His Damsel in Distress

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His Damsel in Distress Page 11

by Thianna D

  “All right. And the second?”

  Fidgeting a little, Corbin looked the man right in the eyes. “I haven’t mentioned this one before because I realize it affects the community. You know my family’s from Mississippi. I come from a long line of cooks, actually. Barbeque was my uncle’s favorite activity. He built a great barbeque place about ten years back and has already built two more in nearby areas. What would you think about a barbeque joint in town?”

  “I’d say ‘when does it open?’” Brent admitted. “It’s a unique restaurant idea and I think it would be welcome in the community. We have two buildings set aside for restaurants that we haven’t contracted yet. Let me ask. Who’ll be cooking?”

  “I’d have to send two main cooks back to my uncle’s place to learn the ropes, the recipes, and make sure we come out with decent Mississippi barbeque. But I’d also like to make sure they know Texas and Kansas City barbeque as well. Basically have something from each area.” Unconsciously, Corbin leaned forward. “I’d just be the business side of it. Slaving in front of a hot stove is not my idea of fun. That way, I’d have a business to run, could get away whenever I needed to, and we’d get some great barbeque in town.”

  His friend smiled, reaching into a drawer by his desk. He quickly pulled out a packet of forms and tossed them across his desk. “Fill that out. Once it gets completed, I’ll have you come to the next Housing Board meeting and pitch the idea. Considering how much we all love meat, I don’t think there will be any complaints.”

  Corbin picked up the forms, his throat a little dry. He’d never run a restaurant before, though he had no doubt he could do it. It was the permanence of the act that bothered him. Once he tied himself down with a business, he was here for the duration. Knowing he really needed to talk to Zinnia, he stood up. “Thanks, Brent. I’ll get these to you as soon as possible.”

  “Corbin, I know you have some stuff going on, but I have to say. I have never seen you as happy as you have been with Zinnia. Don’t let her get away.”

  Nodding, Corbin tapped the forms on the desk and turned, prepared to leave Brent’s office when a strange question occurred to him. Pausing, he turned back. “Brent, can the humor for a second. What’s the real reason you named this place after me?”

  Calm eyes watched him for a moment before Brent nodded. “All right. I knew having to hide who you were was killing you. And that many of our future residents were also in the same situation. I built this community where those of us who were spankos could live without worry, where we could be ourselves. You knew that.” He paused and cleared his throat. “You know how people will name a street or a town after someone so that nobody forgets that individual? I named this place Corbin’s Bend because it should have been your refuge as well as ours. It’s taken more years than I wished to get you here with us. Welcome home, Corbin. This is where you belong.”

  Touched, and having known Brent for almost twenty years not at all surprised, Corbin nodded his gratitude before leaving Brent’s office. Looking at his watch, he noted the time. 3:24. Zinnia should be home from her trip to Denver. He had been both for her trip and worried about it. She definitely needed to drive herself a longer distance than the tiny streets of Corbin’s Bend in his opinion so that she didn’t believe that she was a natural disaster when it came to cars. At the same time, the whacko was still out there.

  “Corbin!” Brent called and he turned around, climbing the few steps he’d taken before walking back into his friend’s office. “I forgot to tell you. The FBI detective in Zinnia’s case is coming up next Tuesday. They say they may have a break in the case.”

  “Thank fuck. Having that hanging over her head is stressful.”

  Feeling a lot lighter than he had before Brent arrived, Corbin quickly traversed the stairs. As he reached the main landing, he heard voices from Jonathon’s office. A high nasal voice complained, “But I wanted my own swimming pool.”

  “I’m sorry. We don’t allow that,” Jonathon explained in a calm voice. “We do, however, have a community pool which—”

  “I don’t want a community pool,” the voice whined again. “Daddy, I want my own pool.”

  Rolling his eyes at the spoiled brat just out of eyesight, Corbin quickly left the dome. He had the feeling Brent would make sure that individual didn’t get in.

  With spring beginning to pop up, he had walked to the dome and strolled back to his house leisurely. While he spent most nights with Zinnia, he still returned to his home daily for clothes and everything else he kept there. It felt as though he had a very large closet at times. Maybe if he and Zinnia moved in together… Freezing with his key in the door, Corbin considered that. If she could agree to a DD relationship, he rather liked the idea of living in the same house, sharing everything.

  All he needed to know was if she planned on leaving Corbin’s Bend after her stalker was caught. If so, his plans for a restaurant and for possibly moving in together were rather shot.

  Of course there was also the other question. Did she have real feelings for him? Or was he just a fun way to scratch an itch. He wouldn’t blame her if he was. That was his first thought when they met. Pulling his phone out of his pocket as he opened the door, he dialed her number.

  Two rings in and she answered. “Hi, honey.”

  “Hey, baby. How’s the drive?”

  “Great. I’d forgotten the freedom in just being able to drive here, there, and everywhere. It’s been fantastic.”

  Chuckling at the joy in her voice, he dropped his keys on the counter and sat down. “When will you be home?”

  “About twenty minutes. Hungry?”

  “Very. Which restaurant should we try?”

  * * * * *

  After enjoying their meals at the New Delhi Deli, he drove her to her house. “I’m thinking that was hotter than the Endelé hot sauce,” he commented as they walked in the door.

  “Mmm,” she agreed with a grin. “It’s got my fire going.” Looking over her shoulder at him, she let the two thin straps that held her blouse up fall off her shoulders. “Oh, look. I’m so hot, my clothes are falling off. Whatever will I do?” She batted those incredibly long lashes at him and with a growl, he grabbed her and tossed her over his shoulder. As she squealed in both surprise and laughter, he smacked his hand over her ass.

  “You’ll get spanked.”

  “Well, in that case,” she said in a breathy voice as he deposited her on the bed, “I’ll have my clothes come off more often.”

  “I can’t get enough of you,” he admitted as he stripped quickly out of his clothes. “The more I have, the more I want.”

  She sat up and pulled her blouse off over her head, showing her lovely tits which were almost falling out of her bra. “I feel the same,” she admitted shyly, this time looking up through her lashes not to flirt. He could tell this wasn’t easy for her. “I’m really coming to care for you, Corbin.”

  Stepping out of his pants and underwear, he crossed over to her and tapped lightly on her chin until she looked directly up at him. “I’m glad. Because I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  The smile that lit up her face made the whole room brighter. “Well then, I think that deserves a spanking, don’t you?”

  Spluttering, he leaned in and kissed her. “You think everything deserves a spanking.”

  “Yep. And a really hard fuck.”

  “Damn, you truly are the most perfect woman.”

  This time, while passion was there, there was also a lot of humor, laughter, and more touching just to connect, than had been between them before. As they collapsed onto the bed in post-coital bliss, Corbin was pretty sure things couldn’t get much better. Until Tuesday.

  * * * * *

  “You mean, you caught him?” Zinnia asked in shock as they sat in her living room across from Brent and Agent Stenson of the FBI.

  “Yep. Name’s Larry Compton.”

  “Larry?” she exclaimed. “Larry did this? He’s such a sweet man.” Turning to
look at Corbin, whose lap she was sitting on, she looked confused. “He was one of Ken’s assistants. Always helped everyone else. Quiet, unassuming. I never…” Her voice trailed off and he hugged her tightly. It was obvious the news had thrown her.

  “Well, not so sweet. We found an entire storage rental dedicated to you near his apartment. With some very disturbing drawings. Also tickets in an alias showing he flew to Denver just before your tires were slashed He’s being held, without bail, till his trial.” Agent Stenson stood up and nodded at them. “So, Miss Loraine, you can breathe again. And, from what your agent tells us, you’ve got a huge career to get back to.”

  Corbin’s chest almost seized up at that statement. Even though they had declared their love for one another, he hadn’t brought up domestic discipline or where they were going. Shit. What if he’d waited too long? Would she leave? Could he live here without her?

  “Thank you, Agent Stenson,” she said, shaking his hand. Brent showed the man out and she flumped against Corbin’s chest. “Larry. I just…” She shook her head. “I have a hard time imagining Larry as my stalker. I mean, he cut Devon’s cock off. I just don’t…” Tears sprang into her eyes as she looked up at him.

  “Shh,” he murmured, kissing her softly on the forehead. “It’s going to take a few days to a few weeks to work through this. Just cry if you need to.” As if that had given her the all clear, she burst into sobs and he rocked her on his lap.

  “I’m not going back,” she whispered into his neck. Joy exploded in his chest, but he tamped it down.

  “You’re scared,” he soothed. “You may find by the light of day that you want to get back to your career.”

  “Maybe,” she said doubtfully. “It can’t compare to what I have here.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she snuggled closer, falling asleep relatively quickly.

  If only he could believe she meant it. Damn, he needed to talk to her about them and what he wanted their relationship to build into. Why the fuck was he being such a chicken shit about the whole thing?

  Three days later, he got his chance and took it. The sensors had just been removed from her house and they were walking around Corbin’s Bend, feeling free not to have to look around at any movement for the first time in a few weeks. It was a wonderful fifty degrees and as they walked through the closest park to her house, he found the words. “Zinnia, you have turned my world around.” She beamed up at him. “I haven’t been this alive in, well, I don’t think ever,” he admitted. “I’ve wanted to bring up the topic of domestic discipline but never realized before just how hard that would be to just pop it into the conversation.”

  A beautiful laugh left her mouth, throaty, and it instantly went to his cock. “Yes,” she agreed. “It would be strange to be munching on sushi rolls and have my boyfriend say, ‘hey, want to submit to me and let me spank you?’” She winked at him.

  Feeling emboldened, he turned and took both of her hands in his. “I haven’t ever lived a DD relationship, Zinnia, and so it’s a learning curve. For both of us. Looking forward, I would like to see us moving in that direction.”

  “So would I.”

  Why had he worried so much about this? Corbin wanted to smack himself. Of course, they would be on the same wavelength. Damn, she was perfect for him.

  “Great. Also,” he added, “have you decided about what you want to do with your career?”

  Pausing, she cocked her head to the side. “Ken’s been on the phone to me ten times a day,” she admitted, “which while better than the code calls, has made me realize I don’t want to go back to that. I love it here. I do want to sing, though. I’ve been thinking of looking into opera in either Boulder or Denver. See if I can’t get into a group there. It’s not that far of a trip.”

  “Really?” he asked, pulling her close, excitement building. “Because that would be fantastic.”

  “I think so.” Her hand slid down and rubbed right over his cock, her eyes twinkling. “I don’t think I’d want to be far away from this bad boy.”

  Groaning, he yanked her forward and kissed her. “You’ll be the death of me, woman.”

  “Only if it’s la petite mort,” she teased.

  Pulling back, he kept one arm wrapped around her as they started walking again. “What do you think about moving in together?”

  “Corbin!” she squealed. “Yes!” Her green eyes danced with joy and he smiled down at her.

  “I’ll talk to Brent and see what needs to be done.” Her arms wrapped around his chest and she leaned her head against him as they walked back to her home. Corbin realized that moving to Corbin’s Bend was the best move he’d made in years.

  * * * * *

  Humming to the music on the radio, Zinnia zoomed up the highway toward home. Well, home for three more days. Her hands tightened on the wheel and she let out a happy squeal as she thought about the event that would take place on Saturday. Brent had discussed with the two of them what they wanted in a home and in three days, they would be able to move into the perfect place. He originally offered them a new construction, but when a house became available right next to two of their favorite people, they asked for it instead. The loft upstairs was going to be perfect. On one side, Corbin planned to set up his home office for the restaurant he would run and on the other, she would set up her music practice area. She’d already warned him that when she sang, it would ring through every corner of the home. A smile almost burst her face open as she remembered his reaction when he asked her to sing for him. She broke out into one of her favorite arias, and he had tackled her onto the bed afterward. The man had developed the most amazing stamina.

  The last four days had been hard without him. She was used to sleeping against his amazing body. But his brother-in-law had been rushed to the emergency room with heart problems and he had gone back to see if he could help. With their move so close, she had stayed here to look over things. And while that had been a good idea then, it was lonely now.

  Thankfully, it had only turned out to be minor and Shawn was leaving the hospital today. Which meant that Corbin would be home tomorrow.

  Her phone buzzed and she glanced at it to see who was calling. A sigh left her lips as she saw the name on the call. “Answer,” she said in a slightly annoyed tone. “Hi, Ken.”

  “Zinnia,” he said in a voice she knew he meant to sound soothing but to her it was more patronizing. “I have the most amazing news.”

  “Really,” she said, not really paying attention.

  “I’ve been in contact with La Scala. I sent them your demo and they want you for next season.”

  She almost ran off the road as his words wound their way into her head. La Scala, the world renowned opera house in Milan, Italy, had been her dream since she was a little girl. Her lips quivered as her past desire crashed with her current one. Pulling off to the side of the highway, she glanced over to the passenger seat, spotting a small first aid kit Corbin had purchased and put in her car, just in case of emergency. The love and care from that man was amazing. And as much as she would love to perform at La Scala, that was no longer her dream. Her dream now was so much bigger and better.

  “Thanks, Ken, but I’m doing things differently now.”

  “Ah, Zinnia, come on, honey. They’re offering big money and it will mean six months in Milan. You can’t pass this up. This is the big time, baby!” In the past, his pet names hadn’t bothered her. Now they did. Corbin called her those names and they meant something from him. From Ken, it made him sound like a used car salesman.

  “Sorry, Ken. I’ve got a life I love. I’m going to look into Boulder and Denver for opera houses, but I love where I am.”

  “You’re a god-damned opera diva,” he snapped. “Do you think you can enjoy your little spanky life in that god-awful town in Colorado for long?” He made a derisive sound. “You’ll crawl back to me. Just hope I’ll take you back when you do.” The call ended as she winced.

  She knew Ken had been ticked when she didn’t re-up h
er contract with him. No doubt this had been a way to get her back under his tutelage. He had made her his career for twenty years. But this was about her life, she reminded herself. Ken had other clients he could build up.

  After calming herself down by picturing the smiling face of the man she loved, Zinnia got back on the highway.

  The streets of Corbin’s Bend were quiet as she drove through, not that they were ever busy, but today they seemed even more desolate. Middle-of-the-week, she supposed, plus people could now reach Boulder and Denver easier without snow clogging the roads. As she was running late, instead of going straight home, she drove over to Venia Varner’s house for the monthly book club. She had read this month’s book and found it dreadfully boring.

  “Hey, Zinnia,” Jonathon called as she walked inside. “How did you like the book?” Several pairs of eyes turned to her as she answered.

  “I’d find watching paint drying more interesting.”

  Laughter erupted in the room and he smiled. “What? You didn’t find it a good sleep aid?”

  “Ohh, Corbin’s a perfect sleep aid,” she teased. “He gets me all tuckered out before bed time.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, Benjamin does the same.”

  “Oh!” Brittany Daniels said, grinning at her. “Are you ready to move in on Saturday?”

  The discussion was more about their personal lives than the book they’d read, but then their lives were more interesting than the epic novel which had gone on seventy-two chapters too long. Two hours later, after a lively discussion on the topics of arnica gel, handmade spanking implements, and whether or not the Corbin's Bend dome glowed in the early evening, she left for home. Never in her life had she had this kind of life: friends who talked just like normal people, a boyfriend, and a real life. She could hardly wait until Saturday.


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