Cameron 6

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Cameron 6 Page 16

by Jade Jones

  Jude thought about leaving and not saying anything — but then they made eye contact. Their gazes stayed connected for a few seconds, as each person reminisced on their past.

  Essence looked good. She’d even lost a couple of pounds. She had just started working there two weeks ago. Who would’ve known she would bump into a familiar face so soon? She hadn’t seen or talked to Jude since that fateful night at his house.

  Suddenly, Jude felt obligated to apologize for everything he had done. Essence deserved that much.

  “Gon’ head. I’ma catch up with you, bruh,” he told Magyc.


  After exchanging dap, Magyc headed to his Roadster and Jag made his way towards the bar. Essence didn’t look very happy to see him.

  “Hey,” Jude greeted.

  Essence didn’t respond. She pretended she was busy wiping down the counter.

  “Look, I know I’m probably the last mothafucka you wanna deal with now—”

  “You got that right.”

  Jude sighed deeply and ran a hand through his mid-length dreads. She wasn’t making it easy, but he deserved to be treated coldly.

  “I ain’t gon’ waste too much of ya time, love. I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for all the fucked up things I did and said to you. I’d lost myself for a second… and I had hurt a lot of people without remorse — even ones closest to me. I know that I can never undo what’s happened, but at the very least I wanted you to know that I truly am sorry. You didn’t deserve any of that shit. You’re a good girl, Essence.”

  She kept her head down so that he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. A flurry of old emotions came rushing back. Essence was at a loss for words. She didn’t know what to say, so she didn’t say anything. Jude took that to mean, she was ready for him to get out of her face.

  “That’s all I wanted to say. You take care of yaself, a'ight.” Jude turned and walked out of the bar.

  “Who was that?” her female co-worker asked, being nosey. She’d been eyeing Jude since he walked in the place. “He fine as shit.”

  Essence ignored her question as she watched him leave.

  Jude was just about to hop in his McLaren when Essence called out his name from behind. He slowly turned around, surprised that she was walking up to him. Even after everything they’d been through she still loved and cared about him.

  Essence had asked her manager for fifteen so she could talk to Jude. They couldn’t leave things the way they had ended.

  “Wait, hold on a second,” she told him.

  Jude did as she asked. When Essence finally reached him, she put her hands on her hips. “You wanna make it up to me? Take me out on a date,” she said.

  Jude didn’t expect her to say that. Apart of him assumed she was going to cuss him out. It wasn’t like he didn’t have it coming.

  “Take you on a date?” Jude repeated.

  “Yeah. You single now?”

  Jude paused. “… Yeah. Separated.”

  “Cool. Let’s get together sometime. Catch up over drinks.”

  Jude hesitated. It sounded so tempting. He gently grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it. “I would love to do that… but I can’t.”

  A look of disappointment swept over her face. “Why not?”

  “’Cuz you deserve real love and respect. I’m sorry that I couldn’t give that to you.”

  Essence smiled. “It’s never too late.” She couldn’t believe she was practically begging for him to give them another try. But the truth was, she missed him.

  “I’m not gon’ string you along anymore than I already have, S. I still love my wife. And you deserve a nigga better than me, ma. Real shit.”


  Cameron awoke to an empty bed around sunset. Jag’s business line had rung while they were asleep. A long time client needed him to fly out to Pittsburgh to handle someone. He really didn’t want to leave Cam, but Jag had never turned down an assignment and he wasn’t about to start now.

  Cameron didn’t know how near he was, or how long he would be gone for. She planned on using this opportunity to break free while she could. Hopping out of the bed, she ran through the entire house to make sure Jag had really left. Once his absence was verified, Cam rushed to get her children together. She was happy to see that they were well, and he hadn’t hurt them.

  Cameron thought about calling Roxie, but wasn’t ready to put her problems on the young new mom. She then thought about Jude, but decided against reaching out to him. It had been a while since they communicated. She was unsure if he would come if she called on him. Jude had every reason to hate her, and she honestly didn’t know where they stood.

  Cameron ran through the contacts in her phone. Jag had virtually alienated her from society so she didn’t have many friends. Her eyes stopped at an old friend’s name. She’d only met him once and it was such a long time ago, Cam didn’t know if he would even remember her.

  Hopefully, a ride to the airport won’t be too much to ask for, Cam reasoned. She had to get the hell away from Jag — for the sake of her well-being.

  Cameron called up Cole and patiently for him to answer. He was the only person she knew in Ohio besides Juicy. And after everything that Juicy had witnessed at the club, Cam doubted she would come to her rescue. They were girls, but Juicy didn’t need those problems.

  Surprisingly, Cole answered on the third ring. From his end, it sounded like he was driving. “Hello?”

  “Hey… Cole. It’s Cameron… I know it’s been a while, and you probably don’t remember me, but I met you at—”

  “T’s lil’ set downtown. Yeah, I remember. How could I forget you?”

  Cameron was beyond surprised he even remembered. The event was over a year ago, and she had never called or text after that night.

  “What’s up, lil’ mama?”

  “I need a favor.”

  Cole rubbed his freshly lined beard as he thought about it. He had a lady in his life now, but he didn’t give a damn when it came to Cam. She could get the business. She’d left an impression on him, and he was happy that she had hit up — even with the bad timing.

  “What’chu need?” he asked.

  “I need a ride to the Cleveland-Hopkins Airport.”

  Cole chuckled. “What’chu finna go on vacation or somethin’?”

  “I just need to get the fuck out of Ohio.”

  Cole became serious. “You ain’t in no trouble or nothin’ are you, baby girl? I mean, I’ll slide through regardless but lemme know if I need to come strapped. Or call up some of my patnas—”

  “No. No, it’s nothing like that,” Cameron lied. She was too embarrassed to tell the truth. “I’m just in a bit of a bind right now, and I really could use some help.”

  There was a short period of silence between them.

  “Just text me the address of where ever you want me to pick you up, and I got you. A'ight.”

  “Thank you, Cole. I really appreciate it.”

  Less than an hour later, he pulled into her driveway in a silver 2015 BMW 7-series. Cameron wasted no time as she lugged her children and duffle bags towards his car. She didn’t pack anything for herself, but she made sure her kids had their necessities. She could worry about herself later, once they were safe and away from Jag.

  Cole tried not to stare too hard as she climbed inside. She’d gotten thicker since the last time he saw her, but the added weight looked damn good.

  “It’s good to see you again,” he said. “Hate that its during unfortunate circumstances.”

  “I’m sorry I just called you up out of the blue. I know I—”

  “Nah, you good. You don’t have to apologize or explain. Life happens. It’s nothin’ to be sorry about, baby girl.”

  Cole pulled onto the freeway; thankfully, traffic was minimal. She had about $500 in cash on her after Jag emptied their joint accounts. She didn’t know why she agreed to such a foolish thing at the time. Cameron knew that Roxie would look out if it came down t
o it. She just hated that she wasn’t better invested in her future in case something ever happened. She’d put all her eggs in one basket with Jag, and now she was paying for it.

  Cameron started feeling better with the distance between her and the house. She never ever wanted to see that place, Jag, or anything reminiscent of him again. He was the blue-eyed devil and she despised herself for falling for him. He didn’t need a girlfriend. He needed professional help. Cam prayed that he got it before he self-destructed. At the rate Jag was going that would definitely be his outcome.

  “How’ve you been?” Cameron asked Cole, making idle conversation.

  “Shit, just gettin’ by. Same ole’ same ole’ for real.”

  They were halfway to their destination when Cameron’s cellphone suddenly rang. Her heart instantly dropped to the pit of her stomach when she saw it was Jag. Pressing the ignore button, she prepared to put it away — but then he called again.

  Cole must’ve noticed her apprehension because he asked, “Are you okay?”

  Cameron sheepishly nodded her head before hesitantly answering the call. She knew nothing he had to say would be nice.

  Cameron’s entire face froze when Jag uttered the name, “Ricardo Cole Livingston.”

  Jag smiled to himself as he imagined the surprise on Cameron’s face. He was laid up in a downtown Pittsburgh hotel with a cute brown-skinned chick sleeping beside him. Her arm was draped casually across his mid-section. She was totally unaware that she was lying with a killer, hell-bent on torturing his own girlfriend.

  Since Cameron didn’t respond, Jag decided to continue. “He lives at 5322 South Green Road. He has two daughters who both attend Shaker Heights Middle School. It’s a public school too, so it wouldn’t be that hard for me to access.”

  Cameron felt sick to her stomach as she listened to Jag threaten the lives of children. What the fuck had happened to him? Why was he so cold; so cynical?

  “Should I continue?”

  No response.

  “His baby mama works at Park East Center nursing home — the same one his mother is currently cared for at.” Jag laughed wickedly. He was enjoying her misery. She didn’t believe him when he said he was skilled at his job. Now she knew he wasn’t lying. “Fuck with me if you want to, Cam,” he said. “I will wipe out that asshole’s entire generation.”

  Cameron looked over at the picture of Cole’s daughters on his dashboard. She knew then that everything Jag said was the truth. He was right. There was nowhere to run — no one to turn to. She was trapped; stuck in his cruel love game.

  Cameron had nothing to say, so she simply disconnected the call. Tears feared her eyes. She almost wanted to give up and jump out of the moving car — but her babies needed her. Cam had to fight… if not for herself, for them.

  Holding back tears, Cameron turned to face Cole. “Turn around,” she whispered. Cam wouldn’t live with herself if Jag harmed his family. Cole didn’t deserve to be put in the middle of her bullshit. This was her life and her situation. She wouldn’t be responsible for something happening to him.

  Cole looked confused. “You good? What’chu mean turn around?”

  “… I have to go back…”


  Cameron felt sick to her stomach when she heard Jag enter their home around two in the morning. His plane had landed a little over an hour ago, and he couldn’t get home fast enough. He had something for Cameron’s ass. She knew better than to try him. Apparently, he didn’t make himself clear the first time.

  This hoe gon’ learn one way or another, he thought.

  Cameron was sitting on the sofa fidgeting her fingers when Jag walked in. If looks could kill, he would’ve murdered her a dozen times over. Jag wasn’t happy that she had deliberately went against him. He would make sure she never tried that shit again.

  Cameron quickly jumped to her feet. For a second, they simply stared at each other, struggling to read the opposite person’s thoughts. Cam could no longer see the love he had for her in his eyes. As a matter of fact, it was as if he hated her. What did I ever do to him? Why is he acting like this?

  Before Cameron could ask him, Jag walked up and smacked the shit out of her. Her bottom lip split open instantly after the blow.

  “You’re a hardheaded bitch, I see.”

  Cameron grabbed her stinging cheek. She knew the strike was coming, but she still hadn’t prepared for it. Jag didn’t give her time to recuperate as he snatched her by the hair.

  “You know what owners do with hardheaded bitches?” he yelled. “They lock them in a fucking basement.”

  Jag ruthlessly dragged Cameron towards the basement door. She scratched, slapped, and struggled to keep from being assaulted, but Jag was far too strong.

  “Somebody help me! PLEASE!”

  Cameron’s cries fell on deaf ears due to tight installation. No one would come for her. The only people who heard her screams were the children and God himself. Cam prayed that He was able to save her. Right about now, that was all she had in her corner.

  “Jag, please don’t do this! I’m sorry!” Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her knees burned from being drug across the hardwood floors. She could feel strands of hair being torn from her scalp as Jag yanked her. He was brutal; ruthless. Cam would never understand how he could be so evil to someone he claimed to love.

  Jag was acting like their history had never happened. They had started off as friends. She had loved, admired, and trusted him. How could he be so villainous?

  Jag’s heart was made of ice. He had already shut down after his brother’s death, but now he really didn’t give a fuck. His sanity was gone, unfortunately irretrievable.

  “JAG, NO!” Cameron cried. “What would your brother think? What would Joaquin think?”

  Jag wasn’t trying to hear any of that shit. After opening the basement door, he grabbed Cam and tossed her down the stairs. Her body landed with a hard thud before tumbling down the long flight.

  She landed at an awkward angle, unable to move from the damage caused. She was unsure but it felt like her arm was broken. She needed medical attention, but Jag was set on giving her discipline.

  “Jag… I—I can’t move. Please… I need to go to a hospital.”

  Jag stared at Cameron from the top of the stairs in pity. “Nah… You need to sit your ass down here and think about what the fuck you’ve done.” He pointed to the center of his chest. “I love you, Cameron. I love you more than I love myself. I’d die for you. I’ve killed for you…” Jag shook his head in frustration. “But you don’t see that shit. I swear, you’re just like everyone else, Cam. All you want is to walk out of my life and hurt me.”

  “Jag, please…” Cameron struggled to stand, but could hardly move. Her estranged, esoteric lover had temporarily paralyzed her.

  “I’ll come back once I feel you’ve learned your lesson.”

  “Jag, stop, no—”

  Cameron’s pleas were cut off after the basement door slammed. Shortly after, she heard the sound of him locking the door.


  The basement was unfinished, and currently still in the process of construction. Jag didn’t return the following day. He left Cameron to starve and suffer alone in the basement. In the morning, she cried while lying in the same spot Jag had left her in. All afternoon she yelled for him to come and help her, but he never did. Her pleas fell upon deaf ears.

  It wasn’t until sunset that she finally gained back her mobility. Struggling to stand, Cam limped over to the foot of the stairs. She didn’t have enough strength to ascend them, so she sat on the bottom step and cried until she fell asleep.

  The next morning, Cameron woke to a crook in her neck. She was starving so badly that she had hunger pains. The basement’s fumes were finally getting to her. She needed to use the bathroom, but the toilet and sink had yet to be installed. She couldn’t even get a sip of water. Jag was torturing her, and he knew it.

  Luckily, Cameron was finally able to stand. It took her ten min
utes just to climb the stairs; her body was so sore. Tender bruises covered her skin from falling down the steps.

  Once Cameron reached the top, she pounded and screamed for Jag to let her out. As expected, he never came. If her fate were left up to him, she would starve to death. Jag’s punishment was beyond reasonable. He was a fucking monster — worse than Silk and Marcus combined. She would’ve never pegged him for a lunatic. Jag was the worst thing that had ever happened to her. He was once the sun of her life… now he was just a dark cloud hanging above her head that wouldn’t go away.

  Cameron screamed until her voice went hoarse. Sleep finally consumed her after she succumbed to exhaustion. Hunger pains awoke her on day three. She was starting to go crazy in the basement alone. Jail would’ve been a better alternative. At least there she was fed and had social interaction. Cam felt lower than low when she was forced to urinate in a plastic bucket.

  Bored and plagued with hunger, Cam started scratching her inner wrist until the skin was raw. This was by far the cruelest thing anyone had ever done to her. More than anything, she hated that she couldn’t see her babies.

  That motherfucker can do only God knows what to them, and I’m not even there to protect them.

  Cameron had never felt more helpless. She cried all day — for her children and for herself.

  On the fourth day, Cam had become so sick that she vomited all afternoon. On the fifth, she suffered a migraine and nosebleed. She just knew she was going to die in the basement with no one by her side. This was not how she imagined her life would end.

  By day six, Cameron was too weak and malnourished to yell for help. The only thing she was able to do was lay against the door feebly. Jag kept her locked away for an entire week before finally opening the door.

  When he did, Cam fell limply at his feet. Instead of helping her up, Jag backed away in disgust. She looked horrible and she didn’t smell too good either.

  “I cooked. Meet me in the dining room,” he said.

  No apology.

  No assistance.

  No nothing.

  Cameron struggled to stand. She wanted to check on her children first and foremost, but she didn’t want to suggest it to Jag and possibly upset him again. The last thing she wanted was to go back to the dreaded basement.


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