Cameron 6

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Cameron 6 Page 13

by Jade Jones

  He stood there, mouth agape, stunned by his own actions. Now that she had witnessed what Jag had done, he couldn’t allow her to live.

  “What did you do?” Eunice screamed. “What the fuck did you do?” She rocked her dying child in her arms as she called Jag every foul name in the book.

  Tears filled his eyes. He truly felt sorry for what he’d done. He felt even worse when he pointed the gun at the back of Eunice’s head and let off a single round.

  “Jag! Earth to Jag.”

  Cameron’s voice instantly snapped Jaguar out of his thoughts. He didn’t even notice that he’d spaced out. “I’m sorry, what’d you say?”

  “I said I was thinking about going to Atlanta this weekend to see Roxie—”

  “Why can’t she come up here? I really don’t want you going there. I thought you left Georgia behind for a reason. Remember what I said at the restaurant? You’ll never make progress by taking steps backwards. Leave Atlanta in the past.” Jag was really only saying that because he wanted her where he could easily keep tabs on her. He also didn’t want her falling back in Jude’s clutches. Now that she was his, he didn’t plan on letting her go anytime soon. What he didn’t know was that she’d paid him a visit while he was out of town.

  Luckily, he didn’t know about her and Jude’s rendezvous. That was her own little secret she planned on keeping.

  “I guess I could ask if she wants to come up here. I’m sure she could use some time away.” Cameron didn’t realize she’d been easily manipulated out of her plans. She didn’t know it yet, but this was the start of her losing her identity just to pacify a man.

  “Thank you, baby.” Jag kissed her on the forehead again and prepared to walk off.

  “Wait, Jag…It’s one more thing…” Cam said.

  He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her.

  “My period was late this month…” she paused. “I took a pregnancy test.”

  Jag was on pins and needles as he waited for her to finish.

  “It came back positive.”


  “That’s—wow. That’s great.”

  “Jag, you don’t have to fake joy. I know you’re not ready for kids.”

  “Why would you assume you know what I’m ready for?”

  “Jag, I’m not keeping this baby. I already made an appointment—”

  “Cameron, you are not killing my baby,” Jag stated. “With everything I’ve lost why would you take that from me? That’s just fucking selfish. I can’t believe I’m hearing you right now.”

  There was an uncomfortable period of silence between the two. An unbearable amount of tension hung in the air.

  “You really don’t think I should?” Cam asked.

  Jag walked over to her and took her hands in his. “Who was there for you when Jude first started the business?”

  “You were.”

  “Who handled O’ Zone and Champ for you with no questions asked?”

  “You did.”

  “I got your back, Cam. That won’t change just ‘cuz we’re having a baby. I’m in your corner. I’m on your team… just as long as you remember, we are a unit.”

  Cameron forced a smile in spite of her reservations.

  “I think you should have this baby, Cam.” Jag kissed the back of her hand. “It would make me the happiest man in the world.”


  Jude caught a private jet to Miami, Stone’s hometown, that night. He didn’t even bother checking into a hotel once the Falcon finally landed around 8 p.m. He wanted to get straight to business; he could enjoy his recreational time later… if there was a later.

  As a husband and father, he was ready and willing to do whatever it took to protect his family. He would rob, steal, and kill for Cameron. Whether she was apart of it or not, she was his whole life.

  If she chose to live in Ohio, then he at least wanted to make sure she was safe. She was hollin’ that bullshit about another nigga keeping her safe, but Jude knew no one would ever care for her as much as he did. Hell, no man would ever love her as much as he did. He would die for his; that was the true meaning of unrequited, unconditional love.

  Jude arrived at the port punctually. Since he was first to show up, he decided to use that time to gather his thoughts. Staring out at the dark water, he fired up an L and took a few tokes.

  If he died that night, Magyc would take over the operation. Cameron wouldn’t have a spouse and Justin wouldn’t have a dad but at least they’d be taken care of. Surrounded by snakes, it felt good knowing he had someone humble, and genuine in his corner. Magyc had quickly become the little brother Jude never had. At the very least, Cam would be in good hands.

  Hopefully it doesn’t come down to that, he convinced himself.

  No less than five minutes later, a black Hummer SUT pulled into the empty port. The tiny hairs on the back of Jude’s neck stood erect. It was finally show time. He immediately tossed the blunt after spotting the vehicle.

  Jude still couldn’t believe he’d boldly decided to go alone. He had an army of thugs at his disposal, but this was something he needed to handle on his own.

  Stone’s henchman parked the truck, and together he and his boss climbed out. Jude’s stomach churned at the very sight of him. He was so sick and tired of seeing the motherfucker’s face that it wasn’t even funny. He would’ve rather saw his probation officer. Stone had quickly become a pain in his ass. A nuisance.

  This pompous mothafucka has to go.

  In prison, the older man had once told Jude that he reminded him of his son. Now Stone was treating him like he didn’t know him, or better yet, like they were never cool. Jude used to hold high regard for the ex Mafia member. But now, words couldn’t express the disgust he had in his heart for Stone. He was pathetic. Greedy, ruthless, and willing to walk over anyone that stood in his way. He was the devil’s advocate.

  Stone approached Jude with a crooked smile on his face. He wore a charcoal Gucci suit and silk ivory shirt underneath. His hair was slicked back in a neat ponytail. He was the epitome of Miami.

  Jude was the first to speak. “I’m just curious,” he began. “How many people you have to walk over to get to where you are? How many niggas you fucked over just to sit on that throne?”

  Stone chuckled, and straightened up his blazer. His lone bodyguard hung back at the truck to let the two men speak in private. Twin pistols were tucked behind his back just in case Jude tried any funny shit.

  “You know what they say, mi amigo. Power tends to corrupt,” Stone explained. “A wise person once told me ‘real leadership takes control, detachment, and planning’… Not everyone is capable of handling that responsibility.”

  Jude didn’t miss the doubt in his tone. Stone didn’t believe he had what it took to run the ring. He, like everyone else, thought Jude was inadequate. Niggas would only continue to try him up, unless he showed them otherwise. Champ learned the hard way, Jag got his issue, and now it was Stone’s turn.

  Mothafuckas are gon’ get enough of underestimating the kid.

  Stone stood directly next to Jude as he stared fixedly at the rippling water. “We live in a world where you either sink or swim—”

  “Or try to avoid being drowned,” Jude added.

  Stone was a vulture. He couldn’t wait to boss up on him the first opportunity he got. The minute he found out Jude was the man he wanted a piece of the pie. What Stone didn’t know was that he had the right one.

  “Your type is the worst type,” Jude continued. “You walk around with this sense of entitlement while everyone else gets their hands dirty for you. You ain’t a real man, Stone — and quite frankly the shit’s disappointing. You a sad, soulless mothafucka. A coward. Hard to believe there was once a time when I looked up to you.” Jude laughed and shook his head.

  Stone looked as if he wanted to rip Jude’s head off. He had shown mercy and patience, but there was no doubt in his mind Jude would die tonight. He couldn’t allow the pretentious son of a bitch to live
another day.

  Jude was on a roll as he continued his assault. “You just a joke, dawg. You see, bein’ a boss is more than just callin’ shots. It’s more than just cutting paychecks, overseeing, and eliminating competition. It’s more than just putting people in a position,” he explained. “A real chief… doesn’t mind getting his own hands dirty from time to time.”

  The old man’s face flushed in anger. He was beyond insulted by the blatant disrespect. Jude had a lot of nerve talking to him like they were on the same level. Stone felt like he was on a higher echelon. Jude was only a fence. He was the real king.

  “You listen to me you cocky, little shit—” Before he could finish, Jude pulled out his pistol, pointed it under Stone’s chin, and blew his brains out.

  The loud gunshot echoed throughout the port. Stone’s limp body dropped to the ground in slow motion; a dime sized hole rested near his mylohyoid region. He was dead, but his fingers still twitched involuntarily. He’d sealed his own fate.

  “You mothafucka!” Stone’s right hand pulled his gun out and aimed directly at Jude. The young boss immediately saw his life flash before his eyes.



  Two bullets struck Jude in the chest with such force that he fell backwards into the water, landing with a hard splash.


  Stone’s goon rushed to the edge of the docks and looked down at the water. He was patiently waiting for Jude to resurface, but he didn’t see his body anywhere in sight. If he wasn’t dead, then he’d at least have to come up for air.

  “Hijo de puta.” He quickly ran over to his boss lying sprawled out and checked his pulse.

  It was no use. Stone had already met his maker. Blinded by rage, his loyal henchman ran to the edge of the dock and wildly fired off shots at the water.





  He emptied his entire clip, hoping he struck Jude on the way down. If the first shots didn’t kill him, he was determined to now. When he didn’t feel satisfied, he tossed the useless gun, and reached for his second—



  Jude suddenly reemerged and let off two shots. The poor guy didn’t even see it coming. Two bullets tore through his torso, paralyzing him where he stood. Uncontrollably, he keeled over and plummeted into the water face first.

  Jude’s mother had made him take swimming lessons as a boy. He hated it then, but luckily it had finally paid off.

  Jude quickly swam to the edge of the docks and pulled himself up. Soaking wet, he collapsed beside Stone’s lifeless body while coughing and wheezing. There was a small amount of water in his lungs. It was by the grace of God that he was still alive — and able to hold his breath underwater for so long.

  After regaining his normal pace, Jude pulled his shirt up and surveyed the bulletproof vest. Blood poured down his left arm from a small open wound. A bullet had grazed him underneath the water, but thankfully the damage was minimal.

  Jude staggered to his feet and headed towards his car. Once he reached it, he grabbed his phone and called a plug to dispose of the evidence. After tonight, Stone would no longer be harassing him, his family, or his business.

  Problem solved…

  Unfortunately, Jude had no idea that Stone was only the beginning of his troubles.


  One Year Later

  Cameron was straightening up the bedroom when she noticed a prescription bottle lying underneath the bed. Jag was against hiring help to clean the huge house he recently closed a deal on, so it was her job as of now. He moved Cam and her son into a beautiful five-bedroom home nestled in the wealthiest ‘burb of Rocky River, Ohio.

  While it was a safe and nice area, Cameron hated how boring it was. She also loathed the forty-five minute drive to Cleveland whenever she wanted to visit the city — if Jag was cool with it. Lately, he had gotten extremely possessive and controlling, behaving more like a father than her actual man.

  Jag was overbearing, clingy, and oftentimes demanding. Despite his many flaws, he did take care of Cam and he was an amazing father. Three months ago, she had given birth to a healthy baby girl named Journee. She was Jag’s whole world. Sometimes she even caught him showing her more attention and favoritism over Justin.

  Jag still took his so-called trips to the South to help his mother with her restaurant. Over time, Cameron began to doubt that’s what he really was doing. In fact, she knew that he fucked around whenever he was out of town. She’d stumbled over her fair share of suspicious texts and direct messages. When Cam tried to ask him to delete his Instagram page, he flipped out on her. She was well aware that he used the site to recruit bitches. She wasn’t stupid… but at the same she was, because she chose to stay.

  In the beginning, things between her and Jag were perfect. After all, they’d wanted each other for so long that when they finally got together it felt like a dream come true — but Cam quickly realized her nightmare in disguise.

  Jag felt like he had trapped Cameron by getting her pregnant. Unbeknownst to her, that was his goal from the jump.

  Cameron also noticed his severe mood swings. Jag was so hot and cold with her that she never knew which side of him she was going to get. Instead of calling him out on it, she pitied him because his brother was dead. Truth be told, she stayed with him out of guilt and blind commitment. She felt like she owed him that much — but what she didn’t realize was that she was ultimately hurting herself in the end.

  “What’s this?” Cameron asked. She turned the bottle around and read the name of the medication. Quetiapine. It was the prescription Jag’s doctor had given him. Cam had no clue about his counseling sessions or mental illness.

  Jag was just as secretive and mysterious as he’d always been. She shared a bed with him most nights, and yet she still felt like she didn’t know him.

  All of a sudden, Jag walked in the bedroom. He’d just gotten back from running a few errands.

  Cameron held the prescription bottle up for him to see. “What’s this?” she asked.

  Jag immediately looked like a deer caught in headlights. Embarrassment washed over his face. One would’ve assumed it was medication for a sexually transmitted disease he hadn’t told her about.

  “Why you goin’ through my fuckin’ shit!” he snapped. Before Cameron could tell him she found it, Jag choked her up and snatched it from her. “Why are you always in my shit? I don’t go through your belongings,” he lied. Jag was always searching through her phone and personal items to make sure she wasn’t doing anything she was not supposed to.

  He’d also become increasingly paranoid over the months. Because he suffered from separation anxiety, Jag always felt like Cam was going to leave him. Even though that was a possibility, he never took the initiative to treat her better either. Instead he used manipulation and materialistic things to keep her near. If ever he felt like she was slowly slipping away, he would buy or do something nice for her. Jag was the master of deception. He was also an expert at playing the victim role.

  “I wasn’t in your shit!” Cam screamed, pushing him off. “You didn’t have to grab me like that either.”

  Jag stormed out of the bedroom and went to the bathroom. Cam tried to follow him inside but he slammed the door in her face.

  I swear this guy has more mood swings than a bitch PMSing, she thought.

  “What is it for anyway?” Cameron asked through the door.

  “None of your fucking business. Get off my back about it,” he snapped.

  Cameron backed away from the door and stared at it as if it had insulted her. He’s tripping again. Let me just give him his damn space.

  Cameron didn’t feel like entertaining his bad attitude. Instead, she went to check on her children to ensure they hadn’t been woken up. Since Justin’s room was closest she visited him first. He’d gotten so big in such a short amount of time. He was starting to look more and more like Jude by the day. Sometimes Cam wondered i
f Jag would eventually resent him because of that. He was already showing favoritism between both children. When she mentioned it to Jag, he denied it vehemently. He also got angry when she suggested Justin living with Jude. He didn’t even want him going to visit.

  Cameron couldn’t understand how Jag could still hated Jude, because she didn’t know the truth. To keep him happy and to keep things less complicated, she gave him what he wanted. Cam felt guilty for keeping Jude away from Justin, but honestly she didn’t want him around the business anyway. What she didn’t know was that Jag’s profession was no better.

  After kissing and pulling the covers over her son, she went to check on Journee. The tiny infant was stretched out in her convertible cherry crib. Jag had built it himself. He took immense pride in his role as a parent.

  Journee was a spitting image of Cameron, but a shade lighter. She had a head full of curly, light brown hair with blonde undertones. She was beautiful — her little blessing. Cam slowly bent down and kissed her on the head. After closing the door quietly behind her, she went downstairs and watched TV.

  Meanwhile upstairs in the bathroom, Jag was tweaking. Truth be told, he’d misplaced the pills a few days ago and forgot to take them. Pacing the floor, he deliberated on whether or not to just toss the meds. He was upset and embarrassed that Cameron had found them.

  Walking over to the sink, he looked at his reflection in the bathroom mirror. Jag hardly recognized himself anymore. Disgusted by what was staring back at him, he punched the mirror, shattering the glass.

  “Fuck these pills. It’s not like I really need these shits no way,” Jag stubbornly said.

  Walking over to the toilet, he lifted the lid and paused. He’d grown addicted to them over the months. They stabilized his mood and bad temper. Maybe it’s all in my mind. Maybe I really don’t need this shit. At the end of the day, those motherfuckers get paid to prescribe meds. I’m just a fucking check, for real.

  Without hesitation, Jag dropped the pills in the toilet and flushed them down. After composing himself, he finally joined Cameron downstairs. She was watching Wentworth on Netflix, but she didn’t look like she was paying much attention. Her mind was elsewhere.


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