His Damsel in Distress

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His Damsel in Distress Page 9

by Thianna D


  He nodded. “Bastard. I hate people who prey on the weak. I hope he does show up just so I can give him a pounding.”

  “You and me both,” Corbin grunted. “If he’d show up sooner rather than later, we can get back to life.” Smacking him on the shoulder, Benjamin nodded. “Oh, here,” he said, handing the man a wrapped package. “Congratulations. Twenty years.”

  “Twenty happy years,” Matt said, handing over the gift bag. “It’s an amazing accomplishment.”

  “You’ll get there,” their host said. “You and Julie are over halfway already.” As he walked away to put the gifts with a small pile that sat on top of a table, Matt left to talk with someone and Corbin walked into the room. Half of the people he knew, half he didn’t.

  “Corbin!” The squeal only barely came before Lizzy Mayfield wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him, kissing his cheek. “Oh, honey, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Are you enjoying Corbin’s Bend? It’s about time you arrived.” Her words came out quickly, pouring out fast in a way he had forgotten and missed.

  Beaming down at her, he hugged her back. “It has been too long, Lizzy. And I love Corbin’s Bend so far. Except the name.”

  She laughed. “Afraid we’re stuck with it. Come over. Marilyn has missed you, too.” Grabbing his arm, she led him over where her wife was talking to a couple he was unfamiliar with.

  Turning her head, Marilyn smiled. “Corbin, it’s so good to see you again.” The years had been good to both women, but Marilyn especially. In her sixties now, he never would have known it. There was such a timeless quality to her face.

  “You as well,” he said, hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek. Pulling away, he looked around, spotting Zinnia who was talking with two women. Since she looked relaxed, he turned back to Lizzy and Marilyn. “Looks like this little community fits you well.”

  She laughed softly. “Yes, it does. Lizzy and I love it here.” Her eyes slid over to where Zinnia was standing. “How is she doing?”

  “She’s got incredible spunk,” he said as the other couple drifted over to talk to someone else. “Gets knocked down but bounces right back.”

  With a nod, she patted him on the shoulder, looking him up and down with eyes that saw far more than any other human he’d ever met. “She’s good for you.”

  Half tempted to roll his eyes and yet knowing she would comment on it if he did, he nodded. “Yes, she is.”

  “So this is the famous Corbin.” The voice belonged to a man about his height with a bald head and a nice smile. He held out his hand. “Brandon Delt. Served with Benjamin in the Marines.”

  “Corbin Nelson. And I hate that I’m famous.”

  Laughing, Brandon nodded. “Yeah, ever since Charles talked me into being on the Discipline Board, my face has become a little too-well known. Hey, I’m just headed to get me and my girl something to drink. Anyone want anything?”

  “I’d like some tea,” Marilyn said.

  “Right away.”

  After several minutes where he met more Corbin’s Bend residents, all who knew his name, he finally made his way back to Zinnia’s side. She was talking to Brent and Char. Looking up as he joined her, she smiled and he hoped he wasn’t kidding himself at the look of pleasure in her face at his arrival. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, putting an arm around her shoulders.

  “I am. Everyone here’s so friendly. I mean, even you,” she said with a laugh, patting him on the chest. “You would think with how we met, you would have gone running for the hills.”

  “Naw, I think I’ve come to enjoy rescuing damsels in distress, but don’t take that as an invitation to give me more practice.” He winked at her.

  She giggled and Char smiled. “Damsels in distress?”

  “You haven’t heard the story?” Zinnia asked with relish. “My car died and I was cussing it out and screaming and around the corner, here came my knight. He ended up driving me all the way to Denver to pick up my new car.” She smiled up at him before turning back to Charmagne. “Of course, he was also the one who found me when my car tire blew and almost threw me off the road.”

  Char shuddered. “When I moved in, my truck didn’t want to make the hill to my house and it started sliding backward. I just knew I was going to shoot off the other side over the mountain. Horrible feeling.” After a moment, she looked up at the man beside her and smiled. “Maybe being a knight is a HoH thing. Brent saved me that day. And even after I told him off, he still asked me out.”

  “That’s just being hard headed,” Corbin said with amusement.

  “When you see a woman you can’t forget, what man in his right mind is going to let her get away?” Brent teased back, leaning down to kiss his wife.

  The evening was definitely enjoyable. More food than the crowd could eat filled every inch of their kitchen and Jonathon and Benjamin seemed pleased at the turnout. Though they did ply everyone to take food as they left. “We can’t eat it all,” Benjamin objected when someone politely turned it down.

  In twos and threes they left until the only ones left were people Corbin felt close to.

  “Zinnia, do you like to read?” Jonathon asked as he sat down in front of Benjamin, leaning back against his legs.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “We have a couple book clubs in the community. One is for everyone, the other is just for the TiH side of the scale. Our next meeting is Tuesday if you’d like to come.”

  “That sounds fun. What book are you discussing?”

  For over an hour they sat in Jonathon and Benjamin’s living room talking to Corbin’s friends. Zinnia fit in well and when they left, he shook his head in a mixture of amusement and chagrin when his four best friends Jason, Brent, Marilyn, and Calbert all let him know – and not very subtly either – they approved of the new woman in his life.

  The frigid air took their breath away as the two of them hurried to Corbin's car. It hadn’t even had the time to start warming up when he pulled up to his home. When she looked at him strangely, he grinned. “I want to grab a few things to have over at your place.”


  It took less than ten minutes to get packed and they were back in his car. When they got back to her place, she opened up the garage so he could park next to her car. “This way maybe it will only be frozen as opposed to an icicle tomorrow,” she said with a giggle as they got out of the car.

  He checked each of the alarms as they walked inside. They all seemed to be in working order. As he affixed the one to the door they came through, she went into her bedroom. After looking into every room, just to make sure nobody was in hiding, he followed her, stopping the second he walked through the door. The beautiful, luscious woman was nude and bent over the bed, her gorgeous ass pointing up just for him.

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his groan turning to a growl when he spotted the Corbin’s Bend paddle sitting next to her. “This must be a mother-fucking dream.”

  “Why?” she asked, rising up on her elbows and turning to look over her shoulder at him. That innocent look was on her face again, her long lashes just shading her gorgeous jade-colored eyes.

  “Because women like you have only existed in my dreams for years. I didn’t think I’d ever meet one in real life.”

  She smiled. “I could say the same for you, Cary. Guys like you never go for girls like me. Unless they can get in the spotlight,” she added with a shrug.

  Stepping forward, he sat down next to her, unable to stop himself from rubbing his palm over the beautiful ivory of her cheeks. “So you’re saying you’ve only met stupid men and I’ve only met uptight women.” When she laughed, her rear jiggled a little, making his dick harden. “All right, woman. How familiar are you with spanking?” he asked.

  “I’ve been spanked before, though never as hard as I wanted. Most guys were either afraid to hurt me or they wanted to really hurt me which I didn’t want so I never played with them.”

  “Poor baby,” he murm
ured, smiling when she giggled again. An image of her in a school girl uniform with her bright red hair up in pig tails came to mind and his body definitely approved of the image. “Ever played dress up?”

  “Like what?” she asked as he massaged each of her buttocks, warming them up.

  “I could see you as a naughty little school girl, bent over a desk, actually.”

  “Oh,” she said, her voice changing and sounding a lot younger all of a sudden. “But Mr. Nelson, I didn’t mean to forget my homework. What can I do so I don’t get an F?”

  His mouth dropped open and he turned to look directly at her face. Damn. How could a woman look innocent and wicked all at the same time? Raising up his hand, he brought it down sharply on her right cheek. The sound was loud in the room and her eyes widened even as a gasp left her lips. When his hand came down on the left side, her gasp was quickly followed by a moan. “Well, Miss Loraine,” he said, his voice deepening, “We need to see just how sorry you are, hmm?”

  A cute little pout popped out of her mouth. “I’m really sorry… sir,” she added in a breathy voice.

  Ah, hell. Raising his hand, he brought it down again, covering her beautiful back end in first pink and then a soft rose heat. For Corbin, who had spanked at times but never been able to let loose, he thought he was hitting her pretty hard. Until she said, “Oh, harder, please.”

  Damn. Reaching over her, he picked up the paddle, weighing it in his hand. Turning it so the logo faced up, he brought it swiftly over both sides of her bottom, thrilled with the deep rose that appeared. Zinnia cried out at first and then moaned, encouraging him further. Swing by swing, he decorated her abundant bottom and thighs with a deeper and deeper rose color. When her cries intensified and changed, he turned to look at her. Her hands grasped the coverlet on her bed and her face was buried into it. Soft sobs left her lips. As she hadn’t asked him to stop, he wondered if he should halt or continue. Deciding to find out himself, he slid his fingers between the cleft of her thighs.

  “Fuck,” he moaned as her wetness coated his fingers. His shaft pressing against the zipper of his pants hurt like hell. It was time to finish this. But first, he wanted a little reminder left behind. Turning the paddle over, he brought it down harder than any of the other swats across one cheek and almost instantly across the other. Her wail filled the room even as the outline of the town logo and name appeared across her ass.

  Tossing the paddle to the side, he practically ripped the front of his jeans open. There was no time to get them off. Pulling a condom out of his pocket, he rolled it on and stepped behind her, spreading her damp lips as he lined up and thrust in.

  “Yes!” she squealed as he fucked her hard and fast, his hips hitting hers roughly with each lunge. Grabbing hold of her, Corbin felt an emotion he was unfamiliar with but it felt good nonetheless. He felt in control, true control, and damn if it didn’t feel fantastic.

  After a few minutes, he paused, breathing hard, his eyes on her other prize. The beautiful little rosebud sitting between her two mounds.

  “Why did you stop?” she gasped, looking over her shoulder at him. Her eyes were wild and her breathing as labored as his.

  His eyes locked with hers as he smiled. “I believe I promised you an ass fucking.” Her eyes darkened and she nodded. “Lube?”

  “Drawer,” she squeaked, pointing to the same drawer as her toys.

  Pulling out, he quickly found it, glad it was water-based and doused his cock in it.

  “I don’t need prepared,” she said, panting as he poured some lube over her hole.

  “Really?” Surprised, he stared at her.

  She shook her head. “I use a dildo there all the time. Take me, Corbin. Please!”

  Damn but he was a lucky man. Dropping the bottle, he lined his cock up and pushed. There was that wonderful moment of being denied and then she opened up and he slid in. “Ungh,” left his throat as the heat and tightness engulfed him. As he was already turned on and had been fucking her, he knew it wouldn’t take long. Grabbing her hips again, he pulled back out and thrust all the way in, grunting as his balls tapped against her cleft.

  “Yes!” she squealed, arching her back and pushing her ass back against him. Smacking her buttocks with his hand, he pulled out and thrust back in, building up a quick hard pace. Her squeals, grunts, and encouragement drove him harder and faster until he rammed in and came, his yell bouncing off the walls and joining her wail as she came as well. Her ass continued to contract around his cock for some time and he couldn’t have moved if he wanted to. It had to be the most delicious feeling ever.

  When her muscles stopped gripping the hell out of him, he grasped the condom and slid out, quickly getting rid of the rubber. “Come on,” he encouraged, pulling the blanket back on the bed. She crawled up and slid between the sheets. After going over to shut off the light, he joined her, pulling her warm body against his own. I could get so used to this, he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Being spanked by Corbin had become Zinnia’s favorite pastime, though his fucking her ass was just as good and, well, actually everything she did with him had become her favorite pastime. The man was gifted. She’d always loved anal sex, but other men had made her feel dirty when she asked for it. Not Corbin. He loved it as much as she did and the feeling of his dick sliding into her back entrance was practically orgasmic.

  A week had passed since Jonathon and Benjamin’s party and she had spent most of her time with the man. With no more word or strange things happening, she wondered if the slit tire was just an accident. Maybe the stalker hadn’t found her.

  Today she was headed over to Char’s house. Brent was at work and their daughter was spending the day with her godparents. Charmagne suggested a beauty day and as it had been a long time since Zinnia had indulged, she was on board.

  “Got everything?” Corbin asked as she tied her shoes. Looking up at him, she smiled. She didn’t think she’d ever get over the wonder that filled her whenever she looked at him. He was so undeniably gorgeous. Why had he chosen her?

  “Yep. Tonight when you see me, I’ll be waxed, buffed, and my skin will be buttery soft.”

  He grinned. “Well, now, that calls for a celebration. What about dinner out at Amore, a movie, and me licking your pussy until you faint?”

  Her core clenched and she gasped at the image that painted. “Can we skip Amore and the movie?” she asked in a breathy voice.

  Chuckling, he shook his head as he pulled her into his arms and gave her a long, slow kiss, the kind that always woke up every part of her. As he pulled back, he winked. “Don’t forget you’ll still be receiving your safe calls.”

  “Yes, sir,” she replied in a cheeky voice, giggling when his hand landed sharply over her rear end. “I’m fine,” she called over her shoulder as she opened the door to the garage. His laughter followed her.

  Getting behind the wheel of her car was a little nerve-wracking, but over the last week, Corbin had insisted on making her drive so that she wouldn’t be afraid of it. She knew he was right, but she still was afraid something would happen.

  The trip to Brent and Charmagne’s was quick and before long the two of them were upstairs in a bathroom Zinnia would have expected to see at some posh hotel. “Holy cow. How did you get Brent to do this?” she asked, looking around. A huge soaker tub sat in the middle of the room, big enough for two people. To the right was a walk-in shower large enough for four or five adults with five different showerheads. To her left was a full counter and two large sinks. Behind a door, was the toilet. There were three padded benches around the edge of the room.

  “Actually,” Char laughed. “This bathroom was here before I bought it. I added the benches, but otherwise, we can thank Mr. Karl Jessup for this. I love it in here.”

  “I don’t blame you. My bathroom’s nice, but man, this would be heaven.”

  “Mmhmm. Brent and I love to use the tub together.”

  Turned out Charmagne had wha
t accounted to a full salon treatment. “Hard wax?”

  “It takes longer, but isn’t as painful,” Char explained as she tested the wax. “I hate strip wax. So,” she said as she slathered the hot wax on Zinnia’s legs, “What’s Corbin like in bed?”

  Zinnia had never just had girlfriends to talk to so this was a brand new experience for her. In no time, the two were swapping stories of spanking and sex and she didn’t remember ever having such a fun time outside of her time with Corbin. “He really doesn’t like it when I put myself down,” she commented as Char spread the wax over her pussy lips. “In fact,” she said, grimacing as the wax was pulled off, “he spanks me if I do. And not in a good way.”

  Giggling slightly, Charmagne nodded. “Yeah. Those discipline spankings are different, aren’t they? The first time Brent gave me one, I thought I was gonna die. And not saying anything bad about myself is one of Brent’s rules as well. If I do, he has a unique torture he does that I absolutely hate.” She grimaced and before Zinnia could tell herself it was rude to ask, she did.

  “What does he do?”


  “What’s that?”

  “Caning of the soles of the feet.”


  “No kidding, sister,” Charmagne agreed, pulling off the last bit of wax. “Okay, why don’t you take a shower, get the goo off, and I’ll finish my wax. Then we can hit the salon.”

  “Corbin’s Bend has a salon?” Zinnia asked, walking over to the shower and fiddling with the controls until the rain showerhead came on.

  “Two of them actually. They’re both good, but I’ll admit, I prefer Lorelei’s. They pamper the scalded ass.”

  Spluttering out a laugh, Zinnia stepped under the warm water.

  Forty minutes later, she followed Char to the small salon three blocks northwest of the dome. Several women and a couple men were inside chatting and laughing when they walked inside. “Charmagne!” a women in an apron exclaimed, putting a pair of scissors down to come over and hug the small woman next to her. “It’s been too long since you’ve been in. I was worried you’d been snatched by the quick cutter.”


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