You’re merely just a stepping stone.”

  Jude was beyond offended, but he let the older man have it.

  “Fifty percent… and access to your ports and pipelines for my product,” Stone said with finality.

  Jude snorted in disgust and shook his head. The cat was finally out of the bag. That was what it was all about from the beginning. Stone wanted to use his operation to help move his drugs. “So let’s get this straight. You want all my resources at your disposal and half of my profits?” he asked. “That doesn’t sound like a fair trade at all.”

  “Who said anything about fair?”

  Jude didn’t respond right away. Instead he took of a sip of his liquor and studied the crowd around him. “With this lil’ shit I’m doin’, I’ll get twenty years max if I ever get knocked,” he explained. “If get involved in what you talkin’ they’d hit me with life.”

  “Live on your knees or die standing.”

  “I can’t do what you’re asking,” Jude said, cutting to the chase. “I could’ve lived with the percentage but I’m good on all that other shit.”

  “I really don’t think—”

  Jude quickly cut him off. “Nah, I really don’t think you hearin’
me… It’s not happening, bruh. Keep that bullshit ass negotiation. I’m not wit’ it. And if it’s a war you want so be it.”

  “Be careful of what you wish for,” Stone warned him.

  “Aye, is this mufucka a problem?” Michael asked, walking up. A few of their homies walked up to make sure everything was straight. From where they sat, things were starting to look tense.

  Jude looked from Michael to Stone and waited for an answer. If he had a problem they could definitely solve it.

  Stone cut his eyes at Michael. He didn’t appreciate the men mobbing up on him. Soon after his goons approached them, ready and equipped for a battle. Stone managed to muster up the fakest smile his lips could form. “Have a good day gentlemen.” Looking directly at Jude, he said, “We’ll speak again.”

  Jude and his men watched as he and his clique disappeared. He had hopes that their issue was resolved, but sadly, his problems were only just beginning.

  As Stone descended the stairs to the first level, he pulled out his phone and sent a single text message. If Jude wanted a war, then that’s exactly what his arrogant ass would get.


  Jag powered on his cellphone as soon as he touched down in Atlanta. He was surprised when he received a text from one of his father’s longtime clients. The Sanchez’s and Campionis had been conducting business together for years.

  Jag read the details on the way down to ground transportation. Stone’s request was simple:

  I have work. It’s 20K in it for you once it’s done in a timely manner. Send itinerary.

  Since Jag was already in Atlanta for a hot second, he figured what the hell. Kill two birds with one stone. Little did Jag know at the time, he and his client now shared a common enemy…


  “What happened to yo’ ass last night?” Jude asked Magyc the following afternoon. They were in the poolroom shooting a couple games at The Warehouse.

  Magyc frowned and focused on his shot. “I fucked up, bruh… that’s what happened.”

  Jude laughed and took a sip of his beer. He hadn’t touched any recreational drugs in weeks, but he still drank occasionally. He really wanted to change his life around — for the sake of himself, his business, and future.


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